
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


#ifndef FUNCT_H
#define FUNCT_H

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "Halide.h"

template <typename T>
class FuncRefT : public T {
    Halide::FuncRef untyped;

    typedef Halide::Stage Stage;
    typedef Halide::Tuple Tuple;

    FuncRefT(const Halide::FuncRef& untyped)
        : T(untyped.function().has_pure_definition() ? T(Tuple(untyped)) : T()),
            untyped(untyped) {}

    Stage operator=(T x) { return untyped = x; }
    Stage operator+=(T x) { return untyped = T(Tuple(untyped)) + x; }
    Stage operator-=(T x) { return untyped = T(Tuple(untyped)) - x;}
    Stage operator*=(T x) { return untyped = T(Tuple(untyped)) * x; }
    Stage operator/=(T x) { return untyped = T(Tuple(untyped)) / x; }

template <typename T>
class FuncT : public Halide::Func {
    typedef Halide::Var Var;
    typedef Halide::Expr Expr;
    typedef Halide::Func Func;

    explicit FuncT(const std::string &name) : Func(name) {}
    FuncT() {}
    explicit FuncT(Expr e) : Func(e) {}
    explicit FuncT(Func f) : Func(f) {}
    explicit FuncT(Halide::Internal::Function f) : Func(f) {}

    template <typename... Args>
    FuncRefT<T> operator()(Args&&... args) const { return Func::operator()(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }

    FuncRefT<T> operator()(std::vector<Expr> vars) const { return Func::operator()(vars); }
    FuncRefT<T> operator()(std::vector<Var> vars) const { return Func::operator()(vars); }

// Forward operator overload invocations on FuncRefT to
// the type the user intended (T).

// TODO(dsharlet): This is obscene. Find a better way... but it is unlikely
// there is one.
template <typename T>
T operator-(FuncRefT<T> x) { return -static_cast<T>(x); }
template <typename T>
T operator~(FuncRefT<T> x) { return ~static_cast<T>(x); }

template <typename T>
T operator+(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) + b; }
template <typename T>
T operator-(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) - b; }
template <typename T>
T operator*(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) * b; }
template <typename T>
T operator/(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) / b; }
template <typename T>
T operator%(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) % b; }
template <typename T>
T operator+(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a + static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
T operator-(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a - static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
T operator*(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a * static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
T operator/(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a / static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
T operator%(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a % static_cast<T>(b); }

template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator==(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) == b; }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator!=(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) != b; }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator<=(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) <= b; }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator>=(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) >= b; }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator<(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) < b; }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator>(FuncRefT<T> a, T b) { return static_cast<T>(a) > b; }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator==(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a == static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator!=(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a != static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator<=(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a <= static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator>=(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a >= static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator<(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a < static_cast<T>(b); }
template <typename T>
Halide::Expr operator>(T a, FuncRefT<T> b) { return a > static_cast<T>(b); }

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