
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. main

#include "Halide.h"
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace Halide;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    // A single-dimensional argmax.
    Func f, arg_max_f;
    Var x;

    f(x) = x * (100 - x);

    RDom r(0, 100);
    arg_max_f() = 0;
    // The clamp is necessary, because otherwise we'll be indexing f
    // at a location determined by a load from a Halide image, and we
    // don't infer anything about how large that could be.
    Expr best_so_far = f(clamp(arg_max_f(), 0, 100));
    arg_max_f() = select(f(r) > best_so_far, r, arg_max_f());

    int result_f = evaluate_may_gpu<int>(arg_max_f());

    if (result_f != 50) {
        printf("Arg max of f is %d, but should have been 50\n", result_f);
        return -1;

    // Now try a multi-dimensional argmax.
    Func g, arg_max_g;
    Var y, c;
    r = RDom(0, 100, 0, 100);
    g(x, y) = x * (100 - x) + y * (80 - y);

    arg_max_g() = Tuple(0, 0, g(0,0));
    arg_max_g() = tuple_select(g(r.x, r.y) > arg_max_g()[2],
                               Tuple(r.x, r.y, g(r.x, r.y)),

    int best_x, best_y, best_val;
    evaluate_may_gpu(arg_max_g(), &best_x, &best_y, &best_val);

    if (best_val != 4100) {
        printf("Arg max of g is %d, but should have been 4100\n", best_val);
        return -1;

    if (best_x != 50 || best_y != 40) {
        printf("Arg max of g is %d, %d, but should have been 50, 40\n",
               best_x, best_y);
        return -1;

    // Now try some inline argmaxs
    evaluate_may_gpu(argmax(g(r.x, r.y)), &best_x, &best_y, &best_val);

    if (best_x != 50 || best_y != 40 || best_val != 4100) {
        printf("Inline arg max of g is %d %d (%d), but should have been %d %d (%d)\n",
               best_x, best_y, best_val, 50, 40, 4100);
        return -1;

    evaluate_may_gpu(argmin(g(r.x, r.y)), &best_x, &best_y, &best_val);

    if (best_x != 0 || best_y != 99 || best_val != -1881) {
        printf("Inline arg max of g is %d %d (%d), but should have been %d %d (%d)\n",
               best_x, best_y, best_val, 50, 40, 4100);
        return -1;

    // Try an in place argmax, using an elements at various places in
    // the sequence as the initial guess.  This tests some edge cases
    // for the atomicity of provides.
    int starts[] = {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(starts)/sizeof(starts[0]); i++) {
        int init = starts[i];
        Func h;
        r = RDom(0, 100);
        h(x) = Tuple(x * (100 - x), x);
        h(init) = tuple_select(h(init)[0] >= h(r)[0], Tuple(h(init)), Tuple(h(r)));

        Func arg_max_h;
        arg_max_h() = h(init);

        evaluate_may_gpu(arg_max_h(), &best_val, &best_x);

        if (best_val != 2500) {
            printf("Arg max of h is %d, but should have been 2500\n", best_val);
            return -1;

        if (best_x != 50) {
            printf("Arg max of h is %d, but should have been 50\n", best_x);
            return -1;


    return 0;

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