
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. round_up
  2. round_down
  3. make_data
  4. make_data_multi
  5. main

#include "Halide.h"
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace Halide;

#ifdef _WIN32
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)

// Some helper functions for rounding
int round_down(int, int);
int round_up(int x, int m) {
    if (x < 0) return -round_down(-x, m);
    else return ((x + m - 1) / m) * m;

int round_down(int x, int m) {
    if (x < 0) return -round_up(-x, m);
    else return (x / m) * m;

// Imagine that this loads from a file, or tiled storage. Here we'll just fill in the data using sinf.
extern "C" DLLEXPORT int make_data(halide_buffer_t *out) {
    if (!out->host) {
        // Bounds query mode. To make life interesting, let's add some
        // arbitrary constraints on what we can produce.

        // The start and end of the x coord must be a multiple of 10.
        int max_plus_one = out->dim[0].min + out->dim[0].extent;
        max_plus_one = round_up(max_plus_one, 10);
        out->dim[0].min = round_down(out->dim[0].min, 10);
        out->dim[0].extent = max_plus_one - out->dim[0].min;

        // There must be at least 40 scanlines.
        if (out->dim[1].extent < 40) {
            out->dim[1].extent = 40;
        return 0;
    assert(out->type == halide_type_of<float>());
    assert(out->dimensions == 2);
    assert(out->dim[0].stride == 1);
    printf("Generating data over [%d %d] x [%d %d]\n",
           out->dim[0].min, out->dim[0].min + out->dim[0].extent,
           out->dim[1].min, out->dim[1].min + out->dim[1].extent);
    for (int y = 0; y < out->dim[1].extent; y++) {
        float *dst = (float *)out->host + y * out->dim[1].stride;
        for (int x = 0; x < out->dim[0].extent; x++) {
            int x_coord = x + out->dim[0].min;
            int y_coord = y + out->dim[1].min;
            dst[x] = sinf(x_coord + y_coord);
    return 0;

// Imagine that this loads from a file, or tiled storage. Here we'll just fill in the data using sinf.
extern "C" DLLEXPORT int make_data_multi(halide_buffer_t *out1, halide_buffer_t *out2) {
    if (!out1->host || !out2->host) {
        // Bounds query mode. We're ok with any requested output size (Halide guarantees they match).
        return 0;
    assert(out1->dimensions == 2 && out2->dimensions == 2);
    assert(out1->host && out1->type == halide_type_of<float>() && out1->dim[0].stride == 1);
    assert(out2->host && out2->type == halide_type_of<float>() && out2->dim[0].stride == 1);
    assert(out1->dim[0].min == out2->dim[0].min &&
           out1->dim[1].min == out2->dim[1].min &&
           out1->dim[0].extent == out2->dim[0].extent &&
           out1->dim[1].extent == out2->dim[1].extent);
    printf("Generating data over [%d %d] x [%d %d]\n",
           out1->dim[0].min, out1->dim[0].min + out1->dim[0].extent,
           out1->dim[1].min, out1->dim[1].min + out1->dim[1].extent);
    for (int y = 0; y < out1->dim[1].extent; y++) {
        float *dst1 = (float *)out1->host + y * out1->dim[1].stride;
        float *dst2 = (float *)out2->host + y * out2->dim[1].stride;
        for (int x = 0; x < out1->dim[0].extent; x++) {
            int x_coord = x + out1->dim[0].min;
            int y_coord = y + out1->dim[1].min;
            dst1[x] = sinf(x_coord + y_coord);
            dst2[x] = cosf(x_coord + y_coord);
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Func source;
                         Float(32), 2);
    Func sink;
    Var x, y;
    sink(x, y) = source(x, y) - sin(x + y);

    Var xi, yi;
    sink.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 32, 32);

    // Compute the source per tile of sink
    source.compute_at(sink, x);

    Buffer<float> output = sink.realize(100, 100);

    // Should be all zeroes.
    RDom r(output);
    float error = evaluate_may_gpu<float>(sum(abs(output(r.x, r.y))));
    if (error != 0) {
        printf("Something went wrong\n");
        return -1;

    Func multi;
    std::vector<Type> types;
                        types, 2);
    Func sink_multi;
    sink_multi(x, y) = multi(x, y)[0] - sin(x + y) +
                       multi(x, y)[1] - cos(x + y);

    sink_multi.tile(x, y, xi, yi, 32, 32);

    // Compute the source per tile of sink
    multi.compute_at(sink_multi, x);

    Buffer<float> output_multi = sink_multi.realize(100, 100);

    // Should be all zeroes.
    float error_multi = evaluate<float>(sum(abs(output_multi(r.x, r.y))));
    if (error_multi != 0) {
        printf("Something went wrong in multi case\n");
        return -1;

    return 0;


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