
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. backgroundColor
  2. backgroundColor
  3. compose
  4. compose
  5. fileName
  6. fileName
  7. fillColor
  8. fillColor
  9. font
  10. font
  11. geometry
  12. geometry
  13. gravity
  14. gravity
  15. label
  16. label
  17. penColor
  18. penColor
  19. pointSize
  20. pointSize
  21. shadow
  22. shadow
  23. strokeColor
  24. strokeColor
  25. texture
  26. texture
  27. tile
  28. tile
  29. title
  30. title
  31. transparentColor
  32. transparentColor
  33. borderColor
  34. borderColor
  35. borderWidth
  36. borderWidth
  37. frameGeometry
  38. frameGeometry
  39. matteColor
  40. matteColor

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
// Definition of Montage class used to specify montage options.

#if !defined(Magick_Montage_header)
#define Magick_Montage_header

#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>
#include "Magick++/Color.h"
#include "Magick++/Geometry.h"

// Basic (Un-framed) Montage
namespace Magick
  class MagickDLLDecl Montage
    Montage( void );
    virtual ~Montage( void );
    void              backgroundColor ( const Color &backgroundColor_ );
    Color             backgroundColor ( void ) const;
    void              compose ( CompositeOperator compose_ );
    CompositeOperator compose ( void ) const;
    void              fileName( const std::string &fileName_ );
    std::string       fileName( void ) const;

    void              fillColor ( const Color &fill_ );
    Color             fillColor ( void ) const;

    void              font ( const std::string &font_ );
    std::string       font ( void ) const;
    void              geometry ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    Geometry          geometry ( void ) const;
    void              gravity ( GravityType gravity_ );
    GravityType       gravity ( void ) const;
    // Apply as attribute to all images before montage
    void              label( const std::string &label_ );
    std::string       label( void ) const;

    // Same as fill color
    void              penColor ( const Color &pen_ );
    Color             penColor ( void ) const;
    void              pointSize ( size_t pointSize_ );
    size_t      pointSize ( void ) const;
    void              shadow ( bool shadow_ );
    bool              shadow ( void ) const;

    void              strokeColor ( const Color &stroke_ );
    Color             strokeColor ( void ) const;

    void              texture ( const std::string &texture_ );
    std::string       texture ( void ) const;
    void              tile ( const Geometry &tile_ );
    Geometry          tile ( void ) const;
    void              title ( const std::string &title_ );
    std::string       title ( void ) const;
    // Apply to montage with TransparentPaintImage()
    void              transparentColor ( const Color &transparentColor_ );
    Color             transparentColor ( void ) const;

    // Implementation methods/members

    // Update elements in existing MontageInfo structure
    virtual void      updateMontageInfo ( MagickCore::MontageInfo &montageInfo_ ) const;

    Color             _backgroundColor;   // Color that thumbnails are composed on
    CompositeOperator _compose;           // Composition algorithm to use (e.g. ReplaceCompositeOp)
    std::string       _fileName;          // Filename to save montages to
    Color             _fill;              // Fill color
    std::string       _font;              // Label font
    Geometry          _geometry;          // Thumbnail width & height plus border width & height
    GravityType       _gravity;           // Thumbnail position (e.g. SouthWestGravity)
    std::string       _label;             // Thumbnail label (applied to image prior to montage)
    size_t      _pointSize;         // Font point size
    bool              _shadow;            // Enable drop-shadows on thumbnails
    Color             _stroke;            // Outline color
    std::string       _texture;           // Background texture image
    Geometry          _tile;              // Thumbnail rows and colmns
    std::string       _title;             // Montage title
    Color             _transparentColor;  // Transparent color

  // Montage With Frames (Extends Basic Montage)
  class MagickDLLDecl MontageFramed : public Montage
    MontageFramed ( void );
    /* virtual */ ~MontageFramed ( void );
    void           borderColor ( const Color &borderColor_ );
    Color          borderColor ( void ) const;
    void           borderWidth ( size_t borderWidth_ );
    size_t   borderWidth ( void ) const;
    void           frameGeometry ( const Geometry &frame_ );
    Geometry       frameGeometry ( void ) const;
    void           matteColor ( const Color &matteColor_ );
    Color          matteColor ( void ) const;

    // Implementation methods/members

    // Update elements in existing MontageInfo structure
    /* virtual */ void updateMontageInfo ( MagickCore::MontageInfo &montageInfo_ ) const;

    Color          _borderColor;        // Frame border color
    size_t   _borderWidth;      // Pixels between thumbnail and surrounding frame
    Geometry       _frame;              // Frame geometry (width & height frame thickness)
    Color          _matteColor;         // Frame foreground color
} // namespace Magick

// Inlines

// Implementation of Montage

inline void Magick::Montage::backgroundColor ( const Magick::Color &backgroundColor_ )
  _backgroundColor = backgroundColor_;
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::backgroundColor ( void ) const
  return _backgroundColor;

inline void Magick::Montage::compose ( Magick::CompositeOperator compose_ )
  _compose = compose_;
inline Magick::CompositeOperator Magick::Montage::compose ( void ) const
  return _compose;

inline void Magick::Montage::fileName( const std::string &fileName_ )
  _fileName = fileName_;
inline std::string Magick::Montage::fileName( void ) const
  return _fileName;

inline void Magick::Montage::fillColor ( const Color &fill_ )
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::fillColor ( void ) const
  return _fill;

inline void Magick::Montage::font ( const std::string &font_ )
  _font = font_;
inline std::string Magick::Montage::font ( void ) const
  return _font;

inline void Magick::Montage::geometry ( const Magick::Geometry &geometry_ )
  _geometry = geometry_;
inline Magick::Geometry Magick::Montage::geometry ( void ) const
  return _geometry;

inline void Magick::Montage::gravity ( Magick::GravityType gravity_ )
  _gravity = gravity_;
inline Magick::GravityType Magick::Montage::gravity ( void ) const
  return _gravity;

// Apply as attribute to all images before doing montage
inline void Magick::Montage::label( const std::string &label_ )
  _label = label_;
inline std::string Magick::Montage::label( void ) const
  return _label;

inline void Magick::Montage::penColor ( const Color &pen_ )
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::penColor ( void ) const
  return _fill;

inline void Magick::Montage::pointSize ( size_t pointSize_ )
  _pointSize = pointSize_;
inline size_t Magick::Montage::pointSize ( void ) const
  return _pointSize;

inline void Magick::Montage::shadow ( bool shadow_ )
  _shadow = shadow_;
inline bool Magick::Montage::shadow ( void ) const
  return _shadow;

inline void Magick::Montage::strokeColor ( const Color &stroke_ )
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::strokeColor ( void ) const
  return _stroke;

inline void Magick::Montage::texture ( const std::string &texture_ )
  _texture = texture_;
inline std::string Magick::Montage::texture ( void ) const
  return _texture;

inline void Magick::Montage::tile ( const Geometry &tile_ )
  _tile = tile_;
inline Magick::Geometry Magick::Montage::tile ( void ) const
  return _tile;

inline void Magick::Montage::title ( const std::string &title_ )
  _title = title_;
inline std::string Magick::Montage::title ( void ) const
  return _title;

// Applied after the fact to montage with TransparentPaintImage()
inline void Magick::Montage::transparentColor ( const Magick::Color &transparentColor_ )
  _transparentColor = transparentColor_;
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::transparentColor ( void ) const
  return _transparentColor;

// Implementation of MontageFramed

inline void Magick::MontageFramed::borderColor ( const Magick::Color &borderColor_ )
  _borderColor = borderColor_;
inline Magick::Color Magick::MontageFramed::borderColor ( void ) const
  return _borderColor;

inline void Magick::MontageFramed::borderWidth ( size_t borderWidth_ )
  _borderWidth = borderWidth_;
inline size_t Magick::MontageFramed::borderWidth ( void ) const
  return _borderWidth;

inline void Magick::MontageFramed::frameGeometry ( const Magick::Geometry &frame_ )
  _frame = frame_;
inline Magick::Geometry Magick::MontageFramed::frameGeometry ( void ) const
  return _frame;

inline void Magick::MontageFramed::matteColor ( const Magick::Color &matteColor_ )
  _matteColor = matteColor_;
inline Magick::Color Magick::MontageFramed::matteColor ( void ) const
  return _matteColor;

#endif // Magick_Montage_header

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