
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. isValid
  2. isValid
  3. width
  4. width
  5. height
  6. height
  7. xOff
  8. xOff
  9. yOff
  10. yOff
  11. xNegative
  12. xNegative
  13. yNegative
  14. yNegative
  15. percent
  16. percent
  17. aspect
  18. aspect
  19. greater
  20. greater
  21. less
  22. less
  23. fillArea
  24. fillArea
  25. limitPixels
  26. limitPixels

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
// Geometry Definition
// Representation of an ImageMagick geometry specification
// X11 geometry specification plus hints

#if !defined (Magick_Geometry_header)
#define Magick_Geometry_header

#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>

namespace Magick

  class MagickPPExport Geometry;

  // Compare two Geometry objects regardless of LHS/RHS
  int MagickPPExport operator == ( const Magick::Geometry& left_, const Magick::Geometry& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator != ( const Magick::Geometry& left_, const Magick::Geometry& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator >  ( const Magick::Geometry& left_, const Magick::Geometry& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator <  ( const Magick::Geometry& left_, const Magick::Geometry& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator >= ( const Magick::Geometry& left_, const Magick::Geometry& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator <= ( const Magick::Geometry& left_, const Magick::Geometry& right_ );

  class MagickPPExport Geometry
    Geometry ( size_t width_,
               size_t height_,
               ::ssize_t xOff_ = 0,
               ::ssize_t yOff_ = 0,
               bool xNegative_ = false,
               bool yNegative_ = false );
    Geometry ( const std::string &geometry_ );
    Geometry ( const char * geometry_ );
    Geometry ( const Geometry &geometry_ );
    Geometry ( );
    ~Geometry ( void );
    // Width
    void          width ( size_t width_ );
    size_t  width ( void ) const;
    // Height
    void          height ( size_t height_ );
    size_t  height ( void ) const;
    // X offset from origin
    void          xOff ( ::ssize_t xOff_ );
    ::ssize_t     xOff ( void ) const;
    // Y offset from origin
    void          yOff ( ::ssize_t yOff_ );
    ::ssize_t     yOff ( void ) const;
    // Sign of X offset negative? (X origin at right)
    void          xNegative ( bool xNegative_ );
    bool          xNegative ( void ) const;
    // Sign of Y offset negative? (Y origin at bottom)
    void          yNegative ( bool yNegative_ );
    bool          yNegative ( void ) const;
    // Width and height are expressed as percentages
    void          percent ( bool percent_ );
    bool          percent ( void ) const;

    // Resize without preserving aspect ratio (!)
    void          aspect ( bool aspect_ );
    bool          aspect ( void ) const;
    // Resize if image is greater than size (>)
    void          greater ( bool greater_ );
    bool          greater ( void ) const;
    // Resize if image is less than size (<)
    void          less ( bool less_ );
    bool          less ( void ) const;
    // Resize the image based on the smallest fitting dimension (^)
    void          fillArea ( bool fillArea_ );
    bool          fillArea ( void ) const;
    // Resize using a pixel area count limit (@)
    void          limitPixels ( bool limitPixels_ );
    bool          limitPixels ( void ) const;
    // Does object contain valid geometry?
    void          isValid ( bool isValid_ );
    bool          isValid ( void ) const;
    // Set via geometry string
    const Geometry& operator = ( const std::string &geometry_ );
    const Geometry& operator = ( const char * geometry_ );

    // Assignment operator
    Geometry& operator= ( const Geometry& Geometry_ );
    // Return geometry string
    operator std::string() const;
    // Public methods below this point are for Magick++ use only.

    // Construct from RectangleInfo
    Geometry ( const MagickCore::RectangleInfo &rectangle_ );

    // Return an ImageMagick RectangleInfo struct
    operator MagickCore::RectangleInfo() const;
    size_t    _width;
    size_t    _height;
    ::ssize_t _xOff;
    ::ssize_t _yOff;
    bool      _xNegative;
    bool      _yNegative;
    bool      _isValid;
    bool      _percent;     // Interpret width & height as percentages (%)
    bool      _aspect;      // Force exact size (!)
    bool      _greater;     // Resize only if larger than geometry (>)
    bool      _less;        // Resize only if smaller than geometry (<)
    bool      _fillArea;    // Resize the image based on the smallest fitting dimension (^)
    bool      _limitPixels; // Resize using a pixel area count limit (@)
} // namespace Magick

// Inlines

// Does object contain valid geometry?
inline void Magick::Geometry::isValid ( bool isValid_ )
  _isValid = isValid_;

inline bool Magick::Geometry::isValid ( void ) const
  return _isValid;

// Width
inline void Magick::Geometry::width ( size_t width_ )
  _width = width_;
  isValid( true );
inline size_t Magick::Geometry::width ( void ) const
  return _width;

// Height
inline void Magick::Geometry::height ( size_t height_ )
  _height = height_;
inline size_t Magick::Geometry::height ( void ) const
  return _height;

// X offset from origin
inline void Magick::Geometry::xOff ( ::ssize_t xOff_ )
  _xOff = xOff_;
inline ::ssize_t Magick::Geometry::xOff ( void ) const
  return _xOff;

// Y offset from origin
inline void Magick::Geometry::yOff ( ::ssize_t yOff_ )
  _yOff = yOff_;
inline ::ssize_t Magick::Geometry::yOff ( void ) const
  return _yOff;

// Sign of X offset negative? (X origin at right)
inline void Magick::Geometry::xNegative ( bool xNegative_ )
  _xNegative = xNegative_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::xNegative ( void ) const
  return _xNegative;

// Sign of Y offset negative? (Y origin at bottom)
inline void Magick::Geometry::yNegative ( bool yNegative_ )
  _yNegative = yNegative_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::yNegative ( void ) const
  return _yNegative;

// Interpret width & height as percentages (%)
inline void Magick::Geometry::percent ( bool percent_ )
  _percent = percent_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::percent ( void ) const
  return _percent;

// Resize without preserving aspect ratio (!)
inline void Magick::Geometry::aspect ( bool aspect_ )
  _aspect = aspect_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::aspect ( void ) const
  return _aspect;

// Resize if image is greater than size (>)
inline void Magick::Geometry::greater ( bool greater_ )
  _greater = greater_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::greater ( void ) const
  return _greater;

// Resize if image is less than size (<)
inline void Magick::Geometry::less ( bool less_ )
  _less = less_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::less ( void ) const
  return _less;

// Resize the image based on the smallest fitting dimension (^)
inline void Magick::Geometry::fillArea ( bool fillArea_ )
  _fillArea = fillArea_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::fillArea ( void ) const
  return _fillArea;

// Resize using a pixel area count limit (@)
inline void Magick::Geometry::limitPixels ( bool limitPixels_ )
  _limitPixels = limitPixels_;
inline bool Magick::Geometry::limitPixels ( void ) const
  return _limitPixels;

#endif // Magick_Geometry_header

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */