/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- alpha
- alpha
- alphaQuantum
- alphaQuantum
- blueQuantum
- blueQuantum
- greenQuantum
- greenQuantum
- redQuantum
- redQuantum
- initPixel
- PixelPacket
- blue
- blue
- green
- green
- red
- red
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008
// Color Implementation
#if !defined (Magick_Color_header)
#define Magick_Color_header
#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>
namespace Magick
class MagickPPExport Color;
// Compare two Color objects regardless of LHS/RHS
MagickPPExport int operator ==
(const Magick::Color &left_,const Magick::Color &right_);
MagickPPExport int operator !=
(const Magick::Color &left_,const Magick::Color &right_);
MagickPPExport int operator >
(const Magick::Color &left_,const Magick::Color &right_);
MagickPPExport int operator <
(const Magick::Color &left_,const Magick::Color &right_);
MagickPPExport int operator >=
(const Magick::Color &left_,const Magick::Color &right_);
MagickPPExport int operator <=
(const Magick::Color &left_,const Magick::Color &right_);
// Base color class stores RGB components scaled to fit Quantum
class MagickPPExport Color
// Default constructor
// Construct Color using the specified RGB values
Color(Quantum red_,Quantum green_,Quantum blue_);
// Construct Color using the specified RGBA values
Color(Quantum red_,Quantum green_,Quantum blue_,Quantum alpha_);
// Construct Color using the specified color string
Color(const char *x11color_);
// Copy constructor
Color(const Color &color_);
// Construct color via ImageMagick PixelPacket
Color(const PixelPacket &color_);
// Constructor Color using the specified color string
Color(const std::string &x11color_);
// Destructor
virtual ~Color(void);
// Assignment operator
Color& operator=(const Color& color_);
// Set color via X11 color specification string
const Color& operator=(const char *x11color);
// Set color via X11 color specification string
const Color& operator=(const std::string &x11color_);
// Set color via ImageMagick PixelPacket
const Color& operator=(const PixelPacket &color_);
// Return ImageMagick PixelPacket
operator PixelPacket() const;
// Return X11 color specification string
operator std::string() const;
// Scaled (to 1.0) version of alpha for use in sub-classes
// (range opaque=0 to transparent=1.0)
void alpha(double alpha_);
double alpha(void) const;
// Alpha level (range OpaqueOpacity=0 to TransparentOpacity=QuantumRange)
void alphaQuantum(Quantum alpha_);
Quantum alphaQuantum(void) const;
// Blue color (range 0 to QuantumRange)
void blueQuantum(Quantum blue_);
Quantum blueQuantum (void) const;
// Green color (range 0 to QuantumRange)
void greenQuantum(Quantum green_);
Quantum greenQuantum(void) const;
// Does object contain valid color?
void isValid(bool valid_);
bool isValid(void) const;
// Red color (range 0 to QuantumRange)
void redQuantum(Quantum red_);
Quantum redQuantum (void) const;
// Public methods beyond this point are for Magick++ use only.
// Obtain pixel intensity as a double
double intensity(void) const
return (0.299*(_pixel->red)+0.587*(_pixel->green)+0.114*(_pixel->blue));
// Scale a value expressed as a double (0-1) to Quantum range (0-QuantumRange)
static Quantum scaleDoubleToQuantum(const double double_)
return (static_cast<Magick::Quantum>(double_*QuantumRange));
// Scale a value expressed as a Quantum (0-QuantumRange) to double range (0-1)
static double scaleQuantumToDouble(const Quantum quantum_)
return (static_cast<double>(quantum_)/QuantumRange);
static double scaleQuantumToDouble(const double quantum_)
return (quantum_/QuantumRange);
// PixelType specifies the interpretation of PixelPacket members
// RGBPixel:
// Red = red;
// Green = green;
// Blue = blue;
// RGBAPixel:
// Red = red;
// Green = green;
// Blue = blue;
// Alpha = opacity;
// CYMKPixel:
// Cyan = red
// Yellow = green
// Magenta = blue
// Black(K) = opacity
enum PixelType
// Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
// Used to point Color at a pixel in an image
Color(PixelPacket *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
// Set pixel
// Used to point Color at a pixel in an image
void pixel(PixelPacket *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
// PixelPacket represents a color pixel:
// red = red (range 0 to QuantumRange)
// green = green (range 0 to QuantumRange)
// blue = blue (range 0 to QuantumRange)
// opacity = alpha (range OpaqueOpacity=0 to TransparentOpacity=QuantumRange)
// index = PseudoColor colormap index
PixelPacket *_pixel;
bool _isValid; // Set true if pixel is "valid"
bool _pixelOwn; // Set true if we allocated pixel
PixelType _pixelType; // Color type supported by _pixel
// Common initializer for PixelPacket representation
void initPixel();
// Grayscale RGB color
// Grayscale is simply RGB with equal parts of red, green, and blue
// All double arguments have a valid range of 0.0 - 1.0.
class MagickPPExport ColorGray : public Color
// Default constructor
// Copy constructor
ColorGray(const Color & color_);
// Construct ColorGray using the specified shade
ColorGray(double shade_);
// Destructor
void shade(double shade_);
double shade(void) const;
// Assignment operator from base class
ColorGray& operator=(const Color& color_);
// Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
ColorGray(PixelPacket *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
// HSL Colorspace colors
class MagickPPExport ColorHSL: public Color
// Default constructor
// Copy constructor
ColorHSL(const Color &color_);
// Construct ColorHSL using the specified HSL values
ColorHSL(double hue_,double saturation_,double luminosity_);
// Destructor
// Assignment operator from base class
ColorHSL& operator=(const Color& color_);
// Hue color
void hue(double hue_);
double hue(void) const;
// Luminosity color
void luminosity(double luminosity_);
double luminosity(void) const;
// Saturation color
void saturation(double saturation_);
double saturation(void) const;
// Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
ColorHSL(PixelPacket *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
// Monochrome color
// Color arguments are constrained to 'false' (black pixel) and 'true'
// (white pixel)
class MagickPPExport ColorMono : public Color
// Default constructor
// Construct ColorMono (false=black, true=white)
ColorMono(bool mono_);
// Copy constructor
ColorMono(const Color & color_);
// Destructor
// Assignment operator from base class
ColorMono& operator=(const Color& color_);
// Mono color
void mono(bool mono_);
bool mono(void) const;
// Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
ColorMono(PixelPacket *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
// RGB color
// All color arguments have a valid range of 0.0 - 1.0.
class MagickPPExport ColorRGB: public Color
// Default constructor
// Copy constructor
ColorRGB(const Color &color_);
// Construct ColorRGB using the specified RGB values
ColorRGB(double red_,double green_,double blue_);
// Destructor
// Assignment operator from base class
ColorRGB& operator=(const Color& color_);
// Blue color
void blue(double blue_);
double blue(void) const;
// Green color
void green(double green_);
double green(void) const;
// Red color
void red(double red_);
double red(void) const;
// Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
ColorRGB(PixelPacket *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
// YUV Colorspace color
// Argument ranges:
// Y: 0.0 through 1.0
// U: -0.5 through 0.5
// V: -0.5 through 0.5
class MagickPPExport ColorYUV: public Color
// Default constructor
// Copy constructor
ColorYUV(const Color &color_);
// Construct ColorYUV using the specified YUV values
ColorYUV(double y_,double u_,double v_);
// Destructor
// Assignment operator from base class
ColorYUV& operator=(const Color& color_);
// Color U (0.0 through 1.0)
void u(double u_);
double u(void) const;
// Color V (-0.5 through 0.5)
void v(double v_);
double v(void) const;
// Color Y (-0.5 through 0.5)
void y(double y_);
double y(void) const;
// Constructor to construct with PixelInfo*
ColorYUV(PixelPacket *rep_,PixelType pixelType_);
} // namespace Magick
// Inlines
// Color
inline void Magick::Color::alpha(double alpha_)
inline double Magick::Color::alpha(void) const
return scaleQuantumToDouble(alphaQuantum());
inline void Magick::Color::alphaQuantum(Magick::Quantum alpha_)
_isValid=true ;
inline Magick::Quantum Magick::Color::alphaQuantum(void) const
return _pixel->opacity;
inline void Magick::Color::blueQuantum(Magick::Quantum blue_)
inline Magick::Quantum Magick::Color::blueQuantum(void) const
return _pixel->blue;
inline void Magick::Color::greenQuantum(Magick::Quantum green_)
inline Magick::Quantum Magick::Color::greenQuantum(void) const
return _pixel->green;
inline void Magick::Color::redQuantum(Magick::Quantum red_)
inline Magick::Quantum Magick::Color::redQuantum(void) const
return _pixel->red;
inline void Magick::Color::initPixel()
inline Magick::Color::operator MagickCore::PixelPacket() const
return *_pixel;
// ColorGray
inline Magick::ColorGray::ColorGray(Magick::PixelPacket *rep_,
Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_)
: Color(rep_,pixelType_)
// ColorHSL
inline Magick::ColorHSL::ColorHSL(Magick::PixelPacket *rep_,
Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_)
: Color(rep_,pixelType_)
// ColorMono
inline Magick::ColorMono::ColorMono(Magick::PixelPacket *rep_,
Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_)
: Color(rep_,pixelType_)
// ColorRGB
inline Magick::ColorRGB::ColorRGB(Magick::PixelPacket *rep_,
Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_)
: Color(rep_,pixelType_)
inline void Magick::ColorRGB::blue(double blue_)
inline double Magick::ColorRGB::blue(void) const
return scaleQuantumToDouble(blueQuantum());
inline void Magick::ColorRGB::green(double green_)
inline double Magick::ColorRGB::green(void) const
return scaleQuantumToDouble(greenQuantum());
inline void Magick::ColorRGB::red(double red_)
inline double Magick::ColorRGB::red(void) const
return scaleQuantumToDouble(redQuantum());
// ColorYUV
inline Magick::ColorYUV::ColorYUV(Magick::PixelPacket *rep_,
Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_)
: Color(rep_,pixelType_)
#endif // Magick_Color_header