dataLogF          119 Source/platform/SharedBuffer.cpp     dataLogF("---- Shared Buffer Stats ----\n");
dataLogF          122 Source/platform/SharedBuffer.cpp         dataLogF("Buffer size=%8u %s\n", buffers[i]->size(),;
dataLogF           40 Source/wtf/DataLog.h void dataLogF(const char* format, ...) WTF_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(1, 2);
dataLogF          124 Source/wtf/DataLog.h using WTF::dataLogF;
dataLogF           55 Source/wtf/HashTable.cpp     dataLogF("\nWTF::HashTable statistics\n\n");
dataLogF           56 Source/wtf/HashTable.cpp     dataLogF("%d accesses\n", numAccesses);
dataLogF           57 Source/wtf/HashTable.cpp     dataLogF("%d total collisions, average %.2f probes per access\n", numCollisions, 1.0 * (numAccesses + numCollisions) / numAccesses);
dataLogF           58 Source/wtf/HashTable.cpp     dataLogF("longest collision chain: %d\n", maxCollisions);
dataLogF           60 Source/wtf/HashTable.cpp         dataLogF("  %d lookups with exactly %d collisions (%.2f%% , %.2f%% with this many or more)\n", collisionGraph[i], i, 100.0 * (collisionGraph[i] - collisionGraph[i+1]) / numAccesses, 100.0 * collisionGraph[i] / numAccesses);
dataLogF           62 Source/wtf/HashTable.cpp     dataLogF("%d rehashes\n", numRehashes);
dataLogF           63 Source/wtf/HashTable.cpp     dataLogF("%d reinserts\n", numReinserts);
dataLogF          308 Source/wtf/HashTable.h                 dataLogF("\nWTF::HashTable::Stats dump\n\n");
dataLogF          309 Source/wtf/HashTable.h                 dataLogF("%d accesses\n", numAccesses);
dataLogF          310 Source/wtf/HashTable.h                 dataLogF("%d total collisions, average %.2f probes per access\n", numCollisions, 1.0 * (numAccesses + numCollisions) / numAccesses);
dataLogF          311 Source/wtf/HashTable.h                 dataLogF("longest collision chain: %d\n", maxCollisions);
dataLogF          313 Source/wtf/HashTable.h                     dataLogF("  %d lookups with exactly %d collisions (%.2f%% , %.2f%% with this many or more)\n", collisionGraph[i], i, 100.0 * (collisionGraph[i] - collisionGraph[i+1]) / numAccesses, 100.0 * collisionGraph[i] / numAccesses);
dataLogF          315 Source/wtf/HashTable.h                 dataLogF("%d rehashes\n", numRehashes);
dataLogF          316 Source/wtf/HashTable.h                 dataLogF("%d reinserts\n", numReinserts);
dataLogF          155 Source/wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp         dataLogF("%8u copies (%s) of length %8u %s\n", m_numberOfCopies, status, m_length,;
dataLogF          236 Source/wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp     dataLogF("String stats for process id %d:\n", getCurrentProcessID());
dataLogF          241 Source/wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp     dataLogF("%8u (%5.2f%%) 8 bit        %12llu chars  %12llu bytes  avg length %6.1f\n", m_number8BitStrings, percent8Bit, m_total8BitData, m_total8BitData, average8bitLength);
dataLogF          245 Source/wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp     dataLogF("%8u (%5.2f%%) 16 bit       %12llu chars  %12llu bytes  avg length %6.1f\n", m_number16BitStrings, percent16Bit, m_total16BitData, m_total16BitData * 2, average16bitLength);
dataLogF          249 Source/wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp     dataLogF("%8u Total                 %12llu chars  %12llu bytes  avg length %6.1f\n", m_totalNumberStrings, totalNumberCharacters, totalDataBytes, averageLength);
dataLogF          252 Source/wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp     dataLogF("         Total savings %12llu bytes (%5.2f%%)\n", totalSavedBytes, percentSavings);
dataLogF          256 Source/wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp     dataLogF("         StringImpl overheader: %8u (%5.2f%%)\n", totalOverhead, overheadPercent);
dataLogF         1239 Source/wtf/text/WTFString.cpp     dataLogF("%s\n", asciiDebug(impl()).data());