
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. append
  2. appendInternal
  3. append
  4. append
  5. codePointCompare
  6. insert
  7. append
  8. append
  9. insertInternal
  10. insert
  11. insert
  12. characterStartingAt
  13. ensure16Bit
  14. truncate
  15. removeInternal
  16. remove
  17. substring
  18. lower
  19. upper
  20. lower
  21. upper
  22. stripWhiteSpace
  23. stripWhiteSpace
  24. simplifyWhiteSpace
  25. simplifyWhiteSpace
  26. removeCharacters
  27. foldCase
  28. percentage
  29. charactersWithNullTermination
  30. copyTo
  31. format
  32. number
  33. number
  34. number
  35. number
  36. number
  37. number
  38. number
  39. numberToStringECMAScript
  40. numberToStringFixedWidth
  41. toIntStrict
  42. toUIntStrict
  43. toInt64Strict
  44. toUInt64Strict
  45. toIntPtrStrict
  46. toInt
  47. toUInt
  48. toInt64
  49. toUInt64
  50. toIntPtr
  51. toDouble
  52. toFloat
  53. isolatedCopy
  54. isSafeToSendToAnotherThread
  55. split
  56. split
  57. ascii
  58. latin1
  59. putUTF8Triple
  60. utf8
  61. make8BitFrom16BitSource
  62. make16BitFrom8BitSource
  63. fromUTF8
  64. fromUTF8
  65. fromUTF8
  66. fromUTF8WithLatin1Fallback
  67. isCharacterAllowedInBase
  68. toIntegralType
  69. lengthOfCharactersAsInteger
  70. charactersToIntStrict
  71. charactersToIntStrict
  72. charactersToUIntStrict
  73. charactersToUIntStrict
  74. charactersToInt64Strict
  75. charactersToInt64Strict
  76. charactersToUInt64Strict
  77. charactersToUInt64Strict
  78. charactersToIntPtrStrict
  79. charactersToIntPtrStrict
  80. charactersToInt
  81. charactersToInt
  82. charactersToUInt
  83. charactersToUInt
  84. charactersToInt64
  85. charactersToInt64
  86. charactersToUInt64
  87. charactersToUInt64
  88. charactersToIntPtr
  89. charactersToIntPtr
  90. toDoubleType
  91. charactersToDouble
  92. charactersToDouble
  93. charactersToFloat
  94. charactersToFloat
  95. charactersToFloat
  96. charactersToFloat
  97. emptyString
  98. show
  99. string
  100. asciiDebug
  101. asciiDebug

 * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Torch Mobile, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "WTFString.h"

#include "IntegerToStringConversion.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "wtf/ASCIICType.h"
#include "wtf/DataLog.h"
#include "wtf/HexNumber.h"
#include "wtf/MathExtras.h"
#include "wtf/text/CString.h"
#include "wtf/StringExtras.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
#include "wtf/dtoa.h"
#include "wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h"
#include "wtf/unicode/UTF8.h"
#include "wtf/unicode/Unicode.h"

using namespace std;

namespace WTF {

using namespace Unicode;
using namespace std;

// Construct a string with UTF-16 data.
String::String(const UChar* characters, unsigned length)
    : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(characters, length) : nullptr)

// Construct a string with UTF-16 data, from a null-terminated source.
String::String(const UChar* str)
    if (!str)
    m_impl = StringImpl::create(str, lengthOfNullTerminatedString(str));

// Construct a string with latin1 data.
String::String(const LChar* characters, unsigned length)
    : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(characters, length) : nullptr)

String::String(const char* characters, unsigned length)
    : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(characters), length) : nullptr)

// Construct a string with latin1 data, from a null-terminated source.
String::String(const LChar* characters)
    : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(characters) : nullptr)

String::String(const char* characters)
    : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(characters)) : nullptr)

void String::append(const String& string)
    if (string.isEmpty())
    if (!m_impl) {
        m_impl = string.m_impl;

    // FIXME: This is extremely inefficient. So much so that we might want to take this
    // out of String's API. We can make it better by optimizing the case where exactly
    // one String is pointing at this StringImpl, but even then it's going to require a
    // call into the allocator every single time.

    if (m_impl->is8Bit() && string.m_impl->is8Bit()) {
        LChar* data;
        RELEASE_ASSERT(string.length() <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - m_impl->length());
        RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(m_impl->length() + string.length(), data);
        memcpy(data, m_impl->characters8(), m_impl->length() * sizeof(LChar));
        memcpy(data + m_impl->length(), string.characters8(), string.length() * sizeof(LChar));
        m_impl = newImpl.release();

    UChar* data;
    RELEASE_ASSERT(string.length() <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - m_impl->length());
    RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(m_impl->length() + string.length(), data);

    if (m_impl->is8Bit())
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, m_impl->characters8(), m_impl->length());
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, m_impl->characters16(), m_impl->length());

    if (string.impl()->is8Bit())
        StringImpl::copyChars(data + m_impl->length(), string.impl()->characters8(), string.impl()->length());
        StringImpl::copyChars(data + m_impl->length(), string.impl()->characters16(), string.impl()->length());

    m_impl = newImpl.release();

template <typename CharacterType>
inline void String::appendInternal(CharacterType c)
    // FIXME: This is extremely inefficient. So much so that we might want to take this
    // out of String's API. We can make it better by optimizing the case where exactly
    // one String is pointing at this StringImpl, but even then it's going to require a
    // call into the allocator every single time.
    if (!m_impl) {
        m_impl = StringImpl::create(&c, 1);

    UChar* data; // FIXME: We should be able to create an 8 bit string via this code path.
    RELEASE_ASSERT(m_impl->length() < numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());
    RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(m_impl->length() + 1, data);
    if (m_impl->is8Bit())
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, m_impl->characters8(), m_impl->length());
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, m_impl->characters16(), m_impl->length());
    data[m_impl->length()] = c;
    m_impl = newImpl.release();

void String::append(LChar c)

void String::append(UChar c)

int codePointCompare(const String& a, const String& b)
    return codePointCompare(a.impl(), b.impl());

void String::insert(const String& string, unsigned position)
    if (string.isEmpty()) {
        if (string.isNull())
        if (isNull())
            m_impl = string.impl();

    if (string.is8Bit())
        insert(string.impl()->characters8(), string.length(), position);
        insert(string.impl()->characters16(), string.length(), position);

void String::append(const LChar* charactersToAppend, unsigned lengthToAppend)
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (!charactersToAppend)
        m_impl = StringImpl::create(charactersToAppend, lengthToAppend);

    if (!lengthToAppend)


    unsigned strLength = m_impl->length();

    if (m_impl->is8Bit()) {
        RELEASE_ASSERT(lengthToAppend <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - strLength);
        LChar* data;
        RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(strLength + lengthToAppend, data);
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, m_impl->characters8(), strLength);
        StringImpl::copyChars(data + strLength, charactersToAppend, lengthToAppend);
        m_impl = newImpl.release();

    RELEASE_ASSERT(lengthToAppend <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - strLength);
    UChar* data;
    RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(length() + lengthToAppend, data);
    StringImpl::copyChars(data, m_impl->characters16(), strLength);
    StringImpl::copyChars(data + strLength, charactersToAppend, lengthToAppend);
    m_impl = newImpl.release();

void String::append(const UChar* charactersToAppend, unsigned lengthToAppend)
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (!charactersToAppend)
        m_impl = StringImpl::create(charactersToAppend, lengthToAppend);

    if (!lengthToAppend)

    unsigned strLength = m_impl->length();

    RELEASE_ASSERT(lengthToAppend <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - strLength);
    UChar* data;
    RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(strLength + lengthToAppend, data);
    if (m_impl->is8Bit())
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, characters8(), strLength);
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, characters16(), strLength);
    StringImpl::copyChars(data + strLength, charactersToAppend, lengthToAppend);
    m_impl = newImpl.release();

template<typename CharType>
PassRefPtr<StringImpl> insertInternal(PassRefPtr<StringImpl> impl, const CharType* charactersToInsert, unsigned lengthToInsert, unsigned position)
    if (!lengthToInsert)
        return impl;

    UChar* data; // FIXME: We should be able to create an 8 bit string here.
    RELEASE_ASSERT(lengthToInsert <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - impl->length());
    RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(impl->length() + lengthToInsert, data);

    if (impl->is8Bit())
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, impl->characters8(), position);
        StringImpl::copyChars(data, impl->characters16(), position);

    StringImpl::copyChars(data + position, charactersToInsert, lengthToInsert);

    if (impl->is8Bit())
        StringImpl::copyChars(data + position + lengthToInsert, impl->characters8() + position, impl->length() - position);
        StringImpl::copyChars(data + position + lengthToInsert, impl->characters16() + position, impl->length() - position);

    return newImpl.release();

void String::insert(const UChar* charactersToInsert, unsigned lengthToInsert, unsigned position)
    if (position >= length()) {
        append(charactersToInsert, lengthToInsert);
    m_impl = insertInternal(m_impl.release(), charactersToInsert, lengthToInsert, position);

void String::insert(const LChar* charactersToInsert, unsigned lengthToInsert, unsigned position)
    if (position >= length()) {
        append(charactersToInsert, lengthToInsert);
    m_impl = insertInternal(m_impl.release(), charactersToInsert, lengthToInsert, position);

UChar32 String::characterStartingAt(unsigned i) const
    if (!m_impl || i >= m_impl->length())
        return 0;
    return m_impl->characterStartingAt(i);

void String::ensure16Bit()
    unsigned length = this->length();
    if (!length || !is8Bit())
    m_impl = make16BitFrom8BitSource(m_impl->characters8(), length).impl();

void String::truncate(unsigned position)
    if (position >= length())
    if (m_impl->is8Bit()) {
        LChar* data;
        RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(position, data);
        memcpy(data, m_impl->characters8(), position * sizeof(LChar));
        m_impl = newImpl.release();
    } else {
        UChar* data;
        RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(position, data);
        memcpy(data, m_impl->characters16(), position * sizeof(UChar));
        m_impl = newImpl.release();

template <typename CharacterType>
inline void String::removeInternal(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned position, int lengthToRemove)
    CharacterType* data;
    RefPtr<StringImpl> newImpl = StringImpl::createUninitialized(length() - lengthToRemove, data);
    memcpy(data, characters, position * sizeof(CharacterType));
    memcpy(data + position, characters + position + lengthToRemove,
        (length() - lengthToRemove - position) * sizeof(CharacterType));

    m_impl = newImpl.release();

void String::remove(unsigned position, int lengthToRemove)
    if (lengthToRemove <= 0)
    if (position >= length())
    if (static_cast<unsigned>(lengthToRemove) > length() - position)
        lengthToRemove = length() - position;

    if (is8Bit()) {
        removeInternal(characters8(), position, lengthToRemove);


    removeInternal(characters16(), position, lengthToRemove);

String String::substring(unsigned pos, unsigned len) const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->substring(pos, len);

String String::lower() const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->lower();

String String::upper() const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->upper();

String String::lower(const AtomicString& localeIdentifier) const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->lower(localeIdentifier);

String String::upper(const AtomicString& localeIdentifier) const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->upper(localeIdentifier);

String String::stripWhiteSpace() const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->stripWhiteSpace();

String String::stripWhiteSpace(IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr isWhiteSpace) const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->stripWhiteSpace(isWhiteSpace);

String String::simplifyWhiteSpace(StripBehavior stripBehavior) const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->simplifyWhiteSpace(stripBehavior);

String String::simplifyWhiteSpace(IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr isWhiteSpace, StripBehavior stripBehavior) const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->simplifyWhiteSpace(isWhiteSpace, stripBehavior);

String String::removeCharacters(CharacterMatchFunctionPtr findMatch) const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->removeCharacters(findMatch);

String String::foldCase() const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->foldCase();

bool String::percentage(int& result) const
    if (!m_impl || !m_impl->length())
        return false;

    if ((*m_impl)[m_impl->length() - 1] != '%')
        return false;

    if (m_impl->is8Bit())
        result = charactersToIntStrict(m_impl->characters8(), m_impl->length() - 1);
        result = charactersToIntStrict(m_impl->characters16(), m_impl->length() - 1);

    return true;

Vector<UChar> String::charactersWithNullTermination() const
    if (!m_impl)
        return Vector<UChar>();

    Vector<UChar> result;
    result.reserveInitialCapacity(length() + 1);
    return result;

unsigned String::copyTo(UChar* buffer, unsigned pos, unsigned maxLength) const
    unsigned length = this->length();
    RELEASE_ASSERT(pos <= length);
    unsigned numCharacters = std::min(length - pos, maxLength);
    if (!numCharacters)
        return 0;
    if (is8Bit())
        StringImpl::copyChars(buffer, characters8() + pos, numCharacters);
        StringImpl::copyChars(buffer, characters16() + pos, numCharacters);
    return numCharacters;

String String::format(const char *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);

    Vector<char, 256> buffer;

    // Do the format once to get the length.
    int result = _vscprintf(format, args);
    char ch;
    int result = vsnprintf(&ch, 1, format, args);
    // We need to call va_end() and then va_start() again here, as the
    // contents of args is undefined after the call to vsnprintf
    // according to
    // Not calling va_end/va_start here happens to work on lots of
    // systems, but fails e.g. on 64bit Linux.
    va_start(args, format);

    if (result == 0)
        return String("");
    if (result < 0)
        return String();
    unsigned len = result;
    buffer.grow(len + 1);

    // Now do the formatting again, guaranteed to fit.
    vsnprintf(, buffer.size(), format, args);


    return StringImpl::create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(, len);

String String::number(int number)
    return numberToStringSigned<String>(number);

String String::number(unsigned number)
    return numberToStringUnsigned<String>(number);

String String::number(long number)
    return numberToStringSigned<String>(number);

String String::number(unsigned long number)
    return numberToStringUnsigned<String>(number);

String String::number(long long number)
    return numberToStringSigned<String>(number);

String String::number(unsigned long long number)
    return numberToStringUnsigned<String>(number);

String String::number(double number, unsigned precision, TrailingZerosTruncatingPolicy trailingZerosTruncatingPolicy)
    NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
    return String(numberToFixedPrecisionString(number, precision, buffer, trailingZerosTruncatingPolicy == TruncateTrailingZeros));

String String::numberToStringECMAScript(double number)
    NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
    return String(numberToString(number, buffer));

String String::numberToStringFixedWidth(double number, unsigned decimalPlaces)
    NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
    return String(numberToFixedWidthString(number, decimalPlaces, buffer));

int String::toIntStrict(bool* ok, int base) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toIntStrict(ok, base);

unsigned String::toUIntStrict(bool* ok, int base) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toUIntStrict(ok, base);

int64_t String::toInt64Strict(bool* ok, int base) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toInt64Strict(ok, base);

uint64_t String::toUInt64Strict(bool* ok, int base) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toUInt64Strict(ok, base);

intptr_t String::toIntPtrStrict(bool* ok, int base) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toIntPtrStrict(ok, base);

int String::toInt(bool* ok) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toInt(ok);

unsigned String::toUInt(bool* ok) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toUInt(ok);

int64_t String::toInt64(bool* ok) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toInt64(ok);

uint64_t String::toUInt64(bool* ok) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toUInt64(ok);

intptr_t String::toIntPtr(bool* ok) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0;
    return m_impl->toIntPtr(ok);

double String::toDouble(bool* ok) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0.0;
    return m_impl->toDouble(ok);

float String::toFloat(bool* ok) const
    if (!m_impl) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0.0f;
    return m_impl->toFloat(ok);

String String::isolatedCopy() const
    if (!m_impl)
        return String();
    return m_impl->isolatedCopy();

bool String::isSafeToSendToAnotherThread() const
    if (!impl())
        return true;
    if (impl()->isStatic())
        return true;
    // AtomicStrings are not safe to send between threads as ~StringImpl()
    // will try to remove them from the wrong AtomicStringTable.
    if (impl()->isAtomic())
        return false;
    if (impl()->hasOneRef())
        return true;
    return false;

void String::split(const String& separator, bool allowEmptyEntries, Vector<String>& result) const

    unsigned startPos = 0;
    size_t endPos;
    while ((endPos = find(separator, startPos)) != kNotFound) {
        if (allowEmptyEntries || startPos != endPos)
            result.append(substring(startPos, endPos - startPos));
        startPos = endPos + separator.length();
    if (allowEmptyEntries || startPos != length())

void String::split(UChar separator, bool allowEmptyEntries, Vector<String>& result) const

    unsigned startPos = 0;
    size_t endPos;
    while ((endPos = find(separator, startPos)) != kNotFound) {
        if (allowEmptyEntries || startPos != endPos)
            result.append(substring(startPos, endPos - startPos));
        startPos = endPos + 1;
    if (allowEmptyEntries || startPos != length())

CString String::ascii() const
    // Printable ASCII characters 32..127 and the null character are
    // preserved, characters outside of this range are converted to '?'.

    unsigned length = this->length();
    if (!length) {
        char* characterBuffer;
        return CString::newUninitialized(length, characterBuffer);

    if (this->is8Bit()) {
        const LChar* characters = this->characters8();

        char* characterBuffer;
        CString result = CString::newUninitialized(length, characterBuffer);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            LChar ch = characters[i];
            characterBuffer[i] = ch && (ch < 0x20 || ch > 0x7f) ? '?' : ch;

        return result;

    const UChar* characters = this->characters16();

    char* characterBuffer;
    CString result = CString::newUninitialized(length, characterBuffer);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        UChar ch = characters[i];
        characterBuffer[i] = ch && (ch < 0x20 || ch > 0x7f) ? '?' : ch;

    return result;

CString String::latin1() const
    // Basic Latin1 (ISO) encoding - Unicode characters 0..255 are
    // preserved, characters outside of this range are converted to '?'.

    unsigned length = this->length();

    if (!length)
        return CString("", 0);

    if (is8Bit())
        return CString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this->characters8()), length);

    const UChar* characters = this->characters16();

    char* characterBuffer;
    CString result = CString::newUninitialized(length, characterBuffer);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        UChar ch = characters[i];
        characterBuffer[i] = ch > 0xff ? '?' : ch;

    return result;

// Helper to write a three-byte UTF-8 code point to the buffer, caller must check room is available.
static inline void putUTF8Triple(char*& buffer, UChar ch)
    ASSERT(ch >= 0x0800);
    *buffer++ = static_cast<char>(((ch >> 12) & 0x0F) | 0xE0);
    *buffer++ = static_cast<char>(((ch >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
    *buffer++ = static_cast<char>((ch & 0x3F) | 0x80);

CString String::utf8(UTF8ConversionMode mode) const
    unsigned length = this->length();

    if (!length)
        return CString("", 0);

    // Allocate a buffer big enough to hold all the characters
    // (an individual UTF-16 UChar can only expand to 3 UTF-8 bytes).
    // Optimization ideas, if we find this function is hot:
    //  * We could speculatively create a CStringBuffer to contain 'length'
    //    characters, and resize if necessary (i.e. if the buffer contains
    //    non-ascii characters). (Alternatively, scan the buffer first for
    //    ascii characters, so we know this will be sufficient).
    //  * We could allocate a CStringBuffer with an appropriate size to
    //    have a good chance of being able to write the string into the
    //    buffer without reallocing (say, 1.5 x length).
    if (length > numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() / 3)
        return CString();
    Vector<char, 1024> bufferVector(length * 3);

    char* buffer =;

    if (is8Bit()) {
        const LChar* characters = this->characters8();

        ConversionResult result = convertLatin1ToUTF8(&characters, characters + length, &buffer, buffer + bufferVector.size());
        ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result != targetExhausted); // (length * 3) should be sufficient for any conversion
    } else {
        const UChar* characters = this->characters16();

        if (mode == StrictUTF8ConversionReplacingUnpairedSurrogatesWithFFFD) {
            const UChar* charactersEnd = characters + length;
            char* bufferEnd = buffer + bufferVector.size();
            while (characters < charactersEnd) {
                // Use strict conversion to detect unpaired surrogates.
                ConversionResult result = convertUTF16ToUTF8(&characters, charactersEnd, &buffer, bufferEnd, true);
                ASSERT(result != targetExhausted);
                // Conversion fails when there is an unpaired surrogate.
                // Put replacement character (U+FFFD) instead of the unpaired surrogate.
                if (result != conversionOK) {
                    ASSERT((0xD800 <= *characters && *characters <= 0xDFFF));
                    // There should be room left, since one UChar hasn't been converted.
                    ASSERT((buffer + 3) <= bufferEnd);
                    putUTF8Triple(buffer, replacementCharacter);
        } else {
            bool strict = mode == StrictUTF8Conversion;
            ConversionResult result = convertUTF16ToUTF8(&characters, characters + length, &buffer, buffer + bufferVector.size(), strict);
            ASSERT(result != targetExhausted); // (length * 3) should be sufficient for any conversion

            // Only produced from strict conversion.
            if (result == sourceIllegal) {
                return CString();

            // Check for an unconverted high surrogate.
            if (result == sourceExhausted) {
                if (strict)
                    return CString();
                // This should be one unpaired high surrogate. Treat it the same
                // was as an unpaired high surrogate would have been handled in
                // the middle of a string with non-strict conversion - which is
                // to say, simply encode it to UTF-8.
                ASSERT((characters + 1) == (this->characters16() + length));
                ASSERT((*characters >= 0xD800) && (*characters <= 0xDBFF));
                // There should be room left, since one UChar hasn't been converted.
                ASSERT((buffer + 3) <= (buffer + bufferVector.size()));
                putUTF8Triple(buffer, *characters);

    return CString(, buffer -;

String String::make8BitFrom16BitSource(const UChar* source, size_t length)
    if (!length)
        return String();

    LChar* destination;
    String result = String::createUninitialized(length, destination);

    copyLCharsFromUCharSource(destination, source, length);

    return result;

String String::make16BitFrom8BitSource(const LChar* source, size_t length)
    if (!length)
        return String();

    UChar* destination;
    String result = String::createUninitialized(length, destination);

    StringImpl::copyChars(destination, source, length);

    return result;

String String::fromUTF8(const LChar* stringStart, size_t length)
    RELEASE_ASSERT(length <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());

    if (!stringStart)
        return String();

    if (!length)
        return emptyString();

    if (charactersAreAllASCII(stringStart, length))
        return StringImpl::create(stringStart, length);

    Vector<UChar, 1024> buffer(length);
    UChar* bufferStart =;

    UChar* bufferCurrent = bufferStart;
    const char* stringCurrent = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(stringStart);
    if (convertUTF8ToUTF16(&stringCurrent, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(stringStart + length), &bufferCurrent, bufferCurrent + buffer.size()) != conversionOK)
        return String();

    unsigned utf16Length = bufferCurrent - bufferStart;
    ASSERT(utf16Length < length);
    return StringImpl::create(bufferStart, utf16Length);

String String::fromUTF8(const LChar* string)
    if (!string)
        return String();
    return fromUTF8(string, strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(string)));

String String::fromUTF8(const CString& s)
    return fromUTF8(;

String String::fromUTF8WithLatin1Fallback(const LChar* string, size_t size)
    String utf8 = fromUTF8(string, size);
    if (!utf8)
        return String(string, size);
    return utf8;

// String Operations

static bool isCharacterAllowedInBase(UChar c, int base)
    if (c > 0x7F)
        return false;
    if (isASCIIDigit(c))
        return c - '0' < base;
    if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) {
        if (base > 36)
            base = 36;
        return (c >= 'a' && c < 'a' + base - 10)
            || (c >= 'A' && c < 'A' + base - 10);
    return false;

template <typename IntegralType, typename CharType>
static inline IntegralType toIntegralType(const CharType* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    static const IntegralType integralMax = numeric_limits<IntegralType>::max();
    static const bool isSigned = numeric_limits<IntegralType>::is_signed;
    const IntegralType maxMultiplier = integralMax / base;

    IntegralType value = 0;
    bool isOk = false;
    bool isNegative = false;

    if (!data)
        goto bye;

    // skip leading whitespace
    while (length && isSpaceOrNewline(*data)) {

    if (isSigned && length && *data == '-') {
        isNegative = true;
    } else if (length && *data == '+') {

    if (!length || !isCharacterAllowedInBase(*data, base))
        goto bye;

    while (length && isCharacterAllowedInBase(*data, base)) {
        IntegralType digitValue;
        CharType c = *data;
        if (isASCIIDigit(c))
            digitValue = c - '0';
        else if (c >= 'a')
            digitValue = c - 'a' + 10;
            digitValue = c - 'A' + 10;

        if (value > maxMultiplier || (value == maxMultiplier && digitValue > (integralMax % base) + isNegative))
            goto bye;

        value = base * value + digitValue;

#pragma warning(push, 0)
#pragma warning(disable:4146)

    if (isNegative)
        value = -value;

#pragma warning(pop)

    // skip trailing space
    while (length && isSpaceOrNewline(*data)) {

    if (!length)
        isOk = true;
    if (ok)
        *ok = isOk;
    return isOk ? value : 0;

template <typename CharType>
static unsigned lengthOfCharactersAsInteger(const CharType* data, size_t length)
    size_t i = 0;

    // Allow leading spaces.
    for (; i != length; ++i) {
        if (!isSpaceOrNewline(data[i]))

    // Allow sign.
    if (i != length && (data[i] == '+' || data[i] == '-'))

    // Allow digits.
    for (; i != length; ++i) {
        if (!isASCIIDigit(data[i]))

    return i;

int charactersToIntStrict(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<int, LChar>(data, length, ok, base);

int charactersToIntStrict(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<int, UChar>(data, length, ok, base);

unsigned charactersToUIntStrict(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<unsigned, LChar>(data, length, ok, base);

unsigned charactersToUIntStrict(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<unsigned, UChar>(data, length, ok, base);

int64_t charactersToInt64Strict(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<int64_t, LChar>(data, length, ok, base);

int64_t charactersToInt64Strict(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<int64_t, UChar>(data, length, ok, base);

uint64_t charactersToUInt64Strict(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<uint64_t, LChar>(data, length, ok, base);

uint64_t charactersToUInt64Strict(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<uint64_t, UChar>(data, length, ok, base);

intptr_t charactersToIntPtrStrict(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<intptr_t, LChar>(data, length, ok, base);

intptr_t charactersToIntPtrStrict(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok, int base)
    return toIntegralType<intptr_t, UChar>(data, length, ok, base);

int charactersToInt(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<int, LChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<LChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

int charactersToInt(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<int, UChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger(data, length), ok, 10);

unsigned charactersToUInt(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<unsigned, LChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<LChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

unsigned charactersToUInt(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<unsigned, UChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<UChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

int64_t charactersToInt64(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<int64_t, LChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<LChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

int64_t charactersToInt64(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<int64_t, UChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<UChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

uint64_t charactersToUInt64(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<uint64_t, LChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<LChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

uint64_t charactersToUInt64(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<uint64_t, UChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<UChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

intptr_t charactersToIntPtr(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<intptr_t, LChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<LChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

intptr_t charactersToIntPtr(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    return toIntegralType<intptr_t, UChar>(data, lengthOfCharactersAsInteger<UChar>(data, length), ok, 10);

enum TrailingJunkPolicy { DisallowTrailingJunk, AllowTrailingJunk };

template <typename CharType, TrailingJunkPolicy policy>
static inline double toDoubleType(const CharType* data, size_t length, bool* ok, size_t& parsedLength)
    size_t leadingSpacesLength = 0;
    while (leadingSpacesLength < length && isASCIISpace(data[leadingSpacesLength]))

    double number = parseDouble(data + leadingSpacesLength, length - leadingSpacesLength, parsedLength);
    if (!parsedLength) {
        if (ok)
            *ok = false;
        return 0.0;

    parsedLength += leadingSpacesLength;
    if (ok)
        *ok = policy == AllowTrailingJunk || parsedLength == length;
    return number;

double charactersToDouble(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    size_t parsedLength;
    return toDoubleType<LChar, DisallowTrailingJunk>(data, length, ok, parsedLength);

double charactersToDouble(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    size_t parsedLength;
    return toDoubleType<UChar, DisallowTrailingJunk>(data, length, ok, parsedLength);

float charactersToFloat(const LChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    // FIXME: This will return ok even when the string fits into a double but not a float.
    size_t parsedLength;
    return static_cast<float>(toDoubleType<LChar, DisallowTrailingJunk>(data, length, ok, parsedLength));

float charactersToFloat(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    // FIXME: This will return ok even when the string fits into a double but not a float.
    size_t parsedLength;
    return static_cast<float>(toDoubleType<UChar, DisallowTrailingJunk>(data, length, ok, parsedLength));

float charactersToFloat(const LChar* data, size_t length, size_t& parsedLength)
    // FIXME: This will return ok even when the string fits into a double but not a float.
    return static_cast<float>(toDoubleType<LChar, AllowTrailingJunk>(data, length, 0, parsedLength));

float charactersToFloat(const UChar* data, size_t length, size_t& parsedLength)
    // FIXME: This will return ok even when the string fits into a double but not a float.
    return static_cast<float>(toDoubleType<UChar, AllowTrailingJunk>(data, length, 0, parsedLength));

const String& emptyString()
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, emptyString, (StringImpl::empty()));
    return emptyString;

} // namespace WTF

#ifndef NDEBUG
// For use in the debugger
String* string(const char*);
Vector<char> asciiDebug(StringImpl* impl);
Vector<char> asciiDebug(String& string);

void String::show() const
    dataLogF("%s\n", asciiDebug(impl()).data());

String* string(const char* s)
    // leaks memory!
    return new String(s);

Vector<char> asciiDebug(StringImpl* impl)
    if (!impl)
        return asciiDebug(String("[null]").impl());

    Vector<char> buffer;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < impl->length(); ++i) {
        UChar ch = (*impl)[i];
        if (isASCIIPrintable(ch)) {
            if (ch == '\\')
        } else {
            appendUnsignedAsHexFixedSize(ch, buffer, 4);
    return buffer;

Vector<char> asciiDebug(String& string)
    return asciiDebug(string.impl());


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