
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. sharedPool
  2. create
  3. take
  4. put
  5. textPinIndex
  6. textNativeLength
  7. textFixPointer
  8. textClone
  9. textExtract
  10. textClose
  11. textGetContext
  12. textLatin1GetCurrentContext
  13. textLatin1MoveInPrimaryContext
  14. textLatin1SwitchToPrimaryContext
  15. textLatin1MoveInPriorContext
  16. textLatin1SwitchToPriorContext
  17. textInChunkOrOutOfRange
  18. textLatin1Access
  19. textInit
  20. textOpenLatin1
  21. textUTF16GetCurrentContext
  22. textUTF16MoveInPrimaryContext
  23. textUTF16SwitchToPrimaryContext
  24. textUTF16MoveInPriorContext
  25. textUTF16SwitchToPriorContext
  26. textUTF16Access
  27. textOpenUTF16
  28. wordBreakIterator
  29. setText16
  30. wordBreakIterator
  31. wordBreakIterator
  32. acquireLineBreakIterator
  33. acquireLineBreakIterator
  34. releaseLineBreakIterator
  35. compareAndSwapNonSharedCharacterBreakIterator
  36. m_iterator
  37. m_iterator
  38. createIteratorForBuffer
  39. next
  40. current
  41. isBreak
  42. preceding
  43. following
  44. sentenceBreakIterator
  45. isWordTextBreak
  46. setUpIteratorWithRules
  47. cursorMovementIterator

 * Copyright (C) 2006 Lars Knoll <>
 * Copyright (C) 2007, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "platform/text/TextBreakIterator.h"

#include "platform/text/TextBreakIteratorInternalICU.h"
#include "wtf/Assertions.h"
#include "wtf/HashMap.h"
#include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/ThreadSpecific.h"
#include "wtf/ThreadingPrimitives.h"
#include "wtf/text/AtomicString.h"
#include "wtf/text/CString.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
#include <unicode/rbbi.h>
#include <unicode/ubrk.h>

using namespace WTF;
using namespace std;

namespace WebCore {

class LineBreakIteratorPool {
    static LineBreakIteratorPool& sharedPool()
        static WTF::ThreadSpecific<LineBreakIteratorPool>* pool = new WTF::ThreadSpecific<LineBreakIteratorPool>;
        return **pool;

    static PassOwnPtr<LineBreakIteratorPool> create() { return adoptPtr(new LineBreakIteratorPool); }

    icu::BreakIterator* take(const AtomicString& locale)
        icu::BreakIterator* iterator = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pool.size(); ++i) {
            if (m_pool[i].first == locale) {
                iterator = m_pool[i].second;

        if (!iterator) {
            UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            bool localeIsEmpty = locale.isEmpty();
            iterator = icu::BreakIterator::createLineInstance(localeIsEmpty ? icu::Locale(currentTextBreakLocaleID()) : icu::Locale(locale.utf8().data()), openStatus);
            // locale comes from a web page and it can be invalid, leading ICU
            // to fail, in which case we fall back to the default locale.
            if (!localeIsEmpty && U_FAILURE(openStatus)) {
                openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                iterator = icu::BreakIterator::createLineInstance(icu::Locale(currentTextBreakLocaleID()), openStatus);

            if (U_FAILURE(openStatus)) {
                WTF_LOG_ERROR("icu::BreakIterator construction failed with status %d", openStatus);
                return 0;

        m_vendedIterators.set(iterator, locale);
        return iterator;

    void put(icu::BreakIterator* iterator)
        ASSERT_ARG(iterator, m_vendedIterators.contains(iterator));

        if (m_pool.size() == capacity) {

        m_pool.append(Entry(m_vendedIterators.take(iterator), iterator));

    LineBreakIteratorPool() { }

    static const size_t capacity = 4;

    typedef pair<AtomicString, icu::BreakIterator*> Entry;
    typedef Vector<Entry, capacity> Pool;
    Pool m_pool;
    HashMap<icu::BreakIterator*, AtomicString> m_vendedIterators;

    friend WTF::ThreadSpecific<LineBreakIteratorPool>::operator LineBreakIteratorPool*();

enum TextContext { NoContext, PriorContext, PrimaryContext };

const int textBufferCapacity = 16;

typedef struct {
    UText text;
    UChar buffer[textBufferCapacity];
} UTextWithBuffer;

static inline int64_t textPinIndex(int64_t& index, int64_t limit)
    if (index < 0)
        index = 0;
    else if (index > limit)
        index = limit;
    return index;

static inline int64_t textNativeLength(UText* text)
    return text->a + text->b;

// Relocate pointer from source into destination as required.
static void textFixPointer(const UText* source, UText* destination, const void*& pointer)
    if (pointer >= source->pExtra && pointer < static_cast<char*>(source->pExtra) + source->extraSize) {
        // Pointer references source extra buffer.
        pointer = static_cast<char*>(destination->pExtra) + (static_cast<const char*>(pointer) - static_cast<const char*>(source->pExtra));
    } else if (pointer >= source && pointer < reinterpret_cast<const char*>(source) + source->sizeOfStruct) {
        // Pointer references source text structure, but not source extra buffer.
        pointer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(destination) + (static_cast<const char*>(pointer) - reinterpret_cast<const char*>(source));

static UText* textClone(UText* destination, const UText* source, UBool deep, UErrorCode* status)
    ASSERT_UNUSED(deep, !deep);
    if (U_FAILURE(*status))
        return 0;
    int32_t extraSize = source->extraSize;
    destination = utext_setup(destination, extraSize, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(*status))
        return destination;
    void* extraNew = destination->pExtra;
    int32_t flags = destination->flags;
    int sizeToCopy = min(source->sizeOfStruct, destination->sizeOfStruct);
    memcpy(destination, source, sizeToCopy);
    destination->pExtra = extraNew;
    destination->flags = flags;
    memcpy(destination->pExtra, source->pExtra, extraSize);
    textFixPointer(source, destination, destination->context);
    textFixPointer(source, destination, destination->p);
    textFixPointer(source, destination, destination->q);
    const void * chunkContents = static_cast<const void*>(destination->chunkContents);
    textFixPointer(source, destination, chunkContents);
    destination->chunkContents = static_cast<const UChar*>(chunkContents);
    return destination;

static int32_t textExtract(UText*, int64_t, int64_t, UChar*, int32_t, UErrorCode* errorCode)
    // In the present context, this text provider is used only with ICU functions
    // that do not perform an extract operation.
    *errorCode = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
    return 0;

static void textClose(UText* text)
    text->context = 0;

static inline TextContext textGetContext(const UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, UBool forward)
    if (!text->b || nativeIndex > text->b)
        return PrimaryContext;
    if (nativeIndex == text->b)
        return forward ? PrimaryContext : PriorContext;
    return PriorContext;

static inline TextContext textLatin1GetCurrentContext(const UText* text)
    if (!text->chunkContents)
        return NoContext;
    return text->chunkContents == text->pExtra ? PrimaryContext : PriorContext;

static void textLatin1MoveInPrimaryContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(text->chunkContents == text->pExtra);
    if (forward) {
        ASSERT(nativeIndex >= text->b && nativeIndex < nativeLength);
        text->chunkNativeStart = nativeIndex;
        text->chunkNativeLimit = nativeIndex + text->extraSize / sizeof(UChar);
        if (text->chunkNativeLimit > nativeLength)
            text->chunkNativeLimit = nativeLength;
    } else {
        ASSERT(nativeIndex > text->b && nativeIndex <= nativeLength);
        text->chunkNativeLimit = nativeIndex;
        text->chunkNativeStart = nativeIndex - text->extraSize / sizeof(UChar);
        if (text->chunkNativeStart < text->b)
            text->chunkNativeStart = text->b;
    int64_t length = text->chunkNativeLimit - text->chunkNativeStart;
    // Ensure chunk length is well defined if computed length exceeds int32_t range.
    ASSERT(length <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
    text->chunkLength = length <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ? static_cast<int32_t>(length) : 0;
    text->nativeIndexingLimit = text->chunkLength;
    text->chunkOffset = forward ? 0 : text->chunkLength;
    StringImpl::copyChars(const_cast<UChar*>(text->chunkContents), static_cast<const LChar*>(text->p) + (text->chunkNativeStart - text->b), static_cast<unsigned>(text->chunkLength));

static void textLatin1SwitchToPrimaryContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(!text->chunkContents || text->chunkContents == text->q);
    text->chunkContents = static_cast<const UChar*>(text->pExtra);
    textLatin1MoveInPrimaryContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);

static void textLatin1MoveInPriorContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(text->chunkContents == text->q);
    ASSERT(forward ? nativeIndex < text->b : nativeIndex <= text->b);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(nativeLength, forward ? nativeIndex < nativeLength : nativeIndex <= nativeLength);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(forward, forward ? nativeIndex < nativeLength : nativeIndex <= nativeLength);
    text->chunkNativeStart = 0;
    text->chunkNativeLimit = text->b;
    text->chunkLength = text->b;
    text->nativeIndexingLimit = text->chunkLength;
    int64_t offset = nativeIndex - text->chunkNativeStart;
    // Ensure chunk offset is well defined if computed offset exceeds int32_t range or chunk length.
    ASSERT(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
    text->chunkOffset = min(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ? static_cast<int32_t>(offset) : 0, text->chunkLength);

static void textLatin1SwitchToPriorContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(!text->chunkContents || text->chunkContents == text->pExtra);
    text->chunkContents = static_cast<const UChar*>(text->q);
    textLatin1MoveInPriorContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);

static inline bool textInChunkOrOutOfRange(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward, UBool& isAccessible)
    if (forward) {
        if (nativeIndex >= text->chunkNativeStart && nativeIndex < text->chunkNativeLimit) {
            int64_t offset = nativeIndex - text->chunkNativeStart;
            // Ensure chunk offset is well formed if computed offset exceeds int32_t range.
            ASSERT(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
            text->chunkOffset = offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ? static_cast<int32_t>(offset) : 0;
            isAccessible = TRUE;
            return true;
        if (nativeIndex >= nativeLength && text->chunkNativeLimit == nativeLength) {
            text->chunkOffset = text->chunkLength;
            isAccessible = FALSE;
            return true;
    } else {
        if (nativeIndex > text->chunkNativeStart && nativeIndex <= text->chunkNativeLimit) {
            int64_t offset = nativeIndex - text->chunkNativeStart;
            // Ensure chunk offset is well formed if computed offset exceeds int32_t range.
            ASSERT(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
            text->chunkOffset = offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ? static_cast<int32_t>(offset) : 0;
            isAccessible = TRUE;
            return true;
        if (nativeIndex <= 0 && !text->chunkNativeStart) {
            text->chunkOffset = 0;
            isAccessible = FALSE;
            return true;
    return false;

static UBool textLatin1Access(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, UBool forward)
    if (!text->context)
        return FALSE;
    int64_t nativeLength = textNativeLength(text);
    UBool isAccessible;
    if (textInChunkOrOutOfRange(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward, isAccessible))
        return isAccessible;
    nativeIndex = textPinIndex(nativeIndex, nativeLength - 1);
    TextContext currentContext = textLatin1GetCurrentContext(text);
    TextContext newContext = textGetContext(text, nativeIndex, forward);
    ASSERT(newContext != NoContext);
    if (newContext == currentContext) {
        if (currentContext == PrimaryContext) {
            textLatin1MoveInPrimaryContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
        } else {
            textLatin1MoveInPriorContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
    } else if (newContext == PrimaryContext) {
        textLatin1SwitchToPrimaryContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
    } else {
        ASSERT(newContext == PriorContext);
        textLatin1SwitchToPriorContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
    return TRUE;

static const struct UTextFuncs textLatin1Funcs = {
    0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0,

static void textInit(UText* text, const UTextFuncs* funcs, const void* string, unsigned length, const UChar* priorContext, int priorContextLength)
    text->pFuncs = funcs;
    text->providerProperties = 1 << UTEXT_PROVIDER_STABLE_CHUNKS;
    text->context = string;
    text->p = string;
    text->a = length;
    text->q = priorContext;
    text->b = priorContextLength;

static UText* textOpenLatin1(UTextWithBuffer* utWithBuffer, const LChar* string, unsigned length, const UChar* priorContext, int priorContextLength, UErrorCode* status)
    if (U_FAILURE(*status))
        return 0;

    if (!string || length > static_cast<unsigned>(numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;
    UText* text = utext_setup(&utWithBuffer->text, sizeof(utWithBuffer->buffer), status);
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return 0;
    textInit(text, &textLatin1Funcs, string, length, priorContext, priorContextLength);
    return text;

static inline TextContext textUTF16GetCurrentContext(const UText* text)
    if (!text->chunkContents)
        return NoContext;
    return text->chunkContents == text->p ? PrimaryContext : PriorContext;

static void textUTF16MoveInPrimaryContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(text->chunkContents == text->p);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(forward, forward ? nativeIndex >= text->b : nativeIndex > text->b);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(forward, forward ? nativeIndex < nativeLength : nativeIndex <= nativeLength);
    text->chunkNativeStart = text->b;
    text->chunkNativeLimit = nativeLength;
    int64_t length = text->chunkNativeLimit - text->chunkNativeStart;
    // Ensure chunk length is well defined if computed length exceeds int32_t range.
    ASSERT(length <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
    text->chunkLength = length <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ? static_cast<int32_t>(length) : 0;
    text->nativeIndexingLimit = text->chunkLength;
    int64_t offset = nativeIndex - text->chunkNativeStart;
    // Ensure chunk offset is well defined if computed offset exceeds int32_t range or chunk length.
    ASSERT(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
    text->chunkOffset = min(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ? static_cast<int32_t>(offset) : 0, text->chunkLength);

static void textUTF16SwitchToPrimaryContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(!text->chunkContents || text->chunkContents == text->q);
    text->chunkContents = static_cast<const UChar*>(text->p);
    textUTF16MoveInPrimaryContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);

static void textUTF16MoveInPriorContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(text->chunkContents == text->q);
    ASSERT(forward ? nativeIndex < text->b : nativeIndex <= text->b);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(nativeLength, forward ? nativeIndex < nativeLength : nativeIndex <= nativeLength);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(forward, forward ? nativeIndex < nativeLength : nativeIndex <= nativeLength);
    text->chunkNativeStart = 0;
    text->chunkNativeLimit = text->b;
    text->chunkLength = text->b;
    text->nativeIndexingLimit = text->chunkLength;
    int64_t offset = nativeIndex - text->chunkNativeStart;
    // Ensure chunk offset is well defined if computed offset exceeds int32_t range or chunk length.
    ASSERT(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
    text->chunkOffset = min(offset <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ? static_cast<int32_t>(offset) : 0, text->chunkLength);

static void textUTF16SwitchToPriorContext(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, int64_t nativeLength, UBool forward)
    ASSERT(!text->chunkContents || text->chunkContents == text->p);
    text->chunkContents = static_cast<const UChar*>(text->q);
    textUTF16MoveInPriorContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);

static UBool textUTF16Access(UText* text, int64_t nativeIndex, UBool forward)
    if (!text->context)
        return FALSE;
    int64_t nativeLength = textNativeLength(text);
    UBool isAccessible;
    if (textInChunkOrOutOfRange(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward, isAccessible))
        return isAccessible;
    nativeIndex = textPinIndex(nativeIndex, nativeLength - 1);
    TextContext currentContext = textUTF16GetCurrentContext(text);
    TextContext newContext = textGetContext(text, nativeIndex, forward);
    ASSERT(newContext != NoContext);
    if (newContext == currentContext) {
        if (currentContext == PrimaryContext) {
            textUTF16MoveInPrimaryContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
        } else {
            textUTF16MoveInPriorContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
    } else if (newContext == PrimaryContext) {
        textUTF16SwitchToPrimaryContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
    } else {
        ASSERT(newContext == PriorContext);
        textUTF16SwitchToPriorContext(text, nativeIndex, nativeLength, forward);
    return TRUE;

static const struct UTextFuncs textUTF16Funcs = {
    0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0,

static UText* textOpenUTF16(UText* text, const UChar* string, unsigned length, const UChar* priorContext, int priorContextLength, UErrorCode* status)
    if (U_FAILURE(*status))
        return 0;

    if (!string || length > static_cast<unsigned>(numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;

    text = utext_setup(text, 0, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return 0;
    textInit(text, &textUTF16Funcs, string, length, priorContext, priorContextLength);
    return text;

static UText emptyText = UTEXT_INITIALIZER;

static TextBreakIterator* wordBreakIterator(const LChar* string, int length)
    UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    static TextBreakIterator* breakIter = 0;
    if (!breakIter) {
        breakIter = icu::BreakIterator::createWordInstance(icu::Locale(currentTextBreakLocaleID()), errorCode);
        ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(errorCode), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(errorCode), errorCode);
        if (!breakIter)
            return 0;

    UTextWithBuffer textLocal;
    textLocal.text = emptyText;
    textLocal.text.extraSize = sizeof(textLocal.buffer);
    textLocal.text.pExtra = textLocal.buffer;

    UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UText* text = textOpenLatin1(&textLocal, string, length, 0, 0, &openStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(openStatus)) {
        WTF_LOG_ERROR("textOpenLatin1 failed with status %d", openStatus);
        return 0;

    UErrorCode setTextStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    breakIter->setText(text, setTextStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(setTextStatus))
        WTF_LOG_ERROR("BreakIterator::seText failed with status %d", setTextStatus);


    return breakIter;

static void setText16(TextBreakIterator* iter, const UChar* string, int length)
    UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    utext_openUChars(&uText, string, length, &errorCode);
    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode))
    iter->setText(&uText, errorCode);

TextBreakIterator* wordBreakIterator(const UChar* string, int length)
    UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    static TextBreakIterator* breakIter = 0;
    if (!breakIter) {
        breakIter = icu::BreakIterator::createWordInstance(icu::Locale(currentTextBreakLocaleID()), errorCode);
        ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(errorCode), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(errorCode), errorCode);
        if (!breakIter)
            return 0;
    setText16(breakIter, string, length);
    return breakIter;

TextBreakIterator* wordBreakIterator(const String& string, int start, int length)
    if (string.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    if (string.is8Bit())
        return wordBreakIterator(string.characters8() + start, length);
    return wordBreakIterator(string.characters16() + start, length);

TextBreakIterator* acquireLineBreakIterator(const LChar* string, int length, const AtomicString& locale, const UChar* priorContext, unsigned priorContextLength)
    TextBreakIterator* iterator = LineBreakIteratorPool::sharedPool().take(locale);
    if (!iterator)
        return 0;

    UTextWithBuffer textLocal;
    textLocal.text = emptyText;
    textLocal.text.extraSize = sizeof(textLocal.buffer);
    textLocal.text.pExtra = textLocal.buffer;

    UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UText* text = textOpenLatin1(&textLocal, string, length, priorContext, priorContextLength, &openStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(openStatus)) {
        WTF_LOG_ERROR("textOpenLatin1 failed with status %d", openStatus);
        return 0;

    UErrorCode setTextStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    iterator->setText(text, setTextStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(setTextStatus)) {
        WTF_LOG_ERROR("ubrk_setUText failed with status %d", setTextStatus);
        return 0;


    return iterator;

TextBreakIterator* acquireLineBreakIterator(const UChar* string, int length, const AtomicString& locale, const UChar* priorContext, unsigned priorContextLength)
    TextBreakIterator* iterator = LineBreakIteratorPool::sharedPool().take(locale);
    if (!iterator)
        return 0;

    UText textLocal = UTEXT_INITIALIZER;

    UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UText* text = textOpenUTF16(&textLocal, string, length, priorContext, priorContextLength, &openStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(openStatus)) {
        WTF_LOG_ERROR("textOpenUTF16 failed with status %d", openStatus);
        return 0;

    UErrorCode setTextStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    iterator->setText(text, setTextStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(setTextStatus)) {
        WTF_LOG_ERROR("ubrk_setUText failed with status %d", setTextStatus);
        return 0;


    return iterator;

void releaseLineBreakIterator(TextBreakIterator* iterator)
    ASSERT_ARG(iterator, iterator);


static TextBreakIterator* nonSharedCharacterBreakIterator;

static inline bool compareAndSwapNonSharedCharacterBreakIterator(TextBreakIterator* expected, TextBreakIterator* newValue)
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Mutex, nonSharedCharacterBreakIteratorMutex, ());
    MutexLocker locker(nonSharedCharacterBreakIteratorMutex);
    if (nonSharedCharacterBreakIterator != expected)
        return false;
    nonSharedCharacterBreakIterator = newValue;
    return true;

NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator(const String& string)
    : m_is8Bit(true)
    , m_charaters8(0)
    , m_offset(0)
    , m_length(0)
    , m_iterator(0)
    if (string.isEmpty())

    m_is8Bit = string.is8Bit();

    if (m_is8Bit) {
        m_charaters8 = string.characters8();
        m_offset = 0;
        m_length = string.length();

    createIteratorForBuffer(string.characters16(), string.length());

NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator(const UChar* buffer, unsigned length)
    : m_is8Bit(false)
    , m_charaters8(0)
    , m_offset(0)
    , m_length(0)
    , m_iterator(0)
    createIteratorForBuffer(buffer, length);

void NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::createIteratorForBuffer(const UChar* buffer, unsigned length)
    m_iterator = nonSharedCharacterBreakIterator;
    bool createdIterator = m_iterator && compareAndSwapNonSharedCharacterBreakIterator(m_iterator, 0);
    if (!createdIterator) {
        UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        m_iterator = icu::BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(icu::Locale(currentTextBreakLocaleID()), errorCode);
        ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(errorCode), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(errorCode), errorCode);

    setText16(m_iterator, buffer, length);

    if (m_is8Bit)
    if (!compareAndSwapNonSharedCharacterBreakIterator(0, m_iterator))
        delete m_iterator;

int NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::next()
    if (!m_is8Bit)
        return m_iterator->next();

    if (m_offset >= m_length)
        return TextBreakDone;

    m_offset += clusterLengthStartingAt(m_offset);
    return m_offset;

int NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::current()
    if (!m_is8Bit)
        return m_iterator->current();
    return m_offset;

bool NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::isBreak(int offset) const
    if (!m_is8Bit)
        return m_iterator->isBoundary(offset);
    return !isLFAfterCR(offset);

int NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::preceding(int offset) const
    if (!m_is8Bit)
        return m_iterator->preceding(offset);
    if (offset <= 0)
        return TextBreakDone;
    if (isLFAfterCR(offset))
        return offset - 2;
    return offset - 1;

int NonSharedCharacterBreakIterator::following(int offset) const
    if (!m_is8Bit)
        return m_iterator->following(offset);
    if (static_cast<unsigned>(offset) >= m_length)
        return TextBreakDone;
    return offset + clusterLengthStartingAt(offset);

TextBreakIterator* sentenceBreakIterator(const UChar* string, int length)
    UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    static TextBreakIterator* iterator = 0;
    if (!iterator) {
        iterator =  icu::BreakIterator::createSentenceInstance(icu::Locale(currentTextBreakLocaleID()), openStatus);
        ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(openStatus), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(openStatus), openStatus);
        if (!iterator)
            return 0;

    setText16(iterator, string, length);
    return iterator;

bool isWordTextBreak(TextBreakIterator* iterator)
    icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator* ruleBasedBreakIterator = static_cast<icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator*>(iterator);
    int ruleStatus = ruleBasedBreakIterator->getRuleStatus();
    return ruleStatus != UBRK_WORD_NONE;

static TextBreakIterator* setUpIteratorWithRules(const char* breakRules, const UChar* string, int length)
    if (!string)
        return 0;

    static TextBreakIterator* iterator = 0;
    if (!iterator) {
        UParseError parseStatus;
        UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        Vector<UChar> rules;

        iterator = new icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator(icu::UnicodeString(, rules.size()), parseStatus, openStatus);
        ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(openStatus), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(openStatus), openStatus);
        if (!iterator)
            return 0;

    setText16(iterator, string, length);
    return iterator;

TextBreakIterator* cursorMovementIterator(const UChar* string, int length)
    // This rule set is based on character-break iterator rules of ICU 4.0
    // <>.
    // The major differences from the original ones are listed below:
    // * Replaced '[\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = SpacingMark}]' with '[\p{General_Category = Spacing Mark} - $Extend]' for ICU 3.8 or earlier;
    // * Removed rules that prevent a cursor from moving after prepend characters (Bug 24342);
    // * Added rules that prevent a cursor from moving after virama signs of Indic languages except Tamil (Bug 15790), and;
    // * Added rules that prevent a cursor from moving before Japanese half-width katakara voiced marks.
    // * Added rules for regional indicator symbols.
    static const char* const kRules =
        "$CR      = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = CR}];"
        "$LF      = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = LF}];"
        "$Control = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];"
        "$VoiceMarks = [\\uFF9E\\uFF9F];"  // Japanese half-width katakana voiced marks
        "$Extend  = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Extend} $VoiceMarks - [\\u0E30 \\u0E32 \\u0E45 \\u0EB0 \\u0EB2]];"
        "$SpacingMark = [[\\p{General_Category = Spacing Mark}] - $Extend];"
        "$L       = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = L}];"
        "$V       = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = V}];"
        "$T       = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = T}];"
        "$LV      = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = LV}];"
        "$LVT     = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = LVT}];"
        "$Hin0    = [\\u0905-\\u0939];"    // Devanagari Letter A,...,Ha
        "$HinV    = \\u094D;"              // Devanagari Sign Virama
        "$Hin1    = [\\u0915-\\u0939];"    // Devanagari Letter Ka,...,Ha
        "$Ben0    = [\\u0985-\\u09B9];"    // Bengali Letter A,...,Ha
        "$BenV    = \\u09CD;"              // Bengali Sign Virama
        "$Ben1    = [\\u0995-\\u09B9];"    // Bengali Letter Ka,...,Ha
        "$Pan0    = [\\u0A05-\\u0A39];"    // Gurmukhi Letter A,...,Ha
        "$PanV    = \\u0A4D;"              // Gurmukhi Sign Virama
        "$Pan1    = [\\u0A15-\\u0A39];"    // Gurmukhi Letter Ka,...,Ha
        "$Guj0    = [\\u0A85-\\u0AB9];"    // Gujarati Letter A,...,Ha
        "$GujV    = \\u0ACD;"              // Gujarati Sign Virama
        "$Guj1    = [\\u0A95-\\u0AB9];"    // Gujarati Letter Ka,...,Ha
        "$Ori0    = [\\u0B05-\\u0B39];"    // Oriya Letter A,...,Ha
        "$OriV    = \\u0B4D;"              // Oriya Sign Virama
        "$Ori1    = [\\u0B15-\\u0B39];"    // Oriya Letter Ka,...,Ha
        "$Tel0    = [\\u0C05-\\u0C39];"    // Telugu Letter A,...,Ha
        "$TelV    = \\u0C4D;"              // Telugu Sign Virama
        "$Tel1    = [\\u0C14-\\u0C39];"    // Telugu Letter Ka,...,Ha
        "$Kan0    = [\\u0C85-\\u0CB9];"    // Kannada Letter A,...,Ha
        "$KanV    = \\u0CCD;"              // Kannada Sign Virama
        "$Kan1    = [\\u0C95-\\u0CB9];"    // Kannada Letter A,...,Ha
        "$Mal0    = [\\u0D05-\\u0D39];"    // Malayalam Letter A,...,Ha
        "$MalV    = \\u0D4D;"              // Malayalam Sign Virama
        "$Mal1    = [\\u0D15-\\u0D39];"    // Malayalam Letter A,...,Ha
        "$RI      = [\\U0001F1E6-\\U0001F1FF];" // Emoji regional indicators
        "$CR $LF;"
        "$L ($L | $V | $LV | $LVT);"
        "($LV | $V) ($V | $T);"
        "($LVT | $T) $T;"
        "[^$Control $CR $LF] $Extend;"
        "[^$Control $CR $LF] $SpacingMark;"
        "$RI $RI / $RI;"
        "$RI $RI;"
        "$Hin0 $HinV $Hin1;"               // Devanagari Virama (forward)
        "$Ben0 $BenV $Ben1;"               // Bengali Virama (forward)
        "$Pan0 $PanV $Pan1;"               // Gurmukhi Virama (forward)
        "$Guj0 $GujV $Guj1;"               // Gujarati Virama (forward)
        "$Ori0 $OriV $Ori1;"               // Oriya Virama (forward)
        "$Tel0 $TelV $Tel1;"               // Telugu Virama (forward)
        "$Kan0 $KanV $Kan1;"               // Kannada Virama (forward)
        "$Mal0 $MalV $Mal1;"               // Malayalam Virama (forward)
        "$LF $CR;"
        "($L | $V | $LV | $LVT) $L;"
        "($V | $T) ($LV | $V);"
        "$T ($LVT | $T);"
        "$Extend      [^$Control $CR $LF];"
        "$SpacingMark [^$Control $CR $LF];"
        "$RI $RI / $RI $RI;"
        "$RI $RI;"
        "$Hin1 $HinV $Hin0;"               // Devanagari Virama (backward)
        "$Ben1 $BenV $Ben0;"               // Bengali Virama (backward)
        "$Pan1 $PanV $Pan0;"               // Gurmukhi Virama (backward)
        "$Guj1 $GujV $Guj0;"               // Gujarati Virama (backward)
        "$Ori1 $OriV $Ori0;"               // Gujarati Virama (backward)
        "$Tel1 $TelV $Tel0;"               // Telugu Virama (backward)
        "$Kan1 $KanV $Kan0;"               // Kannada Virama (backward)
        "$Mal1 $MalV $Mal0;"               // Malayalam Virama (backward)

    return setUpIteratorWithRules(kRules, string, length);


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