
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Allocate
  2. Free
  3. IsNan
  4. IsNan
  5. CheckImage
  6. DotProduct
  7. ComputeKernel
  8. ConvolveBorderColumn
  9. Convolution
  10. Blur
  11. DoGBlur
  12. InterpolateClampNegative
  13. GammaMinArg
  14. GammaMaxArg
  15. BlurredBlueCorrelation
  16. SimpleGamma
  17. Gamma
  18. OpsinDynamicsImage
  19. RemoveRangeAroundZero
  20. AmplifyRangeAroundZero
  21. ModifyRangeAroundZero
  22. XybLowFreqToVals
  23. SuppressHfInBrightAreas
  24. MaximumClamping
  25. Suppress
  26. SuppressXByY
  27. SeparateFrequencies
  28. SameNoiseLevelsX
  29. SameNoiseLevelsY
  30. SameNoiseLevelsYP1
  31. SameNoiseLevelsYM1
  32. L2Diff
  33. LNDiff
  34. CalculateDiffmap
  35. MaskPsychoImage
  36. num_pixels_
  37. Mask
  38. Diffmap
  39. DiffmapOpsinDynamicsImage
  40. DiffmapPsychoImage
  41. MaltaUnit
  42. MaltaDiffMap
  43. CombineChannels
  44. ButteraugliScoreFromDiffmap
  45. MakeMask
  46. MaskX
  47. MaskY
  48. MaskDcX
  49. MaskDcY
  50. DiffPrecompute
  51. Mask
  52. ButteraugliDiffmap
  53. ButteraugliInterface
  54. ButteraugliAdaptiveQuantization
  55. ButteraugliFuzzyClass
  56. ButteraugliFuzzyInverse
  57. ScoreToRgb
  58. CreateHeatMapImage

// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: Jyrki Alakuijala (
// The physical architecture of butteraugli is based on the following naming
// convention:
//   * Opsin - dynamics of the photosensitive chemicals in the retina
//             with their immediate electrical processing
//   * Xyb - hybrid opponent/trichromatic color space
//     x is roughly red-subtract-green.
//     y is yellow.
//     b is blue.
//     Xyb values are computed from Opsin mixing, not directly from rgb.
//   * Mask - for visual masking
//   * Hf - color modeling for spatially high-frequency features
//   * Lf - color modeling for spatially low-frequency features
//   * Diffmap - to cluster and build an image of error between the images
//   * Blur - to hold the smoothing code

#include "butteraugli/butteraugli.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>

// Restricted pointers speed up Convolution(); MSVC uses a different keyword.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define __restrict__ __restrict

#define PROFILER_ZONE(name)

namespace butteraugli {

void *CacheAligned::Allocate(const size_t bytes) {
  char *const allocated = static_cast<char *>(malloc(bytes + kCacheLineSize));
  if (allocated == nullptr) {
    return nullptr;
  const uintptr_t misalignment =
      reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(allocated) & (kCacheLineSize - 1);
  // malloc is at least kPointerSize aligned, so we can store the "allocated"
  // pointer immediately before the aligned memory.
  assert(misalignment % kPointerSize == 0);
  char *const aligned = allocated + kCacheLineSize - misalignment;
  memcpy(aligned - kPointerSize, &allocated, kPointerSize);
  return BUTTERAUGLI_ASSUME_ALIGNED(aligned, 64);

void CacheAligned::Free(void *aligned_pointer) {
  if (aligned_pointer == nullptr) {
  char *const aligned = static_cast<char *>(aligned_pointer);
  assert(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(aligned) % kCacheLineSize == 0);
  char *allocated;
  memcpy(&allocated, aligned - kPointerSize, kPointerSize);
  assert(allocated <= aligned - kPointerSize);
  assert(allocated >= aligned - kCacheLineSize);

static inline bool IsNan(const float x) {
  uint32_t bits;
  memcpy(&bits, &x, sizeof(bits));
  const uint32_t bitmask_exp = 0x7F800000;
  return (bits & bitmask_exp) == bitmask_exp && (bits & 0x7FFFFF);

static inline bool IsNan(const double x) {
  uint64_t bits;
  memcpy(&bits, &x, sizeof(bits));
  return (0x7ff0000000000001ULL <= bits && bits <= 0x7fffffffffffffffULL) ||
         (0xfff0000000000001ULL <= bits && bits <= 0xffffffffffffffffULL);

static inline void CheckImage(const ImageF &image, const char *name) {
  for (size_t y = 0; y < image.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float * const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row = image.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < image.xsize(); ++x) {
      if (IsNan(row[x])) {
        printf("Image %s @ %lu,%lu (of %lu,%lu)\n", name, x, y, image.xsize(),


#define CHECK_NAN(x, str)                \
  do {                                   \
    if (IsNan(x)) {                      \
      printf("%d: %s\n", __LINE__, str); \
      abort();                           \
    }                                    \
  } while (0)

#define CHECK_IMAGE(image, name) CheckImage(image, name)


#define CHECK_NAN(x, str)
#define CHECK_IMAGE(image, name)


// Purpose of kInternalGoodQualityThreshold:
// Normalize 'ok' image degradation to 1.0 across different versions of
// butteraugli.
static const double kInternalGoodQualityThreshold = 11.698467292807441;
static const double kGlobalScale = 1.0 / kInternalGoodQualityThreshold;

inline float DotProduct(const float u[3], const float v[3]) {
  return u[0] * v[0] + u[1] * v[1] + u[2] * v[2];

std::vector<float> ComputeKernel(float sigma) {
  const float m = 2.25;  // Accuracy increases when m is increased.
  const float scaler = -1.0 / (2 * sigma * sigma);
  const int diff = std::max<int>(1, m * fabs(sigma));
  std::vector<float> kernel(2 * diff + 1);
  for (int i = -diff; i <= diff; ++i) {
    kernel[i + diff] = exp(scaler * i * i);
  return kernel;

void ConvolveBorderColumn(
    const ImageF& in,
    const std::vector<float>& kernel,
    const float weight_no_border,
    const float border_ratio,
    const size_t x,
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out) {
  const int offset = kernel.size() / 2;
  int minx = x < offset ? 0 : x - offset;
  int maxx = std::min<int>(in.xsize() - 1, x + offset);
  float weight = 0.0f;
  for (int j = minx; j <= maxx; ++j) {
    weight += kernel[j - x + offset];
  // Interpolate linearly between the no-border scaling and border scaling.
  weight = (1.0f - border_ratio) * weight + border_ratio * weight_no_border;
  float scale = 1.0f / weight;
  for (size_t y = 0; y < in.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_in = in.Row(y);
    float sum = 0.0f;
    for (int j = minx; j <= maxx; ++j) {
      sum += row_in[j] * kernel[j - x + offset];
    row_out[y] = sum * scale;

// Computes a horizontal convolution and transposes the result.
ImageF Convolution(const ImageF& in,
                   const std::vector<float>& kernel,
                   const float border_ratio) {
  ImageF out(in.ysize(), in.xsize());
  const int len = kernel.size();
  const int offset = kernel.size() / 2;
  float weight_no_border = 0.0f;
  for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
    weight_no_border += kernel[j];
  float scale_no_border = 1.0f / weight_no_border;
  const int border1 = in.xsize() <= offset ? in.xsize() : offset;
  const int border2 = in.xsize() - offset;
  int x = 0;
  // left border
  for (; x < border1; ++x) {
    ConvolveBorderColumn(in, kernel, weight_no_border, border_ratio, x,
  // middle
  for (; x < border2; ++x) {
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out = out.Row(x);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < in.ysize(); ++y) {
      const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_in = &in.Row(y)[x - offset];
      float sum = 0.0f;
      for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
        sum += row_in[j] * kernel[j];
      row_out[y] = sum * scale_no_border;
  // right border
  for (; x < in.xsize(); ++x) {
    ConvolveBorderColumn(in, kernel, weight_no_border, border_ratio, x,
  return out;

// A blur somewhat similar to a 2D Gaussian blur.
// See:
ImageF Blur(const ImageF& in, float sigma, float border_ratio) {
  std::vector<float> kernel = ComputeKernel(sigma);
  return Convolution(Convolution(in, kernel, border_ratio),
                     kernel, border_ratio);

// DoGBlur is an approximate of difference of Gaussians. We use it to
// approximate LoG (Laplacian of Gaussians).
// See:
// For motivation see:
ImageF DoGBlur(const ImageF& in, float sigma, float border_ratio) {
  ImageF blur1 = Blur(in, sigma, border_ratio);
  ImageF blur2 = Blur(in, sigma * 2.0f, border_ratio);
  static const float mix = 0.5;
  ImageF out(in.xsize(), in.ysize());
  for (size_t y = 0; y < in.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row1 = blur1.Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row2 = blur2.Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out = out.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < in.xsize(); ++x) {
      row_out[x] = (1.0f + mix) * row1[x] - mix * row2[x];
  return out;

// Clamping linear interpolator.
inline double InterpolateClampNegative(const double *array,
                                       int size, double ix) {
  if (ix < 0) {
    ix = 0;
  int baseix = static_cast<int>(ix);
  double res;
  if (baseix >= size - 1) {
    res = array[size - 1];
  } else {
    double mix = ix - baseix;
    int nextix = baseix + 1;
    res = array[baseix] + mix * (array[nextix] - array[baseix]);
  return res;

double GammaMinArg() {
  double out0, out1, out2;
  OpsinAbsorbance(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &out0, &out1, &out2);
  return std::min(out0, std::min(out1, out2));

double GammaMaxArg() {
  double out0, out1, out2;
  OpsinAbsorbance(255.0, 255.0, 255.0, &out0, &out1, &out2);
  return std::max(out0, std::max(out1, out2));

// The input images c0 and c1 include the high frequency component only.
// The output scalar images b0 and b1 include the correlation of Y and
// B component at a Gaussian locality around the respective pixel.
ImageF BlurredBlueCorrelation(const std::vector<ImageF>& uhf,
                              const std::vector<ImageF>& hf) {
  const size_t xsize = uhf[0].xsize();
  const size_t ysize = uhf[0].ysize();
  ImageF yb(xsize, ysize);
  ImageF yy(xsize, ysize);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_uhf_y = uhf[1].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_uhf_b = uhf[2].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_hf_y = hf[1].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_hf_b = hf[2].Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_yb = yb.Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_yy = yy.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      const float yval = row_hf_y[x] + row_uhf_y[x];
      const float bval = row_hf_b[x] + row_uhf_b[x];
      row_yb[x] = yval * bval;
      row_yy[x] = yval * yval;
  const double kSigma = 8.48596332566;
  ImageF yy_blurred = Blur(yy, kSigma, 0.0);
  ImageF yb_blurred = Blur(yb, kSigma, 0.0);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_uhf_y = uhf[1].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_hf_y = hf[1].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_yy = yy_blurred.Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_yb = yb_blurred.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      static const float epsilon = 20.0101389159;
      const float yval = row_hf_y[x] + row_uhf_y[x];
      row_yb[x] *= yval / (row_yy[x] + epsilon);
  return yb_blurred;

double SimpleGamma(double v) {
  static const double kGamma = 0.372322653176;
  static const double limit = 37.8000499603;
  double bright = v - limit;
  if (bright >= 0) {
    static const double mul = 0.0950819040934;
    v -= bright * mul;
    static const double limit2 = 74.6154406429;
    double bright2 = v - limit2;
    if (bright2 >= 0) {
      static const double mul = 0.01;
      v -= bright2 * mul;
    static const double limit2 = 82.8505938033;
    double bright2 = v - limit2;
    if (bright2 >= 0) {
      static const double mul = 0.0316722592629;
      v -= bright2 * mul;
    static const double limit2 = 92.8505938033;
    double bright2 = v - limit2;
    if (bright2 >= 0) {
      static const double mul = 0.221249885752;
      v -= bright2 * mul;
    static const double limit2 = 102.8505938033;
    double bright2 = v - limit2;
    if (bright2 >= 0) {
      static const double mul = 0.0402547853939;
      v -= bright2 * mul;
    static const double limit2 = 112.8505938033;
    double bright2 = v - limit2;
    if (bright2 >= 0) {
      static const double mul = 0.021471798711500003;
      v -= bright2 * mul;
  static const double offset = 0.106544447664;
  static const double scale = 10.7950943969;
  double retval = scale * (offset + pow(v, kGamma));
  return retval;

static inline double Gamma(double v) {
  //return SimpleGamma(v);
  return GammaPolynomial(v);

std::vector<ImageF> OpsinDynamicsImage(const std::vector<ImageF>& rgb) {
  std::vector<ImageF> xyb(3);
  std::vector<ImageF> blurred(3);
  const double kSigma = 1.44316781537;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    xyb[i] = ImageF(rgb[i].xsize(), rgb[i].ysize());
    blurred[i] = Blur(rgb[i], kSigma, 0.0f);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < rgb[0].ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_r = rgb[0].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_g = rgb[1].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_b = rgb[2].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_blurred_r = blurred[0].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_blurred_g = blurred[1].Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_blurred_b = blurred[2].Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out_x = xyb[0].Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out_y = xyb[1].Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out_b = xyb[2].Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < rgb[0].xsize(); ++x) {
      float sensitivity[3];
        // Calculate sensitivity based on the smoothed image gamma derivative.
        float pre_mixed0, pre_mixed1, pre_mixed2;
        OpsinAbsorbance(row_blurred_r[x], row_blurred_g[x], row_blurred_b[x],
                        &pre_mixed0, &pre_mixed1, &pre_mixed2);
        // TODO: use new polynomial to compute Gamma(x)/x derivative.
        sensitivity[0] = Gamma(pre_mixed0) / pre_mixed0;
        sensitivity[1] = Gamma(pre_mixed1) / pre_mixed1;
        sensitivity[2] = Gamma(pre_mixed2) / pre_mixed2;
      float cur_mixed0, cur_mixed1, cur_mixed2;
      OpsinAbsorbance(row_r[x], row_g[x], row_b[x],
                      &cur_mixed0, &cur_mixed1, &cur_mixed2);
      cur_mixed0 *= sensitivity[0];
      cur_mixed1 *= sensitivity[1];
      cur_mixed2 *= sensitivity[2];
      RgbToXyb(cur_mixed0, cur_mixed1, cur_mixed2,
               &row_out_x[x], &row_out_y[x], &row_out_b[x]);
  return xyb;

// Make area around zero less important (remove it).
static BUTTERAUGLI_INLINE float RemoveRangeAroundZero(float w, float x) {
  return x > w ? x - w : x < -w ? x + w : 0.0f;

// Make area around zero more important (2x it until the limit).
static BUTTERAUGLI_INLINE float AmplifyRangeAroundZero(float w, float x) {
  return x > w ? x + w : x < -w ? x - w : 2.0f * x;

std::vector<ImageF> ModifyRangeAroundZero(const double warray[2],
                                          const std::vector<ImageF>& in) {
  std::vector<ImageF> out;
  for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
    ImageF plane(in[k].xsize(), in[k].ysize());
    for (int y = 0; y < plane.ysize(); ++y) {
      auto row_in = in[k].Row(y);
      auto row_out = plane.Row(y);
      if (k == 2) {
        memcpy(row_out, row_in, plane.xsize() * sizeof(row_out[0]));
      } else if (warray[k] >= 0) {
        const double w = warray[k];
        for (int x = 0; x < plane.xsize(); ++x) {
          row_out[x] = RemoveRangeAroundZero(w, row_in[x]);
      } else {
        const double w = -warray[k];
        for (int x = 0; x < plane.xsize(); ++x) {
          row_out[x] = AmplifyRangeAroundZero(w, row_in[x]);
  return out;

// XybLowFreqToVals converts from low-frequency XYB space to the 'vals' space.
// Vals space can be converted to L2-norm space (Euclidean and normalized)
// through visual masking.
template <class V>
BUTTERAUGLI_INLINE void XybLowFreqToVals(const V &x, const V &y, const V &b_arg,
                                         V *BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT valx,
                                         V *BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT valy,
                                         V *BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT valb) {
  static const double xmuli = 5.55938080599;
  static const double ymuli = 4.58944186612;
  static const double bmuli = 11.2394147993;
  static const double y_to_b_muli = -0.634050875917;

  const V xmul(xmuli);
  const V ymul(ymuli);
  const V bmul(bmuli);
  const V y_to_b_mul(y_to_b_muli);
  const V b = b_arg + y_to_b_mul * y;
  *valb = b * bmul;
  *valx = x * xmul;
  *valy = y * ymul;

static ImageF SuppressHfInBrightAreas(size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
                                      const ImageF& hf,
                                      const ImageF& brightness) {
  ImageF inew(xsize, ysize);
  static const float mul = 1.12879309857;
  static const float mul2 = 2.27308648104;
  static const float reg = 2000 * mul2;
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    const float* const rowhf = hf.Row(y);
    const float* const rowbr = brightness.Row(y);
    float* const rownew = inew.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      float v = rowhf[x];
      float scaler = mul * reg / (reg + rowbr[x]);
      rownew[x] = scaler * v;
  return inew;

static ImageF MaximumClamping(size_t xsize, size_t ysize, const ImageF& ix,
                              double yw) {
  ImageF inew(xsize, ysize);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    const float* const rowx = ix.Row(y);
    float* const rownew = inew.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      double v = rowx[x];
      if (v >= yw) {
        v -= yw;
        v *= 0.7;
        v += yw;
      } else if (v < -yw) {
        v += yw;
        v *= 0.7;
        v -= yw;
      rownew[x] = v;
  return inew;

double Suppress(double x, double y) {
  static const double yw = 16.1797443814;
  static const double s = 0.512720106089;
  const double scaler = s + (yw * (1.0 - s)) / (yw + y * y);
  return scaler * x;

static ImageF SuppressXByY(size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
                           const ImageF& ix, const ImageF& iy, const double w) {
  ImageF inew(xsize, ysize);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    const float* const rowx = ix.Row(y);
    const float* const rowy = iy.Row(y);
    float* const rownew = inew.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      rownew[x] = Suppress(rowx[x], w * rowy[x]);
  return inew;

static void SeparateFrequencies(
    size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
    const std::vector<ImageF>& xyb,
    PsychoImage &ps) {
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    // Extract lf ...
    static const double kSigmaLf = 7.41525493374;
    ps.lf[i] = DoGBlur(xyb[i], kSigmaLf, 0.0f);
    // ... and keep everything else in mf.[i] = ImageF(xsize, ysize);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {[i].Row(y)[x] = xyb[i].Row(y)[x] - ps.lf[i].Row(y)[x];
    // Divide mf into mf and hf.
    static const double kSigmaHf = 0.5 * kSigmaLf;
    ps.hf[i] = ImageF(xsize, ysize);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
        ps.hf[i].Row(y)[x] =[i].Row(y)[x];
    }[i] = DoGBlur([i], kSigmaHf, 0.0f);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
        ps.hf[i].Row(y)[x] -=[i].Row(y)[x];
    // Divide hf into hf and uhf.
    static const double kSigmaUhf = 0.5 * kSigmaHf;
    ps.uhf[i] = ImageF(xsize, ysize);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
        ps.uhf[i].Row(y)[x] = ps.hf[i].Row(y)[x];
    ps.hf[i] = DoGBlur(ps.hf[i], kSigmaUhf, 0.0f);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
        ps.uhf[i].Row(y)[x] -= ps.hf[i].Row(y)[x];
  // Modify range around zero code only concerns the high frequency
  // planes and only the X and Y channels.
  static const double uhf_xy_modification[2] = {
  static const double hf_xy_modification[2] = {
  static const double mf_xy_modification[2] = {
  ps.uhf = ModifyRangeAroundZero(uhf_xy_modification, ps.uhf);
  ps.hf = ModifyRangeAroundZero(hf_xy_modification, ps.hf); = ModifyRangeAroundZero(mf_xy_modification,;
  // Convert low freq xyb to vals space so that we can do a simple squared sum
  // diff on the low frequencies later.
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_x = ps.lf[0].Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_y = ps.lf[1].Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_b = ps.lf[2].Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      float valx, valy, valb;
      XybLowFreqToVals(row_x[x], row_y[x], row_b[x], &valx, &valy, &valb);
      row_x[x] = valx;
      row_y[x] = valy;
      row_b[x] = valb;
  // Suppress red-green by intensity change.
  static const double suppress[3] = {
  ps.uhf[0] = SuppressXByY(xsize, ysize, ps.uhf[0], ps.uhf[1], suppress[0]);
  ps.hf[0] = SuppressXByY(xsize, ysize, ps.hf[0], ps.hf[1], suppress[1]);
  static const double maxclamp0 = 0.670004157878;
  ps.uhf[0] = MaximumClamping(xsize, ysize, ps.uhf[0], maxclamp0);
  static const double maxclamp1 = 2.645076392;
  ps.hf[0] = MaximumClamping(xsize, ysize, ps.hf[0], maxclamp1);
  static const double maxclamp2 = 64.9667578444;
  ps.uhf[1] = MaximumClamping(xsize, ysize, ps.uhf[1], maxclamp2);
  static const double maxclamp3 = 79.5957602666;
  ps.hf[1] = MaximumClamping(xsize, ysize, ps.hf[1], maxclamp3);

  ps.hf[1] = SuppressHfInBrightAreas(xsize, ysize, ps.hf[1], ps.lf[1]);
  ps.uhf[1] = SuppressHfInBrightAreas(xsize, ysize, ps.uhf[1], ps.lf[1]);[1] = SuppressHfInBrightAreas(xsize, ysize,[1], ps.lf[1]);

static void SameNoiseLevelsX(const ImageF& i0, const ImageF& i1,
                             const double kSigma,
                             const double w,
                             const double maxclamp,
                             ImageF* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT diffmap) {
  ImageF blurred0 = CopyPixels(i0);
  ImageF blurred1 = CopyPixels(i1);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = i0.xsize() - 1; x != 0; --x) {
      row0[x] -= row0[x - 1];
      row1[x] -= row1[x - 1];
      row0[x] = fabs(row0[x]);
      row1[x] = fabs(row1[x]);
      if (row0[x] > maxclamp) row0[x] = maxclamp;
      if (row1[x] > maxclamp) row1[x] = maxclamp;
    row0[0] = 0.25 * row0[1];
    row1[0] = 0.25 * row0[1];
  blurred0 = Blur(blurred0, kSigma, 0.0);
  blurred1 = Blur(blurred1, kSigma, 0.0);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      double diff = row0[x] - row1[x];
      row_diff[x] += w * diff * diff;

static void SameNoiseLevelsY(const ImageF& i0, const ImageF& i1,
                             const double kSigma,
                             const double w,
                             const double maxclamp,
                             ImageF* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT diffmap) {
  ImageF blurred0 = CopyPixels(i0);
  ImageF blurred1 = CopyPixels(i1);
  for (size_t y = i0.ysize() - 1; y != 0; --y) {
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0prev = blurred0.Row(y - 1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1prev = blurred1.Row(y - 1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      row0[x] -= row0prev[x];
      row1[x] -= row1prev[x];
      row0[x] = fabs(row0[x]);
      row1[x] = fabs(row1[x]);
      if (row0[x] > maxclamp) row0[x] = maxclamp;
      if (row1[x] > maxclamp) row1[x] = maxclamp;
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(0);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(0);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0next = blurred0.Row(1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1next = blurred1.Row(1);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      row0[x] = 0.25 * row0next[x];
      row1[x] = 0.25 * row1next[x];
  blurred0 = Blur(blurred0, kSigma, 0.0);
  blurred1 = Blur(blurred1, kSigma, 0.0);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      double diff = row0[x] - row1[x];
      row_diff[x] += w * diff * diff;

static void SameNoiseLevelsYP1(const ImageF& i0, const ImageF& i1,
                               const double kSigma,
                               const double w,
                               const double maxclamp,
                               ImageF* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT diffmap) {
  ImageF blurred0 = CopyPixels(i0);
  ImageF blurred1 = CopyPixels(i1);
  for (size_t y = i0.ysize() - 1; y != 0; --y) {
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0prev = blurred0.Row(y - 1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1prev = blurred1.Row(y - 1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 1; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      row0[x] -= row0prev[x - 1];
      row1[x] -= row1prev[x - 1];
      row0[x] = fabs(row0[x]);
      row1[x] = fabs(row1[x]);
      if (row0[x] > maxclamp) row0[x] = maxclamp;
      if (row1[x] > maxclamp) row1[x] = maxclamp;
    row0[0] = 0.25 * row0[1];
    row1[0] = 0.25 * row1[1];
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(0);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(0);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0next = blurred0.Row(1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1next = blurred1.Row(1);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      row0[x] = 0.25 * row0next[x];
      row1[x] = 0.25 * row1next[x];
  blurred0 = Blur(blurred0, kSigma, 0.0);
  blurred1 = Blur(blurred1, kSigma, 0.0);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      double diff = row0[x] - row1[x];
      row_diff[x] += w * diff * diff;

static void SameNoiseLevelsYM1(const ImageF& i0, const ImageF& i1,
                               const double kSigma,
                               const double w,
                               const double maxclamp,
                               ImageF* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT diffmap) {
  ImageF blurred0 = CopyPixels(i0);
  ImageF blurred1 = CopyPixels(i1);
  for (size_t y = i0.ysize() - 1; y != 0; --y) {
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0prev = blurred0.Row(y - 1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1prev = blurred1.Row(y - 1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x + 1 < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      row0[x] -= row0prev[x + 1];
      row1[x] -= row1prev[x + 1];
      row0[x] = fabs(row0[x]);
      row1[x] = fabs(row1[x]);
      if (row0[x] > maxclamp) row0[x] = maxclamp;
      if (row1[x] > maxclamp) row1[x] = maxclamp;
    row0[i0.xsize() - 1] = 0.25 * row0[i0.xsize() - 2];
    row1[i0.xsize() - 1] = 0.25 * row1[i0.xsize() - 2];
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(0);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(0);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0next = blurred0.Row(1);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1next = blurred1.Row(1);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      row0[x] = 0.25 * row0next[x];
      row1[x] = 0.25 * row1next[x];
  blurred0 = Blur(blurred0, kSigma, 0.0);
  blurred1 = Blur(blurred1, kSigma, 0.0);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = blurred0.Row(y);
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = blurred1.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      double diff = row0[x] - row1[x];
      row_diff[x] += w * diff * diff;

static void L2Diff(const ImageF& i0, const ImageF& i1, const double w,
                   ImageF* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT diffmap) {
  for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = i0.Row(y);
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = i1.Row(y);
    float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
      double diff = row0[x] - row1[x];
      row_diff[x] += w * diff * diff;

static void LNDiff(const ImageF& i0, const ImageF& i1, const double w,
                   double n,
                   ImageF* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT diffmap) {
  if (n == 1.0) {
    for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
      const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = i0.Row(y);
      const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = i1.Row(y);
      float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
      for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
        double diff = fabs(row0[x] - row1[x]);
        row_diff[x] += w * diff;
  } else if (n == 2.0) {
    for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
      const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = i0.Row(y);
      const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = i1.Row(y);
      float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
      for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
        double diff = row0[x] - row1[x];
        row_diff[x] += w * diff * diff;
  } else {
    for (size_t y = 0; y < i0.ysize(); ++y) {
      const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = i0.Row(y);
      const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = i1.Row(y);
      float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row_diff = diffmap->Row(y);
      for (size_t x = 0; x < i0.xsize(); ++x) {
        double diff = fabs(row0[x] - row1[x]);
        row_diff[x] += w * pow(diff, n);

// Making a cluster of local errors to be more impactful than
// just a single error.
ImageF CalculateDiffmap(const ImageF& diffmap_in) {
  // Take square root.
  ImageF diffmap(diffmap_in.xsize(), diffmap_in.ysize());
  static const float kInitialSlope = 100.0f;
  for (size_t y = 0; y < diffmap.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_in = diffmap_in.Row(y);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out = diffmap.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < diffmap.xsize(); ++x) {
      const float orig_val = row_in[x];
      // TODO(b/29974893): Until that is fixed do not call sqrt on very small
      // numbers.
      row_out[x] = (orig_val < (1.0f / (kInitialSlope * kInitialSlope))
                    ? kInitialSlope * orig_val
                    : std::sqrt(orig_val));
    static const double kSigma = 1.72547472444;
    static const double mul1 = 0.458794906198;
    static const float scale = 1.0f / (1.0f + mul1);
    static const double border_ratio = 1.0; // 2.01209066992;
    ImageF blurred = Blur(diffmap, kSigma, border_ratio);
    for (int y = 0; y < diffmap.ysize(); ++y) {
      const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_blurred = blurred.Row(y);
      float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row = diffmap.Row(y);
      for (int x = 0; x < diffmap.xsize(); ++x) {
        row[x] += mul1 * row_blurred[x];
        row[x] *= scale;
  return diffmap;

void MaskPsychoImage(const PsychoImage& pi0, const PsychoImage& pi1,
                     const size_t xsize, const size_t ysize,
                     std::vector<ImageF>* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT mask,
                     std::vector<ImageF>* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT mask_dc) {
  std::vector<ImageF> mask_xyb0 = CreatePlanes<float>(xsize, ysize, 3);
  std::vector<ImageF> mask_xyb1 = CreatePlanes<float>(xsize, ysize, 3);
  static const double muls[4] = {
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    double a = muls[2 * i];
    double b = muls[2 * i + 1];
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_hf0 = pi0.hf[i].Row(y);
      const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_hf1 = pi1.hf[i].Row(y);
      const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_uhf0 = pi0.uhf[i].Row(y);
      const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_uhf1 = pi1.uhf[i].Row(y);
      float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row0 = mask_xyb0[i].Row(y);
      float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row1 = mask_xyb1[i].Row(y);
      for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
        row0[x] = a * row_uhf0[x] + b * row_hf0[x];
        row1[x] = a * row_uhf1[x] + b * row_hf1[x];
  Mask(mask_xyb0, mask_xyb1, mask, mask_dc);

ButteraugliComparator::ButteraugliComparator(const std::vector<ImageF>& rgb0)
    : xsize_(rgb0[0].xsize()),
      num_pixels_(xsize_ * ysize_) {
  if (xsize_ < 8 || ysize_ < 8) return;
  std::vector<ImageF> xyb0 = OpsinDynamicsImage(rgb0);
  SeparateFrequencies(xsize_, ysize_, xyb0, pi0_);

void ButteraugliComparator::Mask(
    std::vector<ImageF>* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT mask,
    std::vector<ImageF>* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT mask_dc) const {
  MaskPsychoImage(pi0_, pi0_, xsize_, ysize_, mask, mask_dc);

void ButteraugliComparator::Diffmap(const std::vector<ImageF>& rgb1,
                                    ImageF &result) const {
  if (xsize_ < 8 || ysize_ < 8) return;
  DiffmapOpsinDynamicsImage(OpsinDynamicsImage(rgb1), result);

void ButteraugliComparator::DiffmapOpsinDynamicsImage(
    const std::vector<ImageF>& xyb1,
    ImageF &result) const {
  if (xsize_ < 8 || ysize_ < 8) return;
  PsychoImage pi1;
  SeparateFrequencies(xsize_, ysize_, xyb1, pi1);
  result = ImageF(xsize_, ysize_);
  DiffmapPsychoImage(pi1, result);

void ButteraugliComparator::DiffmapPsychoImage(const PsychoImage& pi1,
                                               ImageF& result) const {
  if (xsize_ < 8 || ysize_ < 8) {
  std::vector<ImageF> block_diff_dc(3);
  std::vector<ImageF> block_diff_ac(3);
  for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
    block_diff_dc[c] = ImageF(xsize_, ysize_, 0.0);
    block_diff_ac[c] = ImageF(xsize_, ysize_, 0.0);

  static const double wUhfMalta = 1.23657307981;
  static const double norm1Uhf = 466.149933668;
  MaltaDiffMap(pi0_.uhf[1], pi1.uhf[1], wUhfMalta, norm1Uhf,

  static const double wUhfMaltaX = 3.36199686627;
  static const double norm1UhfX = norm1Uhf;
  MaltaDiffMap(pi0_.uhf[0], pi1.uhf[0], wUhfMaltaX, norm1UhfX,

  static const double wHfMalta = 15.6469934822;
  static const double norm1Hf = norm1Uhf;
  MaltaDiffMap(pi0_.hf[1], pi1.hf[1], wHfMalta, norm1Hf,

  static const double wHfMaltaX = 129.122071602;
  static const double norm1HfX = norm1Uhf;
  MaltaDiffMap(pi0_.hf[0], pi1.hf[0], wHfMaltaX, norm1HfX,

  static const double wMfMaltaX = 51.2720081112;
  static const double norm1MfX = norm1Uhf;
  MaltaDiffMap([0],[0], wMfMaltaX, norm1MfX,

  static const double wmul[11] = {

  static const double maxclamp = 72.6815019479;
  static const double kSigmaHfX = 10.8163829574;
  SameNoiseLevelsX(pi0_.hf[1], pi1.hf[1], kSigmaHfX, wmul[10], maxclamp,
  SameNoiseLevelsY(pi0_.hf[1], pi1.hf[1], kSigmaHfX, wmul[10], maxclamp,
  SameNoiseLevelsYP1(pi0_.hf[1], pi1.hf[1], kSigmaHfX, wmul[10], maxclamp,
  SameNoiseLevelsYM1(pi0_.hf[1], pi1.hf[1], kSigmaHfX, wmul[10], maxclamp,

  static const double valn[9] = {

  for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
    if (wmul[c] != 0) {
      LNDiff(pi0_.hf[c], pi1.hf[c], wmul[c], valn[c], &block_diff_ac[c]);
    LNDiff([c],[c], wmul[3 + c], valn[3 + c], &block_diff_ac[c]);
    LNDiff(pi0_.lf[c], pi1.lf[c], wmul[6 + c], valn[6 + c], &block_diff_dc[c]);

  static const double wBlueCorr = 0.0122171286852;
  ImageF blurred_b_y_correlation0 = BlurredBlueCorrelation(pi0_.uhf, pi0_.hf);
  ImageF blurred_b_y_correlation1 = BlurredBlueCorrelation(pi1.uhf, pi1.hf);
  L2Diff(blurred_b_y_correlation0, blurred_b_y_correlation1, wBlueCorr,

  std::vector<ImageF> mask_xyb;
  std::vector<ImageF> mask_xyb_dc;
  MaskPsychoImage(pi0_, pi1, xsize_, ysize_, &mask_xyb, &mask_xyb_dc);

  result = CalculateDiffmap(
      CombineChannels(mask_xyb, mask_xyb_dc, block_diff_dc, block_diff_ac));

static float MaltaUnit(const float *d, const int xs) {
  const int xs3 = 3 * xs;
  float retval = 0;
  static const float kEdgemul = 0.0309255573587;
    // x grows, y constant
    float sum =
        d[-4] +
        d[-3] +
        d[-2] +
        d[-1] +
        d[0] +
        d[1] +
        d[2] +
        d[3] +
    retval += sum * sum;
    float sum2 =
        d[xs - 4] +
        d[xs - 3] +
        d[xs - 2] +
        d[xs - 1] +
        d[xs] +
        d[xs + 1] +
        d[xs + 2] +
        d[xs + 3] +
        d[xs + 4];
    float edge = sum - sum2;
    retval += kEdgemul * edge * edge;
    // y grows, x constant
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 - xs] +
        d[-xs3] +
        d[-xs - xs] +
        d[-xs] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs] +
        d[xs + xs] +
        d[xs3] +
        d[xs3 + xs];
    retval += sum * sum;
    float sum2 =
        d[-xs3 - xs + 1] +
        d[-xs3 + 1] +
        d[-xs - xs + 1] +
        d[-xs + 1] +
        d[1] +
        d[xs + 1] +
        d[xs + xs + 1] +
        d[xs3 + 1] +
        d[xs3 + xs + 1];
    float edge = sum - sum2;
    retval += kEdgemul * edge * edge;
    // both grow
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 - 3] +
        d[-xs - xs - 2] +
        d[-xs - 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs + 1] +
        d[xs + xs + 2] +
        d[xs3 + 3];
    retval += sum * sum;
    // y grows, x shrinks
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 + 3] +
        d[-xs - xs + 2] +
        d[-xs + 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs - 1] +
        d[xs + xs - 2] +
        d[xs3 - 3];
    retval += sum * sum;
    // y grows -4 to 4, x shrinks 1 -> -1
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 - xs + 1] +
        d[-xs3 + 1] +
        d[-xs - xs + 1] +
        d[-xs] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs] +
        d[xs - 1] +
        d[xs3 - 1] +
        d[xs3 + xs - 1];
    retval += sum * sum;
    //  y grows -4 to 4, x grows -1 -> 1
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 - xs - 1] +
        d[-xs3 - 1] +
        d[-xs - xs - 1] +
        d[-xs] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs] +
        d[xs + 1] +
        d[xs3 + 1] +
        d[xs3 + xs + 1];
    retval += sum * sum;
    // x grows -4 to 4, y grows -1 to 1
    float sum =
        d[-4 - xs] +
        d[-3 - xs] +
        d[-2 - xs] +
        d[-1] +
        d[0] +
        d[1] +
        d[2 + xs] +
        d[3 + xs] +
        d[4 + xs];
    retval += sum * sum;
    // x grows -4 to 4, y shrinks 1 to -1
    float sum =
        d[-4 + xs] +
        d[-3 + xs] +
        d[-2 + xs] +
        d[-1] +
        d[0] +
        d[1] +
        d[2 - xs] +
        d[3 - xs] +
        d[4 - xs];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0_________
       8_________ */
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 - 2] +
        d[-xs - xs - 1] +
        d[-xs - 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs + 1] +
        d[xs + xs + 1] +
        d[xs3 + 2];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0_________
       8_________ */
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 + 2] +
        d[-xs - xs + 1] +
        d[-xs + 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs - 1] +
        d[xs + xs - 1] +
        d[xs3 - 2];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0_________
       8_________ */
    float sum =
        d[-xs - xs - 3] +
        d[-xs - 2] +
        d[-xs - 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs + 1] +
        d[xs + 2] +
        d[xs + xs + 3];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0_________
       8_________ */
    float sum =
        d[-xs - xs + 3] +
        d[-xs + 2] +
        d[-xs + 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs - 1] +
        d[xs - 2] +
        d[xs + xs - 3];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0_________
       8_________ */

    float sum =
        d[xs + xs - 4] +
        d[xs + xs - 3] +
        d[xs - 2] +
        d[xs - 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[1] +
        d[-xs + 2] +
        d[-xs + 3];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0_________
       8_________ */
    float sum =
        d[-xs - xs - 4] +
        d[-xs - xs - 3] +
        d[-xs - 2] +
        d[-xs - 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[1] +
        d[xs + 2] +
        d[xs + 3];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0__*______
       8_________ */
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 - xs - 2] +
        d[-xs3 - 2] +
        d[-xs - xs - 1] +
        d[-xs - 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs] +
        d[xs + xs + 1] +
        d[xs3 + 1];
    retval += sum * sum;
    /* 0______*__
       8_________ */
    float sum =
        d[-xs3 - xs + 2] +
        d[-xs3 + 2] +
        d[-xs - xs + 1] +
        d[-xs + 1] +
        d[0] +
        d[xs] +
        d[xs + xs - 1] +
        d[xs3 - 1];
    retval += sum * sum;
  return retval;

void ButteraugliComparator::MaltaDiffMap(
    const ImageF& y0, const ImageF& y1,
    const double weight,
    const double norm1,
    ImageF* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT block_diff_ac) const {
  const double len = 3.75;
  static const double mulli = 0.414888221144;
  const double w = mulli * sqrt(weight) / (len * 2 + 1);
  const double norm2 = w * norm1;
  std::vector<float> diffs(ysize_ * xsize_);
  std::vector<float> sums(ysize_ * xsize_);
  for (size_t y = 0, ix = 0; y < ysize_; ++y) {
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row0 = y0.Row(y);
    const float* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT const row1 = y1.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize_; ++x, ++ix) {
      double absval = 0.5 * (std::abs(row0[x]) + std::abs(row1[x]));
      double diff = row0[x] - row1[x];
      double scaler = norm2 / (norm1 + absval);
      diffs[ix] = scaler * diff;
  float borderimage[9 * 9];
  for (size_t y0 = 0; y0 < ysize_; ++y0) {
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_diff = block_diff_ac->Row(y0);
    const bool fastModeY = y0 >= 4 && y0 < ysize_ - 4;
    for (size_t x0 = 0; x0 < xsize_; ++x0) {
      int ix0 = y0 * xsize_ + x0;
      const float *d = &diffs[ix0];
      const bool fastModeX = x0 >= 4 && x0 < xsize_ - 4;
      if (fastModeY && fastModeX) {
        row_diff[x0] += MaltaUnit(d, xsize_);
      } else {
        for (int dy = 0; dy < 9; ++dy) {
          int y = y0 + dy - 4;
          if (y < 0 || y >= ysize_) {
            for (int dx = 0; dx < 9; ++dx) {
              borderimage[dy * 9 + dx] = 0;
          } else {
            for (int dx = 0; dx < 9; ++dx) {
              int x = x0 + dx - 4;
              if (x < 0 || x >= xsize_) {
                borderimage[dy * 9 + dx] = 0;
              } else {
                borderimage[dy * 9 + dx] = diffs[y * xsize_ + x];
        row_diff[x0] += MaltaUnit(&borderimage[4 * 9 + 4], 9);

ImageF ButteraugliComparator::CombineChannels(
    const std::vector<ImageF>& mask_xyb,
    const std::vector<ImageF>& mask_xyb_dc,
    const std::vector<ImageF>& block_diff_dc,
    const std::vector<ImageF>& block_diff_ac) const {
  ImageF result(xsize_, ysize_);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize_; ++y) {
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out = result.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize_; ++x) {
      float mask[3];
      float dc_mask[3];
      float diff_dc[3];
      float diff_ac[3];
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        mask[i] = mask_xyb[i].Row(y)[x];
        dc_mask[i] = mask_xyb_dc[i].Row(y)[x];
        diff_dc[i] = block_diff_dc[i].Row(y)[x];
        diff_ac[i] = block_diff_ac[i].Row(y)[x];
      row_out[x] = (DotProduct(diff_dc, dc_mask) + DotProduct(diff_ac, mask));
  return result;

double ButteraugliScoreFromDiffmap(const ImageF& diffmap) {
  float retval = 0.0f;
  for (size_t y = 0; y < diffmap.ysize(); ++y) {
    const float * const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row = diffmap.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < diffmap.xsize(); ++x) {
      retval = std::max(retval, row[x]);
  return retval;

#include <stdio.h>

// ===== Functions used by Mask only =====
static std::array<double, 512> MakeMask(
    double extmul, double extoff,
    double mul, double offset,
    double scaler) {
  std::array<double, 512> lut;
  for (int i = 0; i < lut.size(); ++i) {
    const double c = mul / ((0.01 * scaler * i) + offset);
    lut[i] = kGlobalScale * (1.0 + extmul * (c + extoff));
    if (lut[i] < 1e-5) {
      lut[i] = 1e-5;
    assert(lut[i] >= 0.0);
    lut[i] *= lut[i];
  return lut;

double MaskX(double delta) {
  static const double extmul = 2.52662693217;
  static const double extoff = 2.0577595478;
  static const double offset = 0.342502406734;
  static const double scaler = 14.4867545374;
  static const double mul = 6.03009840821;
  static const std::array<double, 512> lut =
                MakeMask(extmul, extoff, mul, offset, scaler);
  return InterpolateClampNegative(, lut.size(), delta);

double MaskY(double delta) {
  static const double extmul = 0.965276993931;
  static const double extoff = -0.613819681771;
  static const double offset = 1.40903146071;
  static const double scaler = 1.07806168416;
  static const double mul = 7.09705888614;
  static const std::array<double, 512> lut =
      MakeMask(extmul, extoff, mul, offset, scaler);
  return InterpolateClampNegative(, lut.size(), delta);

double MaskDcX(double delta) {
  static const double extmul = 10.8596436398;
  static const double extoff = 1.58374126704;
  static const double offset = 0.651968473749;
  static const double scaler = 519.45682322;
  static const double mul = 4.72871406401;
  static const std::array<double, 512> lut =
      MakeMask(extmul, extoff, mul, offset, scaler);
  return InterpolateClampNegative(, lut.size(), delta);

double MaskDcY(double delta) {
  static const double extmul = 0.00538280872633;
  static const double extoff = 59.04237604;
  static const double offset = 0.0474092064444;
  static const double scaler = 5.52679307489;
  static const double mul = 22.7326511523;
  static const std::array<double, 512> lut =
      MakeMask(extmul, extoff, mul, offset, scaler);
  return InterpolateClampNegative(, lut.size(), delta);

ImageF DiffPrecompute(const ImageF& xyb0, const ImageF& xyb1) {
  const size_t xsize = xyb0.xsize();
  const size_t ysize = xyb0.ysize();
  ImageF result(xsize, ysize);
  size_t x2, y2;
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    if (y + 1 < ysize) {
      y2 = y + 1;
    } else if (y > 0) {
      y2 = y - 1;
    } else {
      y2 = y;
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row0_in = xyb0.Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row1_in = xyb1.Row(y);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row0_in2 = xyb0.Row(y2);
    const float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row1_in2 = xyb1.Row(y2);
    float* const BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT row_out = result.Row(y);
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      if (x + 1 < xsize) {
        x2 = x + 1;
      } else if (x > 0) {
        x2 = x - 1;
      } else {
        x2 = x;
      double sup0 = (fabs(row0_in[x] - row0_in[x2]) +
                     fabs(row0_in[x] - row0_in2[x]));
      double sup1 = (fabs(row1_in[x] - row1_in[x2]) +
                     fabs(row1_in[x] - row1_in2[x]));
      static const double mul0 = 0.972407512222;
      row_out[x] = mul0 * std::min(sup0, sup1);
      static const double cutoff = 123.915065832;
      if (row_out[x] >= cutoff) {
        row_out[x] = cutoff;
  return result;

void Mask(const std::vector<ImageF>& xyb0,
          const std::vector<ImageF>& xyb1,
          std::vector<ImageF>* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT mask,
          std::vector<ImageF>* BUTTERAUGLI_RESTRICT mask_dc) {
  const size_t xsize = xyb0[0].xsize();
  const size_t ysize = xyb0[0].ysize();
  *mask_dc = CreatePlanes<float>(xsize, ysize, 3);
  double muls[4] = {
  double normalizer[2] = {
    1.0 / (muls[0] + muls[1]),
    1.0 / (muls[2] + muls[3]),
  static const double r0 = 2.32030744494;
  static const double r1 = 7.55507439878;
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    (*mask)[i] = ImageF(xsize, ysize);
    ImageF diff = DiffPrecompute(xyb0[i], xyb1[i]);
    ImageF blurred1 = Blur(diff, r0, 0.0f);
    ImageF blurred2 = Blur(diff, r1, 0.0f);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
        const double val = normalizer[i] * (
            muls[2 * i + 0] * blurred1.Row(y)[x] +
            muls[2 * i + 1] * blurred2.Row(y)[x]);
        (*mask)[i].Row(y)[x] = val;
  (*mask)[2] = ImageF(xsize, ysize);
  static const double mul[2] = {
  static const double w00 = 9.27537465315;
  static const double w11 = 2.64039747911;
  static const double w_ytob_hf = 1.06493691683;
  static const double w_ytob_lf = 9.71657276893;
  static const double p1_to_p0 = 0.0153146912176;

  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      const double s0 = (*mask)[0].Row(y)[x];
      const double s1 = (*mask)[1].Row(y)[x];
      const double p1 = mul[1] * w11 * s1;
      const double p0 = mul[0] * w00 * s0 + p1_to_p0 * p1;

      (*mask)[0].Row(y)[x] = MaskX(p0);
      (*mask)[1].Row(y)[x] = MaskY(p1);
      (*mask)[2].Row(y)[x] = w_ytob_hf * MaskY(p1);
      (*mask_dc)[0].Row(y)[x] = MaskDcX(p0);
      (*mask_dc)[1].Row(y)[x] = MaskDcY(p1);
      (*mask_dc)[2].Row(y)[x] = w_ytob_lf * MaskDcY(p1);

void ButteraugliDiffmap(const std::vector<ImageF> &rgb0_image,
                        const std::vector<ImageF> &rgb1_image,
                        ImageF &result_image) {
  const size_t xsize = rgb0_image[0].xsize();
  const size_t ysize = rgb0_image[0].ysize();
  static const int kMax = 8;
  if (xsize < kMax || ysize < kMax) {
    // Butteraugli values for small (where xsize or ysize is smaller
    // than 8 pixels) images are non-sensical, but most likely it is
    // less disruptive to try to compute something than just give up.
    // Temporarily extend the borders of the image to fit 8 x 8 size.
    int xborder = xsize < kMax ? (kMax - xsize) / 2 : 0;
    int yborder = ysize < kMax ? (kMax - ysize) / 2 : 0;
    size_t xscaled = std::max<size_t>(kMax, xsize);
    size_t yscaled = std::max<size_t>(kMax, ysize);
    std::vector<ImageF> scaled0 = CreatePlanes<float>(xscaled, yscaled, 3);
    std::vector<ImageF> scaled1 = CreatePlanes<float>(xscaled, yscaled, 3);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      for (int y = 0; y < yscaled; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < xscaled; ++x) {
          size_t x2 = std::min<size_t>(xsize - 1, std::max(0, x - xborder));
          size_t y2 = std::min<size_t>(ysize - 1, std::max(0, y - yborder));
          scaled0[i].Row(y)[x] = rgb0_image[i].Row(y2)[x2];
          scaled1[i].Row(y)[x] = rgb1_image[i].Row(y2)[x2];
    ImageF diffmap_scaled;
    ButteraugliDiffmap(scaled0, scaled1, diffmap_scaled);
    result_image = ImageF(xsize, ysize);
    for (int y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
      for (int x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
        result_image.Row(y)[x] = diffmap_scaled.Row(y + yborder)[x + xborder];
  ButteraugliComparator butteraugli(rgb0_image);
  butteraugli.Diffmap(rgb1_image, result_image);

bool ButteraugliInterface(const std::vector<ImageF> &rgb0,
                          const std::vector<ImageF> &rgb1,
                          ImageF &diffmap,
                          double &diffvalue) {
  const size_t xsize = rgb0[0].xsize();
  const size_t ysize = rgb0[0].ysize();
  if (xsize < 1 || ysize < 1) {
    return false;  // No image.
  for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
    if (rgb0[i].xsize() != xsize || rgb0[i].ysize() != ysize ||
        rgb1[i].xsize() != xsize || rgb1[i].ysize() != ysize) {
      return false;  // Image planes must have same dimensions.
  ButteraugliDiffmap(rgb0, rgb1, diffmap);
  diffvalue = ButteraugliScoreFromDiffmap(diffmap);
  return true;

bool ButteraugliAdaptiveQuantization(size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
    const std::vector<std::vector<float> > &rgb, std::vector<float> &quant) {
  if (xsize < 16 || ysize < 16) {
    return false;  // Butteraugli is undefined for small images.
  size_t size = xsize * ysize;

  std::vector<ImageF> rgb_planes = PlanesFromPacked(xsize, ysize, rgb);
  std::vector<ImageF> scale_xyb;
  std::vector<ImageF> scale_xyb_dc;
  Mask(rgb_planes, rgb_planes, &scale_xyb, &scale_xyb_dc);

  // Mask gives us values in 3 color channels, but for now we take only
  // the intensity channel.
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
  return true;

double ButteraugliFuzzyClass(double score) {
  static const double fuzzy_width_up = 6.78721575514;
  static const double fuzzy_width_down = 5.96507193294;
  static const double m0 = 2.0;
  static const double scaler = 0.861077627013;
  double val;
  if (score < 1.0) {
    // val in [scaler .. 2.0]
    val = m0 / (1.0 + exp((score - 1.0) * fuzzy_width_down));
    val -= 1.0;  // from [1 .. 2] to [0 .. 1]
    val *= 2.0 - scaler;  // from [0 .. 1] to [0 .. 2.0 - scaler]
    val += scaler;  // from [0 .. 2.0 - scaler] to [scaler .. 2.0]
  } else {
    // val in [0 .. scaler]
    val = m0 / (1.0 + exp((score - 1.0) * fuzzy_width_up));
    val *= scaler;
  return val;

double ButteraugliFuzzyInverse(double seek) {
  double pos = 0;
  for (double range = 1.0; range >= 1e-10; range *= 0.5) {
    double cur = ButteraugliFuzzyClass(pos);
    if (cur < seek) {
      pos -= range;
    } else {
      pos += range;
  return pos;

namespace {

void ScoreToRgb(double score, double good_threshold, double bad_threshold,
                uint8_t rgb[3]) {
  double heatmap[12][3] = {
      {0, 0, 0},
      {0, 0, 1},
      {0, 1, 1},
      {0, 1, 0},  // Good level
      {1, 1, 0},
      {1, 0, 0},  // Bad level
      {1, 0, 1},
      {0.5, 0.5, 1.0},
      {1.0, 0.5, 0.5},  // Pastel colors for the very bad quality range.
      {1.0, 1.0, 0.5},
          1, 1, 1,
          1, 1, 1,
  if (score < good_threshold) {
    score = (score / good_threshold) * 0.3;
  } else if (score < bad_threshold) {
    score = 0.3 +
            (score - good_threshold) / (bad_threshold - good_threshold) * 0.15;
  } else {
    score = 0.45 + (score - bad_threshold) / (bad_threshold * 12) * 0.5;
  static const int kTableSize = sizeof(heatmap) / sizeof(heatmap[0]);
  score = std::min<double>(std::max<double>(score * (kTableSize - 1), 0.0),
                           kTableSize - 2);
  int ix = static_cast<int>(score);
  double mix = score - ix;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    double v = mix * heatmap[ix + 1][i] + (1 - mix) * heatmap[ix][i];
    rgb[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(255 * pow(v, 0.5) + 0.5);

}  // namespace

void CreateHeatMapImage(const std::vector<float>& distmap,
                        double good_threshold, double bad_threshold,
                        size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
                        std::vector<uint8_t>* heatmap) {
  heatmap->resize(3 * xsize * ysize);
  for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
    for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
      int px = xsize * y + x;
      double d = distmap[px];
      uint8_t* rgb = &(*heatmap)[3 * px];
      ScoreToRgb(d, good_threshold, bad_threshold, rgb);

}  // namespace butteraugli

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