NAME               30 chrome/browser/extensions/extension_context_menu_model.h     NAME = 0,
NAME               21 components/autofill/core/browser/   NAME,
NAME              208 components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h   NAME,
NAME              245 content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_leveldb_coding.h     NAME = 0,
NAME              275 content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_leveldb_coding.h     NAME = 0,
NAME               32 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/nacl_io/kernel_wrap.h #define NAME(x) _##x
NAME               38 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/nacl_io/kernel_wrap.h #define NAME(x) x
NAME               68 third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/cpp/src/rule.h     NAME,
NAME             1148 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.h       NAME,              // the symbol name, or the package name for files
NAME              115 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/io/   class NAME {                                 \
NAME               27 third_party/zlib/inflate.h     NAME,       /* i: waiting for end of file name (gzip) */