
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// An object to store validation rules.


#include <libaddressinput/address_field.h>
#include <libaddressinput/util/basictypes.h>

#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace i18n {
namespace addressinput {

class Json;

// Stores an element in the format of an address as it should be displayed on an
// envelope. The element can be either a literal string, like " ", or a field,
// like ADMIN_AREA.
struct FormatElement {
  // Builds an element of address format for |field|.
  explicit FormatElement(AddressField field);

  // Builds an element of address format for |literal|. The literal should not
  // be empty.
  explicit FormatElement(const std::string& literal);


  // Returns true if this is a field element.
  bool IsField() const { return literal.empty(); }

  bool operator==(const FormatElement& other) const;

  // The field for this element in address format. Should be used only if
  // |literal| is an empty string.
  AddressField field;

  // The literal string for this element in address format. If empty, then this
  // is a field element.
  std::string literal;

// Stores the validation, input, and display rules for an address. Sample usage:
//    Rule rule;
//    if (rule.ParseSerializedRule("{\"fmt\": \"%A%n%C%S %Z\"}")) {
//      Process(rule.GetFormat());
//    }
class Rule {
  // The types of fields that describe the rule.
  enum IdentityField {


  // Returns the default rule at a country level. If a country does not specify
  // address format, for example, then the format from this rule should be used
  // instead.
  static const Rule& GetDefault();

  // Copies all data from |rule|.
  void CopyFrom(const Rule& rule);

  // Parses |serialized_rule|. Returns |true| if the |serialized_rule| has valid
  // format (JSON dictionary).
  bool ParseSerializedRule(const std::string& serialized_rule);

  // Parses |json_rule|, which must contain parsed serialized rule.
  void ParseJsonRule(const Json& json_rule);

  // Returns the value of the |identity_field| for this rule, for example, can
  // return "TX" or "Texas". The |identity_field| parameter should not be
  const std::string& GetIdentityField(IdentityField identity_field) const;

  // Returns the key for this rule. For example, can return "TX".
  const std::string& GetKey() const { return key_; }

  // Returns the name for this rule. For example, the name for "TX" is "Texas".
  const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; }

  // Returns the latinized version of the name. For example, the latinized
  // version of "北京市" is "Beijing Shi".
  const std::string& GetLatinName() const { return latin_name_; }

  // Returns the format of the address as it should appear on an envelope.
  const std::vector<std::vector<FormatElement> >& GetFormat() const {
    return format_;

  // Returns the latinized format of the address as it should appear on an
  // envelope.
  const std::vector<std::vector<FormatElement> >& GetLatinFormat() const {
    return latin_format_;

  // Returns the required fields for this rule.
  const std::vector<AddressField>& GetRequired() const { return required_; }

  // Returns the sub-keys for this rule, which are the administrative areas of a
  // country, the localities of an administrative area, or the dependent
  // localities of a locality. For example, the rules for "US" have sub-keys of
  // "CA", "NY", "TX", etc.
  const std::vector<std::string>& GetSubKeys() const { return sub_keys_; }

  // Returns all of the language codes for which this rule has custom rules, for
  // example ["de", "fr", "it"].
  const std::vector<std::string>& GetLanguages() const { return languages_; }

  // Returns all of the languages codes for addresses that adhere to this rule,
  // for example ["de", "fr", "gsw", "it"].
  const std::vector<std::string>& GetInputLanguages() const {
    return input_languages_;

  // Returns the language code of this rule, for example "de".
  const std::string& GetLanguage() const { return language_; }

  // Returns the postal code format, for example "\\d{5}([ \\-]\\d{4})?".
  const std::string& GetPostalCodeFormat() const { return postal_code_format_; }

  // The message string identifier for admin area name. If not set, then
  int GetAdminAreaNameMessageId() const { return admin_area_name_message_id_; }

  // The error message string identifier for an invalid admin area. If not set,
  int GetInvalidAdminAreaMessageId() const {
    return invalid_admin_area_message_id_;

  // The message string identifier for postal code name. If not set, then
  int GetPostalCodeNameMessageId() const {
    return postal_code_name_message_id_;

  // The error message string identifier for an invalid postal code. If not set,
  int GetInvalidPostalCodeMessageId() const {
    return invalid_postal_code_message_id_;

  // Returns the error message string identifier for an invalid |field|.
  int GetInvalidFieldMessageId(AddressField field) const;

  // Outputs the sub key for a given user input. For example, Texas will map to
  // TX.
  bool CanonicalizeSubKey(const std::string& user_input,
                          std::string* sub_key) const;

  // Finds |target| in |values| and sets |sub_key| to the associated value from
  // |sub_keys_|, or returns false if |target| is not in |values|.
  bool GetMatchingSubKey(const std::string& target,
                         const std::vector<std::string>& values,
                         std::string* sub_key) const;

  std::string key_;
  std::string name_;
  std::string latin_name_;
  std::vector<std::vector<FormatElement> > format_;
  std::vector<std::vector<FormatElement> > latin_format_;
  std::vector<AddressField> required_;
  std::vector<std::string> sub_keys_;
  std::vector<std::string> sub_names_;
  // The Latin names (when |sub_names_| is not in Latin characters).
  std::vector<std::string> sub_lnames_;
  std::vector<std::string> languages_;
  std::vector<std::string> input_languages_;
  std::string language_;
  std::string postal_code_format_;
  int admin_area_name_message_id_;
  int invalid_admin_area_message_id_;
  int postal_code_name_message_id_;
  int invalid_postal_code_message_id_;


}  // namespace addressinput
}  // namespace i18n


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */