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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/idle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"

class PrefRegistrySimple;

// UpgradeDetector
// This class is a singleton class that monitors when an upgrade happens in the
// background. We basically ask Omaha what it thinks the latest version is and
// if our version is lower we send out a notification upon:
//   a) Detecting an upgrade and...
//   b) When we think the user should be notified about the upgrade.
// The latter happens much later, since we don't want to be too annoying.
class UpgradeDetector {
  // The Homeland Security Upgrade Advisory System.
  enum UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel {
    UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_NONE = 0,  // What? Me worry?
    UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_LOW,       // Green.
    UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_CRITICAL,  // Red exclamation mark.

  // The two types of icons we know about.
  enum UpgradeNotificationIconType {
    UPGRADE_ICON_TYPE_BADGE = 0,  // For overlay badging of the wrench menu.
    UPGRADE_ICON_TYPE_MENU_ICON,  // For showing in the wrench menu.

  // Returns the singleton implementation instance.
  static UpgradeDetector* GetInstance();

  virtual ~UpgradeDetector();

  static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);

  // Whether the user should be notified about an upgrade.
  bool notify_upgrade() const { return notify_upgrade_; }

  // Whether the upgrade recommendation is due to Chrome being outdated.
  bool is_outdated_install() const {
    return upgrade_available_ == UPGRADE_NEEDED_OUTDATED_INSTALL;

  // Whether the upgrade recommendation is due to Chrome being outdated AND
  // auto-update is turned off.
  bool is_outdated_install_no_au() const {
    return upgrade_available_ == UPGRADE_NEEDED_OUTDATED_INSTALL_NO_AU;

  // Notifify this object that the user has acknowledged the critical update
  // so we don't need to complain about it for now.
  void acknowledge_critical_update() {
    critical_update_acknowledged_ = true;

  // Whether the user has acknowledged the critical update.
  bool critical_update_acknowledged() const {
    return critical_update_acknowledged_;

  // When the last upgrade was detected.
  const base::Time& upgrade_detected_time() const {
    return upgrade_detected_time_;

  // Retrieves the right icon ID based on the degree of severity (see
  // UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel, each level has an an accompanying icon
  // to go with it). |type| determines which class of icons the caller wants,
  // either an icon appropriate for badging the wrench menu or one to display
  // within the wrench menu.
  int GetIconResourceID(UpgradeNotificationIconType type);

  UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel upgrade_notification_stage() const {
    return upgrade_notification_stage_;


  // Sends out UPGRADE_DETECTED notification and record upgrade_detected_time_.
  void NotifyUpgradeDetected();

  // Sends out UPGRADE_RECOMMENDED notification and set notify_upgrade_.
  void NotifyUpgradeRecommended();

  void set_upgrade_notification_stage(UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel stage) {
    upgrade_notification_stage_ = stage;

  enum UpgradeAvailable {
    // If no update is available and current install is recent enough.
    // If a regular update is available.
    // If a critical update to Chrome has been installed, such as a zero-day
    // fix.
    // If no update to Chrome has been installed for more than the recommended
    // time.
    // If no update to Chrome has been installed for more than the recommended
    // time AND auto-update is turned off.
  } upgrade_available_;

  // Whether the user has acknowledged the critical update.
  bool critical_update_acknowledged_;

  // Initiates an Idle check. See IdleCallback below.
  void CheckIdle();

  // The callback for the IdleCheck. Tells us whether Chrome has received any
  // input events since the specified time.
  void IdleCallback(IdleState state);

  // When the upgrade was detected.
  base::Time upgrade_detected_time_;

  // A timer to check to see if we've been idle for long enough to show the
  // critical warning. Should only be set if |upgrade_available_| is
  base::RepeatingTimer<UpgradeDetector> idle_check_timer_;

  // The stage at which the annoyance level for upgrade notifications is at.
  UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel upgrade_notification_stage_;

  // Whether we have waited long enough after detecting an upgrade (to see
  // is we should start nagging about upgrading).
  bool notify_upgrade_;



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