This source file includes following definitions.
- GetKey
- FromWebDatabase
- GetTypeKey
- CreateTablesIfNecessary
- IsSyncable
- MigrateToVersion
- MigrateToVersion46AddSchemeColumn
#include "chrome/browser/webdata/web_intents_table.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/webdata/common/web_database.h"
#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "third_party/sqlite/sqlite3.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace {
WebDatabaseTable::TypeKey GetKey() {
static int table_key = 0;
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(&table_key);
WebIntentsTable::WebIntentsTable() {
WebIntentsTable::~WebIntentsTable() {
WebIntentsTable* WebIntentsTable::FromWebDatabase(WebDatabase* db) {
return static_cast<WebIntentsTable*>(db->GetTable(GetKey()));
WebDatabaseTable::TypeKey WebIntentsTable::GetTypeKey() const {
return GetKey();
bool WebIntentsTable::CreateTablesIfNecessary() {
if (!db_->DoesTableExist("web_intents")) {
if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE web_intents ("
" service_url LONGVARCHAR,"
" action VARCHAR,"
" type VARCHAR,"
" disposition VARCHAR,"
" scheme VARCHAR,"
" UNIQUE (service_url, action, scheme, type))")) {
return false;
if (!db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS web_intents_index"
" ON web_intents (action)"))
return false;
if (!db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS web_intents_index"
" ON web_intents (scheme)"))
return false;
if (!db_->DoesTableExist("web_intents_defaults")) {
if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE web_intents_defaults ("
" action VARCHAR,"
" type VARCHAR,"
" url_pattern LONGVARCHAR,"
" user_date INTEGER,"
" suppression INTEGER,"
" service_url LONGVARCHAR,"
" scheme VARCHAR,"
" UNIQUE (action, scheme, type, url_pattern))")) {
return false;
if (!db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS web_intents_default_index"
" ON web_intents_defaults (action)"))
return false;
if (!db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS web_intents_default_index"
" ON web_intents_defaults (scheme)"))
return false;
return true;
bool WebIntentsTable::IsSyncable() {
return false;
bool WebIntentsTable::MigrateToVersion(int version,
bool* update_compatible_version) {
if (version == 46) {
*update_compatible_version = true;
return MigrateToVersion46AddSchemeColumn();
return true;
bool WebIntentsTable::MigrateToVersion46AddSchemeColumn() {
if (!db_->DoesTableExist("web_intents"))
return true;
if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE web_intents RENAME TO old_web_intents"))
return false;
if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE web_intents_defaults"
" RENAME TO old_web_intents_defaults"))
return false;
if (!CreateTablesIfNecessary())
return false;
int error = db_->ExecuteAndReturnErrorCode(
"INSERT INTO web_intents"
" (service_url, action, type, title, disposition)"
" service_url, action, type, title, disposition"
" FROM old_web_intents");
if (error != SQLITE_OK) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not copy old intent data to upgraded table."
<< db_->GetErrorMessage();
error = db_->ExecuteAndReturnErrorCode(
"INSERT INTO web_intents_defaults"
" (service_url, action, type, url_pattern, user_date, suppression)"
" service_url, action, type, url_pattern, user_date, suppression"
" FROM old_web_intents_defaults");
if (error != SQLITE_OK) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not copy old intent defaults to upgraded table."
<< db_->GetErrorMessage();
if (!db_->Execute("DROP table old_web_intents")) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not drop backup web_intents table.";
return false;
if (!db_->Execute("DROP table old_web_intents_defaults")) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not drop backup web_intents_defaults table.";
return false;
return true;