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// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "chrome/browser/web_resource/eula_accepted_notifier.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"

// This class informs an interested observer when resource requests over the
// network are permitted.
// Currently, the criteria for allowing resource requests are:
//  1. The network is currently available,
//  2. The EULA was accepted by the user (ChromeOS only), and
//  3. The --disable-background-networking command line switch is not set.
// Interested services should add themselves as an observer of
// ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier and check ResourceRequestsAllowed() to see if
// requests are permitted. If it returns true, they can go ahead and make their
// request. If it returns false, ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier will notify the
// service when the criteria is met.
// If ResourceRequestsAllowed returns true the first time,
// ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier will not notify the service in the future.
// Note that this class handles the criteria state for a single service, so
// services should keep their own instance of this class rather than sharing a
// global instance.
class ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier
    : public EulaAcceptedNotifier::Observer,
      public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver {
  // Observes resource request allowed state changes.
  class Observer {
    virtual void OnResourceRequestsAllowed() = 0;

  // Specifies the resource request allowed state.
  enum State {

  virtual ~ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier();

  // Sets |observer| as the service to be notified by this instance, and
  // performs initial checks on the criteria. |observer| may not be NULL.
  // This is to be called immediately after construction of an instance of
  // ResourceRequestAllowedNotifier to pass it the interested service.
  void Init(Observer* observer);

  // Returns whether resource requests are allowed, per the various criteria.
  // If not, this call will set some flags so it knows to notify the observer
  // if the criteria change. Note that the observer will not be notified unless
  // it calls this method first.
  // This is virtual so it can be overridden for tests.
  virtual State GetResourceRequestsAllowedState();

  // Convenience function, equivalent to:
  //   GetResourceRequestsAllowedState() == ALLOWED.
  bool ResourceRequestsAllowed();

  void SetWaitingForNetworkForTesting(bool waiting);
  void SetWaitingForEulaForTesting(bool waiting);
  void SetObserverRequestedForTesting(bool requested);

  // Notifies the observer if all criteria needed for resource requests are met.
  // This is protected so it can be called from subclasses for testing.
  void MaybeNotifyObserver();

  // Creates the EulaAcceptNotifier or NULL if one is not needed. Virtual so
  // that it can be overridden by test subclasses.
  virtual EulaAcceptedNotifier* CreateEulaNotifier();

  // EulaAcceptedNotifier::Observer overrides:
  virtual void OnEulaAccepted() OVERRIDE;

  // net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver overrides:
  virtual void OnConnectionTypeChanged(
      net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) OVERRIDE;

  // Tracks whether or not the observer/service depending on this class actually
  // requested permission to make a request or not. If it did not, then this
  // class should not notify it even if the criteria is met.
  bool observer_requested_permission_;

  // Tracks network connectivity criteria.
  bool waiting_for_network_;

  // Tracks EULA acceptance criteria.
  bool waiting_for_user_to_accept_eula_;

  // Platform-specific notifier of EULA acceptance, or NULL if not needed.
  scoped_ptr<EulaAcceptedNotifier> eula_notifier_;

  // Observing service interested in request permissions.
  Observer* observer_;



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