
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/android/jni_android.h"
#include "base/android/jni_helper.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/android/meta_tag_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bitmap_fetcher.h"

namespace content {
struct FrameNavigateParams;
struct LoadCommittedDetails;
}  // namespace content

 * Manages when an app banner is created or dismissed.
 * Hooks the wiring together for getting the data for a particular app.
 * Monitors at most one package at a time, and tracks the info for the
 * most recent app that was requested.  Any work in progress for other apps is
 * discarded.
 * The procedure for creating a banner spans multiple asynchronous calls across
 * the JNI boundary, as well as querying a Service to get info about the app.
 * 0) A navigation of the main frame is triggered.  Upon completion of the load,
 *    the page is parsed for the correct meta tag.  If it doesn't exist, abort.
 * 1) The AppBannerManager is alerted about the tag's contents, which should
 *    be the Play Store package name.  This is sent to the Java side
 *    AppBannerManager.
 * 2) The AppBannerManager's ServiceDelegate is asynchronously queried about the
 *    package name.
 * 3) At some point, the Java-side AppBannerManager is alerted of the completed
 *    query and is given back data about the requested package, which includes a
 *    URL for the app's icon.  This URL is sent to native code for retrieval.
 * 4) The process of fetching the icon begins by invoking the BitmapFetcher,
 *    which works asynchonously.
 * 5) Once the icon has been downloaded, the icon is sent to the Java-side
 *    AppBannerManager to (finally) create a AppBannerView, assuming that the
 *    app we retrieved the details for is still for the page that requested it.
 * Because of the asynchronous nature of this pipeline, it's entirely possible
 * that a request to show a banner is interrupted by another request.  The
 * Java side manages what happens in these situations, which will usually result
 * in dropping the old banner request on the floor.

namespace banners {

class AppBannerManager : public chrome::BitmapFetcherDelegate,
                         public MetaTagObserver {
  AppBannerManager(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj);
  virtual ~AppBannerManager();

  // Destroys the AppBannerManager.
  void Destroy(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj);

  // Blocks a banner for |package_name| from appearing on the domain for |url|.
  void BlockBanner(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jstring jurl, jstring jpackage);

  // Observes a new WebContents, if necessary.
  void ReplaceWebContents(JNIEnv* env,
                          jobject obj,
                          jobject jweb_contents);

  // Fetches the icon at the give URL.
  // Returns |false| if this couldn't be kicked off.
  bool FetchIcon(JNIEnv* env,
                 jobject obj,
                 jstring jimage_url);

  // WebContentsObserver overrides.
  virtual void DidNavigateMainFrame(
      const content::LoadCommittedDetails& details,
      const content::FrameNavigateParams& params) OVERRIDE;

  // BitmapFetcherDelegate overrides.
  virtual void OnFetchComplete(const GURL url, const SkBitmap* bitmap) OVERRIDE;

  // Kicks off the process of showing a banner for the package designated by
  // |tag_content| on the page at the |expected_url|.
  virtual void HandleMetaTagContent(const std::string& tag_content,
                                    const GURL& expected_url) OVERRIDE;

  // Fetches the icon for an app.
  scoped_ptr<chrome::BitmapFetcher> fetcher_;

  // AppBannerManager on the Java side.
  JavaObjectWeakGlobalRef weak_java_banner_view_manager_;

};  // class AppBannerManager

// Register native methods
bool RegisterAppBannerManager(JNIEnv* env);

}  // namespace banners


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