
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. IsPathReserved
  2. IsPathInUse
  3. TruncateFileName
  4. CreateReservation
  5. UpdateReservation
  6. RevokeReservation
  7. last_target_path_
  8. OnDownloadUpdated
  9. OnDownloadDestroyed
  10. GetReservedPath
  11. IsPathInUseForTesting

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/download/download_path_reservation_tracker.h"

#include <map>

#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/third_party/icu/icu_utf.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_item.h"

using content::BrowserThread;
using content::DownloadItem;

namespace {

typedef DownloadItem* ReservationKey;
typedef std::map<ReservationKey, base::FilePath> ReservationMap;

// The lower bound for file name truncation. If the truncation results in a name
// shorter than this limit, we give up automatic truncation and prompt the user.
static const size_t kTruncatedNameLengthLowerbound = 5;

// The length of the suffix string we append for an intermediate file name.
// In the file name truncation, we keep the margin to append the suffix.
// TODO(kinaba): remove the margin. The user should be able to set maximum
// possible filename.
static const size_t kIntermediateNameSuffixLength = sizeof(".crdownload") - 1;

// Map of download path reservations. Each reserved path is associated with a
// ReservationKey=DownloadItem*. This object is destroyed in |Revoke()| when
// there are no more reservations.
// It is not an error, although undesirable, to have multiple DownloadItem*s
// that are mapped to the same path. This can happen if a reservation is created
// that is supposed to overwrite an existing reservation.
ReservationMap* g_reservation_map = NULL;

// Observes a DownloadItem for changes to its target path and state. Updates or
// revokes associated download path reservations as necessary. Created, invoked
// and destroyed on the UI thread.
class DownloadItemObserver : public DownloadItem::Observer {
  explicit DownloadItemObserver(DownloadItem* download_item);

  virtual ~DownloadItemObserver();

  // DownloadItem::Observer
  virtual void OnDownloadUpdated(DownloadItem* download) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnDownloadDestroyed(DownloadItem* download) OVERRIDE;

  DownloadItem* download_item_;

  // Last known target path for the download.
  base::FilePath last_target_path_;


// Returns true if the given path is in use by a path reservation.
bool IsPathReserved(const base::FilePath& path) {
  // No reservation map => no reservations.
  if (g_reservation_map == NULL)
    return false;
  // Unfortunately path normalization doesn't work reliably for non-existant
  // files. So given a FilePath, we can't derive a normalized key that we can
  // use for lookups. We only expect a small number of concurrent downloads at
  // any given time, so going through all of them shouldn't be too slow.
  for (ReservationMap::const_iterator iter = g_reservation_map->begin();
       iter != g_reservation_map->end(); ++iter) {
    if (iter->second == path)
      return true;
  return false;

// Returns true if the given path is in use by any path reservation or the
// file system. Called on the FILE thread.
bool IsPathInUse(const base::FilePath& path) {
  // If there is a reservation, then the path is in use.
  if (IsPathReserved(path))
    return true;

  // If the path exists in the file system, then the path is in use.
  if (base::PathExists(path))
    return true;

  return false;

// Truncates path->BaseName() to make path->BaseName().value().size() <= limit.
// - It keeps the extension as is. Only truncates the body part.
// - It secures the base filename length to be more than or equals to
//   kTruncatedNameLengthLowerbound.
// If it was unable to shorten the name, returns false.
bool TruncateFileName(base::FilePath* path, size_t limit) {
  base::FilePath basename(path->BaseName());
  // It is already short enough.
  if (basename.value().size() <= limit)
    return true;

  base::FilePath dir(path->DirName());
  base::FilePath::StringType ext(basename.Extension());
  base::FilePath::StringType name(basename.RemoveExtension().value());

  // Impossible to satisfy the limit.
  if (limit < kTruncatedNameLengthLowerbound + ext.size())
    return false;
  limit -= ext.size();

  // Encoding specific truncation logic.
  base::FilePath::StringType truncated;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
  // UTF-8.
  base::TruncateUTF8ToByteSize(name, limit, &truncated);
#elif defined(OS_WIN)
  // UTF-16.
  DCHECK(name.size() > limit);
  truncated = name.substr(0, CBU16_IS_TRAIL(name[limit]) ? limit - 1 : limit);
  // We cannot generally assume that the file name encoding is in UTF-8 (see
  // the comment for FilePath::AsUTF8Unsafe), hence no safe way to truncate.

  if (truncated.size() < kTruncatedNameLengthLowerbound)
    return false;
  *path = dir.Append(truncated + ext);
  return true;

// Called on the FILE thread to reserve a download path. This method:
// - Creates directory |default_download_path| if it doesn't exist.
// - Verifies that the parent directory of |suggested_path| exists and is
//   writeable.
// - Truncates the suggested name if it exceeds the filesystem's limit.
// - Uniquifies |suggested_path| if |should_uniquify_path| is true.
// - Schedules |callback| on the UI thread with the reserved path and a flag
//   indicating whether the returned path has been successfully verified.
void CreateReservation(
    ReservationKey key,
    const base::FilePath& suggested_path,
    const base::FilePath& default_download_path,
    bool create_directory,
    DownloadPathReservationTracker::FilenameConflictAction conflict_action,
    const DownloadPathReservationTracker::ReservedPathCallback& callback) {

  // Create a reservation map if one doesn't exist. It will be automatically
  // deleted when all the reservations are revoked.
  if (g_reservation_map == NULL)
    g_reservation_map = new ReservationMap;

  ReservationMap& reservations = *g_reservation_map;
  DCHECK(!ContainsKey(reservations, key));

  base::FilePath target_path(suggested_path.NormalizePathSeparators());
  base::FilePath target_dir = target_path.DirName();
  base::FilePath filename = target_path.BaseName();
  bool is_path_writeable = true;
  bool has_conflicts = false;
  bool name_too_long = false;

  // Create target_dir if necessary and appropriate. target_dir may be the last
  // directory that the user selected in a FilePicker; if that directory has
  // since been removed, do NOT automatically re-create it. Only automatically
  // create the directory if it is the default Downloads directory or if the
  // caller explicitly requested automatic directory creation.
  if (!base::DirectoryExists(target_dir) &&
      (create_directory ||
       (!default_download_path.empty() &&
        (default_download_path == target_dir)))) {

  // Check writability of the suggested path. If we can't write to it, default
  // to the user's "My Documents" directory. We'll prompt them in this case.
  if (!base::PathIsWritable(target_dir)) {
    DVLOG(1) << "Unable to write to directory \"" << target_dir.value() << "\"";
    is_path_writeable = false;
    PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DOCUMENTS, &target_dir);
    target_path = target_dir.Append(filename);

  if (is_path_writeable) {
    // Check the limit of file name length if it could be obtained. When the
    // suggested name exceeds the limit, truncate or prompt the user.
    int max_length = base::GetMaximumPathComponentLength(target_dir);
    if (max_length != -1) {
      int limit = max_length - kIntermediateNameSuffixLength;
      if (limit <= 0 || !TruncateFileName(&target_path, limit))
        name_too_long = true;

    // Uniquify the name, if it already exists.
    if (!name_too_long && IsPathInUse(target_path)) {
      has_conflicts = true;
      if (conflict_action == DownloadPathReservationTracker::OVERWRITE) {
        has_conflicts = false;
      // If ...PROMPT, then |has_conflicts| will remain true, |verified| will be
      // false, and CDMD will prompt.
      if (conflict_action == DownloadPathReservationTracker::UNIQUIFY) {
        for (int uniquifier = 1;
            uniquifier <= DownloadPathReservationTracker::kMaxUniqueFiles;
            ++uniquifier) {
          // Append uniquifier.
          std::string suffix(base::StringPrintf(" (%d)", uniquifier));
          base::FilePath path_to_check(target_path);
          // If the name length limit is available (max_length != -1), and the
          // the current name exceeds the limit, truncate.
          if (max_length != -1) {
            int limit =
                max_length - kIntermediateNameSuffixLength - suffix.size();
            // If truncation failed, give up uniquification.
            if (limit <= 0 || !TruncateFileName(&path_to_check, limit))
          path_to_check = path_to_check.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII(suffix);

          if (!IsPathInUse(path_to_check)) {
            target_path = path_to_check;
            has_conflicts = false;

  reservations[key] = target_path;
  bool verified = (is_path_writeable && !has_conflicts && !name_too_long);
  BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
                          base::Bind(callback, target_path, verified));

// Called on the FILE thread to update the path of the reservation associated
// with |key| to |new_path|.
void UpdateReservation(ReservationKey key, const base::FilePath& new_path) {
  DCHECK(g_reservation_map != NULL);
  ReservationMap::iterator iter = g_reservation_map->find(key);
  if (iter != g_reservation_map->end()) {
    iter->second = new_path;
  } else {
    // This would happen if an UpdateReservation() notification was scheduled on
    // the FILE thread before ReserveInternal(), or after a Revoke()
    // call. Neither should happen.

// Called on the FILE thread to remove the path reservation associated with
// |key|.
void RevokeReservation(ReservationKey key) {
  DCHECK(g_reservation_map != NULL);
  DCHECK(ContainsKey(*g_reservation_map, key));
  if (g_reservation_map->size() == 0) {
    // No more reservations. Delete map.
    delete g_reservation_map;
    g_reservation_map = NULL;

DownloadItemObserver::DownloadItemObserver(DownloadItem* download_item)
    : download_item_(download_item),
      last_target_path_(download_item->GetTargetFilePath()) {

DownloadItemObserver::~DownloadItemObserver() {

void DownloadItemObserver::OnDownloadUpdated(DownloadItem* download) {
  switch (download->GetState()) {
    case DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS: {
      // Update the reservation.
      base::FilePath new_target_path = download->GetTargetFilePath();
      if (new_target_path != last_target_path_) {
        BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
            &UpdateReservation, download, new_target_path));
        last_target_path_ = new_target_path;

    case DownloadItem::COMPLETE:
      // If the download is complete, then it has already been renamed to the
      // final name. The existence of the file on disk is sufficient to prevent
      // conflicts from now on.

    case DownloadItem::CANCELLED:
      // We no longer need the reservation if the download is being removed.

    case DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED:
      // The download filename will need to be re-generated when the download is
      // restarted. Holding on to the reservation now would prevent the name
      // from being used for a subsequent retry attempt.

      BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
          &RevokeReservation, download));
      delete this;

    case DownloadItem::MAX_DOWNLOAD_STATE:
      // Compiler appeasement.

void DownloadItemObserver::OnDownloadDestroyed(DownloadItem* download) {
  // Items should be COMPLETE/INTERRUPTED/CANCELLED before being destroyed.
  BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
      &RevokeReservation, download));
  delete this;

}  // namespace

// static
void DownloadPathReservationTracker::GetReservedPath(
    DownloadItem* download_item,
    const base::FilePath& target_path,
    const base::FilePath& default_path,
    bool create_directory,
    FilenameConflictAction conflict_action,
    const ReservedPathCallback& callback) {
  // Attach an observer to the download item so that we know when the target
  // path changes and/or the download is no longer active.
  new DownloadItemObserver(download_item);
  // DownloadItemObserver deletes itself.

  BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(

// static
bool DownloadPathReservationTracker::IsPathInUseForTesting(
    const base::FilePath& path) {
  return IsPathInUse(path);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */