
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ExtendedEuclid
  2. ModInverse
  3. BnNew
  4. BnFree
  5. BnCopy
  6. BnMul
  7. BnSub
  8. BnLeftShift
  9. BnCompare
  10. BnGuess
  11. BnDiv
  12. AndroidRSAPrivateKey
  13. AndroidRSAPublicKey
  14. AndroidRSASign

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/devtools/adb/android_rsa.h"

#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service_syncable.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "crypto/rsa_private_key.h"
#include "crypto/signature_creator.h"
#include "net/cert/asn1_util.h"

namespace {

const size_t kRSANumWords = 64;
const size_t kBigIntSize = 1024;

static const char kDummyRSAPublicKey[] =

typedef struct RSAPublicKey {
    int len;                // Length of n[] in number of uint32
    uint32 n0inv;           // -1 / n[0] mod 2^32
    uint32 n[kRSANumWords];  // modulus as little endian array
    uint32 rr[kRSANumWords]; // R^2 as little endian array
    int exponent;           // 3 or 65537
} RSAPublicKey;

// a * x + b * y = gcd(a, b) = d
void ExtendedEuclid(uint64 a, uint64 b, uint64 *x, uint64 *y, uint64 *d) {
  uint64 x1 = 0, x2 = 1, y1 = 1, y2 = 0;

  while (b > 0) {
    uint64 q = a / b;
    uint64 r = a % b;
    *x = x2 - q * x1;
    *y = y2 - q * y1;
    a = b;
    b = r;
    x2 = x1;
    x1 = *x;
    y2 = y1;
    y1 = *y;

  *d = a;
  *x = x2;
  *y = y2;

uint32 ModInverse(uint64 a, uint64 m)
  uint64 d, x, y;
  ExtendedEuclid(a, m, &x, &y, &d);
  if (d == 1)
    return static_cast<uint32>(x);
  return 0;

uint32* BnNew() {
  uint32* result = new uint32[kBigIntSize];
  memset(result, 0, kBigIntSize * sizeof(uint32));
  return result;

void BnFree(uint32* a) {
  delete[] a;

uint32* BnCopy(uint32* a) {
  uint32* result = new uint32[kBigIntSize];
  memcpy(result, a, kBigIntSize * sizeof(uint32));
  return result;

uint32* BnMul(uint32* a, uint32 b) {
  uint32* result = BnNew();
  uint64 carry_over = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kBigIntSize; ++i) {
    carry_over += static_cast<uint64>(a[i]) * b;
    result[i] = carry_over & kuint32max;
    carry_over >>= 32;
  return result;

void BnSub(uint32* a, uint32* b) {
  int carry_over = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kBigIntSize; ++i) {
    int64 sub = static_cast<int64>(a[i]) - b[i] - carry_over;
    carry_over = 0;
    if (sub < 0) {
      carry_over = 1;
      sub += GG_LONGLONG(0x100000000);
    a[i] = static_cast<uint32>(sub);

void BnLeftShift(uint32* a, int offset) {
  for (int i = kBigIntSize - offset - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    a[i + offset] = a[i];
  for (int i = 0; i < offset; ++i)
    a[i] = 0;

int BnCompare(uint32* a, uint32* b) {
  for (int i = kBigIntSize - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    if (a[i] > b[i])
      return 1;
    if (a[i] < b[i])
      return -1;
  return 0;

uint64 BnGuess(uint32* a, uint32* b, uint64 from, uint64 to) {
  if (from + 1 >= to)
    return from;

  uint64 guess = (from + to) / 2;
  uint32* t = BnMul(b, static_cast<uint32>(guess));
  int result = BnCompare(a, t);
  if (result > 0)
    return BnGuess(a, b, guess, to);
  if (result < 0)
    return BnGuess(a, b, from, guess);
  return guess;

void BnDiv(uint32* a, uint32* b, uint32** pq, uint32** pr) {
  if (BnCompare(a, b) < 0) {
    if (pq)
      *pq = BnNew();
    if (pr)
      *pr = BnCopy(a);

  int oa = kBigIntSize - 1;
  int ob = kBigIntSize - 1;
  for (; oa > 0 && !a[oa]; --oa) {}
  for (; ob > 0 && !b[ob]; --ob) {}
  uint32* q = BnNew();
  uint32* ca = BnCopy(a);

  int digit = a[oa] < b[ob] ? oa - ob - 1 : oa - ob;

  for (; digit >= 0; --digit) {
    uint32* shifted_b = BnCopy(b);
    BnLeftShift(shifted_b, digit);
    uint32 value = static_cast<uint32>(
        BnGuess(ca, shifted_b, 0, static_cast<uint64>(kuint32max) + 1));
    q[digit] = value;
    uint32* t = BnMul(shifted_b, value);
    BnSub(ca, t);

  if (pq)
    *pq = q;
  if (pr)
    *pr = ca;

}  // namespace

crypto::RSAPrivateKey* AndroidRSAPrivateKey(Profile* profile) {
  std::string encoded_key =
  std::string decoded_key;
  scoped_ptr<crypto::RSAPrivateKey> key;
  if (!encoded_key.empty() && base::Base64Decode(encoded_key, &decoded_key)) {
    std::vector<uint8> key_info(decoded_key.begin(), decoded_key.end());
  if (!key) {
    std::vector<uint8> key_info;
    if (!key || !key->ExportPrivateKey(&key_info))
      return NULL;

    std::string key_string(key_info.begin(), key_info.end());
    base::Base64Encode(key_string, &encoded_key);
  return key.release();

std::string AndroidRSAPublicKey(crypto::RSAPrivateKey* key) {
  std::vector<uint8> public_key;
  if (!key)
    return kDummyRSAPublicKey;

  std::string asn1(public_key.begin(), public_key.end());

  base::StringPiece pk;
  if (!net::asn1::ExtractSubjectPublicKeyFromSPKI(asn1, &pk))
    return kDummyRSAPublicKey;

  // Skip 10 byte asn1 prefix to the modulus.
  std::vector<uint8> pk_data( + 10, + pk.length());
  uint32* n = BnNew();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kRSANumWords; ++i) {
    uint32 t = pk_data[4 * i];
    t = t << 8;
    t += pk_data[4 * i + 1];
    t = t << 8;
    t += pk_data[4 * i + 2];
    t = t << 8;
    t += pk_data[4 * i + 3];
    n[kRSANumWords - i - 1] = t;
  uint64 n0 = n[0];

  RSAPublicKey pkey;
  pkey.len = kRSANumWords;
  pkey.exponent = 65537; // Fixed public exponent
  pkey.n0inv = 0 - ModInverse(n0, GG_LONGLONG(0x100000000));
  if (pkey.n0inv == 0)
    return kDummyRSAPublicKey;

  uint32* r = BnNew();
  r[kRSANumWords * 2] = 1;

  uint32* rr;
  BnDiv(r, n, NULL, &rr);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < kRSANumWords; ++i) {
    pkey.n[i] = n[i];
    pkey.rr[i] = rr[i];


  std::string output;
  std::string input(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&pkey), sizeof(pkey));
  base::Base64Encode(input, &output);
  return output;

std::string AndroidRSASign(crypto::RSAPrivateKey* key,
                           const std::string& body) {
  std::vector<uint8> digest(body.begin(), body.end());
  std::vector<uint8> result;
  if (!crypto::SignatureCreator::Sign(key, vector_as_array(&digest),
                                      digest.size(), &result)) {
    return std::string();
  return std::string(result.begin(), result.end());

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */