
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. RoundNearZero
  2. CreateRotationTransform
  3. CreateMagnifierTransform
  4. CreateInsetsAndScaleTransform
  5. GetTransform
  6. GetInverseTransform
  7. GetRootWindowBounds
  8. GetHostInsets
  9. GetTransform
  10. GetInverseTransform
  11. GetRootWindowBounds
  12. GetHostInsets
  13. CreateRootWindowTransformerForDisplay
  14. CreateRootWindowTransformerForMirroredDisplay

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ash/display/root_window_transformers.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "ash/display/display_info.h"
#include "ash/display/display_manager.h"
#include "ash/magnifier/magnification_controller.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/SkMatrix44.h"
#include "ui/aura/root_window_transformer.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_property.h"
#include "ui/compositor/dip_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"


namespace ash {
namespace {

#if defined(OS_WIN)
DEFINE_WINDOW_PROPERTY_KEY(gfx::Display::Rotation, kRotationPropertyKey,

// Round near zero value to zero.
void RoundNearZero(gfx::Transform* transform) {
  const float kEpsilon = 0.001f;
  SkMatrix44& matrix = transform->matrix();
  for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
    for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
      if (std::abs(SkMScalarToFloat(matrix.get(x, y))) < kEpsilon)
        matrix.set(x, y, SkFloatToMScalar(0.0f));

// TODO(oshima): Transformers should be able to adjust itself
// when the device scale factor is changed, instead of
// precalculating the transform using fixed value.

gfx::Transform CreateRotationTransform(aura::Window* root_window,
                                       const gfx::Display& display) {
  DisplayInfo info =

  // TODO(oshima): Add animation. (crossfade+rotation, or just cross-fade)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
  // Windows 8 bots refused to resize the host window, and
  // updating the transform results in incorrectly resizing
  // the root window. Don't apply the transform unless
  // necessary so that unit tests pass on win8 bots.
  if (info.rotation() == root_window->GetProperty(kRotationPropertyKey))
    return gfx::Transform();
  root_window->SetProperty(kRotationPropertyKey, info.rotation());

  gfx::Transform rotate;
  // The origin is (0, 0), so the translate width/height must be reduced by
  // 1 pixel.
  float one_pixel = 1.0f / display.device_scale_factor();
  switch (info.rotation()) {
    case gfx::Display::ROTATE_0:
    case gfx::Display::ROTATE_90:
      rotate.Translate(display.bounds().height() - one_pixel, 0);
    case gfx::Display::ROTATE_270:
      rotate.Translate(0, display.bounds().width() - one_pixel);
    case gfx::Display::ROTATE_180:
      rotate.Translate(display.bounds().width() - one_pixel,
                       display.bounds().height() - one_pixel);

  return rotate;

gfx::Transform CreateMagnifierTransform(aura::Window* root_window) {
  MagnificationController* magnifier =
  float magnifier_scale = 1.f;
  gfx::Point magnifier_offset;
  if (magnifier && magnifier->IsEnabled()) {
    magnifier_scale = magnifier->GetScale();
    magnifier_offset = magnifier->GetWindowPosition();
  gfx::Transform transform;
  if (magnifier_scale != 1.f) {
    transform.Scale(magnifier_scale, magnifier_scale);
    transform.Translate(-magnifier_offset.x(), -magnifier_offset.y());
  return transform;

gfx::Transform CreateInsetsAndScaleTransform(const gfx::Insets& insets,
                                             float device_scale_factor,
                                             float ui_scale) {
  gfx::Transform transform;
  if ( != 0 || insets.left() != 0) {
    float x_offset = insets.left() / device_scale_factor;
    float y_offset = / device_scale_factor;
    transform.Translate(x_offset, y_offset);
  float inverted_scale = 1.0f / ui_scale;
  transform.Scale(inverted_scale, inverted_scale);
  return transform;

// RootWindowTransformer for ash environment.
class AshRootWindowTransformer : public aura::RootWindowTransformer {
  AshRootWindowTransformer(aura::Window* root,
                           const gfx::Display& display)
      : root_window_(root) {
    DisplayInfo info = Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager()->
    host_insets_ = info.GetOverscanInsetsInPixel();
    root_window_ui_scale_ = info.GetEffectiveUIScale();
    root_window_bounds_transform_ =
                                      root_window_ui_scale_) *
        CreateRotationTransform(root, display);
    transform_ = root_window_bounds_transform_ * CreateMagnifierTransform(root);


  // aura::RootWindowTransformer overrides:
  virtual gfx::Transform GetTransform() const OVERRIDE {
    return transform_;
  virtual gfx::Transform GetInverseTransform() const OVERRIDE {
    return invert_transform_;
  virtual gfx::Rect GetRootWindowBounds(
      const gfx::Size& host_size) const OVERRIDE {
    gfx::Rect bounds(host_size);
    bounds = ui::ConvertRectToDIP(root_window_->layer(), bounds);
    gfx::RectF new_bounds(bounds);
    // Apply |root_window_scale_| twice as the downscaling
    // is already applied once in |SetTransformInternal()|.
    // TODO(oshima): This is a bit ugly. Consider specifying
    // the pseudo host resolution instead.
    new_bounds.Scale(root_window_ui_scale_ * root_window_ui_scale_);
    // Ignore the origin because RootWindow's insets are handled by
    // the transform.
    // Floor the size because the bounds is no longer aligned to
    // backing pixel when |root_window_scale_| is specified
    // (850 height at 1.25 scale becomes 1062.5 for example.)
    return gfx::Rect(gfx::ToFlooredSize(new_bounds.size()));

  virtual gfx::Insets GetHostInsets() const OVERRIDE {
    return host_insets_;

  virtual ~AshRootWindowTransformer() {}

  aura::Window* root_window_;
  gfx::Transform transform_;

  // The accurate representation of the inverse of the |transform_|.
  // This is used to avoid computation error caused by
  // |gfx::Transform::GetInverse|.
  gfx::Transform invert_transform_;

  // The transform of the root window bounds. This is used to calculate
  // the size of root window.
  gfx::Transform root_window_bounds_transform_;

  // The scale of the root window. See |display_info::ui_scale_|
  // for more info.
  float root_window_ui_scale_;

  gfx::Insets host_insets_;


// RootWindowTransformer for mirror root window. We simply copy the
// texture (bitmap) of the source display into the mirror window, so
// the root window bounds is the same as the source display's
// pixel size (excluding overscan insets).
class MirrorRootWindowTransformer : public aura::RootWindowTransformer {
  MirrorRootWindowTransformer(const DisplayInfo& source_display_info,
                              const DisplayInfo& mirror_display_info) {
    root_bounds_ = gfx::Rect(source_display_info.bounds_in_native().size());
    gfx::Rect mirror_display_rect =

    bool letterbox = root_bounds_.width() * mirror_display_rect.height() >
        root_bounds_.height() * mirror_display_rect.width();
    if (letterbox) {
      float mirror_scale_ratio =
          (static_cast<float>(root_bounds_.width()) /
      float inverted_scale = 1.0f / mirror_scale_ratio;
      int margin = static_cast<int>(
          (mirror_display_rect.height() -
           root_bounds_.height() * inverted_scale) / 2);
      insets_.Set(0, margin, 0, margin);

      transform_.Translate(0,  margin);
      transform_.Scale(inverted_scale, inverted_scale);
    } else {
      float mirror_scale_ratio =
          (static_cast<float>(root_bounds_.height()) /
      float inverted_scale = 1.0f / mirror_scale_ratio;
      int margin = static_cast<int>(
          (mirror_display_rect.width() -
           root_bounds_.width() * inverted_scale) / 2);
      insets_.Set(margin, 0, margin, 0);

      transform_.Translate(margin, 0);
      transform_.Scale(inverted_scale, inverted_scale);

  // aura::RootWindowTransformer overrides:
  virtual gfx::Transform GetTransform() const OVERRIDE {
    return transform_;
  virtual gfx::Transform GetInverseTransform() const OVERRIDE {
    gfx::Transform invert;
    return invert;
  virtual gfx::Rect GetRootWindowBounds(
      const gfx::Size& host_size) const OVERRIDE {
    return root_bounds_;
  virtual gfx::Insets GetHostInsets() const OVERRIDE {
    return insets_;

  virtual ~MirrorRootWindowTransformer() {}

  gfx::Transform transform_;
  gfx::Rect root_bounds_;
  gfx::Insets insets_;


}  // namespace

aura::RootWindowTransformer* CreateRootWindowTransformerForDisplay(
    aura::Window* root,
    const gfx::Display& display) {
  return new AshRootWindowTransformer(root, display);

aura::RootWindowTransformer* CreateRootWindowTransformerForMirroredDisplay(
    const DisplayInfo& source_display_info,
    const DisplayInfo& mirror_display_info) {
  return new MirrorRootWindowTransformer(source_display_info,

}  // namespace ash

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */