
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ConvertFromNetEndian16
  2. ConvertToNetEndian16
  3. GetAddressSize
  4. ToNetAddress
  5. ToNetAddress
  6. InitNetAddress
  7. IsValid
  8. GetFamily
  9. GetPort
  10. GetAddress
  11. GetScopeID
  12. AreHostsEqual
  13. AreEqual
  14. ConvertIPv4AddressToString
  15. ConvertIPv6AddressToString
  16. Describe
  17. ReplacePort
  18. GetAnyAddress
  19. CreateFromIPv4Address
  20. CreateFromIPv6Address
  21. GetPPB_NetAddress_Private_0_1_Thunk
  22. GetPPB_NetAddress_Private_1_0_Thunk
  23. GetPPB_NetAddress_Private_1_1_Thunk
  24. ValidateNetAddress
  25. SockaddrToNetAddress
  26. IPEndPointToNetAddress
  27. NetAddressToIPEndPoint
  28. DescribeNetAddress
  29. CreateNetAddressPrivateFromIPv4Address
  30. CreateNetAddressPrivateFromIPv6Address
  31. GetFamilyFromNetAddressPrivate
  32. DescribeNetAddressPrivateAsIPv4Address
  33. DescribeNetAddressPrivateAsIPv6Address

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ppapi/shared_impl/private/net_address_private_impl.h"

#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#elif defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_NACL)
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_net_address_private.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/proxy_lock.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/var.h"
#include "ppapi/thunk/thunk.h"

#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// This is a bit evil, but it's standard operating procedure for |s6_addr|....
#define s6_addr16 __u6_addr.__u6_addr16

#if defined(OS_WIN)
// The type of |sockaddr::sa_family|.
typedef ADDRESS_FAMILY sa_family_t;

#define s6_addr16 u.Word
#define ntohs(x) _byteswap_ushort(x)
#define htons(x) _byteswap_ushort(x)
#endif  // defined(OS_WIN)

// The net address interface doesn't have a normal C -> C++ thunk since it
// doesn't actually have any proxy wrapping or associated objects; it's just a
// call into base. So we implement the entire interface here, using the thunk
// namespace so it magically gets hooked up in the proper places.

namespace ppapi {

namespace {

// Define our own net-host-net conversion, rather than reuse the one in
// base/sys_byteorder.h, to simplify the NaCl port. NaCl has no byte swap
// primitives.
uint16 ConvertFromNetEndian16(uint16 x) {
  return (x << 8) | (x >> 8);
  return x;

uint16 ConvertToNetEndian16(uint16 x) {
  return (x << 8) | (x >> 8);
  return x;

static const size_t kIPv4AddressSize = 4;
static const size_t kIPv6AddressSize = 16;

// This structure is a platform-independent representation of a network address.
// It is a private format that we embed in PP_NetAddress_Private and is NOT part
// of the stable Pepper API.
struct NetAddress {
  bool is_valid;
  bool is_ipv6;  // if true, IPv6, otherwise IPv4.
  uint16_t port;  // host order, not network order.
  int32_t flow_info;  // 0 for IPv4
  int32_t scope_id;   // 0 for IPv4
  // IPv4 addresses are 4 bytes. IPv6 are 16 bytes. Addresses are stored in net
  // order (big-endian), which only affects IPv6 addresses, which consist of 8
  // 16-bit components. These will be byte-swapped on small-endian hosts.
  uint8_t address[kIPv6AddressSize];

// Make sure that sizeof(NetAddress) is the same for all compilers. This ensures
// that the alignment is the same on both sides of the NaCl proxy, which is
// important because we serialize and deserialize PP_NetAddress_Private by
// simply copying the raw bytes.
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(NetAddress) == 28,

// Make sure the storage in |PP_NetAddress_Private| is big enough. (Do it here
// since the data is opaque elsewhere.)
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(reinterpret_cast<PP_NetAddress_Private*>(0)->data) >=

size_t GetAddressSize(const NetAddress* net_addr) {
  return net_addr->is_ipv6 ? kIPv6AddressSize : kIPv4AddressSize;

// Convert to embedded struct if it has been initialized.
NetAddress* ToNetAddress(PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  if (!addr || addr->size != sizeof(NetAddress))
    return NULL;
  return reinterpret_cast<NetAddress*>(addr->data);

const NetAddress* ToNetAddress(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  return ToNetAddress(const_cast<PP_NetAddress_Private*>(addr));

// Initializes the NetAddress struct embedded in a PP_NetAddress_Private struct.
// Zeroes the memory, so net_addr->is_valid == false.
NetAddress* InitNetAddress(PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  addr->size = sizeof(NetAddress);
  NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(addr);
  memset(net_addr, 0, sizeof(NetAddress));
  return net_addr;

bool IsValid(const NetAddress* net_addr) {
  return net_addr && net_addr->is_valid;

PP_NetAddressFamily_Private GetFamily(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr))
  return net_addr->is_ipv6 ?

uint16_t GetPort(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr))
    return 0;
  return net_addr->port;

PP_Bool GetAddress(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr,
                   void* address,
                   uint16_t address_size) {
  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr))
    return PP_FALSE;
  size_t net_addr_size = GetAddressSize(net_addr);
  // address_size must be big enough.
  if (net_addr_size > address_size)
    return PP_FALSE;
  memcpy(address, net_addr->address, net_addr_size);
  return PP_TRUE;

uint32_t GetScopeID(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr))
    return 0;
  return net_addr->scope_id;

PP_Bool AreHostsEqual(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr1,
                      const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr2) {
  const NetAddress* net_addr1 = ToNetAddress(addr1);
  const NetAddress* net_addr2 = ToNetAddress(addr2);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr1) || !IsValid(net_addr2))
    return PP_FALSE;

  if ((net_addr1->is_ipv6 != net_addr2->is_ipv6) ||
      (net_addr1->flow_info != net_addr2->flow_info) ||
      (net_addr1->scope_id != net_addr2->scope_id))
    return PP_FALSE;

  size_t net_addr_size = GetAddressSize(net_addr1);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < net_addr_size; i++) {
    if (net_addr1->address[i] != net_addr2->address[i])
      return PP_FALSE;

  return PP_TRUE;

PP_Bool AreEqual(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr1,
                 const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr2) {
  // |AreHostsEqual()| will also validate the addresses and return false if
  // either is invalid.
  if (!AreHostsEqual(addr1, addr2))
    return PP_FALSE;

  // AreHostsEqual has validated these net addresses.
  const NetAddress* net_addr1 = ToNetAddress(addr1);
  const NetAddress* net_addr2 = ToNetAddress(addr2);
  return PP_FromBool(net_addr1->port == net_addr2->port);

std::string ConvertIPv4AddressToString(const NetAddress* net_addr,
                                       bool include_port) {
  std::string description = base::StringPrintf(
      net_addr->address[0], net_addr->address[1],
      net_addr->address[2], net_addr->address[3]);
  if (include_port)
    base::StringAppendF(&description, ":%u", net_addr->port);
  return description;

// Format an IPv6 address for human consumption, basically according to RFC
// 5952.
//  - If the scope is nonzero, it is appended to the address as "%<scope>" (this
//    is not in RFC 5952, but consistent with |getnameinfo()| on Linux and
//    Windows).
//  - If |include_port| is true, the address (possibly including the scope) is
//    enclosed in square brackets and ":<port>" is appended, i.e., the overall
//    format is "[<address>]:<port>".
//  - If the address is an IPv4 address embedded IPv6 (per RFC 4291), then the
//    mixed format is used, e.g., "::ffff:". This is optional per RFC
//    5952, but consistent with |getnameinfo()|.
std::string ConvertIPv6AddressToString(const NetAddress* net_addr,
                                       bool include_port) {
  std::string description(include_port ? "[" : "");

  const uint16_t* address16 =
      reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(net_addr->address);
  // IPv4 address embedded in IPv6.
  if (address16[0] == 0 && address16[1] == 0 &&
      address16[2] == 0 && address16[3] == 0 &&
      address16[4] == 0 &&
      (address16[5] == 0 || address16[5] == 0xffff)) {
        address16[5] == 0 ? "::%u.%u.%u.%u" : "::ffff:%u.%u.%u.%u",

  // "Real" IPv6 addresses.
  } else {
    // Find the first longest run of 0s (of length > 1), to collapse to "::".
    int longest_start = 0;
    int longest_length = 0;
    int curr_start = 0;
    int curr_length = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      if (address16[i] != 0) {
        curr_length = 0;
      } else {
        if (!curr_length)
          curr_start = i;
        if (curr_length > longest_length) {
          longest_start = curr_start;
          longest_length = curr_length;

    bool need_sep = false;  // Whether the next item needs a ':' to separate.
    for (int i = 0; i < 8;) {
      if (longest_length > 1 && i == longest_start) {
        need_sep = false;
        i += longest_length;
      } else {
        uint16_t v = ConvertFromNetEndian16(address16[i]);
        base::StringAppendF(&description, need_sep ? ":%x" : "%x", v);
        need_sep = true;

  // Nonzero scopes, e.g., 123, are indicated by appending, e.g., "%123".
  if (net_addr->scope_id != 0)
    base::StringAppendF(&description, "%%%u", net_addr->scope_id);

  if (include_port)
    base::StringAppendF(&description, "]:%u", net_addr->port);

  return description;

PP_Var Describe(PP_Module /*module*/,
                const struct PP_NetAddress_Private* addr,
                PP_Bool include_port) {
  std::string str = NetAddressPrivateImpl::DescribeNetAddress(
      *addr, PP_ToBool(include_port));
  if (str.empty())
    return PP_MakeUndefined();
  // We must acquire the lock while accessing the VarTracker, which is part of
  // the critical section of the proxy which may be accessed by other threads.
  ProxyAutoLock lock;
  return StringVar::StringToPPVar(str);

PP_Bool ReplacePort(const struct PP_NetAddress_Private* src_addr,
                    uint16_t port,
                    struct PP_NetAddress_Private* dest_addr) {
  const NetAddress* src_net_addr = ToNetAddress(src_addr);
  if (!IsValid(src_net_addr) || !dest_addr)
    return PP_FALSE;
  dest_addr->size = sizeof(NetAddress);  // make sure 'size' is valid.
  NetAddress* dest_net_addr = ToNetAddress(dest_addr);
  *dest_net_addr = *src_net_addr;
  dest_net_addr->port = port;
  return PP_TRUE;

void GetAnyAddress(PP_Bool is_ipv6, PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  if (addr) {
    NetAddress* net_addr = InitNetAddress(addr);
    net_addr->is_valid = true;
    net_addr->is_ipv6 = (is_ipv6 == PP_TRUE);

void CreateFromIPv4Address(const uint8_t ip[4],
                           uint16_t port,
                           struct PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  if (addr) {
    NetAddress* net_addr = InitNetAddress(addr);
    net_addr->is_valid = true;
    net_addr->is_ipv6 = false;
    net_addr->port = port;
    memcpy(net_addr->address, ip, kIPv4AddressSize);

void CreateFromIPv6Address(const uint8_t ip[16],
                           uint32_t scope_id,
                           uint16_t port,
                           struct PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  if (addr) {
    NetAddress* net_addr = InitNetAddress(addr);
    net_addr->is_valid = true;
    net_addr->is_ipv6 = true;
    net_addr->port = port;
    net_addr->scope_id = scope_id;
    memcpy(net_addr->address, ip, kIPv6AddressSize);

const PPB_NetAddress_Private_0_1 net_address_private_interface_0_1 = {

const PPB_NetAddress_Private_1_0 net_address_private_interface_1_0 = {

const PPB_NetAddress_Private_1_1 net_address_private_interface_1_1 = {

}  // namespace

namespace thunk {

PPAPI_THUNK_EXPORT const PPB_NetAddress_Private_0_1*
GetPPB_NetAddress_Private_0_1_Thunk() {
  return &net_address_private_interface_0_1;

PPAPI_THUNK_EXPORT const PPB_NetAddress_Private_1_0*
GetPPB_NetAddress_Private_1_0_Thunk() {
  return &net_address_private_interface_1_0;

PPAPI_THUNK_EXPORT const PPB_NetAddress_Private_1_1*
GetPPB_NetAddress_Private_1_1_Thunk() {
  return &net_address_private_interface_1_1;

}  // namespace thunk

// For the NaCl target, all we need are the API functions and the thunk.
#if !defined(OS_NACL)

// static
bool NetAddressPrivateImpl::ValidateNetAddress(
    const PP_NetAddress_Private& addr) {
  return IsValid(ToNetAddress(&addr));

// static
bool NetAddressPrivateImpl::SockaddrToNetAddress(
    const sockaddr* sa,
    uint32_t sa_length,
    PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  if (!sa || sa_length == 0 || !addr)
    return false;

  // Our platform neutral format stores ports in host order, not net order,
  // so convert them here.
  NetAddress* net_addr = InitNetAddress(addr);
  switch (sa->sa_family) {
    case AF_INET: {
      const struct sockaddr_in* addr4 =
          reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in*>(sa);
      net_addr->is_valid = true;
      net_addr->is_ipv6 = false;
      net_addr->port = ConvertFromNetEndian16(addr4->sin_port);
      memcpy(net_addr->address, &addr4->sin_addr.s_addr, kIPv4AddressSize);
    case AF_INET6: {
      const struct sockaddr_in6* addr6 =
          reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in6*>(sa);
      net_addr->is_valid = true;
      net_addr->is_ipv6 = true;
      net_addr->port = ConvertFromNetEndian16(addr6->sin6_port);
      net_addr->flow_info = addr6->sin6_flowinfo;
      net_addr->scope_id = addr6->sin6_scope_id;
      memcpy(net_addr->address, addr6->sin6_addr.s6_addr, kIPv6AddressSize);
      // InitNetAddress sets net_addr->is_valid to false.
      return false;
  return true;}

// static
bool NetAddressPrivateImpl::IPEndPointToNetAddress(
    const std::vector<unsigned char>& address,
    int port,
    PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  if (!addr)
    return false;

  NetAddress* net_addr = InitNetAddress(addr);
  switch (address.size()) {
    case kIPv4AddressSize: {
      net_addr->is_valid = true;
      net_addr->is_ipv6 = false;
      net_addr->port = static_cast<uint16_t>(port);
      std::copy(address.begin(), address.end(), net_addr->address);
    case kIPv6AddressSize: {
      net_addr->is_valid = true;
      net_addr->is_ipv6 = true;
      net_addr->port = static_cast<uint16_t>(port);
      std::copy(address.begin(), address.end(), net_addr->address);
      // InitNetAddress sets net_addr->is_valid to false.
      return false;

  return true;

// static
bool NetAddressPrivateImpl::NetAddressToIPEndPoint(
    const PP_NetAddress_Private& addr,
    std::vector<unsigned char>* address,
    int* port) {
  if (!address || !port)
    return false;

  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(&addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr))
    return false;

  *port = net_addr->port;
  size_t address_size = GetAddressSize(net_addr);
  address->assign(&net_addr->address[0], &net_addr->address[address_size]);

  return true;
#endif  // !defined(OS_NACL)

// static
std::string NetAddressPrivateImpl::DescribeNetAddress(
    const PP_NetAddress_Private& addr,
    bool include_port) {
  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(&addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr))
    return std::string();

  // On Windows, |NetAddressToString()| doesn't work in the sandbox. On Mac,
  // the output isn't consistent with RFC 5952, at least on Mac OS 10.6:
  // |getnameinfo()| collapses length-one runs of zeros (and also doesn't
  // display the scope).
  if (net_addr->is_ipv6)
    return ConvertIPv6AddressToString(net_addr, include_port);
  return ConvertIPv4AddressToString(net_addr, include_port);

// static
void NetAddressPrivateImpl::CreateNetAddressPrivateFromIPv4Address(
    const PP_NetAddress_IPv4& ipv4_addr,
    PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  CreateFromIPv4Address(ipv4_addr.addr, ConvertFromNetEndian16(ipv4_addr.port),

// static
void NetAddressPrivateImpl::CreateNetAddressPrivateFromIPv6Address(
    const PP_NetAddress_IPv6& ipv6_addr,
    PP_NetAddress_Private* addr) {
  CreateFromIPv6Address(ipv6_addr.addr, 0,
                        ConvertFromNetEndian16(ipv6_addr.port), addr);

// static
PP_NetAddress_Family NetAddressPrivateImpl::GetFamilyFromNetAddressPrivate(
    const PP_NetAddress_Private& addr) {
  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(&addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr))
  return net_addr->is_ipv6 ? PP_NETADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6 :

// static
bool NetAddressPrivateImpl::DescribeNetAddressPrivateAsIPv4Address(
   const PP_NetAddress_Private& addr,
   PP_NetAddress_IPv4* ipv4_addr) {
  if (!ipv4_addr)
    return false;

  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(&addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr) || net_addr->is_ipv6)
    return false;

  ipv4_addr->port = ConvertToNetEndian16(net_addr->port);

  COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ipv4_addr->addr) == kIPv4AddressSize,
  memcpy(ipv4_addr->addr, net_addr->address, kIPv4AddressSize);

  return true;

// static
bool NetAddressPrivateImpl::DescribeNetAddressPrivateAsIPv6Address(
    const PP_NetAddress_Private& addr,
    PP_NetAddress_IPv6* ipv6_addr) {
  if (!ipv6_addr)
    return false;

  const NetAddress* net_addr = ToNetAddress(&addr);
  if (!IsValid(net_addr) || !net_addr->is_ipv6)
    return false;

  ipv6_addr->port = ConvertToNetEndian16(net_addr->port);

  COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ipv6_addr->addr) == kIPv6AddressSize,
  memcpy(ipv6_addr->addr, net_addr->address, kIPv6AddressSize);

  return true;

}  // namespace ppapi

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */