
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. InitStringUnicode
  2. MakeOpAlwaysFalse
  3. MakeOpAlwaysTrue
  4. MakeOpAction
  5. MakeOpNumberMatch
  6. MakeOpVoidPtrMatch
  7. MakeOpUlongMatchRange
  8. MakeOpUlongAndMatch
  9. MakeOpWStringMatch
  10. MakeBase
  11. AllocRelative
  12. Evaluate
  13. EvaluateHelper

// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "sandbox/win/src/policy_engine_opcodes.h"

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_nt_types.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_types.h"

namespace {
const unsigned short kMaxUniStrSize = 0xfffc;

bool InitStringUnicode(const wchar_t* source, size_t length,
                       UNICODE_STRING* ustring) {
  ustring->Buffer = const_cast<wchar_t*>(source);
  ustring->Length = static_cast<USHORT>(length) * sizeof(wchar_t);
  if (length > kMaxUniStrSize) {
      return false;
  ustring->MaximumLength = (NULL != source) ?
                                ustring->Length + sizeof(wchar_t) : 0;
  return true;

}  // namespace

namespace sandbox {


// Note: The opcodes are implemented as functions (as opposed to classes derived
// from PolicyOpcode) because you should not add more member variables to the
// PolicyOpcode class since it would cause object slicing on the target. So to
// enforce that (instead of just trusting the developer) the opcodes became
// just functions.
// In the code that follows I have keep the evaluation function and the factory
// function together to stress the close relationship between both. For example,
// only the factory method and the evaluation function know the stored argument
// order and meaning.

template <int>
EvalResult OpcodeEval(PolicyOpcode* opcode, const ParameterSet* pp,
                      MatchContext* match);

// Opcode OpAlwaysFalse:
// Does not require input parameter.

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpAlwaysFalse(uint32 options) {
  return MakeBase(OP_ALWAYS_FALSE, options, -1);

template <>
EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ALWAYS_FALSE>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
                                       const ParameterSet* param,
                                       MatchContext* context) {
  return EVAL_FALSE;

// Opcode OpAlwaysTrue:
// Does not require input parameter.

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpAlwaysTrue(uint32 options) {
  return MakeBase(OP_ALWAYS_TRUE, options, -1);

template <>
EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ALWAYS_TRUE>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
                                      const ParameterSet* param,
                                      MatchContext* context) {
  return EVAL_TRUE;

// Opcode OpAction:
// Does not require input parameter.
// Argument 0 contains the actual action to return.

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpAction(EvalResult action,
                                          uint32 options) {
  PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_ACTION, options, 0);
  if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
  opcode->SetArgument(0, action);
  return opcode;

template <>
EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ACTION>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
                                 const ParameterSet* param,
                                 MatchContext* context) {
  int action = 0;
  opcode->GetArgument(0, &action);
  return static_cast<EvalResult>(action);

// Opcode OpNumberMatch:
// Requires a unsigned long or void* in selected_param
// Argument 0 is the stored number to match.
// Argument 1 is the C++ type of the 0th argument.

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpNumberMatch(int16 selected_param,
                                               unsigned long match,
                                               uint32 options) {
  PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_NUMBER_MATCH, options, selected_param);
  if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
  opcode->SetArgument(0, match);
  opcode->SetArgument(1, ULONG_TYPE);
  return opcode;

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpVoidPtrMatch(int16 selected_param,
                                                const void* match,
                                                uint32 options) {
  PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_NUMBER_MATCH, options, selected_param);
  if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
  opcode->SetArgument(0, match);
  opcode->SetArgument(1, VOIDPTR_TYPE);
  return opcode;

template <>
EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_NUMBER_MATCH>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
                                       const ParameterSet* param,
                                       MatchContext* context) {
  unsigned long value_ulong = 0;
  if (param->Get(&value_ulong)) {
    unsigned long match_ulong = 0;
    opcode->GetArgument(0, &match_ulong);
    return (match_ulong != value_ulong)? EVAL_FALSE : EVAL_TRUE;
  } else {
    const void* value_ptr = NULL;
    if (param->Get(&value_ptr)) {
      const void* match_ptr = NULL;
      opcode->GetArgument(0, &match_ptr);
      return (match_ptr != value_ptr)? EVAL_FALSE : EVAL_TRUE;
  return EVAL_ERROR;

// Opcode OpUlongMatchRange
// Requires a unsigned long in selected_param.
// Argument 0 is the stored lower bound to match.
// Argument 1 is the stored upper bound to match.

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpUlongMatchRange(int16 selected_param,
                                                   unsigned long lower_bound,
                                                   unsigned long upper_bound,
                                                   uint32 options) {
  if (lower_bound > upper_bound) {
    return NULL;
  PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_ULONG_MATCH_RANGE, options,
  if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
  opcode->SetArgument(0, lower_bound);
  opcode->SetArgument(1, upper_bound);
  return opcode;

template <>
EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ULONG_MATCH_RANGE>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
                                            const ParameterSet* param,
                                            MatchContext* context) {
  unsigned long value = 0;
  if (!param->Get(&value)) return EVAL_ERROR;

  unsigned long lower_bound = 0;
  unsigned long upper_bound = 0;
  opcode->GetArgument(0, &lower_bound);
  opcode->GetArgument(1, &upper_bound);
  return((lower_bound <= value) && (upper_bound >= value))?

// Opcode OpUlongAndMatch:
// Requires a unsigned long in selected_param.
// Argument 0 is the stored number to match.

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpUlongAndMatch(int16 selected_param,
                                                 unsigned long match,
                                                 uint32 options) {
  PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_ULONG_AND_MATCH, options, selected_param);
  if (NULL == opcode) return NULL;
  opcode->SetArgument(0, match);
  return opcode;

template <>
EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_ULONG_AND_MATCH>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
                                          const ParameterSet* param,
                                          MatchContext* context) {
  unsigned long value = 0;
  if (!param->Get(&value)) return EVAL_ERROR;

  unsigned long number = 0;
  opcode->GetArgument(0, &number);
  return (number & value)? EVAL_TRUE : EVAL_FALSE;

// Opcode OpWStringMatch:
// Requires a wchar_t* in selected_param.
// Argument 0 is the byte displacement of the stored string.
// Argument 1 is the lenght in chars of the stored string.
// Argument 2 is the offset to apply on the input string. It has special values.
// as noted in the header file.
// Argument 3 is the string matching options.

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeOpWStringMatch(int16 selected_param,
                                                const wchar_t* match_str,
                                                int start_position,
                                                StringMatchOptions match_opts,
                                                uint32 options) {
  if (NULL == match_str) {
    return NULL;
  if ('\0' == match_str[0]) {
    return NULL;

  int lenght = lstrlenW(match_str);

  PolicyOpcode* opcode = MakeBase(OP_WSTRING_MATCH, options, selected_param);
  if (NULL == opcode) {
    return NULL;
  ptrdiff_t delta_str = AllocRelative(opcode, match_str, wcslen(match_str)+1);
  if (0 == delta_str) {
    return NULL;
  opcode->SetArgument(0, delta_str);
  opcode->SetArgument(1, lenght);
  opcode->SetArgument(2, start_position);
  opcode->SetArgument(3, match_opts);
  return opcode;

EvalResult OpcodeEval<OP_WSTRING_MATCH>(PolicyOpcode* opcode,
                                        const ParameterSet* param,
                                        MatchContext* context) {
  if (NULL == context) {
    return EVAL_ERROR;
  const wchar_t* source_str = NULL;
  if (!param->Get(&source_str)) return EVAL_ERROR;

  int start_position = 0;
  int match_len = 0;
  unsigned int match_opts = 0;
  opcode->GetArgument(1, &match_len);
  opcode->GetArgument(2, &start_position);
  opcode->GetArgument(3, &match_opts);

  const wchar_t* match_str = opcode->GetRelativeString(0);
  // Advance the source string to the last successfully evaluated position
  // according to the match context.
  source_str = &source_str[context->position];
  int source_len  = static_cast<int>(g_nt.wcslen(source_str));

  if (0 == source_len) {
    // If we reached the end of the source string there is nothing we can
    // match against.
    return EVAL_FALSE;
  if (match_len > source_len) {
    // There can't be a positive match when the target string is bigger than
    // the source string
    return EVAL_FALSE;

  BOOL case_sensitive = (match_opts & CASE_INSENSITIVE) ? TRUE : FALSE;

  // We have three cases, depending on the value of start_pos:
  // Case 1. We skip N characters and compare once.
  // Case 2: We skip to the end and compare once.
  // Case 3: We match the first substring (if we find any).
  if (start_position >= 0) {
    if (kSeekToEnd == start_position) {
        start_position = source_len - match_len;
    } else if (match_opts & EXACT_LENGHT) {
        // A sub-case of case 3 is when the EXACT_LENGHT flag is on
        // the match needs to be not just substring but full match.
        if ((match_len + start_position) != source_len) {
          return EVAL_FALSE;

    // Advance start_pos characters. Warning! this does not consider
    // utf16 encodings (surrogate pairs) or other Unicode 'features'.
    source_str += start_position;

    // Since we skipped, lets reevaluate just the lengths again.
    if ((match_len + start_position) > source_len) {
      return EVAL_FALSE;

    UNICODE_STRING match_ustr;
    InitStringUnicode(match_str, match_len, &match_ustr);
    UNICODE_STRING source_ustr;
    InitStringUnicode(source_str, match_len, &source_ustr);

    if (0 == g_nt.RtlCompareUnicodeString(&match_ustr, &source_ustr,
                                          case_sensitive)) {
      // Match! update the match context.
      context->position += start_position + match_len;
      return EVAL_TRUE;
    } else {
      return EVAL_FALSE;
  } else if (start_position < 0) {
    UNICODE_STRING match_ustr;
    InitStringUnicode(match_str, match_len, &match_ustr);
    UNICODE_STRING source_ustr;
    InitStringUnicode(source_str, match_len, &source_ustr);

    do {
      if (0 == g_nt.RtlCompareUnicodeString(&match_ustr, &source_ustr,
                                            case_sensitive)) {
        // Match! update the match context.
        context->position += (source_ustr.Buffer - source_str) + match_len;
        return EVAL_TRUE;
    } while (source_len >= match_len);
  return EVAL_FALSE;

// OpcodeMaker (other member functions).

PolicyOpcode* OpcodeFactory::MakeBase(OpcodeID opcode_id,
                                      uint32 options,
                                      int16 selected_param) {
  if (memory_size() < sizeof(PolicyOpcode)) {
    return NULL;

  // Create opcode using placement-new on the buffer memory.
  PolicyOpcode* opcode = new(memory_top_) PolicyOpcode();

  // Fill in the standard fields, that every opcode has.
  memory_top_ += sizeof(PolicyOpcode);
  opcode->opcode_id_ = opcode_id;
  opcode->options_ = static_cast<int16>(options);
  opcode->parameter_ = selected_param;
  return opcode;

ptrdiff_t OpcodeFactory::AllocRelative(void* start, const wchar_t* str,
                                       size_t lenght) {
  size_t bytes = lenght * sizeof(wchar_t);
  if (memory_size() < bytes) {
    return 0;
  memory_bottom_ -= bytes;
  if (reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(memory_bottom_) & 1) {
    // TODO(cpu) replace this for something better.
  memcpy(memory_bottom_, str, bytes);
  ptrdiff_t delta = memory_bottom_ - reinterpret_cast<char*>(start);
  return delta;

// Opcode evaluation dispatchers.

// This function is the one and only entry for evaluating any opcode. It is
// in charge of applying any relevant opcode options and calling EvaluateInner
// were the actual dispatch-by-id is made. It would seem at first glance that
// the dispatch should be done by virtual function (vtable) calls but you have
// to remember that the opcodes are made in the broker process and copied as
// raw memory to the target process.

EvalResult PolicyOpcode::Evaluate(const ParameterSet* call_params,
                                  size_t param_count, MatchContext* match) {
  if (NULL == call_params) {
    return EVAL_ERROR;
  const ParameterSet* selected_param = NULL;
  if (parameter_ >= 0) {
    if (static_cast<size_t>(parameter_) >= param_count) {
      return EVAL_ERROR;
    selected_param = &call_params[parameter_];
  EvalResult result = EvaluateHelper(selected_param, match);

  // Apply the general options regardless of the particular type of opcode.
  if (kPolNone == options_) {
    return result;

  if (options_ & kPolNegateEval) {
    if (EVAL_TRUE == result) {
      result = EVAL_FALSE;
    } else if (EVAL_FALSE == result) {
      result = EVAL_TRUE;
    } else if (EVAL_ERROR != result) {
      result = EVAL_ERROR;
  if (NULL != match) {
    if (options_ & kPolClearContext) {
    if (options_ & kPolUseOREval) {
      match->options = kPolUseOREval;
  return result;

#define OPCODE_EVAL(op, x, y, z) case op: return OpcodeEval<op>(x, y, z)

EvalResult PolicyOpcode::EvaluateHelper(const ParameterSet* parameters,
                                       MatchContext* match) {
  switch (opcode_id_) {
    OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ALWAYS_FALSE, this, parameters, match);
    OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ALWAYS_TRUE, this, parameters, match);
    OPCODE_EVAL(OP_NUMBER_MATCH, this, parameters, match);
    OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ULONG_MATCH_RANGE, this, parameters, match);
    OPCODE_EVAL(OP_WSTRING_MATCH, this, parameters, match);
    OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ULONG_AND_MATCH, this, parameters, match);
    OPCODE_EVAL(OP_ACTION, this, parameters, match);
      return EVAL_ERROR;


}  // namespace sandbox

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */