
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/fenced_allocator.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/buffer.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/types.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"

namespace gpu {

class CommandBufferHelper;

// Manages a shared memory segment.
class GPU_EXPORT MemoryChunk {
  MemoryChunk(int32 shm_id,
              scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> shm,
              CommandBufferHelper* helper,
              const base::Closure& poll_callback);

  // Gets the size of the largest free block that is available without waiting.
  unsigned int GetLargestFreeSizeWithoutWaiting() {
    return allocator_.GetLargestFreeSize();

  // Gets the size of the largest free block that can be allocated if the
  // caller can wait.
  unsigned int GetLargestFreeSizeWithWaiting() {
    return allocator_.GetLargestFreeOrPendingSize();

  // Gets the size of the chunk.
  unsigned int GetSize() const {
    return static_cast<unsigned int>(shm_->size());

  // The shared memory id for this chunk.
  int32 shm_id() const {
    return shm_id_;

  // Allocates a block of memory. If the buffer is out of directly available
  // memory, this function may wait until memory that was freed "pending a
  // token" can be re-used.
  // Parameters:
  //   size: the size of the memory block to allocate.
  // Returns:
  //   the pointer to the allocated memory block, or NULL if out of
  //   memory.
  void* Alloc(unsigned int size) {
    return allocator_.Alloc(size);

  // Gets the offset to a memory block given the base memory and the address.
  // It translates NULL to FencedAllocator::kInvalidOffset.
  unsigned int GetOffset(void* pointer) {
    return allocator_.GetOffset(pointer);

  // Frees a block of memory.
  // Parameters:
  //   pointer: the pointer to the memory block to free.
  void Free(void* pointer) {

  // Frees a block of memory, pending the passage of a token. That memory won't
  // be re-allocated until the token has passed through the command stream.
  // Parameters:
  //   pointer: the pointer to the memory block to free.
  //   token: the token value to wait for before re-using the memory.
  void FreePendingToken(void* pointer, unsigned int token) {
    allocator_.FreePendingToken(pointer, token);

  // Frees any blocks whose tokens have passed.
  void FreeUnused() {

  // Returns true if pointer is in the range of this block.
  bool IsInChunk(void* pointer) const {
    return pointer >= shm_->memory() &&
           pointer <
               reinterpret_cast<const int8*>(shm_->memory()) + shm_->size();

  // Returns true of any memory in this chunk is in use.
  bool InUse() {
    return allocator_.InUse();

  size_t bytes_in_use() const {
    return allocator_.bytes_in_use();

  int32 shm_id_;
  scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> shm_;
  FencedAllocatorWrapper allocator_;


// Manages MemoryChunks.
class GPU_EXPORT MappedMemoryManager {
  enum MemoryLimit {
    kNoLimit = 0,

  // |unused_memory_reclaim_limit|: When exceeded this causes pending memory
  // to be reclaimed before allocating more memory.
  MappedMemoryManager(CommandBufferHelper* helper,
                      const base::Closure& poll_callback,
                      size_t unused_memory_reclaim_limit);


  unsigned int chunk_size_multiple() const {
    return chunk_size_multiple_;

  void set_chunk_size_multiple(unsigned int multiple) {
    chunk_size_multiple_ = multiple;

  // Allocates a block of memory
  // Parameters:
  //   size: size of memory to allocate.
  //   shm_id: pointer to variable to receive the shared memory id.
  //   shm_offset: pointer to variable to receive the shared memory offset.
  // Returns:
  //   pointer to allocated block of memory. NULL if failure.
  void* Alloc(
      unsigned int size, int32* shm_id, unsigned int* shm_offset);

  // Frees a block of memory.
  // Parameters:
  //   pointer: the pointer to the memory block to free.
  void Free(void* pointer);

  // Frees a block of memory, pending the passage of a token. That memory won't
  // be re-allocated until the token has passed through the command stream.
  // Parameters:
  //   pointer: the pointer to the memory block to free.
  //   token: the token value to wait for before re-using the memory.
  void FreePendingToken(void* pointer, int32 token);

  // Free Any Shared memory that is not in use.
  void FreeUnused();

  // Used for testing
  size_t num_chunks() const {
    return chunks_.size();

  size_t bytes_in_use() const {
    size_t bytes_in_use = 0;
    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < chunks_.size(); ++ii) {
      MemoryChunk* chunk = chunks_[ii];
      bytes_in_use += chunk->bytes_in_use();
    return bytes_in_use;

  // Used for testing
  size_t allocated_memory() const {
    return allocated_memory_;

  typedef ScopedVector<MemoryChunk> MemoryChunkVector;

  // size a chunk is rounded up to.
  unsigned int chunk_size_multiple_;
  CommandBufferHelper* helper_;
  base::Closure poll_callback_;
  MemoryChunkVector chunks_;
  size_t allocated_memory_;
  size_t max_free_bytes_;


}  // namespace gpu


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