
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. mode_flags_
  2. mode_flags_
  3. mode_flags_
  4. GetValue
  5. GetMutableValue
  6. GetValueForcedToCurrentScope
  7. GetValue
  8. SetValue
  9. AddTemplate
  10. GetTemplate
  11. MarkUsed
  12. MarkUnused
  13. IsSetButUnused
  14. CheckForUnusedVars
  15. GetCurrentScopeValues
  16. NonRecursiveMergeTo
  17. MakeClosure
  18. MakeTargetDefaults
  19. GetTargetDefaults
  20. GetSourcesAssignmentFilter
  21. SetProcessingBuildConfig
  22. ClearProcessingBuildConfig
  23. IsProcessingBuildConfig
  24. SetProcessingImport
  25. ClearProcessingImport
  26. IsProcessingImport
  27. GetSourceDir
  28. SetProperty
  29. GetProperty
  30. AddProvider
  31. RemoveProvider

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "tools/gn/scope.h"

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
#include "tools/gn/template.h"

namespace {

// FLags set in the mode_flags_ of a scope. If a bit is set, it applies
// recursively to all dependent scopes.
const unsigned kProcessingBuildConfigFlag = 1;
const unsigned kProcessingImportFlag = 2;

}  // namespace

Scope::Scope(const Settings* settings)
    : const_containing_(NULL),
      mode_flags_(0) {

Scope::Scope(Scope* parent)
    : const_containing_(NULL),
      mode_flags_(0) {

Scope::Scope(const Scope* parent)
    : const_containing_(parent),
      mode_flags_(0) {

Scope::~Scope() {
  STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers(templates_.begin(), templates_.end());

const Value* Scope::GetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident,
                             bool counts_as_used) {
  // First check for programatically-provided values.
  for (ProviderSet::const_iterator i = programmatic_providers_.begin();
       i != programmatic_providers_.end(); ++i) {
    const Value* v = (*i)->GetProgrammaticValue(ident);
    if (v)
      return v;

  RecordMap::iterator found = values_.find(ident);
  if (found != values_.end()) {
    if (counts_as_used)
      found->second.used = true;
    return &found->second.value;

  // Search in the parent scope.
  if (const_containing_)
    return const_containing_->GetValue(ident);
  if (mutable_containing_)
    return mutable_containing_->GetValue(ident, counts_as_used);
  return NULL;

Value* Scope::GetMutableValue(const base::StringPiece& ident,
                              bool counts_as_used) {
  // Don't do programatic values, which are not mutable.
  RecordMap::iterator found = values_.find(ident);
  if (found != values_.end()) {
    if (counts_as_used)
      found->second.used = true;
    return &found->second.value;

  // Search in the parent mutable scope, but not const one.
  if (mutable_containing_)
    return mutable_containing_->GetMutableValue(ident, counts_as_used);
  return NULL;

Value* Scope::GetValueForcedToCurrentScope(const base::StringPiece& ident,
                                           const ParseNode* set_node) {
  RecordMap::iterator found = values_.find(ident);
  if (found != values_.end())
    return &found->second.value;  // Already have in the current scope.

  // Search in the parent scope.
  if (containing()) {
    const Value* in_containing = containing()->GetValue(ident);
    if (in_containing) {
      // Promote to current scope.
      return SetValue(ident, *in_containing, set_node);
  return NULL;

const Value* Scope::GetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident) const {
  RecordMap::const_iterator found = values_.find(ident);
  if (found != values_.end())
    return &found->second.value;
  if (containing())
    return containing()->GetValue(ident);
  return NULL;

Value* Scope::SetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident,
                       const Value& v,
                       const ParseNode* set_node) {
  Record& r = values_[ident];  // Clears any existing value.
  r.value = v;
  return &r.value;

bool Scope::AddTemplate(const std::string& name, scoped_ptr<Template> templ) {
  if (GetTemplate(name))
    return false;
  templates_[name] = templ.release();
  return true;

const Template* Scope::GetTemplate(const std::string& name) const {
  TemplateMap::const_iterator found = templates_.find(name);
  if (found != templates_.end())
    return found->second;
  if (containing())
    return containing()->GetTemplate(name);
  return NULL;

void Scope::MarkUsed(const base::StringPiece& ident) {
  RecordMap::iterator found = values_.find(ident);
  if (found == values_.end()) {
  found->second.used = true;

void Scope::MarkUnused(const base::StringPiece& ident) {
  RecordMap::iterator found = values_.find(ident);
  if (found == values_.end()) {
  found->second.used = false;

bool Scope::IsSetButUnused(const base::StringPiece& ident) const {
  RecordMap::const_iterator found = values_.find(ident);
  if (found != values_.end()) {
    if (!found->second.used) {
      return true;
  return false;

bool Scope::CheckForUnusedVars(Err* err) const {
  for (RecordMap::const_iterator i = values_.begin();
       i != values_.end(); ++i) {
    if (!i->second.used) {
      std::string help = "You set the variable \"" + i->first.as_string() +
          "\" here and it was unused before it went\nout of scope.";

      const BinaryOpNode* binary = i->second.value.origin()->AsBinaryOp();
      if (binary && binary->op().type() == Token::EQUAL) {
        // Make a nicer error message for normal var sets.
        *err = Err(binary->left()->GetRange(), "Assignment had no effect.",
      } else {
        // This will happen for internally-generated variables.
        *err = Err(i->second.value.origin(), "Assignment had no effect.", help);
      return false;
  return true;

void Scope::GetCurrentScopeValues(KeyValueMap* output) const {
  for (RecordMap::const_iterator i = values_.begin(); i != values_.end(); ++i)
    (*output)[i->first] = i->second.value;

bool Scope::NonRecursiveMergeTo(Scope* dest,
                                bool clobber_existing,
                                const ParseNode* node_for_err,
                                const char* desc_for_err,
                                Err* err) const {
  // Values.
  for (RecordMap::const_iterator i = values_.begin(); i != values_.end(); ++i) {
    const Value& new_value = i->second.value;
    if (!clobber_existing) {
      const Value* existing_value = dest->GetValue(i->first);
      if (existing_value && new_value != *existing_value) {
        // Value present in both the source and the dest.
        std::string desc_string(desc_for_err);
        *err = Err(node_for_err, "Value collision.",
            "This " + desc_string + " contains \"" + i->first.as_string() +
        err->AppendSubErr(Err(i->second.value, "defined here.",
            "Which would clobber the one in your current scope"));
        err->AppendSubErr(Err(*existing_value, "defined here.",
            "Executing " + desc_string + " should not conflict with anything "
            "in the current\nscope unless the values are identical."));
        return false;
    dest->values_[i->first] = i->second;

  // Target defaults are owning pointers.
  for (NamedScopeMap::const_iterator i = target_defaults_.begin();
       i != target_defaults_.end(); ++i) {
    if (!clobber_existing) {
      if (dest->GetTargetDefaults(i->first)) {
        // TODO(brettw) it would be nice to know the origin of a
        // set_target_defaults so we can give locations for the colliding target
        // defaults.
        std::string desc_string(desc_for_err);
        *err = Err(node_for_err, "Target defaults collision.",
            "This " + desc_string + " contains target defaults for\n"
            "\"" + i->first + "\" which would clobber one for the\n"
            "same target type in your current scope. It's unfortunate that I'm "
            "too stupid\nto tell you the location of where the target defaults "
            "were set. Usually\nthis happens in the file.");
        return false;

    // Be careful to delete any pointer we're about to clobber.
    Scope** dest_scope = &dest->target_defaults_[i->first];
    if (*dest_scope)
      delete *dest_scope;
    *dest_scope = new Scope(settings_);
    i->second->NonRecursiveMergeTo(*dest_scope, clobber_existing, node_for_err,
                                   "<SHOULDN'T HAPPEN>", err);

  // Sources assignment filter.
  if (sources_assignment_filter_) {
    if (!clobber_existing) {
      if (dest->GetSourcesAssignmentFilter()) {
        // Sources assignment filter present in both the source and the dest.
        std::string desc_string(desc_for_err);
        *err = Err(node_for_err, "Assignment filter collision.",
            "The " + desc_string + " contains a sources_assignment_filter "
            "which\nwould clobber the one in your current scope.");
        return false;
        new PatternList(*sources_assignment_filter_));

  // Templates.
  for (TemplateMap::const_iterator i = templates_.begin();
       i != templates_.end(); ++i) {
    if (!clobber_existing) {
      const Template* existing_template = dest->GetTemplate(i->first);
      if (existing_template) {
        // Rule present in both the source and the dest.
        std::string desc_string(desc_for_err);
        *err = Err(node_for_err, "Template collision.",
            "This " + desc_string + " contains a template \"" +
            i->first + "\"");
        err->AppendSubErr(Err(i->second->GetDefinitionRange(), "defined here.",
            "Which would clobber the one in your current scope"));
            "defined here.",
            "Executing " + desc_string + " should not conflict with anything "
            "in the current\nscope."));
        return false;

    // Be careful to delete any pointer we're about to clobber.
    const Template** dest_template = &dest->templates_[i->first];
    if (*dest_template)
      delete *dest_template;
    *dest_template = i->second;

  return true;

scoped_ptr<Scope> Scope::MakeClosure() const {
  scoped_ptr<Scope> result;
  if (const_containing_) {
    // We reached the top of the mutable scope stack. The result scope just
    // references the const scope (which will never change).
    result.reset(new Scope(const_containing_));
  } else if (mutable_containing_) {
    // There are more nested mutable scopes. Recursively go up the stack to
    // get the closure.
    result = mutable_containing_->MakeClosure();
  } else {
    // This is a standalone scope, just copy it.
    result.reset(new Scope(settings_));

  // Add in our variables and we're done.
  Err err;
  NonRecursiveMergeTo(result.get(), true, NULL, "<SHOULDN'T HAPPEN>", &err);
  return result.Pass();

Scope* Scope::MakeTargetDefaults(const std::string& target_type) {
  if (GetTargetDefaults(target_type))
    return NULL;

  Scope** dest = &target_defaults_[target_type];
  if (*dest) {
    NOTREACHED();  // Already set.
    return *dest;
  *dest = new Scope(settings_);
  return *dest;

const Scope* Scope::GetTargetDefaults(const std::string& target_type) const {
  NamedScopeMap::const_iterator found = target_defaults_.find(target_type);
  if (found != target_defaults_.end())
    return found->second;
  if (containing())
    return containing()->GetTargetDefaults(target_type);
  return NULL;

const PatternList* Scope::GetSourcesAssignmentFilter() const {
  if (sources_assignment_filter_)
    return sources_assignment_filter_.get();
  if (containing())
    return containing()->GetSourcesAssignmentFilter();
  return NULL;

void Scope::SetProcessingBuildConfig() {
  DCHECK((mode_flags_ & kProcessingBuildConfigFlag) == 0);
  mode_flags_ |= kProcessingBuildConfigFlag;

void Scope::ClearProcessingBuildConfig() {
  DCHECK(mode_flags_ & kProcessingBuildConfigFlag);
  mode_flags_ &= ~(kProcessingBuildConfigFlag);

bool Scope::IsProcessingBuildConfig() const {
  if (mode_flags_ & kProcessingBuildConfigFlag)
    return true;
  if (containing())
    return containing()->IsProcessingBuildConfig();
  return false;

void Scope::SetProcessingImport() {
  DCHECK((mode_flags_ & kProcessingImportFlag) == 0);
  mode_flags_ |= kProcessingImportFlag;

void Scope::ClearProcessingImport() {
  DCHECK(mode_flags_ & kProcessingImportFlag);
  mode_flags_ &= ~(kProcessingImportFlag);

bool Scope::IsProcessingImport() const {
  if (mode_flags_ & kProcessingImportFlag)
    return true;
  if (containing())
    return containing()->IsProcessingImport();
  return false;

const SourceDir& Scope::GetSourceDir() const {
  if (!source_dir_.is_null())
    return source_dir_;
  if (containing())
    return containing()->GetSourceDir();
  return source_dir_;

void Scope::SetProperty(const void* key, void* value) {
  if (!value) {
    DCHECK(properties_.find(key) != properties_.end());
  } else {
    properties_[key] = value;

void* Scope::GetProperty(const void* key, const Scope** found_on_scope) const {
  PropertyMap::const_iterator found = properties_.find(key);
  if (found != properties_.end()) {
    if (found_on_scope)
      *found_on_scope = this;
    return found->second;
  if (containing())
    return containing()->GetProperty(key, found_on_scope);
  return NULL;

void Scope::AddProvider(ProgrammaticProvider* p) {

void Scope::RemoveProvider(ProgrammaticProvider* p) {
  DCHECK(programmatic_providers_.find(p) != programmatic_providers_.end());

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */