
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. SomeMethod
  2. SomeOtherMethod
  3. WebKitModifiedSomething
  4. SomeInlineMethod
  5. SomeConstMethod
  6. SomeMethodWithExceptionSpec
  7. SomeConstMethodWithExceptionSpec
  8. SomeNonPureBaseMethod
  9. SomeMethodWithCommentAndBody
  10. main

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "overridden_methods.h"

// Fill in the implementations
void DerivedClass::SomeMethod() {}
void DerivedClass::SomeOtherMethod() {}
void DerivedClass::WebKitModifiedSomething() {}

class ImplementationInterimClass : public BaseClass {
  // Should not warn about pure virtual methods.
  virtual void SomeMethod() = 0;

class ImplementationDerivedClass : public ImplementationInterimClass,
                                   public webkit_glue::WebKitObserverImpl {
  // Should not warn about destructors.
  virtual ~ImplementationDerivedClass() {}
  // Should warn.
  virtual void SomeMethod();
  // Should not warn if marked as override.
  virtual void SomeOtherMethod() override;
  // Should not warn for inline implementations in implementation files.
  virtual void SomeInlineMethod() {}
  // Should not warn if overriding a method whose origin is WebKit.
  virtual void WebKitModifiedSomething();
  // Should warn with the insertion point after the const.
  virtual void SomeConstMethod() const {}
  // Should warn with the insertion point after the throw spec.
  virtual void SomeMethodWithExceptionSpec() throw() {}
  // Should warn with the insertion point after both the const and the throw
  // specifiers.
  virtual void SomeConstMethodWithExceptionSpec() const throw(int) {}
  // Should warn even if overridden method isn't pure.
  virtual void SomeNonPureBaseMethod() {}
  // Should warn and place correctly even when there is a comment.
  virtual void SomeMethodWithComment();  // This is a comment.
  // Should warn and place correctly even if there is a comment and body.
  virtual void SomeMethodWithCommentAndBody() {}  // This is a comment.

int main() {
  DerivedClass something;
  ImplementationDerivedClass something_else;

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