
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. getWidth
  2. getHeight
  3. onContentSizeChanged
  4. onContentSizeChanged
  5. onPageScaleChanged
  6. createTestDependencyFactory
  7. createCustomTestContainerViewOnMainSync
  8. createDetachedTestContainerViewOnMainSync
  9. assertZeroHeight
  10. getRootLayoutWidthOnMainThread
  11. Feature
  12. testZeroByZeroViewLoadsContent
  13. Feature
  14. testInvisibleViewLoadsContent
  15. Feature
  16. testDisconnectedViewLoadsContent
  17. makeHtmlPageOfSize
  18. waitForContentSizeToChangeTo
  19. loadPageOfSizeAndWaitForSizeChange
  20. Feature
  21. testSizeUpdateWhenDetached
  22. waitForNoLayoutsPending
  23. Feature
  24. testAbsolutePositionContributesToContentSize
  25. Feature
  26. testViewSizedCorrectlyInWrapContentMode
  27. Feature
  28. testViewSizedCorrectlyInWrapContentModeWithDynamicContents
  29. Feature
  30. testReceivingSizeAfterLoadUpdatesLayout

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.android_webview.test;

import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;

import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents;
import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContentsClient;
import org.chromium.android_webview.AwLayoutSizer;
import org.chromium.android_webview.test.util.CommonResources;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.CallbackHelper;
import org.chromium.ui.gfx.DeviceDisplayInfo;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

 * Tests for certain edge cases related to integrating with the Android view system.
public class AndroidViewIntegrationTest extends AwTestBase {

    private static class OnContentSizeChangedHelper extends CallbackHelper {
        private int mWidth;
        private int mHeight;

        public int getWidth() {
            assert getCallCount() > 0;
            return mWidth;

        public int getHeight() {
            assert getCallCount() > 0;
            return mHeight;

        public void onContentSizeChanged(int widthCss, int heightCss) {
            mWidth = widthCss;
            mHeight = heightCss;

    private OnContentSizeChangedHelper mOnContentSizeChangedHelper =
        new OnContentSizeChangedHelper();
    private CallbackHelper mOnPageScaleChangedHelper = new CallbackHelper();

    private class TestAwLayoutSizer extends AwLayoutSizer {
        public void onContentSizeChanged(int widthCss, int heightCss) {
            super.onContentSizeChanged(widthCss, heightCss);
            if (mOnContentSizeChangedHelper != null)
                mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.onContentSizeChanged(widthCss, heightCss);

        public void onPageScaleChanged(float pageScaleFactor) {
            if (mOnPageScaleChangedHelper != null)

    protected TestDependencyFactory createTestDependencyFactory() {
        return new TestDependencyFactory() {
            public AwLayoutSizer createLayoutSizer() {
                return new TestAwLayoutSizer();

    final LinearLayout.LayoutParams wrapContentLayoutParams =
        new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

    private AwTestContainerView createCustomTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
            final AwContentsClient awContentsClient, final int visibility) throws Exception {
        final AtomicReference<AwTestContainerView> testContainerView =
                new AtomicReference<AwTestContainerView>();
        getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        return testContainerView.get();

    private AwTestContainerView createDetachedTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
            final AwContentsClient awContentsClient) {
        final AtomicReference<AwTestContainerView> testContainerView =
                new AtomicReference<AwTestContainerView>();
        getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        return testContainerView.get();

    private void assertZeroHeight(final AwTestContainerView testContainerView) throws Throwable {
        // Make sure the test isn't broken by the view having a non-zero height.
        getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                assertEquals(0, testContainerView.getHeight());

    private int getRootLayoutWidthOnMainThread() throws Exception {
        final AtomicReference<Integer> width = new AtomicReference<Integer>();
        getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        return width.get();

     * This checks for issues related to loading content into a 0x0 view.
     * A 0x0 sized view is common if the WebView is set to wrap_content and newly created. The
     * expected behavior is for the WebView to expand after some content is loaded.
     * In Chromium it would be valid to not load or render content into a WebContents with a 0x0
     * view (since the user can't see it anyway) and only do so after the view's size is non-zero.
     * Such behavior is unacceptable for the WebView and this test is to ensure that such behavior
     * is not re-introduced.
    public void testZeroByZeroViewLoadsContent() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView = createCustomTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
                contentsClient, View.VISIBLE);

        final int contentSizeChangeCallCount = mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        final int pageScaleChangeCallCount = mOnPageScaleChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        loadUrlAsync(testContainerView.getAwContents(), CommonResources.ABOUT_HTML);
        assertTrue(mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight() > 0);

     * Check that a content size change notification is issued when the view is invisible.
     * This makes sure that any optimizations related to the view's visibility don't inhibit
     * the ability to load pages. Many applications keep the WebView hidden when it's loading.
    public void testInvisibleViewLoadsContent() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView = createCustomTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
                contentsClient, View.INVISIBLE);

        final int contentSizeChangeCallCount = mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        final int pageScaleChangeCallCount = mOnPageScaleChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        loadUrlAsync(testContainerView.getAwContents(), CommonResources.ABOUT_HTML);
        assertTrue(mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight() > 0);

        getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                assertEquals(View.INVISIBLE, testContainerView.getVisibility());

     * Check that a content size change notification is sent even if the WebView is off screen.
    public void testDisconnectedViewLoadsContent() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView =

        final int contentSizeChangeCallCount = mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        final int pageScaleChangeCallCount = mOnPageScaleChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        loadUrlAsync(testContainerView.getAwContents(), CommonResources.ABOUT_HTML);
        assertTrue(mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight() > 0);

    private String makeHtmlPageOfSize(int widthCss, int heightCss, boolean heightPercent) {
        String content = "<div class=\"normal\">a</div>";
        if (heightPercent)
            content += "<div class=\"heightPercent\"></div>";
        return CommonResources.makeHtmlPageFrom(
            "<style type=\"text/css\">" +
                "body { margin:0px; padding:0px; } " +
                ".normal { " +
                   "width:" + widthCss + "px; " +
                   "height:" + heightCss + "px; " +
                   "background-color: red; " +
                 "} " +
                 ".heightPercent { " +
                   "height: 150%; " +
                   "background-color: blue; " +
                 "} " +
            "</style>", content);

    private void waitForContentSizeToChangeTo(OnContentSizeChangedHelper helper, int callCount,
            int widthCss, int heightCss) throws Exception {
        final int maxSizeChangeNotificationsToWaitFor = 5;
        for (int i = 1; i <= maxSizeChangeNotificationsToWaitFor; i++) {
            helper.waitForCallback(callCount, i);
            if ((heightCss == -1 || helper.getHeight() == heightCss) &&
                    (widthCss == -1 || helper.getWidth() == widthCss)) {
            // This means that we hit the max number of iterations but the expected contents size
            // wasn't reached.
            assertTrue(i != maxSizeChangeNotificationsToWaitFor);

    private void loadPageOfSizeAndWaitForSizeChange(AwContents awContents,
            OnContentSizeChangedHelper helper, int widthCss, int heightCss,
            boolean heightPercent) throws Exception {

        final String htmlData = makeHtmlPageOfSize(widthCss, heightCss, heightPercent);
        final int contentSizeChangeCallCount = helper.getCallCount();
        loadDataAsync(awContents, htmlData, "text/html", false);

        waitForContentSizeToChangeTo(helper, contentSizeChangeCallCount, widthCss, heightCss);

    public void testSizeUpdateWhenDetached() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView = createDetachedTestContainerViewOnMainSync(

        final int contentWidthCss = 142;
        final int contentHeightCss = 180;

                mOnContentSizeChangedHelper, contentWidthCss, contentHeightCss, false);

    public void waitForNoLayoutsPending() throws InterruptedException {
        // This is to make sure that there are no more pending size change notifications. Ideally
        // we'd assert that the renderer is idle (has no pending layout passes) but that would
        // require quite a bit of plumbing, so we just wait a bit and make sure the size hadn't
        // changed.

    public void testAbsolutePositionContributesToContentSize() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView = createDetachedTestContainerViewOnMainSync(

        final int widthCss = 142;
        final int heightCss = 180;

        final String htmlData = CommonResources.makeHtmlPageFrom(
            "<style type=\"text/css\">" +
                "body { margin:0px; padding:0px; } " +
                "div { " +
                   "position: absolute; " +
                   "width:" + widthCss + "px; " +
                   "height:" + heightCss + "px; " +
                   "background-color: red; " +
                 "} " +
            "</style>", "<div>a</div>");

        final int contentSizeChangeCallCount = mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        loadDataAsync(testContainerView.getAwContents(), htmlData, "text/html", false);

        waitForContentSizeToChangeTo(mOnContentSizeChangedHelper, contentSizeChangeCallCount,
                widthCss, heightCss);

    public void testViewSizedCorrectlyInWrapContentMode() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView = createCustomTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
                contentsClient, View.VISIBLE);

        final double deviceDIPScale =

        final int contentWidthCss = 142;
        final int contentHeightCss = 180;

        // In wrap-content mode the AwLayoutSizer will size the view to be as wide as the parent
        // view.
        final int expectedWidthCss =
            (int) Math.ceil(getRootLayoutWidthOnMainThread() / deviceDIPScale);
        final int expectedHeightCss = contentHeightCss;

                mOnContentSizeChangedHelper, expectedWidthCss, expectedHeightCss, false);

        assertEquals(expectedWidthCss, mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getWidth());
        assertEquals(expectedHeightCss, mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight());

    public void testViewSizedCorrectlyInWrapContentModeWithDynamicContents() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView = createCustomTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
                contentsClient, View.VISIBLE);

        final double deviceDIPScale =

        final int contentWidthCss = 142;
        final int contentHeightCss = 180;

        final int expectedWidthCss =
            (int) Math.ceil(getRootLayoutWidthOnMainThread() / deviceDIPScale);
        final int expectedHeightCss = contentHeightCss +
            // The second div in the contents is styled to have 150% of the viewport height, hence
            // the 1.5.
            (int) (AwLayoutSizer.FIXED_LAYOUT_HEIGHT * 1.5);

                mOnContentSizeChangedHelper, expectedWidthCss, contentHeightCss, true);

        assertEquals(expectedWidthCss, mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getWidth());
        assertEquals(expectedHeightCss, mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight());

    public void testReceivingSizeAfterLoadUpdatesLayout() throws Throwable {
        final TestAwContentsClient contentsClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
        final AwTestContainerView testContainerView = createDetachedTestContainerViewOnMainSync(
        final AwContents awContents = testContainerView.getAwContents();

        final double deviceDIPScale =
        final int physicalWidth = 600;
        final int spanWidth = 42;
        final int expectedWidthCss =
            (int) Math.ceil(physicalWidth / deviceDIPScale);

        StringBuilder htmlBuilder = new StringBuilder("<html><body style='margin:0px;'>");
        final String spanBlock =
            "<span style='width: " + spanWidth + "px; display: inline-block;'>a</span>";
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

        int contentSizeChangeCallCount = mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        loadDataAsync(awContents, htmlBuilder.toString(), "text/html", false);
        // Because we're loading the contents into a detached WebView its layout size is 0x0 and as
        // a result of that the paragraph will be formated such that each word is on a separate
        // line.
        waitForContentSizeToChangeTo(mOnContentSizeChangedHelper, contentSizeChangeCallCount,
                spanWidth, -1);

        final int narrowLayoutHeight = mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight();

        contentSizeChangeCallCount = mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getCallCount();
        getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                testContainerView.onSizeChanged(physicalWidth, 0, 0, 0);

        // As a result of calling the onSizeChanged method the layout size should be updated to
        // match the width of the webview and the text we previously loaded should reflow making the
        // contents width match the WebView width.
        assertEquals(expectedWidthCss, mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getWidth());
        assertTrue(mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight() < narrowLayoutHeight);
        assertTrue(mOnContentSizeChangedHelper.getHeight() > 0);

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