
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. overScrollContainerViewBy
  2. scrollContainerViewTo
  3. scrollNativeTo
  4. getContainerViewScrollX
  5. getContainerViewScrollY
  6. invalidate
  7. computeHorizontalScrollRange
  8. computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset
  9. computeHorizontalScrollOffset
  10. computeVerticalScrollRange
  11. computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset
  12. computeVerticalScrollOffset
  13. computeVerticalScrollExtent
  14. setMaxScrollOffset
  15. setContainerViewSize
  16. syncScrollOffsetFromOnDraw
  17. setProcessingTouchEvent
  18. scrollContainerViewTo
  19. isFlingActive
  20. overScrollBy
  21. scrollBy
  22. clampHorizontalScroll
  23. clampVerticalScroll
  24. onContainerViewOverScrolled
  25. onContainerViewScrollChanged
  26. scrollNativeTo
  27. onFlingCancelGesture
  28. onUnhandledFlingStartEvent
  29. flingScroll
  30. computeScrollAndAbsorbGlow
  31. computeDurationInMilliSec
  32. animateScrollTo
  33. pageUp
  34. pageDown
  35. requestChildRectangleOnScreen

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.android_webview;

import android.widget.OverScroller;


 * Takes care of syncing the scroll offset between the Android View system and the
 * InProcessViewRenderer.
 * Unless otherwise values (sizes, scroll offsets) are in physical pixels.
public class AwScrollOffsetManager {
    // Values taken from WebViewClassic.

    // The amount of content to overlap between two screens when using pageUp/pageDown methiods.
    private static final int PAGE_SCROLL_OVERLAP = 24;
    // Standard animated scroll speed.
    private static final int STD_SCROLL_ANIMATION_SPEED_PIX_PER_SEC = 480;
    // Time for the longest scroll animation.
    private static final int MAX_SCROLL_ANIMATION_DURATION_MILLISEC = 750;

     * The interface that all users of AwScrollOffsetManager should implement.
     * The unit of all the values in this delegate are physical pixels.
    public interface Delegate {
        // Call View#overScrollBy on the containerView.
        void overScrollContainerViewBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, int scrollX, int scrollY,
                int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY, boolean isTouchEvent);
        // Call View#scrollTo on the containerView.
        void scrollContainerViewTo(int x, int y);
        // Store the scroll offset in the native side. This should really be a simple store
        // operation, the native side shouldn't synchronously alter the scroll offset from within
        // this call.
        void scrollNativeTo(int x, int y);

        int getContainerViewScrollX();
        int getContainerViewScrollY();

        void invalidate();

    private final Delegate mDelegate;

    // Scroll offset as seen by the native side.
    private int mNativeScrollX;
    private int mNativeScrollY;

    // How many pixels can we scroll in a given direction.
    private int mMaxHorizontalScrollOffset;
    private int mMaxVerticalScrollOffset;

    // Size of the container view.
    private int mContainerViewWidth;
    private int mContainerViewHeight;

    // Whether we're in the middle of processing a touch event.
    private boolean mProcessingTouchEvent;

    // Don't skip computeScrollAndAbsorbGlow just because isFling is called in between.
    private boolean mWasFlinging;

    // Whether (and to what value) to update the native side scroll offset after we've finished
    // processing a touch event.
    private boolean mApplyDeferredNativeScroll;
    private int mDeferredNativeScrollX;
    private int mDeferredNativeScrollY;

    private OverScroller mScroller;

    public AwScrollOffsetManager(Delegate delegate, OverScroller overScroller) {
        mDelegate = delegate;
        mScroller = overScroller;

    //----- Scroll range and extent calculation methods -------------------------------------------

    public int computeHorizontalScrollRange() {
        return mContainerViewWidth + mMaxHorizontalScrollOffset;

    public int computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset() {
        return mMaxHorizontalScrollOffset;

    public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() {
        return mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();

    public int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
        return mContainerViewHeight + mMaxVerticalScrollOffset;

    public int computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset() {
        return mMaxVerticalScrollOffset;

    public int computeVerticalScrollOffset() {
        return mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();

    public int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
        return mContainerViewHeight;

     * Called when the scroll range changes. This needs to be the size of the on-screen content.
    public void setMaxScrollOffset(int width, int height) {
        mMaxHorizontalScrollOffset = width;
        mMaxVerticalScrollOffset = height;

     * Called when the physical size of the view changes.
    public void setContainerViewSize(int width, int height) {
        mContainerViewWidth = width;
        mContainerViewHeight = height;

    public void syncScrollOffsetFromOnDraw() {
        // Unfortunately apps override onScrollChanged without calling super which is why we need
        // to sync the scroll offset on every onDraw.

    public void setProcessingTouchEvent(boolean processingTouchEvent) {
        assert mProcessingTouchEvent != processingTouchEvent;
        mProcessingTouchEvent = processingTouchEvent;

        if (!mProcessingTouchEvent && mApplyDeferredNativeScroll) {
            mApplyDeferredNativeScroll = false;
            scrollNativeTo(mDeferredNativeScrollX, mDeferredNativeScrollY);

    // Called by the native side to scroll the container view.
    public void scrollContainerViewTo(int x, int y) {
        mNativeScrollX = x;
        mNativeScrollY = y;

        final int scrollX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int scrollY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();
        final int deltaX = x - scrollX;
        final int deltaY = y - scrollY;
        final int scrollRangeX = computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset();
        final int scrollRangeY = computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset();

        // We use overScrollContainerViewBy to be compatible with WebViewClassic which used this
        // method for handling both over-scroll as well as in-bounds scroll.
        mDelegate.overScrollContainerViewBy(deltaX, deltaY, scrollX, scrollY,
                scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY, mProcessingTouchEvent);

    public boolean isFlingActive() {
        boolean flinging = mScroller.computeScrollOffset();
        mWasFlinging |= flinging;
        return flinging;

    // Called by the native side to over-scroll the container view.
    public void overScrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY) {
        // TODO(mkosiba): Once and are fixed it
        // should be possible to uncomment the following asserts:
        // if (deltaX < 0) assert mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX() == 0;
        // if (deltaX > 0) assert mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX() ==
        //          computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset();
        scrollBy(deltaX, deltaY);

    private void scrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY) {
        if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) return;

        final int scrollX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int scrollY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();
        final int scrollRangeX = computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset();
        final int scrollRangeY = computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset();

        // The android.view.View.overScrollBy method is used for both scrolling and over-scrolling
        // which is why we use it here.
        mDelegate.overScrollContainerViewBy(deltaX, deltaY, scrollX, scrollY,
                scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY, mProcessingTouchEvent);

    private int clampHorizontalScroll(int scrollX) {
        scrollX = Math.max(0, scrollX);
        scrollX = Math.min(computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset(), scrollX);
        return scrollX;

    private int clampVerticalScroll(int scrollY) {
        scrollY = Math.max(0, scrollY);
        scrollY = Math.min(computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset(), scrollY);
        return scrollY;

    // Called by the View system as a response to the mDelegate.overScrollContainerViewBy call.
    public void onContainerViewOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY, boolean clampedX,
            boolean clampedY) {
        // Clamp the scroll offset at (0, max).
        scrollX = clampHorizontalScroll(scrollX);
        scrollY = clampVerticalScroll(scrollY);

        mDelegate.scrollContainerViewTo(scrollX, scrollY);

        // This is only necessary if the containerView scroll offset ends up being different
        // than the one set from native in which case we want the value stored on the native side
        // to reflect the value stored in the containerView (and not the other way around).
        scrollNativeTo(mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX(), mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY());

    // Called by the View system when the scroll offset had changed. This might not get called if
    // the embedder overrides WebView#onScrollChanged without calling super.onScrollChanged. If
    // this method does get called it is called both as a response to the embedder scrolling the
    // view as well as a response to mDelegate.scrollContainerViewTo.
    public void onContainerViewScrollChanged(int x, int y) {
        scrollNativeTo(x, y);

    private void scrollNativeTo(int x, int y) {
        x = clampHorizontalScroll(x);
        y = clampVerticalScroll(y);

        // We shouldn't do the store to native while processing a touch event since that confuses
        // the gesture processing logic.
        if (mProcessingTouchEvent) {
            mDeferredNativeScrollX = x;
            mDeferredNativeScrollY = y;
            mApplyDeferredNativeScroll = true;

        if (x == mNativeScrollX && y == mNativeScrollY)

        // The scrollNativeTo call should be a simple store, so it's OK to assume it always
        // succeeds.
        mNativeScrollX = x;
        mNativeScrollY = y;

        mDelegate.scrollNativeTo(x, y);

    // Called whenever some other touch interaction requires the fling gesture to be canceled.
    public void onFlingCancelGesture() {
        // TODO(mkosiba): Support speeding up a fling by flinging again.

    // Called when a fling gesture is not handled by the renderer.
    // We explicitly ask the renderer not to handle fling gestures targeted at the root
    // scroll layer.
    public void onUnhandledFlingStartEvent(int velocityX, int velocityY) {
        flingScroll(-velocityX, -velocityY);

    // Starts the fling animation. Called both as a response to a fling gesture and as via the
    // public WebView#flingScroll(int, int) API.
    public void flingScroll(int velocityX, int velocityY) {
        final int scrollX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int scrollY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();
        final int scrollRangeX = computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset();
        final int scrollRangeY = computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset();

        mScroller.fling(scrollX, scrollY, velocityX, velocityY,
                0, scrollRangeX, 0, scrollRangeY);

    // Called immediately before the draw to update the scroll offset.
    public void computeScrollAndAbsorbGlow(OverScrollGlow overScrollGlow) {
        if (!mScroller.computeScrollOffset() && !mWasFlinging) {
        mWasFlinging = false;

        final int oldX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int oldY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();
        int x = mScroller.getCurrX();
        int y = mScroller.getCurrY();

        final int scrollRangeX = computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset();
        final int scrollRangeY = computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset();

        if (overScrollGlow != null) {
            overScrollGlow.absorbGlow(x, y, oldX, oldY, scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY,

        // The mScroller is configured not to go outside of the scrollable range, so this call
        // should never result in attempting to scroll outside of the scrollable region.
        scrollBy(x - oldX, y - oldY);


    private static int computeDurationInMilliSec(int dx, int dy) {
        int distance = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy));
        int duration = distance * 1000 / STD_SCROLL_ANIMATION_SPEED_PIX_PER_SEC;
        return Math.min(duration, MAX_SCROLL_ANIMATION_DURATION_MILLISEC);

    private boolean animateScrollTo(int x, int y) {
        final int scrollX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int scrollY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();

        x = clampHorizontalScroll(x);
        y = clampVerticalScroll(y);

        int dx = x - scrollX;
        int dy = y - scrollY;

        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
            return false;

        mScroller.startScroll(scrollX, scrollY, dx, dy, computeDurationInMilliSec(dx, dy));

        return true;

     * See {@link android.webkit.WebView#pageUp(boolean)}
    public boolean pageUp(boolean top) {
        final int scrollX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int scrollY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();

        if (top) {
            // go to the top of the document
            return animateScrollTo(scrollX, 0);
        int dy = -mContainerViewHeight / 2;
        if (mContainerViewHeight > 2 * PAGE_SCROLL_OVERLAP) {
            dy = -mContainerViewHeight + PAGE_SCROLL_OVERLAP;
        // animateScrollTo clamps the argument to the scrollable range so using (scrollY + dy) is
        // fine.
        return animateScrollTo(scrollX, scrollY + dy);

     * See {@link android.webkit.WebView#pageDown(boolean)}
    public boolean pageDown(boolean bottom) {
        final int scrollX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int scrollY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();

        if (bottom) {
            return animateScrollTo(scrollX, computeVerticalScrollRange());
        int dy = mContainerViewHeight / 2;
        if (mContainerViewHeight > 2 * PAGE_SCROLL_OVERLAP) {
            dy = mContainerViewHeight - PAGE_SCROLL_OVERLAP;
        // animateScrollTo clamps the argument to the scrollable range so using (scrollY + dy) is
        // fine.
        return animateScrollTo(scrollX, scrollY + dy);

     * See {@link android.webkit.WebView#requestChildRectangleOnScreen(View, Rect, boolean)}
    public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(int childOffsetX, int childOffsetY, Rect rect,
            boolean immediate) {
        // TODO(mkosiba): WebViewClassic immediately returns false if a zoom animation is
        // in progress. We currently can't tell if one is happening.. should we instead cancel any
        // scroll animation when the size/pageScaleFactor changes?

        // TODO(mkosiba): Take scrollbar width into account in the screenRight/screenBotton
        // calculations.

        final int scrollX = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollX();
        final int scrollY = mDelegate.getContainerViewScrollY();

        rect.offset(childOffsetX, childOffsetY);

        int screenTop = scrollY;
        int screenBottom = scrollY + mContainerViewHeight;
        int scrollYDelta = 0;

        if (rect.bottom > screenBottom) {
            int oneThirdOfScreenHeight = mContainerViewHeight / 3;
            if (rect.width() > 2 * oneThirdOfScreenHeight) {
                // If the rectangle is too tall to fit in the bottom two thirds
                // of the screen, place it at the top.
                scrollYDelta = - screenTop;
            } else {
                // If the rectangle will still fit on screen, we want its
                // top to be in the top third of the screen.
                scrollYDelta = - (screenTop + oneThirdOfScreenHeight);
        } else if ( < screenTop) {
            scrollYDelta = - screenTop;

        int screenLeft = scrollX;
        int screenRight = scrollX + mContainerViewWidth;
        int scrollXDelta = 0;

        if (rect.right > screenRight && rect.left > screenLeft) {
            if (rect.width() > mContainerViewWidth) {
                scrollXDelta += (rect.left - screenLeft);
            } else {
                scrollXDelta += (rect.right - screenRight);
        } else if (rect.left < screenLeft) {
            scrollXDelta -= (screenLeft - rect.left);

        if (scrollYDelta == 0 && scrollXDelta == 0) {
            return false;

        if (immediate) {
            scrollBy(scrollXDelta, scrollYDelta);
            return true;
        } else {
            return animateScrollTo(scrollX + scrollXDelta, scrollY + scrollYDelta);

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