
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. onHandleIntent
  2. invalidate
  3. invalidateUnknownVersion
  4. invalidateAll
  5. informRegistrationFailure
  6. informRegistrationStatus
  7. informError
  8. ready
  9. reissueRegistrations
  10. requestAuthToken
  11. writeState
  12. readState
  13. ensureClientStartState
  14. ensureAccount
  15. startClient
  16. stopClient
  17. setAccount
  18. readSyncRegistrationsFromPrefs
  19. readNonSyncRegistrationsFromPrefs
  20. readRegistrationsFromPrefs
  21. joinRegistrations
  22. setRegisteredTypes
  23. computeRegistrationOps
  24. requestSync
  25. requestSyncFromContentResolver
  26. shouldClientBeRunning
  27. isSyncEnabled
  28. isChromeInForeground
  29. getIsClientStartedForTest
  30. getClientIdForTest
  31. getOAuth2ScopeWithType
  32. setClientId
  33. setIsClientStarted

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.sync.notifier;

import android.accounts.Account;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;


import org.chromium.base.ApplicationStatus;
import org.chromium.base.CollectionUtil;
import org.chromium.sync.notifier.InvalidationPreferences.EditContext;
import org.chromium.sync.signin.AccountManagerHelper;
import org.chromium.sync.signin.ChromeSigninController;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Service that controls notifications for sync.
 * <p>
 * This service serves two roles. On the one hand, it is a client for the notification system
 * used to trigger sync. It receives invalidations and converts them into
 * {@link ContentResolver#requestSync} calls, and it supplies the notification system with the set
 * of desired registrations when requested.
 * <p>
 * On the other hand, this class is controller for the notification system. It starts it and stops
 * it, and it requests that it perform (un)registrations as the set of desired sync types changes.
 * <p>
 * This class is an {@code IntentService}. All methods are assumed to be executing on its single
 * execution thread.
 * @author
public class InvalidationService extends AndroidListener {
    /* This class must be public because it is exposed as a service. */

    /** Notification client typecode. */
    static final int CLIENT_TYPE = ClientType.Type.CHROME_SYNC_ANDROID_VALUE;

    private static final String TAG = "InvalidationService";

    private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();

     * Whether the underlying notification client has been started. This boolean is updated when a
     * start or stop intent is issued to the underlying client, not when the intent is actually
     * processed.
    private static boolean sIsClientStarted;

     * The id of the client in use, if any. May be {@code null} if {@link #sIsClientStarted} is
     * true if the client has not yet gone ready.
    @Nullable private static byte[] sClientId;

    public void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        // Ensure that a client is or is not running, as appropriate, and that it is for the
        // correct account. ensureAccount will stop the client if account is non-null and doesn't
        // match the stored account. Then, if a client should be running, ensureClientStartState
        // will start a new one if needed. I.e., these two functions work together to restart the
        // client when the account changes.
        Account account = intent.hasExtra(InvalidationIntentProtocol.EXTRA_ACCOUNT) ?
                (Account) intent.getParcelableExtra(InvalidationIntentProtocol.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)
                : null;


        // Handle the intent.
        if (InvalidationIntentProtocol.isStop(intent) && sIsClientStarted) {
            // If the intent requests that the client be stopped, stop it.
        } else if (InvalidationIntentProtocol.isRegisteredTypesChange(intent)) {
            // If the intent requests a change in registrations, change them.
            List<String> regTypes = intent.getStringArrayListExtra(
            setRegisteredTypes(regTypes != null ? new HashSet<String>(regTypes) : null,
        } else {
            // Otherwise, we don't recognize the intent. Pass it to the notification client service.

    public void invalidate(Invalidation invalidation, byte[] ackHandle) {
        byte[] payload = invalidation.getPayload();
        String payloadStr = (payload == null) ? null : new String(payload);
        requestSync(invalidation.getObjectId(), invalidation.getVersion(), payloadStr);

    public void invalidateUnknownVersion(ObjectId objectId, byte[] ackHandle) {
        requestSync(objectId, null, null);

    public void invalidateAll(byte[] ackHandle) {
        requestSync(null, null, null);

    public void informRegistrationFailure(
            byte[] clientId, ObjectId objectId, boolean isTransient, String errorMessage) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Registration failure on " + objectId + " ; transient = " + isTransient
                + ": " + errorMessage);
        if (isTransient) {
          // Retry immediately on transient failures. The base AndroidListener will handle
          // exponential backoff if there are repeated failures.
            List<ObjectId> objectIdAsList = CollectionUtil.newArrayList(objectId);
            if (readRegistrationsFromPrefs().contains(objectId)) {
                register(clientId, objectIdAsList);
            } else {
                unregister(clientId, objectIdAsList);

    public void informRegistrationStatus(
            byte[] clientId, ObjectId objectId, RegistrationState regState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Registration status for " + objectId + ": " + regState);
        List<ObjectId> objectIdAsList = CollectionUtil.newArrayList(objectId);
        boolean registrationisDesired = readRegistrationsFromPrefs().contains(objectId);
        if (regState == RegistrationState.REGISTERED) {
            if (!registrationisDesired) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Unregistering for object we're no longer interested in");
                unregister(clientId, objectIdAsList);
        } else {
            if (registrationisDesired) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Registering for an object");
                register(clientId, objectIdAsList);

    public void informError(ErrorInfo errorInfo) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Invalidation client error:" + errorInfo);
        if (!errorInfo.isTransient() && sIsClientStarted) {
            // It is important not to stop the client if it is already stopped. Otherwise, the
            // possibility exists to go into an infinite loop if the stop call itself triggers an
            // error (e.g., because no client actually exists).

    public void ready(byte[] clientId) {

        // We might have accumulated some registrations to do while we were waiting for the client
        // to become ready.

    public void reissueRegistrations(byte[] clientId) {
        Set<ObjectId> desiredRegistrations = readRegistrationsFromPrefs();
        if (!desiredRegistrations.isEmpty()) {
            register(clientId, desiredRegistrations);

    public void requestAuthToken(final PendingIntent pendingIntent,
            @Nullable String invalidAuthToken) {
        @Nullable Account account = ChromeSigninController.get(this).getSignedInUser();
        if (account == null) {
            // This should never happen, because this code should only be run if a user is
            // signed-in.
            Log.w(TAG, "No signed-in user; cannot send message to data center");

        // Attempt to retrieve a token for the user. This method will also invalidate
        // invalidAuthToken if it is non-null.
                account, invalidAuthToken, getOAuth2ScopeWithType(),
                new AccountManagerHelper.GetAuthTokenCallback() {
                    public void tokenAvailable(String token) {
                        if (token != null) {
                                    pendingIntent, token, getOAuth2ScopeWithType());

    public void writeState(byte[] data) {
        InvalidationPreferences invPreferences = new InvalidationPreferences(this);
        EditContext editContext = invPreferences.edit();
        invPreferences.setInternalNotificationClientState(editContext, data);

    @Nullable public byte[] readState() {
        return new InvalidationPreferences(this).getInternalNotificationClientState();

     * Ensures that the client is running or not running as appropriate, based on the value of
     * {@link #shouldClientBeRunning}.
    private void ensureClientStartState() {
        final boolean shouldClientBeRunning = shouldClientBeRunning();
        if (!shouldClientBeRunning && sIsClientStarted) {
            // Stop the client if it should not be running and is.
        } else if (shouldClientBeRunning && !sIsClientStarted) {
            // Start the client if it should be running and isn't.

     * If {@code intendedAccount} is non-{@null} and differs from the account stored in preferences,
     * then stops the existing client (if any) and updates the stored account.
    private void ensureAccount(@Nullable Account intendedAccount) {
        if (intendedAccount == null) {
        InvalidationPreferences invPrefs = new InvalidationPreferences(this);
        if (!intendedAccount.equals(invPrefs.getSavedSyncedAccount())) {
            if (sIsClientStarted) {

     * Starts a new client, destroying any existing client. {@code owningAccount} is the account
     * of the user for which the client is being created; it will be persisted using
     * {@link InvalidationPreferences#setAccount}.
    private void startClient() {
        byte[] clientName = InvalidationClientNameProvider.get().getInvalidatorClientName();
        Intent startIntent = AndroidListener.createStartIntent(this, CLIENT_TYPE, clientName);

    /** Stops the notification client. */
    private void stopClient() {

    /** Sets the saved sync account in {@link InvalidationPreferences} to {@code owningAccount}. */
    private void setAccount(Account owningAccount) {
        InvalidationPreferences invPrefs = new InvalidationPreferences(this);
        EditContext editContext = invPrefs.edit();
        invPrefs.setAccount(editContext, owningAccount);

     * Reads the saved sync types from storage (if any) and returns a set containing the
     * corresponding object ids.
    private Set<ObjectId> readSyncRegistrationsFromPrefs() {
        Set<String> savedTypes = new InvalidationPreferences(this).getSavedSyncedTypes();
        if (savedTypes == null) return Collections.emptySet();
        else return ModelType.syncTypesToObjectIds(savedTypes);

     * Reads the saved non-sync object ids from storage (if any) and returns a set containing the
     * corresponding object ids.
    private Set<ObjectId> readNonSyncRegistrationsFromPrefs() {
        Set<ObjectId> objectIds = new InvalidationPreferences(this).getSavedObjectIds();
        if (objectIds == null) return Collections.emptySet();
        else return objectIds;

     * Reads the object registrations from storage (if any) and returns a set containing the
     * corresponding object ids.
    Set<ObjectId> readRegistrationsFromPrefs() {
        return joinRegistrations(readSyncRegistrationsFromPrefs(),

     * Join Sync object registrations with non-Sync object registrations to get the full set of
     * desired object registrations.
    private static Set<ObjectId> joinRegistrations(Set<ObjectId> syncRegistrations,
                                                   Set<ObjectId> nonSyncRegistrations) {
        if (nonSyncRegistrations.isEmpty()) {
            return syncRegistrations;
        if (syncRegistrations.isEmpty()) {
            return nonSyncRegistrations;
        Set<ObjectId> registrations = new HashSet<ObjectId>(
                syncRegistrations.size() + nonSyncRegistrations.size());
        return registrations;

     * Sets the types for which notifications are required to {@code syncTypes}. {@code syncTypes}
     * is either a list of specific types or the special wildcard type
     * {@link ModelType#ALL_TYPES_TYPE}. Also registers for additional objects specified by
     * {@code objectIds}. Either parameter may be null if the corresponding registrations are not
     * changing.
     * <p>
     * @param syncTypes
    private void setRegisteredTypes(Set<String> syncTypes, Set<ObjectId> objectIds) {
        // If we have a ready client and will be making registration change calls on it, then
        // read the current registrations from preferences before we write the new values, so that
        // we can take the diff of the two registration sets and determine which registration change
        // calls to make.
        Set<ObjectId> existingSyncRegistrations = (sClientId == null) ?
                null : readSyncRegistrationsFromPrefs();
        Set<ObjectId> existingNonSyncRegistrations = (sClientId == null) ?
                null : readNonSyncRegistrationsFromPrefs();

        // Write the new sync types/object ids to preferences. We do not expand the syncTypes to
        // take into account the ALL_TYPES_TYPE at this point; we want to persist the wildcard
        // unexpanded.
        InvalidationPreferences prefs = new InvalidationPreferences(this);
        EditContext editContext = prefs.edit();
        if (syncTypes != null) {
            prefs.setSyncTypes(editContext, syncTypes);
        if (objectIds != null) {
            prefs.setObjectIds(editContext, objectIds);

        // If we do not have a ready invalidation client, we cannot change its registrations, so
        // return. Later, when the client is ready, we will supply the new registrations.
        if (sClientId == null) {

        // We do have a ready client. Unregister any existing registrations not present in the
        // new set and register any elements in the new set not already present. This call does
        // expansion of the ALL_TYPES_TYPE wildcard.
        // NOTE: syncTypes MUST NOT be used below this line, since it contains an unexpanded
        // wildcard.
        // When computing the desired set of object ids, if only sync types were provided, then
        // keep the existing non-sync types, and vice-versa.
        Set<ObjectId> desiredSyncRegistrations = syncTypes != null ?
                ModelType.syncTypesToObjectIds(syncTypes) : existingSyncRegistrations;
        Set<ObjectId> desiredNonSyncRegistrations = objectIds != null ?
                objectIds : existingNonSyncRegistrations;
        Set<ObjectId> desiredRegistrations = joinRegistrations(desiredNonSyncRegistrations,
        Set<ObjectId> existingRegistrations = joinRegistrations(existingNonSyncRegistrations,

        Set<ObjectId> unregistrations = new HashSet<ObjectId>();
        Set<ObjectId> registrations = new HashSet<ObjectId>();
        computeRegistrationOps(existingRegistrations, desiredRegistrations,
                registrations, unregistrations);
        unregister(sClientId, unregistrations);
        register(sClientId, registrations);

     * Computes the set of (un)registrations to perform so that the registrations active in the
     * Ticl will be {@code desiredRegs}, given that {@existingRegs} already exist.
     * @param regAccumulator registrations to perform
     * @param unregAccumulator unregistrations to perform.
    static void computeRegistrationOps(Set<ObjectId> existingRegs, Set<ObjectId> desiredRegs,
            Set<ObjectId> regAccumulator, Set<ObjectId> unregAccumulator) {

        // Registrations to do are elements in the new set but not the old set.

        // Unregistrations to do are elements in the old set but not the new set.

     * Requests that the sync system perform a sync.
     * @param objectId the object that changed, if known.
     * @param version the version of the object that changed, if known.
     * @param payload the payload of the change, if known.
    private void requestSync(@Nullable ObjectId objectId, @Nullable Long version,
            @Nullable String payload) {
        // Construct the bundle to supply to the native sync code.
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        if (objectId == null && version == null && payload == null) {
            // Use an empty bundle in this case for compatibility with the v1 implementation.
        } else {
            if (objectId != null) {
                bundle.putInt("objectSource", objectId.getSource());
                bundle.putString("objectId", new String(objectId.getName()));
            // We use "0" as the version if we have an unknown-version invalidation. This is OK
            // because the native sync code special-cases zero and always syncs for invalidations at
            // that version (Tango defines a special UNKNOWN_VERSION constant with this value).
            bundle.putLong("version", (version == null) ? 0 : version);
            bundle.putString("payload", (payload == null) ? "" : payload);
        Account account = ChromeSigninController.get(this).getSignedInUser();
        String contractAuthority = SyncStatusHelper.get(this).getContractAuthority();
        requestSyncFromContentResolver(bundle, account, contractAuthority);

     * Calls {@link ContentResolver#requestSync(Account, String, Bundle)} to trigger a sync. Split
     * into a separate method so that it can be overriden in tests.
    void requestSyncFromContentResolver(
            Bundle bundle, Account account, String contractAuthority) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Request sync: " + account + " / " + contractAuthority + " / "
            + bundle.keySet());
        ContentResolver.requestSync(account, contractAuthority, bundle);

     * Returns whether the notification client should be running, i.e., whether Chrome is in the
     * foreground and sync is enabled.
    boolean shouldClientBeRunning() {
        return isSyncEnabled() && isChromeInForeground();

    /** Returns whether sync is enabled. LLocal method so it can be overridden in tests. */
    boolean isSyncEnabled() {
        return SyncStatusHelper.get(getApplicationContext()).isSyncEnabled();

     * Returns whether Chrome is in the foreground. Local method so it can be overridden in tests.
    boolean isChromeInForeground() {
        return ApplicationStatus.hasVisibleActivities();

    /** Returns whether the notification client has been started, for tests. */
    static boolean getIsClientStartedForTest() {
        return sIsClientStarted;

    /** Returns the notification client id, for tests. */
    @Nullable static byte[] getClientIdForTest() {
        return sClientId;

    private static String getOAuth2ScopeWithType() {
        return "oauth2:" + SyncStatusHelper.CHROME_SYNC_OAUTH2_SCOPE;

    private static void setClientId(byte[] clientId) {
        sClientId = clientId;

    private static void setIsClientStarted(boolean isStarted) {
        sIsClientStarted = isStarted;

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