
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. invalidations_out_of_sync_
  2. IsSyncRequired
  3. IsGetUpdatesRequired
  4. IsRetryRequired
  5. RecordSuccessfulSyncCycle
  6. RecordLocalChange
  7. RecordLocalRefreshRequest
  8. RecordRemoteInvalidation
  9. OnInvalidationsEnabled
  10. OnInvalidationsDisabled
  11. SetTypesThrottledUntil
  12. UpdateTypeThrottlingState
  13. IsAnyTypeThrottled
  14. IsTypeThrottled
  15. GetTimeUntilNextUnthrottle
  16. GetThrottledTypes
  17. GetNudgedTypes
  18. GetNotifiedTypes
  19. GetRefreshRequestedTypes
  20. SetLegacyNotificationHint
  21. GetLegacySource
  22. FillProtoMessage
  23. SetSyncCycleStartTime
  24. SetHintBufferSize
  25. SetNextRetryTime

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "sync/sessions/nudge_tracker.h"

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/invalidation.h"
#include "sync/notifier/invalidation_util.h"
#include "sync/notifier/object_id_invalidation_map.h"
#include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"

namespace syncer {
namespace sessions {

size_t NudgeTracker::kDefaultMaxPayloadsPerType = 10;

    : invalidations_enabled_(false),
      invalidations_out_of_sync_(true) {
  ModelTypeSet protocol_types = ProtocolTypes();
  // Default initialize all the type trackers.
  for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = protocol_types.First(); it.Good();
       it.Inc()) {
    invalidation::ObjectId id;
    if (!RealModelTypeToObjectId(it.Get(), &id)) {
    } else {
      type_trackers_.insert(std::make_pair(it.Get(), DataTypeTracker(id)));

NudgeTracker::~NudgeTracker() { }

bool NudgeTracker::IsSyncRequired() const {
  if (IsRetryRequired())
    return true;

  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.IsSyncRequired()) {
      return true;

  return false;

bool NudgeTracker::IsGetUpdatesRequired() const {
  if (invalidations_out_of_sync_)
    return true;

  if (IsRetryRequired())
    return true;

  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.IsGetUpdatesRequired()) {
      return true;
  return false;

bool NudgeTracker::IsRetryRequired() const {
  if (sync_cycle_start_time_.is_null())
    return false;

  if (current_retry_time_.is_null())
    return false;

  return current_retry_time_ < sync_cycle_start_time_;

void NudgeTracker::RecordSuccessfulSyncCycle() {
  // If a retry was required, we've just serviced it.  Unset the flag.
  if (IsRetryRequired())
    current_retry_time_ = base::TimeTicks();

  // A successful cycle while invalidations are enabled puts us back into sync.
  invalidations_out_of_sync_ = !invalidations_enabled_;

  for (TypeTrackerMap::iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {

void NudgeTracker::RecordLocalChange(ModelTypeSet types) {
  for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator type_it = types.First(); type_it.Good();
       type_it.Inc()) {
    TypeTrackerMap::iterator tracker_it = type_trackers_.find(type_it.Get());
    DCHECK(tracker_it != type_trackers_.end());

void NudgeTracker::RecordLocalRefreshRequest(ModelTypeSet types) {
  for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = types.First(); it.Good(); it.Inc()) {
    TypeTrackerMap::iterator tracker_it = type_trackers_.find(it.Get());
    DCHECK(tracker_it != type_trackers_.end());

void NudgeTracker::RecordRemoteInvalidation(
    const ObjectIdInvalidationMap& invalidation_map) {
  // Be very careful here.  The invalidations acknowledgement system requires a
  // sort of manual memory management.  We'll leak a small amount of memory if
  // we fail to acknowledge or drop any of these incoming invalidations.

  ObjectIdSet id_set = invalidation_map.GetObjectIds();
  for (ObjectIdSet::iterator it = id_set.begin(); it != id_set.end(); ++it) {
    ModelType type;

    // This should never happen.  If it does, we'll start to leak memory.
    if (!ObjectIdToRealModelType(*it, &type)) {
          << "Object ID " << ObjectIdToString(*it)
          << " does not map to valid model type";

    // Forward the invalidations to the proper recipient.
    TypeTrackerMap::iterator tracker_it = type_trackers_.find(type);
    DCHECK(tracker_it != type_trackers_.end());

void NudgeTracker::OnInvalidationsEnabled() {
  invalidations_enabled_ = true;

void NudgeTracker::OnInvalidationsDisabled() {
  invalidations_enabled_ = false;
  invalidations_out_of_sync_ = true;

void NudgeTracker::SetTypesThrottledUntil(
    ModelTypeSet types,
    base::TimeDelta length,
    base::TimeTicks now) {
  for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = types.First(); it.Good(); it.Inc()) {
    TypeTrackerMap::iterator tracker_it = type_trackers_.find(it.Get());
    tracker_it->second.ThrottleType(length, now);

void NudgeTracker::UpdateTypeThrottlingState(base::TimeTicks now) {
  for (TypeTrackerMap::iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {

bool NudgeTracker::IsAnyTypeThrottled() const {
  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.IsThrottled()) {
      return true;
  return false;

bool NudgeTracker::IsTypeThrottled(ModelType type) const {
  DCHECK(type_trackers_.find(type) != type_trackers_.end());
  return type_trackers_.find(type)->second.IsThrottled();

base::TimeDelta NudgeTracker::GetTimeUntilNextUnthrottle(
    base::TimeTicks now) const {
  DCHECK(IsAnyTypeThrottled()) << "This function requires a pending unthrottle";

  // Return min of GetTimeUntilUnthrottle() values for all IsThrottled() types.
  base::TimeDelta time_until_next_unthrottle = base::TimeDelta::Max();
  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.IsThrottled()) {
      time_until_next_unthrottle =

  return time_until_next_unthrottle;

ModelTypeSet NudgeTracker::GetThrottledTypes() const {
  ModelTypeSet result;
  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.IsThrottled()) {
  return result;

ModelTypeSet NudgeTracker::GetNudgedTypes() const {
  ModelTypeSet result;
  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.HasLocalChangePending()) {
  return result;

ModelTypeSet NudgeTracker::GetNotifiedTypes() const {
  ModelTypeSet result;
  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.HasPendingInvalidation()) {
  return result;

ModelTypeSet NudgeTracker::GetRefreshRequestedTypes() const {
  ModelTypeSet result;
  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->second.HasRefreshRequestPending()) {
  return result;

void NudgeTracker::SetLegacyNotificationHint(
    ModelType type,
    sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker* progress) const {
  DCHECK(type_trackers_.find(type) != type_trackers_.end());

sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource NudgeTracker::GetLegacySource()
    const {
  // There's an order to these sources: NOTIFICATION, DATATYPE_REFRESH, LOCAL,
  // RETRY.  The server makes optimization decisions based on this field, so
  // it's important to get this right.  Setting it wrong could lead to missed
  // updates.
  // This complexity is part of the reason why we're deprecating 'source' in
  // favor of 'origin'.
  bool has_invalidation_pending = false;
  bool has_refresh_request_pending = false;
  bool has_commit_pending = false;
  bool has_retry = IsRetryRequired();

  for (TypeTrackerMap::const_iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {
    const DataTypeTracker& tracker = it->second;
    if (!tracker.IsThrottled() && tracker.HasPendingInvalidation()) {
      has_invalidation_pending = true;
    if (!tracker.IsThrottled() && tracker.HasRefreshRequestPending()) {
      has_refresh_request_pending = true;
    if (!tracker.IsThrottled() && tracker.HasLocalChangePending()) {
      has_commit_pending = true;

  if (has_invalidation_pending) {
    return sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::NOTIFICATION;
  } else if (has_refresh_request_pending) {
    return sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::DATATYPE_REFRESH;
  } else if (has_commit_pending) {
    return sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::LOCAL;
  } else if (has_retry) {
    return sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::RETRY;
  } else {
    return sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::UNKNOWN;

void NudgeTracker::FillProtoMessage(
    ModelType type,
    sync_pb::GetUpdateTriggers* msg) const {
  DCHECK(type_trackers_.find(type) != type_trackers_.end());

  // Fill what we can from the global data.

  // Delegate the type-specific work to the DataTypeTracker class.

void NudgeTracker::SetSyncCycleStartTime(base::TimeTicks now) {
  sync_cycle_start_time_ = now;

  // If current_retry_time_ is still set, that means we have an old retry time
  // left over from a previous cycle.  For example, maybe we tried to perform
  // this retry, hit a network connection error, and now we're in exponential
  // backoff.  In that case, we want this sync cycle to include the GU retry
  // flag so we leave this variable set regardless of whether or not there is an
  // overwrite pending.
  if (!current_retry_time_.is_null()) {

  // If do not have a current_retry_time_, but we do have a next_retry_time_ and
  // it is ready to go, then we set it as the current_retry_time_.  It will stay
  // there until a GU retry has succeeded.
  if (!next_retry_time_.is_null() &&
      next_retry_time_ < sync_cycle_start_time_) {
    current_retry_time_ = next_retry_time_;
    next_retry_time_ = base::TimeTicks();

void NudgeTracker::SetHintBufferSize(size_t size) {
  for (TypeTrackerMap::iterator it = type_trackers_.begin();
       it != type_trackers_.end(); ++it) {

void NudgeTracker::SetNextRetryTime(base::TimeTicks retry_time) {
  next_retry_time_ = retry_time;

}  // namespace sessions
}  // namespace syncer

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */