
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Initialize
  2. directory
  3. FromHighLow
  4. FromString
  5. major
  6. minor
  7. build
  8. patch
  9. high
  10. low
  11. value
  12. set_value
  13. ToString
  14. view_
  15. data
  16. Initialize
  17. RunProcessAndWait
  18. GetFileVersion
  19. GetSetupExeVersion
  20. ReplaceAll
  21. VisitResource
  22. UpdateVersionIfMatch
  23. IncrementNewVersion
  24. ApplyAlternateVersion
  25. Get7zaPath
  26. CreateArchive
  27. GenerateAlternateVersion
  28. GenerateAlternatePEFileVersion
  29. GenerateSpecificPEFileVersion

// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// The file contains the implementation of the mini_installer re-versioner.
// The main function (GenerateNextVersion) does the following in a temp dir:
// - Extracts and unpacks setup.exe and the Chrome-bin folder from
//   mini_installer.exe.
// - Inspects setup.exe to determine the current version.
// - Runs through all .dll and .exe files:
//   - Replacing all occurrences of the Unicode version string in the files'
//     resources with the updated string.
//   - For all resources in which the string substitution is made, the binary
//     form of the version is also replaced.
// - Re-packs setup.exe and Chrome-bin.
// - Inserts them into the target mini_installer.exe.
// This code assumes that the host program 1) initializes the process-wide
// CommandLine instance, and 2) resides in the output directory of a build
// tree.  When #2 is not the case, the --7za_path command-line switch may be
// used to provide the (relative or absolute) path to the directory containing
// 7za.exe.

#include "chrome/installer/test/alternate_version_generator.h"

#include <windows.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "base/win/pe_image.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "chrome/installer/test/pe_image_resources.h"
#include "chrome/installer/test/resource_loader.h"
#include "chrome/installer/test/resource_updater.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/lzma_util.h"

namespace {

const wchar_t k7zaExe[] = L"7za.exe";
const wchar_t k7zaPathRelative[] = L"..\\..\\third_party\\lzma_sdk\\Executable";
const wchar_t kB7[] = L"B7";
const wchar_t kBl[] = L"BL";
const wchar_t kChrome7z[] = L"chrome.7z";
const wchar_t kChromeBin[] = L"Chrome-bin";
const wchar_t kChromePacked7z[] = L"chrome.packed.7z";
const wchar_t kExe[] = L"exe";
const wchar_t kExpandExe[] = L"expand.exe";
const wchar_t kExtDll[] = L".dll";
const wchar_t kExtExe[] = L".exe";
const wchar_t kMakeCab[] = L"makecab.exe";
const wchar_t kSetupEx_[] = L"setup.ex_";
const wchar_t kSetupExe[] = L"setup.exe";
const char kSwitch7zaPath[] = "7za_path";
const wchar_t kTempDirPrefix[] = L"mini_installer_test_temp";

// A helper class for creating and cleaning a temporary directory.  A temporary
// directory is created in Initialize and destroyed (along with all of its
// contents) when the guard instance is destroyed.
class ScopedTempDirectory {
  ScopedTempDirectory() { }
  ~ScopedTempDirectory() {
    if (!directory_.empty() && !base::DeleteFile(directory_, true)) {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed deleting temporary directory \""
                  << directory_.value() << "\"";
  // Creates a temporary directory.
  bool Initialize() {
    if (!base::CreateNewTempDirectory(&kTempDirPrefix[0], &directory_)) {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed creating temporary directory.";
      return false;
    return true;
  const base::FilePath& directory() const {
    return directory_;

  base::FilePath directory_;
};  // class ScopedTempDirectory

// A helper class for manipulating a Chrome product version.
class ChromeVersion {
  static ChromeVersion FromHighLow(DWORD high, DWORD low) {
    return ChromeVersion(static_cast<ULONGLONG>(high) << 32 |
  static ChromeVersion FromString(const std::string& version_string) {
    Version version(version_string);
    const std::vector<uint16>& c(version.components());
    return ChromeVersion(static_cast<ULONGLONG>(c[0]) << 48 |
                         static_cast<ULONGLONG>(c[1]) << 32 |
                         static_cast<ULONGLONG>(c[2]) << 16 |

  ChromeVersion() { }
  explicit ChromeVersion(ULONGLONG value) : version_(value) { }
  WORD major() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_ >> 48); }
  WORD minor() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_ >> 32); }
  WORD build() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_ >> 16); }
  WORD patch() const { return static_cast<WORD>(version_); }
  DWORD high() const { return static_cast<DWORD>(version_ >> 32); }
  DWORD low() const { return static_cast<DWORD>(version_); }
  ULONGLONG value() const { return version_; }
  void set_value(ULONGLONG value) { version_ = value; }
  std::wstring ToString() const;
  ULONGLONG version_;
};  // class ChromeVersion

std::wstring ChromeVersion::ToString() const {
  wchar_t buffer[24];
  int string_len =
      swprintf_s(&buffer[0], arraysize(buffer), L"%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu",
                 major(), minor(), build(), patch());
  DCHECK_NE(-1, string_len);
  DCHECK_GT(static_cast<int>(arraysize(buffer)), string_len);
  return std::wstring(&buffer[0], string_len);

// A read/write mapping of a file.
// Note: base::MemoryMappedFile is not used because it doesn't support
// read/write mappings.  Adding such support across all platforms for this
// Windows-only test code seems like overkill.
class MappedFile {
  MappedFile() : size_(), mapping_(), view_() { }
  bool Initialize(base::File file);
  void* data() const { return view_; }
  size_t size() const { return size_; }

  size_t size_;
  base::File file_;
  HANDLE mapping_;
  void* view_;
};  // class MappedFile

MappedFile::~MappedFile() {
  if (view_ != NULL) {
    if (UnmapViewOfFile(view_) == 0) {
      PLOG(DFATAL) << "MappedFile failed to unmap view.";
  if (mapping_ != NULL) {
    if (CloseHandle(mapping_) == 0) {
      PLOG(DFATAL) << "Could not close file mapping handle.";

bool MappedFile::Initialize(base::File file) {
  DCHECK(mapping_ == NULL);
  bool result = false;
  base::File::Info file_info;

  if (file.GetInfo(&file_info)) {
    if (file_info.size <=
        static_cast<int64>(std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max())) {
      mapping_ = CreateFileMapping(file.GetPlatformFile(), NULL, PAGE_READWRITE,
                                   0, static_cast<DWORD>(file_info.size), NULL);
      if (mapping_ != NULL) {
        view_ = MapViewOfFile(mapping_, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0,
        if (view_ != NULL) {
          result = true;
        } else {
          PLOG(DFATAL) << "MapViewOfFile failed";
      } else {
        PLOG(DFATAL) << "CreateFileMapping failed";
    } else {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Files larger than " << std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max()
                  << " are not supported.";
  } else {
    PLOG(DFATAL) << "GetPlatformFileInfo failed";
  file_ = file.Pass();
  return result;

// Calls CreateProcess with good default parameters and waits for the process
// to terminate returning the process exit code.
bool RunProcessAndWait(const wchar_t* exe_path, const std::wstring& cmdline,
                       int* exit_code) {
  bool result = true;
  base::win::ScopedHandle process;
  base::LaunchOptions options;
  options.wait = true;
  options.start_hidden = true;
  if (base::LaunchProcess(cmdline, options, &process)) {
    if (exit_code) {
      if (!GetExitCodeProcess(process.Get(),
                              reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(exit_code))) {
        PLOG(DFATAL) << "Failed getting the exit code for \""
                     << cmdline << "\".";
        result = false;
      } else {
        DCHECK_NE(*exit_code, STILL_ACTIVE);
  } else {
    result = false;

  return result;

// Retrieves the version number of |pe_file| from its version
// resource, placing the value in |version|.  Returns true on success.
bool GetFileVersion(const base::FilePath& pe_file, ChromeVersion* version) {
  bool result = false;
  upgrade_test::ResourceLoader pe_file_loader;
  std::pair<const uint8*, DWORD> version_info_data;

  if (pe_file_loader.Initialize(pe_file) &&
      pe_file_loader.Load(VS_VERSION_INFO, reinterpret_cast<WORD>(RT_VERSION),
                          &version_info_data)) {
    const VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* fixed_file_info;
    UINT ver_info_len;
    if (VerQueryValue(version_info_data.first, L"\\",
                      &ver_info_len) != 0) {
      DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO), static_cast<size_t>(ver_info_len));
      *version = ChromeVersion::FromHighLow(fixed_file_info->dwFileVersionMS,
      result = true;
    } else {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "VerQueryValue failed to retrieve VS_FIXEDFILEINFO";

  return result;

// Retrieves the version number of setup.exe in |work_dir| from its version
// resource, placing the value in |version|.  Returns true on success.
bool GetSetupExeVersion(const base::FilePath& work_dir,
                        ChromeVersion* version) {
  return GetFileVersion(work_dir.Append(&kSetupExe[0]), version);

// Replace all occurrences in the sequence [|dest_first|, |dest_last) that
// equals [|src_first|, |src_last) with the sequence at |replacement_first| of
// the same length.  Returns true on success.  If non-NULL, |replacements_made|
// is set to true/false accordingly.
bool ReplaceAll(uint8* dest_first, uint8* dest_last,
                const uint8* src_first, const uint8* src_last,
                const uint8* replacement_first, bool* replacements_made) {
  bool result = true;
  bool changed = false;
  do {
    dest_first = std::search(dest_first, dest_last, src_first, src_last);
    if (dest_first == dest_last) {
    changed = true;
    if (memcpy_s(dest_first, dest_last - dest_first,
                 replacement_first, src_last - src_first) != 0) {
      result = false;
    dest_first += (src_last - src_first);
  } while (true);

  if (replacements_made != NULL) {
    *replacements_made = changed;

  return result;

// A context structure in support of our EnumResource_Fn callback.
struct VisitResourceContext {
  ChromeVersion current_version;
  std::wstring current_version_str;
  ChromeVersion new_version;
  std::wstring new_version_str;
};  // struct VisitResourceContext

// Replaces the old version with the new in a resource.  A first pass is made to
// replace the string form (e.g., "9.0.584.0").  If any replacements are made, a
// second pass is made to replace the binary form (e.g., 0x0000024800000009).
void VisitResource(const upgrade_test::EntryPath& path,
                   uint8* data, DWORD size, DWORD code_page,
                   uintptr_t context) {
  VisitResourceContext& ctx = *reinterpret_cast<VisitResourceContext*>(context);

  // Replace all occurrences of current_version_str with new_version_str
  bool changing_version = false;
  if (ReplaceAll(
          data + size,
          reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(ctx.current_version_str.c_str()),
          reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(ctx.current_version_str.c_str() +
              ctx.current_version_str.size() + 1),
          reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(ctx.new_version_str.c_str()),
          &changing_version) &&
      changing_version) {
    // Replace all occurrences of current_version with new_version
    struct VersionPair {
      DWORD high;
      DWORD low;
    VersionPair cur_ver = {
      ctx.current_version.high(), ctx.current_version.low()
    VersionPair new_ver = {
      ctx.new_version.high(), ctx.new_version.low()
    ReplaceAll(data, data + size, reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&cur_ver),
               reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&cur_ver) + sizeof(cur_ver),
               reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&new_ver), NULL);

// Updates the version strings and numbers in all of |image_file|'s resources.
bool UpdateVersionIfMatch(const base::FilePath& image_file,
                          VisitResourceContext* context) {
  if (!context ||
      context->current_version_str.size() < context->new_version_str.size()) {
    return false;

  bool result = false;
  uint32 flags = base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ |
                 base::File::FLAG_WRITE | base::File::FLAG_EXCLUSIVE_READ |
  base::File file(image_file, flags);
  // It turns out that the underlying CreateFile can fail due to unhelpful
  // security software locking the newly created DLL. So add a few brief
  // retries to help tests that use this pass on machines thusly encumbered.
  int retries = 3;
  while (!file.IsValid() && retries-- > 0) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open \"" << image_file.value() << "\"."
                 << " Retrying " << retries << " more times.";
    file.Initialize(image_file, flags);

  if (file.IsValid()) {
    MappedFile image_mapping;
    if (image_mapping.Initialize(file.Pass())) {
      base::win::PEImageAsData image(
      // PEImage class does not support other-architecture images.
      if (image.GetNTHeaders()->OptionalHeader.Magic ==
        result = upgrade_test::EnumResources(
            image, &VisitResource, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(context));
      } else {
        result = true;
  } else {
    PLOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to open \"" << image_file.value() << "\"";
  return result;

bool IncrementNewVersion(upgrade_test::Direction direction,
                         VisitResourceContext* ctx) {

  // Figure out a past or future version with the same string length as this one
  // by decrementing or incrementing each component.
  LONGLONG incrementer = (direction == upgrade_test::PREVIOUS_VERSION ? -1 : 1);

  do {
    if (incrementer == 0) {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Improbable version at the cusp of complete rollover";
      return false;
    ctx->new_version.set_value(ctx->current_version.value() + incrementer);
    ctx->new_version_str = ctx->new_version.ToString();
    incrementer <<= 16;
  } while (ctx->new_version_str.size() != ctx->current_version_str.size());

  return true;

// Raises or lowers the version of all .exe and .dll files in |work_dir| as well
// as the |work-dir|\Chrome-bin\w.x.y.z directory.  |original_version| and
// |new_version|, when non-NULL, are given the original and new version numbers
// on success.
bool ApplyAlternateVersion(const base::FilePath& work_dir,
                           upgrade_test::Direction direction,
                           std::wstring* original_version,
                           std::wstring* new_version) {
  VisitResourceContext ctx;
  if (!GetSetupExeVersion(work_dir, &ctx.current_version)) {
    return false;
  ctx.current_version_str = ctx.current_version.ToString();

  if (!IncrementNewVersion(direction, &ctx)) {
    return false;

  // Modify all .dll and .exe files with the current version.
  bool doing_great = true;
  base::FileEnumerator all_files(work_dir, true, base::FileEnumerator::FILES);
  do {
    base::FilePath file = all_files.Next();
    if (file.empty()) {
    std::wstring extension = file.Extension();
    if (extension == &kExtExe[0] || extension == &kExtDll[0]) {
      doing_great = UpdateVersionIfMatch(file, &ctx);
  } while (doing_great);

  // Change the versioned directory.
  base::FilePath chrome_bin = work_dir.Append(&kChromeBin[0]);
  doing_great = base::Move(chrome_bin.Append(ctx.current_version_str),

  if (doing_great) {
    // Report the version numbers if requested.
    if (original_version != NULL)
    if (new_version != NULL)

  return doing_great;

// Returns the path to the directory holding the 7za executable.  By default, it
// is assumed that the test resides in the tree's output directory, so the
// relative path "..\..\third_party\lzma_sdk\Executable" is applied to the host
// executable's directory.  This can be overridden with the --7za_path
// command-line switch.
base::FilePath Get7zaPath() {
  base::FilePath l7za_path =
  if (l7za_path.empty()) {
    base::FilePath dir_exe;
    if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &dir_exe))
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed getting directory of host executable";
    l7za_path = dir_exe.Append(&k7zaPathRelative[0]);
  return l7za_path;

bool CreateArchive(const base::FilePath& output_file,
                   const base::FilePath& input_path,
                   int compression_level) {
  DCHECK(compression_level == 0 ||
         compression_level >= 1 && compression_level <= 9 &&
         (compression_level & 0x01) != 0);

  std::wstring command_line(1, L'"');
      .append(L"\" a -bd -t7z \"")
      .append(L"\" \"")
      .append(L"\" -mx")
      .append(1, L'0' + compression_level);
  int exit_code;
  if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, command_line, &exit_code))
    return false;
  if (exit_code != 0) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << Get7zaPath().Append(&k7zaExe[0]).value()
                << " exited with code " << exit_code
                << " while creating " << output_file.value();
    return false;
  return true;

}  // namespace

namespace upgrade_test {

bool GenerateAlternateVersion(const base::FilePath& original_installer_path,
                              const base::FilePath& target_path,
                              Direction direction,
                              std::wstring* original_version,
                              std::wstring* new_version) {
  // Create a temporary directory in which we'll do our work.
  ScopedTempDirectory work_dir;
  if (!work_dir.Initialize())
    return false;

  // Copy the original mini_installer.
  base::FilePath mini_installer =;
  if (!base::CopyFile(original_installer_path, mini_installer)) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed copying \"" << original_installer_path.value()
                << "\" to \"" << mini_installer.value() << "\"";
    return false;

  base::FilePath setup_ex_ =[0]);
  base::FilePath chrome_packed_7z =[0]);
  // Load the original file and extract setup.ex_ and chrome.packed.7z
    ResourceLoader resource_loader;
    std::pair<const uint8*, DWORD> resource_data;

    if (!resource_loader.Initialize(mini_installer))
      return false;

    // Write out setup.ex_
    if (!resource_loader.Load(&kSetupEx_[0], &kBl[0], &resource_data))
      return false;
    int written =
                        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(resource_data.first),
    if (written != resource_data.second) {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed writing \"" << setup_ex_.value() << "\"";
      return false;

    // Write out chrome.packed.7z
    if (!resource_loader.Load(&kChromePacked7z[0], &kB7[0], &resource_data))
      return false;
    written =
                        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(resource_data.first),
    if (written != resource_data.second) {
      LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed writing \"" << chrome_packed_7z.value() << "\"";
      return false;

  // Expand setup.ex_
  base::FilePath setup_exe = setup_ex_.ReplaceExtension(&kExe[0]);
  std::wstring command_line;
  command_line.append(1, L'"')
    .append(L"\" \"")
    .append(L"\" \"")
    .append(1, L'\"');
  int exit_code;
  if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, command_line, &exit_code))
    return false;
  if (exit_code != 0) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << &kExpandExe[0] << " exited with code " << exit_code;
    return false;

  // Unpack chrome.packed.7z
  std::wstring chrome_7z_name;
  if (LzmaUtil::UnPackArchive(chrome_packed_7z.value(),
                              &chrome_7z_name) != NO_ERROR) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed unpacking \"" << chrome_packed_7z.value() << "\"";
    return false;

  // Unpack chrome.7z
  if (LzmaUtil::UnPackArchive(chrome_7z_name,,
                              NULL) != NO_ERROR) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed unpacking \"" << chrome_7z_name << "\"";
    return false;

  // Get rid of intermediate files
  base::FilePath chrome_7z(chrome_7z_name);
  if (!base::DeleteFile(chrome_7z, false) ||
      !base::DeleteFile(chrome_packed_7z, false) ||
      !base::DeleteFile(setup_ex_, false)) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed deleting intermediate files";
    return false;

  // Increment the version in all files.
  ApplyAlternateVersion(, direction, original_version,

  // Pack up files into chrome.7z
  if (!CreateArchive(chrome_7z,[0]), 0))
    return false;

  // Compress chrome.7z into chrome.packed.7z
  if (!CreateArchive(chrome_packed_7z, chrome_7z, 9))
    return false;

  // Compress setup.exe into setup.ex_
  command_line.assign(1, L'"')
      .append(L"\" /D CompressionType=LZX /L \"")
      .append(L"\" \"")
  if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, command_line, &exit_code))
    return false;
  if (exit_code != 0) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << &kMakeCab[0] << " exited with code " << exit_code;
    return false;

  // Replace the mini_installer's setup.ex_ and chrome.packed.7z resources.
  ResourceUpdater updater;
  if (!updater.Initialize(mini_installer) ||
      !updater.Update(&kSetupEx_[0], &kBl[0],
                      setup_ex_) ||
      !updater.Update(&kChromePacked7z[0], &kB7[0],
                      chrome_packed_7z) ||
      !updater.Commit()) {
    return false;

  // Finally, move the updated mini_installer into place.
  return base::Move(mini_installer, target_path);

bool GenerateAlternatePEFileVersion(const base::FilePath& original_file,
                                    const base::FilePath& target_file,
                                    Direction direction) {
  VisitResourceContext ctx;
  if (!GetFileVersion(original_file, &ctx.current_version)) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed reading version from \"" << original_file.value()
                << "\"";
    return false;
  ctx.current_version_str = ctx.current_version.ToString();

  if (!IncrementNewVersion(direction, &ctx)) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to increment version from \""
                << original_file.value() << "\"";
    return false;

  Version new_version(base::UTF16ToASCII(ctx.new_version_str));
  GenerateSpecificPEFileVersion(original_file, target_file, new_version);

  return true;

bool GenerateSpecificPEFileVersion(const base::FilePath& original_file,
                                   const base::FilePath& target_file,
                                   const Version& version) {
  // First copy original_file to target_file.
  if (!base::CopyFile(original_file, target_file)) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed copying \"" << original_file.value()
                << "\" to \"" << target_file.value() << "\"";
    return false;

  VisitResourceContext ctx;
  if (!GetFileVersion(target_file, &ctx.current_version)) {
    LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed reading version from \"" << target_file.value()
                << "\"";
    return false;
  ctx.current_version_str = ctx.current_version.ToString();
  ctx.new_version = ChromeVersion::FromString(version.GetString());
  ctx.new_version_str = ctx.new_version.ToString();

  return UpdateVersionIfMatch(target_file, &ctx);

}  // namespace upgrade_test

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */