
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GetReferenceableValue
  2. GetReferenceableValue
  3. GetReferenceableValue
  4. GetReferenceableValue
  5. GetReferenceableValue
  6. GetReferenceableValue
  7. GetReferenceableValue
  8. GetReferenceableValue
  9. GetReferenceableValue
  10. GetReferenceableValue
  11. GetReferenceableValue
  12. GetReferenceableValue
  13. MakeCheckOpString
  14. LogAtLevel
  15. CheckNotNull
  16. CheckNotNull
  17. CheckNotNullCommon

// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef _LOGGING_H_
#define _LOGGING_H_

#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <strstream>
#include <vector>

#include <unistd.h>   // for _exit()

#include "base/port.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/commandlineflags.h"
#include "base/crash.h"
#include "base/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/stl_decl_msvc.h"
#include "base/log_severity.h"
#include "base/vlog_is_on.h"
#include "global_strip_options.h"

// Make a bunch of macros for logging.  The way to log things is to stream
// things to LOG(<a particular severity level>).  E.g.,
//   LOG(INFO) << "Found " << num_cookies << " cookies";
// You can capture log messages in a string, rather than reporting them
// immediately:
//   vector<string> errors;
//   LOG_STRING(ERROR, &errors) << "Couldn't parse cookie #" << cookie_num;
// This pushes back the new error onto 'errors'; if given a NULL pointer,
// it reports the error via LOG(ERROR).
// You can also do conditional logging:
//   LOG_IF(INFO, num_cookies > 10) << "Got lots of cookies";
// You can also do occasional logging (log every n'th occurrence of an
// event):
//   LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 10) << "Got the " << COUNTER << "th cookie";
// The above will cause log messages to be output on the 1st, 11th, 21st, ...
// times it is executed.  Note that the special COUNTER value is used to
// identify which repetition is happening.
// You can also do occasional conditional logging (log every n'th
// occurrence of an event, when condition is satisfied):
//   LOG_IF_EVERY_N(INFO, (size > 1024), 10) << "Got the " << COUNTER
//                                           << "th big cookie";
// You can log messages the first N times your code executes a line. E.g.
//   LOG_FIRST_N(INFO, 20) << "Got the " << COUNTER << "th cookie";
// Outputs log messages for the first 20 times it is executed.
// Analogous SYSLOG, SYSLOG_IF, and SYSLOG_EVERY_N macros are available.
// These log to syslog as well as to the normal logs.  If you use these at
// all, you need to be aware that syslog can drastically reduce performance,
// especially if it is configured for remote logging!  Don't use these
// unless you fully understand this and have a concrete need to use them.
// Even then, try to minimize your use of them.
// There are also "debug mode" logging macros like the ones above:
//   DLOG(INFO) << "Found cookies";
//   DLOG_IF(INFO, num_cookies > 10) << "Got lots of cookies";
//   DLOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 10) << "Got the " << COUNTER << "th cookie";
// All "debug mode" logging is compiled away to nothing for non-debug mode
// compiles.
// We also have
//   LOG_ASSERT(assertion);
//   DLOG_ASSERT(assertion);
// which is syntactic sugar for {,D}LOG_IF(FATAL, assert fails) << assertion;
// We also override the standard 'assert' to use 'DLOG_ASSERT'.
// There are "verbose level" logging macros.  They look like
//   VLOG(1) << "I'm printed when you run the program with --v=1 or more";
//   VLOG(2) << "I'm printed when you run the program with --v=2 or more";
// These always log at the INFO log level (when they log at all).
// The verbose logging can also be turned on module-by-module.  For instance,
//    --vmodule=recordio=2,file=1,gfs*=3 --v=0
// will cause:
//   a. VLOG(2) and lower messages to be printed from recordio.{h,cc}
//   b. VLOG(1) and lower messages to be printed from google2file
//   c. VLOG(3) and lower messages to be printed from files prefixed with "gfs"
//   d. VLOG(0) and lower messages to be printed from elsewhere
// The wildcarding functionality shown by (c) supports both '*' (match
// 0 or more characters) and '?' (match any single character) wildcards.
// There's also VLOG_IS_ON(n) "verbose level" condition macro. To be used as
//   if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
//     // do some logging preparation and logging
//     // that can't be accomplished with just VLOG(2) << ...;
//   }
// There are also VLOG_IF, VLOG_EVERY_N and VLOG_IF_EVERY_N "verbose level"
// condition macros for sample cases, when some extra computation and
// preparation for logs is not needed.
//   VLOG_IF(1, (size > 1024))
//      << "I'm printed when size is more than 1024 and when you run the "
//         "program with --v=1 or more";
//   VLOG_EVERY_N(1, 10)
//      << "I'm printed every 10th occurrence, and when you run the program "
//         "with --v=1 or more. Present occurence is " << COUNTER;
//   VLOG_IF_EVERY_N(1, (size > 1024), 10)
//      << "I'm printed on every 10th occurence of case when size is more "
//         " than 1024, when you run the program with --v=1 or more. ";
//         "Present occurence is " << COUNTER;
// [MLOG is OBSOLETE - use the more convenient VLOG(n) macros]
// There is also an MLOG option that enables module-level logging.  MLOG
// is associated with a specific flag by defining a MODULE_FLAG macro.
// Other than this, it behaves like VLOG.  Example:
//    DEFINE_int32(dnsverbose, 0, "Verbose level for DNS module");
//    #define MODULE_FLAG FLAGS_dnsverbose
//    MLOG(1) << "I'm printed when you run with --dnsverbose=1 or more";
// The supported severity levels for macros that allow you to specify one
// are (in increasing order of severity) INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL.
// Note that messages of a given severity are logged not only in the
// logfile for that severity, but also in all logfiles of lower severity.
// E.g., a message of severity FATAL will be logged to the logfiles of
// severity FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, and INFO.
// There is also the special severity of DFATAL, which logs FATAL in
// debug mode, ERROR in normal mode.
// Very important: logging a message at the FATAL severity level causes
// the program to terminate (after the message is logged).
// Unless otherwise specified, logs will be written to the filename
// "<program name>.<hostname>.<user name>.log.<severity level>.", followed
// by the date, time, and pid (you can't prevent the date, time, and pid
// from being in the filename).
// The logging code takes two flags:
//     --v=#           set the verbose level
//     --logtostderr   log all the messages to stderr instead of to logfiles

// Log lines have this form:
//     Lmmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg...
// where the fields are defined as follows:
//   L                A single character, representing the log level
//                    (eg 'I' for INFO)
//   mm               The month (zero padded; ie May is '05')
//   dd               The day (zero padded)
//   hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu  Time in hours, minutes and fractional seconds
//   threadid         The space-padded thread ID as returned by GetTID()
//                    (this matches the PID on Linux)
//   file             The file name
//   line             The line number
//   msg              The user-supplied message
// Example:
//   I1103 11:57:31.739339 24395] Command line: ./some_prog
//   I1103 11:57:31.739403 24395] Process id 24395
// NOTE: although the microseconds are useful for comparing events on
// a single machine, clocks on different machines may not be well
// synchronized.  Hence, use caution when comparing the low bits of
// timestamps from different machines.

// Set whether log messages go to stderr instead of logfiles

// Set whether log messages go to stderr in addition to logfiles.

// Log messages at a level >= this flag are automatically sent to
// stderr in addition to log files.

// Set whether the log prefix should be prepended to each line of output.

// Log messages at a level <= this flag are buffered.
// Log messages at a higher level are flushed immediately.

// Sets the maximum number of seconds which logs may be buffered for.

// Should Google1 logging be turned on?

// Log suppression level: messages logged at a lower level than this
// are suppressed.

// If specified, logfiles are written into this directory instead of the
// default logging directory.

// Sets the path of the directory into which to put additional links
// to the log files.

// Sets the maximum log file size (in MB).

// Should log IO be directed to a background thread?  This flag has no
// effect unless //thread/logger:logger is linked into the binary.

// Set to cause StatusMessage() to write status to ./STATUS file.

// Sets whether to avoid logging to the disk if the disk is full.

// Log messages below the STRIP_LOG level will be compiled away for
// security reasons. See LOG(severtiy) below. STRIP_LOG is defined in
// //base/global_strip_log.h

// A few definitions of macros that don't generate much code.  Since
// LOG(INFO) and its ilk are used all over our code, it's
// better to have compact code for these operations.

#if STRIP_LOG == 0
#define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_INFO LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define LOG_TO_STRING_INFO(message) LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, INFO, \
#define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_INFO NullStream()
#define LOG_TO_STRING_INFO(message) NullStream()

#if STRIP_LOG <= 1
#define LOG_TO_STRING_WARNING(message) LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
                                                  WARNING, message)
#define LOG_TO_STRING_WARNING(message) NullStream()

#if STRIP_LOG <= 2
#define LOG_TO_STRING_ERROR(message) LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, ERROR, \
#define LOG_TO_STRING_ERROR(message) NullStream()

#if STRIP_LOG <= 3
#define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_FATAL LogMessageFatal(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_QFATAL LogMessageQuietlyFatal(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define LOG_TO_STRING_FATAL(message) LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, FATAL, \
#define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_FATAL NullStreamFatal()
#define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_QFATAL NullStreamFatal()
#define LOG_TO_STRING_FATAL(message) NullStreamFatal()

// For DFATAL, we want to use LogMessage (as opposed to
// LogMessageFatal), to be consistent with the original behavior.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#elif STRIP_LOG <= 3
#define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_DFATAL NullStreamFatal()

#define GOOGLE_LOG_INFO(counter) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, INFO, counter, &LogMessage::SendToLog)
#define SYSLOG_INFO(counter) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, INFO, counter, \
#define GOOGLE_LOG_WARNING(counter)  \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, WARNING, counter, &LogMessage::SendToLog)
#define SYSLOG_WARNING(counter)  \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, WARNING, counter, \
#define GOOGLE_LOG_ERROR(counter)  \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, ERROR, counter, &LogMessage::SendToLog)
#define SYSLOG_ERROR(counter)  \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, ERROR, counter, \
#define GOOGLE_LOG_FATAL(counter) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, FATAL, counter, &LogMessage::SendToLog)
#define SYSLOG_FATAL(counter) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, FATAL, counter, \
#define GOOGLE_LOG_DFATAL(counter) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, DFATAL_LEVEL, counter, &LogMessage::SendToLog)
#define SYSLOG_DFATAL(counter) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, DFATAL_LEVEL, counter, \

// A very useful logging macro to log windows errors:
#define LOG_SYSRESULT(result) \
  if (FAILED(result)) { \
    LPTSTR message = NULL; \
    LPTSTR msg = reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(&message); \
    DWORD message_length = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | \
                         FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, \
                         0, result, 0, msg, 100, NULL); \
    if (message_length > 0) { \
      LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, ERROR, 0, \
                 &LogMessage::SendToLog).stream() << message; \
      LocalFree(message); \
    } \

// We use the preprocessor's merging operator, "##", so that, e.g.,
// LOG(INFO) becomes the token GOOGLE_LOG_INFO.  There's some funny
// subtle difference between ostream member streaming functions (e.g.,
// ostream::operator<<(int) and ostream non-member streaming functions
// (e.g., ::operator<<(ostream&, string&): it turns out that it's
// impossible to stream something like a string directly to an unnamed
// ostream. We employ a neat hack by calling the stream() member
// function of LogMessage which seems to avoid the problem.
#define LOG(severity) COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_ ##
#define SYSLOG(severity) SYSLOG_ ## severity(0).stream()

// A convenient shorthand
#define LG LOG(INFO)

class LogSink;  // defined below

// If a non-NULL sink pointer is given, we push this message to that sink.
// For LOG_TO_SINK we then do normal LOG(severity) logging as well.
// This is useful for capturing messages and passing/storing them
// somewhere more specific than the global log of the process.
// Argument types:
//   LogSink* sink;
//   LogSeverity severity;
// The cast is to disambiguate NULL arguments.
#define LOG_TO_SINK(sink, severity) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity, \
             static_cast<LogSink*>(sink), true).stream()
#define LOG_TO_SINK_BUT_NOT_TO_LOGFILE(sink, severity) \
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity, \
             static_cast<LogSink*>(sink), false).stream()

// If a non-NULL string pointer is given, we write this message to that string.
// We then do normal LOG(severity) logging as well.
// This is useful for capturing messages and storing them somewhere more
// specific than the global log of the process.
// Argument types:
//   string* message;
//   LogSeverity severity;
// The cast is to disambiguate NULL arguments.
// NOTE: LOG(severity) expands to LogMessage().stream() for the specified
// severity.
#define LOG_TO_STRING(severity, message) \

// If a non-NULL pointer is given, we push the message onto the end
// of a vector of strings; otherwise, we report it with LOG(severity).
// This is handy for capturing messages and perhaps passing them back
// to the caller, rather than reporting them immediately.
// Argument types:
//   LogSeverity severity;
//   vector<string> *outvec;
// The cast is to disambiguate NULL arguments.
#define LOG_STRING(severity, outvec) \

#define LOG_IF(severity, condition) \
  !(condition) ? (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)
#define SYSLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
  !(condition) ? (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & SYSLOG(severity)

#define LOG_ASSERT(condition)  \
  LOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Assert failed: " #condition
#define SYSLOG_ASSERT(condition) \
  SYSLOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Assert failed: " #condition

// CHECK dies with a fatal error if condition is not true.  It is *not*
// controlled by NDEBUG, so the check will be executed regardless of
// compilation mode.  Therefore, it is safe to do things like:
//    CHECK(fp->Write(x) == 4)
#define CHECK(condition)  \
      LOG_IF(FATAL, PREDICT_FALSE(!(condition))) \
             << "Check failed: " #condition " "

// QCHECK is a quiet version of CHECK. It has all of the same properties,
// except that when it dies it simply prints out this message and doesn't
// dump a giant stack trace, etc. This is good for tests like sanity-checking
// user inputs, where your own failure message is really the only thing you
// need or want to display.
#define QCHECK(condition)  \
      LOG_IF(QFATAL, PREDICT_FALSE(!(condition))) \
             << "Check failed: " #condition " "

// A container for a string pointer which can be evaluated to a bool -
// true iff the pointer is NULL.
struct CheckOpString {
  CheckOpString(string* str) : str_(str) { }
  // No destructor: if str_ is non-NULL, we're about to LOG(FATAL),
  // so there's no point in cleaning up str_.
  operator bool() const { return PREDICT_FALSE(str_ != NULL); }
  string* str_;

// Function is overloaded for integral types to allow static const
// integrals declared in classes and not defined to be used as arguments to
// CHECK* macros. It's not encouraged though.
template <class T>
inline const T&       GetReferenceableValue(const T&           t) { return t; }
inline char           GetReferenceableValue(char               t) { return t; }
inline unsigned char  GetReferenceableValue(unsigned char      t) { return t; }
inline signed char    GetReferenceableValue(signed char        t) { return t; }
inline short          GetReferenceableValue(short              t) { return t; }
inline unsigned short GetReferenceableValue(unsigned short     t) { return t; }
inline int            GetReferenceableValue(int                t) { return t; }
inline unsigned int   GetReferenceableValue(unsigned int       t) { return t; }
inline long           GetReferenceableValue(long               t) { return t; }
inline unsigned long  GetReferenceableValue(unsigned long      t) { return t; }
inline long long      GetReferenceableValue(long long          t) { return t; }
inline unsigned long long GetReferenceableValue(unsigned long long t) {
  return t;

// Build the error message string.
template<class t1, class t2>
string* MakeCheckOpString(const t1& v1, const t2& v2, const char* names) {
  strstream ss;
  ss << names << " (" << v1 << " vs. " << v2 << ")";
  return new string(ss.str(), ss.pcount());

// Helper functions for CHECK_OP macro.
// The (int, int) specialization works around the issue that the compiler
// will not instantiate the template version of the function on values of
// unnamed enum type - see comment below.
#define DEFINE_CHECK_OP_IMPL(name, op) \
  template <class t1, class t2> \
  inline string* Check##name##Impl(const t1& v1, const t2& v2, \
                                   const char* names) { \
    if (v1 op v2) return NULL; \
    else return MakeCheckOpString(v1, v2, names); \
  } \
  inline string* Check##name##Impl(int v1, int v2, const char* names) { \
    return Check##name##Impl<int, int>(v1, v2, names); \

// Use _EQ, _NE, _LE, etc. in case the file including base/logging.h
// provides its own #defines for the simpler names EQ, NE, LE, etc.
// This happens if, for example, those are used as token names in a
// yacc grammar.

// Helper macro for binary operators.
// Don't use this macro directly in your code, use CHECK_EQ et al below.

#if defined(STATIC_ANALYSIS)
// Only for static analysis tool to know that it is equivalent to assert
#define CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2, log) CHECK((val1) op (val2))
#elif !defined(NDEBUG)
// In debug mode, avoid constructing CheckOpStrings if possible,
// to reduce the overhead of CHECK statments by 2x.
// Real DCHECK-heavy tests have seen 1.5x speedups.

// The meaning of "string" might be different between now and
// when this macro gets invoked (e.g., if someone is experimenting
// with other string implementations that get defined after this
// file is included).  Save the current meaning now and use it
// in the macro.
typedef string _Check_string;
#define CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2, log) \
  while (_Check_string* _result = \
         Check##name##Impl(GetReferenceableValue(val1), \
                           GetReferenceableValue(val2), \
                           #val1 " " #op " " #val2)) \
    log(__FILE__, __LINE__, CheckOpString(_result)).stream()
// In optimized mode, use CheckOpString to hint to compiler that
// the while condition is unlikely.
#define CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2, log) \
  while (CheckOpString _result = \
         Check##name##Impl(GetReferenceableValue(val1), \
                           GetReferenceableValue(val2), \
                           #val1 " " #op " " #val2)) \
    log(__FILE__, __LINE__, _result).stream()

#if STRIP_LOG <= 3
#define CHECK_OP(name, op, val1, val2) \
  CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2, LogMessageFatal)
#define CHECK_OP(name, op, val1, val2) \
  CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2, NullStreamFatal)
#endif // STRIP_LOG <= 3
#define QCHECK_OP(name, op, val1, val2) \
  CHECK_OP_LOG(name, op, val1, val2, LogMessageQuietlyFatal)

// Equality/Inequality checks - compare two values, and log a FATAL message
// including the two values when the result is not as expected.  The values
// must have operator<<(ostream, ...) defined.
// You may append to the error message like so:
//   CHECK_NE(1, 2) << ": The world must be ending!";
// We are very careful to ensure that each argument is evaluated exactly
// once, and that anything which is legal to pass as a function argument is
// legal here.  In particular, the arguments may be temporary expressions
// which will end up being destroyed at the end of the apparent statement,
// for example:
//   CHECK_EQ(string("abc")[1], 'b');
// WARNING: These don't compile correctly if one of the arguments is a pointer
// and the other is NULL. To work around this, simply static_cast NULL to the
// type of the desired pointer.

#define CHECK_EQ(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(_EQ, ==, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_NE(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(_NE, !=, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_LE(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(_LE, <=, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_LT(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(_LT, < , val1, val2)
#define CHECK_GE(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(_GE, >=, val1, val2)
#define CHECK_GT(val1, val2) CHECK_OP(_GT, > , val1, val2)

#define QCHECK_EQ(val1, val2) QCHECK_OP(_EQ, ==, val1, val2)
#define QCHECK_NE(val1, val2) QCHECK_OP(_NE, !=, val1, val2)
#define QCHECK_LE(val1, val2) QCHECK_OP(_LE, <=, val1, val2)
#define QCHECK_LT(val1, val2) QCHECK_OP(_LT, < , val1, val2)
#define QCHECK_GE(val1, val2) QCHECK_OP(_GE, >=, val1, val2)
#define QCHECK_GT(val1, val2) QCHECK_OP(_GT, > , val1, val2)

// Check that the input is non NULL.  This very useful in constructor
// initializer lists.

#define CHECK_NOTNULL(val) \
  CheckNotNull(__FILE__, __LINE__, "'" #val "' Must be non NULL", (val))

// Helper functions for string comparisons.
// To avoid bloat, the definitions are in
#define DECLARE_CHECK_STROP_IMPL(func, expected) \
  string* Check##func##expected##Impl(const char* s1, const char* s2, \
                                      const char* names);
DECLARE_CHECK_STROP_IMPL(strcasecmp, true)
DECLARE_CHECK_STROP_IMPL(strcasecmp, false)

// Helper macro for string comparisons.
// Don't use this macro directly in your code, use CHECK_STREQ et al below.
#define CHECK_STROP(func, op, expected, s1, s2) \
  while (CheckOpString _result = \
         Check##func##expected##Impl((s1), (s2), \
                                     #s1 " " #op " " #s2)) \
    LOG(FATAL) << *_result.str_
#define QCHECK_STROP(func, op, expected, s1, s2) \
  while (CheckOpString _result = \
         Check##func##expected##Impl((s1), (s2), \
                                     #s1 " " #op " " #s2)) \
    LOG(QFATAL) << *_result.str_

// String (char*) equality/inequality checks.
// CASE versions are case-insensitive.
// Note that "s1" and "s2" may be temporary strings which are destroyed
// by the compiler at the end of the current "full expression"
// (e.g. CHECK_STREQ(Foo().c_str(), Bar().c_str())).

#define CHECK_STREQ(s1, s2) CHECK_STROP(strcmp, ==, true, s1, s2)
#define CHECK_STRNE(s1, s2) CHECK_STROP(strcmp, !=, false, s1, s2)
#define CHECK_STRCASEEQ(s1, s2) CHECK_STROP(strcasecmp, ==, true, s1, s2)
#define CHECK_STRCASENE(s1, s2) CHECK_STROP(strcasecmp, !=, false, s1, s2)

#define CHECK_INDEX(I,A) CHECK(I < (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])))
#define CHECK_BOUND(B,A) CHECK(B <= (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])))

#define QCHECK_STREQ(s1, s2) QCHECK_STROP(strcmp, ==, true, s1, s2)
#define QCHECK_STRNE(s1, s2) QCHECK_STROP(strcmp, !=, false, s1, s2)
#define QCHECK_STRCASEEQ(s1, s2) QCHECK_STROP(strcasecmp, ==, true, s1, s2)
#define QCHECK_STRCASENE(s1, s2) QCHECK_STROP(strcasecmp, !=, false, s1, s2)

#define QCHECK_INDEX(I,A) QCHECK(I < (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])))
#define QCHECK_BOUND(B,A) QCHECK(B <= (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])))

// Likely to be deprecated; instead use
//   CHECK(MathUtil::NearByMargin(x, y))
// (or another similar function from util/math/mathutil.h).
#define CHECK_DOUBLE_EQ(val1, val2)              \
  do {                                           \
    CHECK_LE((val1), (val2)+0.000000000000001L); \
    CHECK_GE((val1), (val2)-0.000000000000001L); \
  } while (0)

// Likely to be deprecated; instead use
//   CHECK(MathUtil::WithinMargin(x, y, margin))
// (or another similar function from util/math/mathutil.h).
#define CHECK_NEAR(val1, val2, margin)           \
  do {                                           \
    CHECK_LE((val1), (val2)+(margin));           \
    CHECK_GE((val1), (val2)-(margin));           \
  } while (0)

// perror()..googly style!
// PLOG() and PLOG_IF() and PCHECK() behave exactly like their LOG* and
// CHECK equivalents with the addition that they postpend a description
// of the current state of errno to their output lines.

#define PLOG(severity) GOOGLE_PLOG(severity, 0).stream()

#define GOOGLE_PLOG(severity, counter)  \
  ErrnoLogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity, counter, \

#define PLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
  !(condition) ? (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & PLOG(severity)

// A CHECK() macro that postpends errno if the condition is false. E.g.
// if (poll(fds, nfds, timeout) == -1) { PCHECK(errno == EINTR); ... }
#define PCHECK(condition)  \
      PLOG_IF(FATAL, PREDICT_FALSE(!(condition))) \
              << "Check failed: " #condition " "

// A CHECK() macro that lets you assert the success of a function that
// returns -1 and sets errno in case of an error. E.g.
// CHECK_ERR(mkdir(path, 0700));
// or
// int fd = open(filename, flags); CHECK_ERR(fd) << ": open " << filename;
#define CHECK_ERR(invocation)                                          \
PLOG_IF(FATAL, PREDICT_FALSE((invocation) == -1)) << #invocation

// Use macro expansion to create, for each use of LOG_EVERY_N(), static
// variables with the __LINE__ expansion as part of the variable name.
#define LOG_EVERY_N_VARNAME(base, line) LOG_EVERY_N_VARNAME_CONCAT(base, line)
#define LOG_EVERY_N_VARNAME_CONCAT(base, line) base ## line

#define LOG_OCCURRENCES_MOD_N LOG_EVERY_N_VARNAME(occurrences_mod_n_, __LINE__)

#define SOME_KIND_OF_LOG_EVERY_N(severity, n, what_to_do) \
    LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity, LOG_OCCURRENCES, \

#define SOME_KIND_OF_LOG_IF_EVERY_N(severity, condition, n, what_to_do) \
  if (condition && \
      ((LOG_OCCURRENCES_MOD_N=(LOG_OCCURRENCES_MOD_N + 1) % n) == (1 % n))) \
    LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity, LOG_OCCURRENCES, \

#define SOME_KIND_OF_PLOG_EVERY_N(severity, n, what_to_do) \
    ErrnoLogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity, LOG_OCCURRENCES, \

#define SOME_KIND_OF_LOG_FIRST_N(severity, n, what_to_do) \
  static int LOG_OCCURRENCES = 0; \
  if (LOG_OCCURRENCES <= n) \
  if (LOG_OCCURRENCES <= n) \
    LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity, LOG_OCCURRENCES, \

#define LOG_EVERY_N(severity, n) \
  SOME_KIND_OF_LOG_EVERY_N(severity, (n), LogMessage::SendToLog)

#define SYSLOG_EVERY_N(severity, n) \
  SOME_KIND_OF_LOG_EVERY_N(severity, (n), LogMessage::SendToSyslogAndLog)

#define PLOG_EVERY_N(severity, n) \
  SOME_KIND_OF_PLOG_EVERY_N(severity, (n), LogMessage::SendToLog)

#define LOG_FIRST_N(severity, n) \
  SOME_KIND_OF_LOG_FIRST_N(severity, (n), LogMessage::SendToLog)

#define LOG_IF_EVERY_N(severity, condition, n) \
  SOME_KIND_OF_LOG_IF_EVERY_N(severity, (condition), (n), LogMessage::SendToLog)

// We want the special COUNTER value available for LOG_EVERY_X()'ed messages
enum PRIVATE_Counter {COUNTER};

// Plus some debug-logging macros that get compiled to nothing for production

#ifndef NDEBUG

#define DLOG(severity) LOG(severity)
#define DVLOG(verboselevel) VLOG(verboselevel)
#define DLOG_IF(severity, condition) LOG_IF(severity, condition)
#define DLOG_EVERY_N(severity, n) LOG_EVERY_N(severity, n)
#define DLOG_IF_EVERY_N(severity, condition, n) \
  LOG_IF_EVERY_N(severity, condition, n)
#define DLOG_ASSERT(condition) LOG_ASSERT(condition)

// debug-only checking.  not executed in NDEBUG mode.
#define DCHECK(condition) CHECK(condition)
#define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2) CHECK_EQ(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_NE(val1, val2) CHECK_NE(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_LE(val1, val2) CHECK_LE(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_LT(val1, val2) CHECK_LT(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2) CHECK_GE(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_GT(val1, val2) CHECK_GT(val1, val2)
#define DCHECK_STREQ(str1, str2) CHECK_STREQ(str1, str2)
#define DCHECK_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2) CHECK_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2)
#define DCHECK_STRNE(str1, str2) CHECK_STRNE(str1, str2)
#define DCHECK_STRCASENE(str1, str2) CHECK_STRCASENE(str1, str2)

#else  // NDEBUG

#define DLOG(severity) \
  true ? (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)

#define DVLOG(verboselevel) \
  (true || !VLOG_IS_ON(verboselevel)) ?\
    (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(INFO)

#define DLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
  (true || !(condition)) ? (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)

#define DLOG_EVERY_N(severity, n) \
  true ? (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)

#define DLOG_IF_EVERY_N(severity, condition, n) \
  (true || !(condition))? (void) 0 : LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)

#define DLOG_ASSERT(condition) \
  true ? (void) 0 : LOG_ASSERT(condition)

#define DCHECK(condition) \
  while (false) \

#define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_EQ(val1, val2)

#define DCHECK_NE(val1, val2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_NE(val1, val2)

#define DCHECK_LE(val1, val2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_LE(val1, val2)

#define DCHECK_LT(val1, val2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_LT(val1, val2)

#define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_GE(val1, val2)

#define DCHECK_GT(val1, val2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_GT(val1, val2)

#define DCHECK_STREQ(str1, str2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_STREQ(str1, str2)

#define DCHECK_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2)

#define DCHECK_STRNE(str1, str2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_STRNE(str1, str2)

#define DCHECK_STRCASENE(str1, str2) \
  while (false) \
    CHECK_STRCASENE(str1, str2)

#endif  // NDEBUG

// Log only in verbose mode.

#define VLOG(verboselevel) LOG_IF(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(verboselevel))

#define VLOG_IF(verboselevel, condition) \
  LOG_IF(INFO, (condition) && VLOG_IS_ON(verboselevel))

#define VLOG_EVERY_N(verboselevel, n) \
  LOG_IF_EVERY_N(INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(verboselevel), n)

#define VLOG_IF_EVERY_N(verboselevel, condition, n) \
  LOG_IF_EVERY_N(INFO, (condition) && VLOG_IS_ON(verboselevel), n)

// [MLOG is OBSOLETE - use the more convenient VLOG(n) macros]
// Log only when a module-specific value (MODULE_FLAG) has a specific
// value.  MODULE_FLAG must be a macro that evaluates to the name of
// the flag that you wish to use.  You should '#define MODULE_FLAG
// <variable name>' before using this macro.  (For example:
//       #define MODULE_FLAG FLAGS_dnsverbose
#define MLOG(verboselevel) LOG_IF(INFO, MODULE_FLAG >= (verboselevel))

// Redefine the standard assert to use our nice log files
#undef assert
#define assert(x) DLOG_ASSERT(x)

// This class more or less represents a particular log message.  You
// create an instance of LogMessage and then stream stuff to it.
// When you finish streaming to it, ~LogMessage is called and the
// full message gets streamed to the appropriate destination.
// You shouldn't actually use LogMessage's constructor to log things,
// though.  You should use the LOG() macro (and variants thereof)
// above.
class LogMessage {
  enum {
    // Passing kNoLogPrefix for the line number disables the
    // log-message prefix. Useful for using the LogMessage
    // infrastructure as a printing utility. See also the --log_prefix
    // flag for controlling the log-message prefix on an
    // application-wide basis.
    kNoLogPrefix = -1

  class LogStream : public ostrstream {
    LogStream(char *buf, int len, int ctr)
      : ostrstream(buf, len),
        ctr_(ctr) {
      self_ = this;

    int ctr() const { return ctr_; }
    void set_ctr(int ctr) { ctr_ = ctr; }
    LogStream* self() const { return self_; }

    int ctr_;  // Counter hack (for the LOG_EVERY_X() macro)
    LogStream *self_;  // Consistency check hack

  // icc 8 requires this typedef to avoid an internal compiler error.
  typedef void (LogMessage::*SendMethod)();

  LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity, int ctr,
             SendMethod send_method);

  // Two special constructors that generate reduced amounts of code at
  // LOG call sites for common cases.

  // Used for LOG(INFO): Implied are:
  // severity = INFO, ctr = 0, send_method = &LogMessage::SendToLog.
  // Using this constructor instead of the more complex constructor above
  // saves 19 bytes per call site.
  LogMessage(const char* file, int line);

  // Used for LOG(severity) where severity != INFO.  Implied
  // are: ctr = 0, send_method = &LogMessage::SendToLog
  // Using this constructor instead of the more complex constructor above
  // saves 17 bytes per call site.
  LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity);

  // Constructor to log this message to a specified sink (if not NULL).
  // Implied are: ctr = 0, send_method = &LogMessage::SendToSinkAndLog if
  // also_send_to_log is true, send_method = &LogMessage::SendToSink otherwise.
  LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity, LogSink* sink,
             bool also_send_to_log);

  // Constructor where we also give a vector<string> pointer
  // for storing the messages (if the pointer is not NULL).
  // Implied are: ctr = 0, send_method = &LogMessage::SaveOrSendToLog.
  LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
             vector<string>* outvec);

  // Constructor where we also give a string pointer for storing the
  // message (if the pointer is not NULL).  Implied are: ctr = 0,
  // send_method = &LogMessage::WriteToStringAndLog.
  LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
             string* message);

  // A special constructor used for check failures
  LogMessage(const char* file, int line, const CheckOpString& result);


  // Flush a buffered message to the sink set in the constructor.  Always
  // called by the destructor, it may also be called from elsewhere if
  // needed.  Only the first call is actioned; any later ones are ignored.
  void Flush();

  // An arbitrary limit on the length of a single log message.  This
  // is so that streaming can be done more efficiently.
  static const size_t kMaxLogMessageLen;

  // Theses should not be called directly outside of logging.*,
  // only passed as SendMethod arguments to other LogMessage methods:
  void SendToLog();  // Actually dispatch to the logs
  void SendToSyslogAndLog();  // Actually dispatch to syslog and the logs

  // Call abort() or similar to perform LOG(FATAL) crash.
  // Writes current stack trace to stderr.
  static void Fail() ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN;

  // Same as Fail(), but without writing out the stack trace.
  // It is assumed that the caller has already generated and
  // written the trace as appropriate.
  static void FailWithoutStackTrace() ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN;

  // Similar to FailWithoutStackTrace(), but without abort()ing.
  // Terminates the process with error exit code.
  static void FailQuietly() ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN;

  ostream& stream() { return *(data_->stream_); }

  int preserved_errno() const { return data_->preserved_errno_; }

  // Must be called without the log_mutex held.  (L < log_mutex)
  static int64 num_messages(int severity);

  // Fully internal SendMethod cases:
  void SendToSinkAndLog();  // Send to sink if provided and dispatch to the logs
  void SendToSink();  // Send to sink if provided, do nothing otherwise.

  // Write to string if provided and dispatch to the logs.
  void WriteToStringAndLog();

  void SaveOrSendToLog();  // Save to stringvec if provided, else to logs

  void Init(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
            void (LogMessage::*send_method)());

  // Used to fill in crash information during LOG(FATAL) failures.
  void RecordCrashReason(base::CrashReason* reason);

  // Counts of messages sent at each priority:
  static int64 num_messages_[NUM_SEVERITIES];  // under log_mutex

  // We keep the data in a separate struct so that each instance of
  // LogMessage uses less stack space.
  struct LogMessageData {
    LogMessageData() {};

    int preserved_errno_;         // errno at Init() time
    scoped_array<char> buf_;      // buffer space for non FATAL messages
    char* message_text_;          // Complete message text
    scoped_ptr<LogStream> stream_alloc_;
    LogStream* stream_;
    char severity_;               // level of LogMessage (ex. I, W, E, F)
    int line_;                    // line number of file that called LOG
    void (LogMessage::*send_method_)();  // Call this in destructor to send
    union {  // At most one of these is used: union to keep the size low.
      LogSink* sink_;             // NULL or sink to send message to
      vector<string>* outvec_;    // NULL or vector to push message onto
      string* message_;           // NULL or string to write message into
    time_t timestamp_;            // Time of creation of LogMessage
    struct tm tm_time_;           // Time of creation of LogMessage
    size_t num_prefix_chars_;     // # of chars of prefix in this message
    size_t num_chars_to_log_;     // # of chars of msg to send to log
    size_t num_chars_to_syslog_;  // # of chars of msg to send to syslog
    const char* basename_;        // basename of file that called LOG
    const char* fullname_;        // fullname of file that called LOG
    bool has_been_flushed_;       // false => data has not been flushed
    bool first_fatal_;            // true => this was first fatal msg


  static LogMessageData fatal_msg_data_exclusive_;
  static LogMessageData fatal_msg_data_shared_;

  scoped_ptr<LogMessageData> allocated_;
  LogMessageData* data_;

  friend class LogDestination;


  // Default false; if true, all failures should be as quiet as possible. This
  // is stored in LogMessage, rather than LogMessageData, because all FATAL-
  // level handlers share the same LogMessageData for signal safety reasons.
  bool fail_quietly_;

// This class happens to be thread-hostile because all instances share
// a single data buffer, but since it can only be created just before
// the process dies, we don't worry so much.
class LogMessageFatal : public LogMessage {
  LogMessageFatal(const char* file, int line);
  LogMessageFatal(const char* file, int line, const CheckOpString& result);
  ~LogMessageFatal() ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN;

class LogMessageQuietlyFatal : public LogMessage {
  LogMessageQuietlyFatal(const char* file, int line);
  LogMessageQuietlyFatal(const char* file, int line,
                         const CheckOpString& result);
  ~LogMessageQuietlyFatal() ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN;

// A non-macro interface to the log facility; (useful
// when the logging level is not a compile-time constant).
inline void LogAtLevel(int const severity, string const &msg) {
  LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity).stream() << msg;

// A macro alternative of LogAtLevel. New code may want to use this
// version since there are two advantages: 1. this version outputs the
// file name and the line number where this macro is put like other
// LOG macros, 2. this macro can be used as C++ stream.
#define LOG_AT_LEVEL(severity) LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, severity).stream()

// Helpers for CHECK_NOTNULL(). Two are necessary to support both raw pointers
// and smart pointers.
template <typename T>
T* CheckNotNull(const char *file, int line, const char *names, T* t) {
  return CheckNotNullCommon(file, line, names, t);

template <typename T>
T& CheckNotNull(const char *file, int line, const char *names, T& t) {
  return CheckNotNullCommon(file, line, names, t);

template <typename T>
T& CheckNotNullCommon(const char *file, int line, const char *names, T& t) {
  if (t == NULL) {
    LogMessageFatal(file, line, new string(names));
  return t;

// Allow folks to put a counter in the LOG_EVERY_X()'ed messages. This
// only works if ostream is a LogStream. If the ostream is not a
// LogStream you'll get an assert saying as much at runtime.
ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const PRIVATE_Counter&);

// We need to be able to stream DocIds.  But if DocIds are the same as
// a built-in type, don't try to redefine things that are already
// defined!
#ifndef NDEBUG
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const DocId& d) {
  return (o << DocidForPrintf(d));

inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const DocId32Bit& d) {
  return (o << Docid32BitForPrintf(d));
#endif  // NDEBUG

// Derived class for PLOG*() above.
class ErrnoLogMessage : public LogMessage {

  ErrnoLogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity, int ctr,
                  void (LogMessage::*send_method)());

  // Postpends ": strerror(errno) [errno]".



// This class is used to explicitly ignore values in the conditional
// logging macros.  This avoids compiler warnings like "value computed
// is not used" and "statement has no effect".

class LogMessageVoidify {
  LogMessageVoidify() { }
  // This has to be an operator with a precedence lower than << but
  // higher than ?:
  void operator&(ostream&) { }

// Flushes all log files that contains messages that are at least of
// the specified severity level.  Thread-safe.
void FlushLogFiles(LogSeverity min_severity);

// Flushes all log files that contains messages that are at least of
// the specified severity level. Thread-hostile because it ignores
// locking -- used for catastrophic failures.
void FlushLogFilesUnsafe(LogSeverity min_severity);

// Set the destination to which a particular severity level of log
// messages is sent.  If base_filename is "", it means "don't log this
// severity".  Thread-safe.
void SetLogDestination(LogSeverity severity, const char* base_filename);

// Set the basename of the symlink to the latest log file at a given
// severity.  If symlink_basename is empty, do not make a symlink.  If
// you don't call this function, the symlink basename is the
// invocation name of the program.  Thread-safe.
void SetLogSymlink(LogSeverity severity, const char* symlink_basename);

// Used to send logs to some other kind of destination
// Users should subclass LogSink and override send to do whatever they want.
// Implementations must be thread-safe because a shared instance will
// be called from whichever thread ran the LOG(XXX) line.
class LogSink {
  virtual ~LogSink();

  // Sink's logging logic (message_len is such as to exclude '\n' at the end).
  // This method can't use LOG() or CHECK() as logging system mutex(s) are held
  // during this call.
  virtual void send(LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
                    const char* base_filename, int line,
                    const struct tm* tm_time,
                    const char* message, size_t message_len) = 0;

  // Redefine this to implement waiting for
  // the sink's logging logic to complete.
  // It will be called after each send() returns,
  // but before that LogMessage exits or crashes.
  // By default this function does nothing.
  // Using this function one can implement complex logic for send()
  // that itself involves logging; and do all this w/o causing deadlocks and
  // inconsistent rearrangement of log messages.
  // E.g. if a LogSink has thread-specific actions, the send() method
  // can simply add the message to a queue and wake up another thread that
  // handles real logging while itself making some LOG() calls;
  // WaitTillSent() can be implemented to wait for that logic to complete.
  // See our unittest for an example.
  virtual void WaitTillSent();

  // Returns the normal text output of the log message.
  // Can be useful to implement send().
  static string ToString(LogSeverity severity, const char* file, int line,
                         const struct tm* tm_time,
                         const char* message, size_t message_len);

// Add or remove a LogSink as a consumer of logging data.  Thread-safe.
void AddLogSink(LogSink *destination);
void RemoveLogSink(LogSink *destination);

// Specify an "extension" added to the filename specified via
// SetLogDestination.  This applies to all severity levels.  It's
// often used to append the port we're listening on to the logfile
// name.  Thread-safe.
void SetLogFilenameExtension(const char* filename_extension);

// Make it so that all log messages of at least a particular severity
// are logged to stderr (in addition to logging to the usual log
// file(s)).  Thread-safe.
void SetStderrLogging(LogSeverity min_severity);

// Make it so that all log messages go only to stderr.  Thread-safe.
void LogToStderr();

// Make it so that all log messages of at least a particular severity are
// logged via email to a list of addresses (in addition to logging to the
// usual log file(s)).  The list of addresses is just a string containing
// the email addresses to send to (separated by spaces, say).
// Beyond thread-hostile.  This function enables email logging,
// which calls popen() if any log messages are actually mailed.
// A multi-thread program which calls this function, even in a single thread,
// will randomly hang if it logs any messages which are mailed.
void SetEmailLogging(LogSeverity min_severity, const char* addresses);

// Generate a special "status" message.  This will be useful to
// monitoring scripts that want to know about the progress of
// a long-running program.  The two supplied arguments should have
// identical units.  The "done" argument says how much work has
// been completed, and the "total" argument says how much total
// work has to be done.  Thread-hostile if
// FLAGS_status_messages_to_status_file.  Thread-safe otherwise.
void StatusMessage(int64 done, int64 total);

// Like StatusMessage(), only writes the status to the file ./STATUS
// Intended to make life easier for processes running on the global
// work queue, where the standard status message file is ./STATUS.
// Thread-hostile.
void GWQStatusMessage(const char* msg);

// A simple function that sends email. dest is a comma-separated
// list of addressess.
// Beyond thread-hostile.  This function calls popen().
// A multi-thread program which calls this function, even in a single thread,
// will randomly hang.
bool SendEmail(const char*dest, const char *subject, const char*body);

// Return the set of directories to try generating a log file into.
// Thread-hostile, but expected to only be called from InitGoogle.
const vector<string>& GetLoggingDirectories();

// For tests only:  Clear the internal [cached] list of logging directories to
// force a refresh the next time GetLoggingDirectories is called.
// Thread-hostile.
void TestOnly_ClearLoggingDirectoriesList();

// Returns a set of existing temporary directories, which will be a
// subset of the directories returned by GetLogginDirectories().
// Thread-safe.
void GetExistingTempDirectories(vector<string>* list);

// Print any fatal message again -- useful to call from signal handler
// so that the last thing in the output is the fatal message.
// Thread-hostile, but a race is unlikely.
void ReprintFatalMessage();

// Truncate a log file that may be the append-only output of multiple
// processes and hence can't simply be renamed/reopened (typically a
// stdout/stderr).  If the file "path" is > "limit" bytes, copy the
// last "keep" bytes to offset 0 and truncate the rest. Since we could
// be racing with other writers, this approach has the potential to
// lose very small amounts of data. For security, only follow symlinks
// if the path is /proc/self/fd/*
void TruncateLogFile(const char *path, int64 limit, int64 keep);

// Truncate stdout and stderr if they are over the value specified by
// --max_log_size; keep the final 1MB.  This function has the same
// race condition as TruncateLogFile.
void TruncateStdoutStderr();

// Return the string representation of the provided LogSeverity level.
// Thread-safe.
const char* GetLogSeverityName(LogSeverity severity);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation details that are not useful to most clients
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// A Logger is the interface used by logging modules (base/
// and file/logging/ to emit entries to a log.  A typical
// implementation will dump formatted data to a sequence of files.  We
// also provide interfaces that will forward the data to another
// thread so that the invoker never blocks.  Implementations should be
// thread-safe since the logging system will write to them from
// multiple threads.

namespace base {

class Logger {
  virtual ~Logger();

  // Writes "message[0,message_len-1]" corresponding to an event that
  // occurred at "timestamp".  If "force_flush" is true, the log file
  // is flushed immediately.
  // The input message has already been formatted as deemed
  // appropriate by the higher level logging facility.  For example,
  // textual log messages already contain timestamps, and the
  // file:linenumber header.
  virtual void Write(bool force_flush,
                     time_t timestamp,
                     const char* message,
                     int message_len) = 0;

  // Flush any buffered messages
  virtual void Flush() = 0;

  // Get the current LOG file size.
  // The returned value is approximate since some
  // logged data may not have been flushed to disk yet.
  virtual uint32 LogSize() = 0;

// Get the logger for the specified severity level.  The logger
// remains the property of the logging module and should not be
// deleted by the caller.  Thread-safe.
extern Logger* GetLogger(LogSeverity level);

// Set the logger for the specified severity level.  The logger
// becomes the property of the logging module and should not
// be deleted by the caller.  Thread-safe.
extern void SetLogger(LogSeverity level, Logger* logger);


// glibc has traditionally implemented two incompatible versions of
// strerror_r(). There is a poorly defined convention for picking the
// version that we want, but it is not clear whether it even works with
// all versions of glibc.
// So, instead, we provide this wrapper that automatically detects the
// version that is in use, and then implements POSIX semantics.
// N.B. In addition to what POSIX says, we also guarantee that "buf" will
// be set to an empty string, if this function failed. This means, in most
// cases, you do not need to check the error code and you can directly
// use the value of "buf". It will never have an undefined value.
int posix_strerror_r(int err, char *buf, size_t len);

// A class for which we define operator<<, which does nothing.
class NullStream : public LogMessage::LogStream {
  // Initialize the LogStream so the messages can be written somewhere
  // (they'll never be actually displayed). This will be needed if a
  // NullStream& is implicitly converted to LogStream&, in which case
  // the overloaded NullStream::operator<< will not be invoked.
  NullStream() : LogMessage::LogStream(message_buffer_, 1, 0) { }
  NullStream(const char* /*file*/, int /*line*/,
             const CheckOpString& /*result*/) :
      LogMessage::LogStream(message_buffer_, 1, 0) { }
  NullStream &stream() { return *this; }
  // A very short buffer for messages (which we discard anyway). This
  // will be needed if NullStream& converted to LogStream& (e.g. as a
  // result of a conditional expression).
  char message_buffer_[2];

// Do nothing. This operator is inline, allowing the message to be
// compiled away. The message will not be compiled away if we do
// something like (flag ? LOG(INFO) : LOG(ERROR)) << message; when
// SKIP_LOG=WARNING. In those cases, NullStream will be implicitly
// converted to LogStream and the message will be computed and then
// quietly discarded.
template<class T>
inline NullStream& operator<<(NullStream &str, const T &value) { return str; }

// Similar to NullStream, but aborts the program (without stack
// trace), like LogMessageFatal.
class NullStreamFatal : public NullStream {
  NullStreamFatal() { }
  NullStreamFatal(const char* file, int line, const CheckOpString& result) :
      NullStream(file, line, result) { }
  ~NullStreamFatal() ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN { _exit(1); }

#endif // _LOGGING_H_

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