
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file overrides the logging macros in libjingle (talk/base/logging.h).
// Instead of using libjingle's logging implementation, the libjingle macros are
// mapped to the corresponding base/logging.h macro (chromium's VLOG).
// If this file is included outside of libjingle (e.g. in wrapper code) it
// should be included after base/logging.h (if any) or compiler error or
// unexpected behavior may occur (macros that have the same name in libjingle as
// in chromium will use the libjingle definition if this file is included
// first).

// Setting the LoggingSeverity (and lower) that should be written to file should
// be done via command line by specifying the flags:
// --vmodule or --v please see base/logging.h for details on how to use them.
// Specifying what file to write to is done using InitLogging also in
// base/logging.h.

// The macros and classes declared in here are not described as they are
// NOT TO BE USED outside of libjingle.


#include <sstream>
#include <string>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/scoped_ref_ptr.h"

namespace talk_base {

// ConstantLabel can be used to easily generate string names from constant
// values.  This can be useful for logging descriptive names of error messages.
// Usage:
//   const ConstantLabel LIBRARY_ERRORS[] = {
//     ...
//   }
//   int err = LibraryFunc();
//   LOG(LS_ERROR) << "LibraryFunc returned: "
//                 << ErrorName(err, LIBRARY_ERRORS);

struct ConstantLabel {
  int value;
  const char* label;
#define KLABEL(x) { x, #x }
#define LASTLABEL { 0, 0 }

const char* FindLabel(int value, const ConstantLabel entries[]);
std::string ErrorName(int err, const ConstantLabel* err_table);

// Note that the non-standard LoggingSeverity aliases exist because they are
// still in broad use.  The meanings of the levels are:
//  LS_SENSITIVE: Information which should only be logged with the consent
//   of the user, due to privacy concerns.
//  LS_VERBOSE: This level is for data which we do not want to appear in the
//   normal debug log, but should appear in diagnostic logs.
//  LS_INFO: Chatty level used in debugging for all sorts of things, the default
//   in debug builds.
//  LS_WARNING: Something that may warrant investigation.
//  LS_ERROR: Something that should not have occurred.
// Note that LoggingSeverity is mapped over to chromiums verbosity levels where
// anything lower than or equal to the current verbosity level is written to
// file which is the opposite of logging severity in libjingle where higher
// severity numbers than or equal to the current severity level are written to
// file. Also, note that the values are explicitly defined here for convenience
// since the command line flag must be set using numerical values.
enum LoggingSeverity { LS_ERROR = 1,
                       LS_WARNING = 2,
                       LS_INFO = 3,
                       LS_VERBOSE = 4,
                       LS_SENSITIVE = 5,
                       INFO = LS_INFO,
                       WARNING = LS_WARNING,
                       LERROR = LS_ERROR };

// LogErrorContext assists in interpreting the meaning of an error value.
enum LogErrorContext {
  ERRCTX_ERRNO,     // System-local errno

  // Abbreviations for LOG_E macro
  ERRCTX_EN = ERRCTX_ERRNO,     // LOG_E(sev, EN, x)

// Class that writes a log message to the logging delegate ("WebRTC logging
// stream" in Chrome) and to Chrome's logging stream.
class DiagnosticLogMessage {
  DiagnosticLogMessage(const char* file, int line, LoggingSeverity severity,
                       bool log_to_chrome, LogErrorContext err_ctx, int err);
  DiagnosticLogMessage(const char* file, int line, LoggingSeverity severity,
                       bool log_to_chrome, LogErrorContext err_ctx, int err,
                       const char* module);

  void CreateTimestamp();

  std::ostream& stream() { return print_stream_; }

  const char* file_name_;
  const int line_;
  const LoggingSeverity severity_;
  const bool log_to_chrome_;

  std::string extra_;

  std::ostringstream print_stream_;

// This class is used to explicitly ignore values in the conditional
// logging macros.  This avoids compiler warnings like "value computed
// is not used" and "statement has no effect".
class LogMessageVoidify {
  LogMessageVoidify() { }
  // This has to be an operator with a precedence lower than << but
  // higher than ?:
  void operator&(std::ostream&) { }

// Logging Helpers

class LogMultilineState {
  size_t unprintable_count_[2];
  LogMultilineState() {
    unprintable_count_[0] = unprintable_count_[1] = 0;

// When possible, pass optional state variable to track various data across
// multiple calls to LogMultiline.  Otherwise, pass NULL.
void LogMultiline(LoggingSeverity level, const char* label, bool input,
                  const void* data, size_t len, bool hex_mode,
                  LogMultilineState* state);

// TODO(grunell): Change name to InitDiagnosticLoggingDelegate or
// InitDiagnosticLogging. Change also in init_webrtc.h/cc.
// TODO(grunell): typedef the delegate function.
void InitDiagnosticLoggingDelegateFunction(
    void (*delegate)(const std::string&));

void SetExtraLoggingInit(
    void (*function)(void (*delegate)(const std::string&)));
}  // namespace talk_base

// Libjingle macros which are mapped over to their VLOG equivalent in
// base/logging.h


#define DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(sev, ctx, err, ...) \
  talk_base::DiagnosticLogMessage( \
      __FILE__, __LINE__, sev, VLOG_IS_ON(sev), \
      talk_base::ERRCTX_ ## ctx, err, ##__VA_ARGS__).stream()

#define LOG_CHECK_LEVEL(sev) VLOG_IS_ON(talk_base::sev)
#define LOG_CHECK_LEVEL_V(sev) VLOG_IS_ON(sev)

#define LOG_V(sev) DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(sev, NONE, 0)
#undef LOG
#define LOG(sev) DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(talk_base::sev, NONE, 0)

// The _F version prefixes the message with the current function name.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_DEBUG)
#define LOG_F(sev) LOG(sev) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": "
#define LOG_F(sev) LOG(sev) << __FUNCTION__ << ": "

#define LOG_E(sev, ctx, err, ...) \
  DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(talk_base::sev, ctx, err, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define LOG_ERRNO_EX(sev, err) LOG_E(sev, ERRNO, err)
#undef LOG_ERRNO
#define LOG_ERRNO(sev) LOG_ERRNO_EX(sev, errno)

#if defined(OS_WIN)
#define LOG_GLE_EX(sev, err) LOG_E(sev, HRESULT, err)
#define LOG_GLE(sev) LOG_GLE_EX(sev, GetLastError())
#define LOG_GLEM(sev, mod) LOG_E(sev, HRESULT, GetLastError(), mod)
#define LOG_ERR_EX(sev, err) LOG_GLE_EX(sev, err)
#define LOG_ERR(sev) LOG_GLE(sev)
#define LAST_SYSTEM_ERROR (::GetLastError())
#define LOG_ERR_EX(sev, err) LOG_ERRNO_EX(sev, err)
#define LOG_ERR(sev) LOG_ERRNO(sev)
#define LAST_SYSTEM_ERROR (errno)
#endif  // OS_WIN

#undef PLOG
#define PLOG(sev, err) LOG_ERR_EX(sev, err)



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