
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. setUp
  2. loadAndFillForm
  3. Feature
  4. testClickAutofillPopupSuggestion
  5. Feature
  6. testLoggingInitiatedElementFilled
  7. Feature
  8. testLoggingAnotherElementFilled
  9. Feature
  10. testNotLoggingInvalidOption
  11. waitForKeyboardShowRequest
  12. waitForAnchorViewAdd
  13. waitForAutofillPopopShow
  14. waitForInputFieldFill
  15. assertLogged

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;

import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.UrlUtils;
import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentView;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.Criteria;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.CriteriaHelper;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.DOMUtils;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.TestCallbackHelperContainer;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.TestInputMethodManagerWrapper;
import org.chromium.content.browser.test.util.TouchCommon;
import org.chromium.ui.autofill.AutofillPopup;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

 * Integration tests for the AutofillPopup.
public class AutofillPopupTest extends ChromeShellTestBase {

    private static final String FIRST_NAME = "John";
    private static final String LAST_NAME = "Smith";
    private static final String COMPANY_NAME = "Acme Inc.";
    private static final String ADDRESS_LINE1 = "1 Main";
    private static final String ADDRESS_LINE2 = "Apt A";
    private static final String CITY = "San Francisco";
    private static final String STATE = "CA";
    private static final String ZIP_CODE = "94102";
    private static final String COUNTRY = "US";
    private static final String PHONE_NUMBER = "4158889999";
    private static final String EMAIL = "";
    private static final String ORIGIN = "";

    private static final String BASIC_PAGE_DATA = UrlUtils.encodeHtmlDataUri(
            "<html><head><meta name=\"viewport\"" +
            "content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\" /></head>" +
            "<body><form method=\"POST\">" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"fn\" autocomplete=\"given-name\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"ln\" autocomplete=\"family-name\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"a1\" autocomplete=\"address-line1\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"a2\" autocomplete=\"address-line2\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"ct\" autocomplete=\"locality\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"zc\" autocomplete=\"postal-code\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"em\" autocomplete=\"email\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"ph\" autocomplete=\"tel\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"fx\" autocomplete=\"fax\"><br>" +
            "<select id=\"co\" autocomplete=\"country\"><br>" +
            "<option value=\"BR\">Brazil</option>" +
            "<option value=\"US\">United States</option>" +
            "</select>" +
            "<input type=\"submit\" />" +

    private static final String INITIATING_ELEMENT_FILLED = UrlUtils.encodeHtmlDataUri(
            "<html><head><meta name=\"viewport\"" +
            "content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\" /></head>" +
            "<body><form method=\"POST\">" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"fn\" autocomplete=\"given-name\" value=\"J\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"ln\" autocomplete=\"family-name\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"em\" autocomplete=\"email\"><br>" +
            "<select id=\"co\" autocomplete=\"country\"><br>" +
            "<option value=\"US\">United States</option>" +
            "<option value=\"BR\">Brazil</option>" +
            "</select>" +
            "<input type=\"submit\" />" +

    private static final String ANOTHER_ELEMENT_FILLED = UrlUtils.encodeHtmlDataUri(
            "<html><head><meta name=\"viewport\"" +
            "content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\" /></head>" +
            "<body><form method=\"POST\">" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"fn\" autocomplete=\"given-name\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"ln\" autocomplete=\"family-name\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"em\" autocomplete=\"email\" value=\"\"><br>" +
            "<select id=\"co\" autocomplete=\"country\"><br>" +
            "<option></option>" +
            "<option value=\"BR\">Brazil</option>" +
            "<option value=\"US\">United States</option>" +
            "</select>" +
            "<input type=\"submit\" />" +

    private static final String INVALID_OPTION = UrlUtils.encodeHtmlDataUri(
            "<html><head><meta name=\"viewport\"" +
            "content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0\" /></head>" +
            "<body><form method=\"POST\">" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"fn\" autocomplete=\"given-name\" value=\"J\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"ln\" autocomplete=\"family-name\"><br>" +
            "<input type=\"text\" id=\"em\" autocomplete=\"email\"><br>" +
            "<select id=\"co\" autocomplete=\"country\"><br>" +
            "<option value=\"GB\">Great Britain</option>" +
            "<option value=\"BR\">Brazil</option>" +
            "</select>" +
            "<input type=\"submit\" />" +

    private AutofillTestHelper mHelper;
    private List<AutofillLogger.LogEntry> mAutofillLoggedEntries;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        mAutofillLoggedEntries = new ArrayList<AutofillLogger.LogEntry>();
            new AutofillLogger.Logger() {
                public void didFillField(AutofillLogger.LogEntry logEntry) {

    private TestCallbackHelperContainer loadAndFillForm(
            final String formDataUrl, final String inputText)
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        mHelper = new AutofillTestHelper();

        // The TestInputMethodManagerWrapper intercepts showSoftInput so that a keyboard is never
        // brought up.
        final ContentView view = getActivity().getActiveContentView();
        final TestInputMethodManagerWrapper immw =
                new TestInputMethodManagerWrapper(view.getContentViewCore());

        // Add an Autofill profile.
        AutofillProfile profile = new AutofillProfile(
                "" /* guid */, ORIGIN, FIRST_NAME + " " + LAST_NAME, COMPANY_NAME, ADDRESS_LINE1,
        assertEquals(1, mHelper.getNumberOfProfiles());

        // Click the input field for the first name.
        final TestCallbackHelperContainer viewClient = new TestCallbackHelperContainer(view);
        assertTrue(DOMUtils.waitForNonZeroNodeBounds(view, viewClient, "fn"));
        DOMUtils.clickNode(this, view, viewClient, "fn");

        waitForKeyboardShowRequest(immw, 1);

        ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                        inputText, 1);

        View anchorView = view.findViewById(;

        assertTrue(anchorView.getTag() instanceof AutofillPopup);
        final AutofillPopup popup = (AutofillPopup) anchorView.getTag();


        TouchCommon touchCommon = new TouchCommon(this);
        touchCommon.singleClickViewRelative(popup.getListView(), 10, 10);

        waitForInputFieldFill(view, viewClient);

        return viewClient;

     * Tests that bringing up an Autofill and clicking on the first entry fills out the expected
     * Autofill information.
    public void testClickAutofillPopupSuggestion()
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        TestCallbackHelperContainer viewClient = loadAndFillForm(BASIC_PAGE_DATA, "J");
        final ContentView view = getActivity().getActiveContentView();

        assertEquals("First name did not match",
                FIRST_NAME, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "fn"));
        assertEquals("Last name did not match",
                LAST_NAME, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "ln"));
        assertEquals("Address line 1 did not match",
                ADDRESS_LINE1, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "a1"));
        assertEquals("Address line 2 did not match",
                ADDRESS_LINE2, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "a2"));
        assertEquals("City did not match",
                CITY, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "ct"));
        assertEquals("Zip code did not match",
                ZIP_CODE, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "zc"));
        assertEquals("Country did not match",
                COUNTRY, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "co"));
        assertEquals("Email did not match",
                EMAIL, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "em"));
        assertEquals("Phone number did not match",
                PHONE_NUMBER, DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "ph"));

        final String profileFullName = FIRST_NAME + " " + LAST_NAME;
        final int loggedEntries = 9;
        assertEquals("Mismatched number of logged entries",
                loggedEntries, mAutofillLoggedEntries.size());
        assertLogged(FIRST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(LAST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(ADDRESS_LINE1, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(ADDRESS_LINE2, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(CITY, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(ZIP_CODE, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(COUNTRY, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(EMAIL, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(PHONE_NUMBER, profileFullName);

     * Tests that bringing up an Autofill and clicking on the partially filled first
     * element will still fill the entire form (including the initiating element itself).
    public void testLoggingInitiatedElementFilled()
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        loadAndFillForm(INITIATING_ELEMENT_FILLED, "o");
        final String profileFullName = FIRST_NAME + " " + LAST_NAME;
        final int loggedEntries = 4;
        assertEquals("Mismatched number of logged entries",
                loggedEntries, mAutofillLoggedEntries.size());
        assertLogged(FIRST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(LAST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(EMAIL, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(COUNTRY, profileFullName);

     * Tests that bringing up an Autofill and clicking on the empty first element
     * will fill the all other elements except the previously filled email.
    public void testLoggingAnotherElementFilled()
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        loadAndFillForm(ANOTHER_ELEMENT_FILLED, "J");
        final String profileFullName = FIRST_NAME + " " + LAST_NAME;
        final int loggedEntries = 3;
        assertEquals("Mismatched number of logged entries",
                loggedEntries, mAutofillLoggedEntries.size());
        assertLogged(FIRST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(LAST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(COUNTRY, profileFullName);
        // Email will not be logged since it already had some data.

     * Tests that selecting a value not present in <option> will not be filled.
    public void testNotLoggingInvalidOption()
            throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        loadAndFillForm(INVALID_OPTION, "o");
        final String profileFullName = FIRST_NAME + " " + LAST_NAME;
        final int loggedEntries = 3;
        assertEquals("Mismatched number of logged entries",
                loggedEntries, mAutofillLoggedEntries.size());
        assertLogged(FIRST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(LAST_NAME, profileFullName);
        assertLogged(EMAIL, profileFullName);
        // Country will not be logged since "US" is not a valid <option>.

    // Wait and assert helper methods -------------------------------------------------------------

    private void waitForKeyboardShowRequest(final TestInputMethodManagerWrapper immw,
            final int count) throws InterruptedException {
        assertTrue("Keyboard was never requested to be shown.",
                CriteriaHelper.pollForCriteria(new Criteria() {
                    public boolean isSatisfied() {
                        return immw.getShowSoftInputCounter() == count;

    private void waitForAnchorViewAdd(final ContentView view) throws InterruptedException {
        assertTrue("Autofill Popup anchor view was never added.",
                CriteriaHelper.pollForCriteria(new Criteria() {
                    public boolean isSatisfied() {
                        return view.findViewById( != null;

    private void waitForAutofillPopopShow(final AutofillPopup popup) throws InterruptedException {
        assertTrue("Autofill Popup anchor view was never added.",
                CriteriaHelper.pollForCriteria(new Criteria() {
                    public boolean isSatisfied() {
                        return popup.isShowing();

    private void waitForInputFieldFill(final ContentView view,
            final TestCallbackHelperContainer viewClient) throws InterruptedException {
        assertTrue("First name field was never filled.",
                CriteriaHelper.pollForCriteria(new Criteria() {
                    public boolean isSatisfied() {
                        try {
                            return TextUtils.equals(FIRST_NAME,
                                    DOMUtils.getNodeValue(view, viewClient, "fn"));
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                            return false;
                        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                            return false;


    private void assertLogged(String autofilledValue, String profileFullName) {
        for (AutofillLogger.LogEntry entry : mAutofillLoggedEntries) {
            if (entry.getAutofilledValue().equals(autofilledValue) &&
                entry.getProfileFullName().equals(profileFullName)) {
        fail("Logged entry not found [" + autofilledValue + "," + profileFullName + "]");

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