
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. isAcceptedScheme
  2. isAcceptedScheme
  3. isDownloadableScheme
  4. isDownloadableScheme
  5. fixUrl
  6. fixupUrl
  7. getOriginForDisplay
  8. sameDomainOrHost
  9. getDomainAndRegistry
  10. nativeSameDomainOrHost
  11. nativeGetDomainAndRegistry
  12. nativeIsGoogleSearchUrl
  13. nativeIsGoogleHomePageUrl
  14. nativeFixupUrl

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.text.TextUtils;

import org.chromium.base.CollectionUtil;

import java.util.HashSet;

 * Utilities for working with URIs (and URLs). These methods may be used in security-sensitive
 * contexts (after all, origins are the security boundary on the web), and so the correctness bar
 * must be high.
public class UrlUtilities {
     * URI schemes that ContentView can handle.
    private static final HashSet<String> ACCEPTED_SCHEMES = CollectionUtil.newHashSet(
        "about", "data", "file", "http", "https", "inline", "javascript");

     * URI schemes that Chrome can download.
    private static final HashSet<String> DOWNLOADABLE_SCHEMES = CollectionUtil.newHashSet(
        "data", "filesystem", "http", "https");

     * @param uri A URI.
     * @return True if the URI's scheme is one that ContentView can handle.
    public static boolean isAcceptedScheme(URI uri) {
        return ACCEPTED_SCHEMES.contains(uri.getScheme());

     * @param uri A URI.
     * @return True if the URI's scheme is one that ContentView can handle.
    public static boolean isAcceptedScheme(String uri) {
        try {
            return isAcceptedScheme(new URI(uri));
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            return false;

     * @param uri A URI.
     * @return True if the URI's scheme is one that Chrome can download.
    public static boolean isDownloadableScheme(URI uri) {
        return DOWNLOADABLE_SCHEMES.contains(uri.getScheme());

     * @param uri A URI.
     * @return True if the URI's scheme is one that Chrome can download.
    public static boolean isDownloadableScheme(String uri) {
        try {
            return isDownloadableScheme(new URI(uri));
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            return false;

     * @param uri A URI to repair.
     * @return A String representation of a URI that will be valid for loading in a ContentView.
    public static String fixUrl(String uri) {
        if (uri == null) return null;

        try {
            String fixedUri = uri.trim();
            if (fixedUri.indexOf("://") == 0) {
                return "http" + fixedUri;
            if (fixedUri.indexOf(":") == -1) {
                return "http://" + fixedUri;

            URI parsed = new URI(fixedUri);
            if (parsed.getScheme() == null) {
                parsed = new URI(
                        null,  // userInfo
            return parsed.toString();
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            // Can't do anything.
            return uri;

     * Refer to UrlFixerUpper::FixupURL.
     * Compare to {@link #fixUrl(String)}, This fixes URL more aggressively including Chrome
     * specific cases. For example, "about:" becomes "chrome://version/". However, this is not a
     * superset of {@link #fixUrl(String)} either. For example, this function doesn't do anything
     * with "://", while the other one prepends "http". Also, for
     * "//", this function prepends "file" while the other one prepends "http".
    public static String fixupUrl(String uri) {
        return nativeFixupUrl(uri, null);

     * Builds a String that strips down the URL to the its scheme, host, and port.
     * @param uri URI to break down.
     * @param showScheme Whether or not to show the scheme.  If the URL can't be parsed, this value
     *                   is ignored.
     * @return Stripped-down String containing the essential bits of the URL, or the original URL if
     *         it fails to parse it.
    public static String getOriginForDisplay(URI uri, boolean showScheme) {
        String scheme = uri.getScheme();
        String host = uri.getHost();
        int port = uri.getPort();

        String displayUrl;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scheme) || TextUtils.isEmpty(host)) {
            displayUrl = uri.toString();
        } else {
            if (showScheme) {
                scheme += "://";
            } else {
                scheme = "";

            if (port == -1 || (port == 80 && "http".equals(scheme))
                    || (port == 443 && "https".equals(scheme))) {
                displayUrl = scheme + host;
            } else {
                displayUrl = scheme + host + ":" + port;

        return displayUrl;

     * Determines whether or not the given URLs belong to the same broad domain or host.
     * "Broad domain" is defined as the TLD + 1 or the host.
     * For example, the TLD + 1 for would be "" and would be shared
     * with other Google properties like
     * If {@code includePrivateRegistries} is marked as true, then private domain registries (like
     * are considered "effective TLDs" -- all subdomains of would be
     * considered distinct (effective TLD = "" + 1).
     * This means that and would not
     * belong to the same host.
     * If {@code includePrivateRegistries} is false, all subdomains of
     * would be considered to be the same domain (TLD = ".com" + 1).
     * @param primaryUrl First URL
     * @param secondaryUrl Second URL
     * @param includePrivateRegistries Whether or not to consider private registries.
     * @return True iff the two URIs belong to the same domain or host.
    public static boolean sameDomainOrHost(String primaryUrl, String secondaryUrl,
            boolean includePrivateRegistries) {
        return nativeSameDomainOrHost(primaryUrl, secondaryUrl, includePrivateRegistries);

     * This function works by calling net::registry_controlled_domains::GetDomainAndRegistry
     * @param uri A URI
     * @param includePrivateRegistries Whether or not to consider private registries.
     * @return The registered, organization-identifying host and all its registry information, but
     * no subdomains, from the given URI. Returns an empty string if the URI is invalid, has no host
     * (e.g. a file: URI), has multiple trailing dots, is an IP address, has only one subcomponent
     * (i.e. no dots other than leading/trailing ones), or is itself a recognized registry
     * identifier.
    public static String getDomainAndRegistry(String uri, boolean includePrivateRegistries) {
        return nativeGetDomainAndRegistry(uri, includePrivateRegistries);

    private static native boolean nativeSameDomainOrHost(String primaryUrl, String secondaryUrl,
            boolean includePrivateRegistries);
    private static native String nativeGetDomainAndRegistry(String url,
            boolean includePrivateRegistries);
    public static native boolean nativeIsGoogleSearchUrl(String url);
    public static native boolean nativeIsGoogleHomePageUrl(String url);
    public static native String nativeFixupUrl(String url, String desiredTld);

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