
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. vfslog_time
  2. vfslog_time
  3. vfslog_time
  4. vfslogClose
  5. vfslogRead
  6. vfslogWrite
  7. vfslogTruncate
  8. vfslogSync
  9. vfslogFileSize
  10. vfslogLock
  11. vfslogUnlock
  12. vfslogCheckReservedLock
  13. vfslogFileControl
  14. vfslogSectorSize
  15. vfslogDeviceCharacteristics
  16. vfslogShmLock
  17. vfslogShmMap
  18. vfslogShmBarrier
  19. vfslogShmUnmap
  20. vfslogOpen
  21. vfslogDelete
  22. vfslogAccess
  23. vfslogFullPathname
  24. vfslogDlOpen
  25. vfslogDlError
  26. vfslogDlSym
  27. vfslogDlClose
  28. vfslogRandomness
  29. vfslogSleep
  30. vfslogCurrentTime
  31. vfslogGetLastError
  32. vfslogCurrentTimeInt64
  33. vfslog_flush
  34. put32bits
  35. vfslog_call
  36. vfslog_string
  37. vfslog_finalize
  38. sqlite3_vfslog_finalize
  39. sqlite3_vfslog_new
  40. sqlite3_vfslog_annotate
  41. vfslog_eventname
  42. get32bits
  43. dequote
  44. vlogConnect
  45. vlogBestIndex
  46. vlogDisconnect
  47. vlogOpen
  48. vlogClose
  49. vlogNext
  50. vlogEof
  51. vlogFilter
  52. vlogColumn
  53. vlogRowid
  54. sqlite3_vfslog_register
  55. test_vfslog
  56. SqlitetestOsinst_Init

** 2008 April 10
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains the implementation of an SQLite vfs wrapper that
** adds instrumentation to all vfs and file methods. C and Tcl interfaces
** are provided to control the instrumentation.

** This module contains code for a wrapper VFS that causes a log of
** most VFS calls to be written into a nominated file on disk. The log 
** is stored in a compressed binary format to reduce the amount of IO 
** overhead introduced into the application by logging.
** All calls on sqlite3_file objects except xFileControl() are logged.
** Additionally, calls to the xAccess(), xOpen(), and xDelete()
** methods are logged. The other sqlite3_vfs object methods (xDlXXX,
** xRandomness, xSleep, xCurrentTime, xGetLastError and xCurrentTimeInt64) 
** are not logged.
** The binary log files are read using a virtual table implementation
** also contained in this file. 
**       int sqlite3_vfslog_new(
**         const char *zVfs,          // Name of new VFS
**         const char *zParentVfs,    // Name of parent VFS (or NULL)
**         const char *zLog           // Name of log file to write to
**       );
**       int sqlite3_vfslog_finalize(const char *zVfs);
**   To write an arbitrary message into a log file:
**       int sqlite3_vfslog_annotate(const char *zVfs, const char *zMsg);
**   Log files are read using the "vfslog" virtual table implementation
**   in this file. To register the virtual table with SQLite, use:
**       int sqlite3_vfslog_register(sqlite3 *db);
**   Then, if the log file is named "vfs.log", the following SQL command:
**       CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE v USING vfslog('vfs.log');
**   creates a virtual table with 6 columns, as follows:
**       CREATE TABLE v(
**         event    TEXT,             // "xOpen", "xRead" etc.
**         file     TEXT,             // Name of file this call applies to
**         clicks   INTEGER,          // Time spent in call
**         rc       INTEGER,          // Return value
**         size     INTEGER,          // Bytes read or written
**         offset   INTEGER           // File offset read or written
**       );

#include "sqlite3.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

** Maximum pathname length supported by the vfslog backend.

#define OS_ACCESS            1
#define OS_CLOSE             3
#define OS_CURRENTTIME       4
#define OS_DELETE            5
#define OS_DEVCHAR           6
#define OS_FILECONTROL       7
#define OS_FILESIZE          8
#define OS_FULLPATHNAME      9
#define OS_LOCK              11
#define OS_OPEN              12
#define OS_RANDOMNESS        13
#define OS_READ              14 
#define OS_SECTORSIZE        15
#define OS_SLEEP             16
#define OS_SYNC              17
#define OS_TRUNCATE          18
#define OS_UNLOCK            19
#define OS_WRITE             20
#define OS_SHMUNMAP          22
#define OS_SHMMAP            23
#define OS_SHMLOCK           25
#define OS_SHMBARRIER        26
#define OS_ANNOTATE          28

#define OS_NUMEVENTS         29


typedef struct VfslogVfs VfslogVfs;
typedef struct VfslogFile VfslogFile;

struct VfslogVfs {
  sqlite3_vfs base;               /* VFS methods */
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;              /* Parent VFS */
  int iNextFileId;                /* Next file id */
  sqlite3_file *pLog;             /* Log file handle */
  sqlite3_int64 iOffset;          /* Log file offset of start of write buffer */
  int nBuf;                       /* Number of valid bytes in aBuf[] */
  char aBuf[VFSLOG_BUFFERSIZE];   /* Write buffer */

struct VfslogFile {
  sqlite3_file base;              /* IO methods */
  sqlite3_file *pReal;            /* Underlying file handle */
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfslog;           /* Associated VsflogVfs object */
  int iFileId;                    /* File id number */

#define REALVFS(p) (((VfslogVfs *)(p))->pVfs)

** Method declarations for vfslog_file.
static int vfslogClose(sqlite3_file*);
static int vfslogRead(sqlite3_file*, void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
static int vfslogWrite(sqlite3_file*,const void*,int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
static int vfslogTruncate(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 size);
static int vfslogSync(sqlite3_file*, int flags);
static int vfslogFileSize(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 *pSize);
static int vfslogLock(sqlite3_file*, int);
static int vfslogUnlock(sqlite3_file*, int);
static int vfslogCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file*, int *pResOut);
static int vfslogFileControl(sqlite3_file*, int op, void *pArg);
static int vfslogSectorSize(sqlite3_file*);
static int vfslogDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file*);

static int vfslogShmLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int ofst, int n, int flags);
static int vfslogShmMap(sqlite3_file *pFile,int,int,int,volatile void **);
static void vfslogShmBarrier(sqlite3_file*);
static int vfslogShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *pFile, int deleteFlag);

** Method declarations for vfslog_vfs.
static int vfslogOpen(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *, sqlite3_file*, int , int *);
static int vfslogDelete(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int syncDir);
static int vfslogAccess(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int flags, int *);
static int vfslogFullPathname(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int, char *zOut);
static void *vfslogDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zFilename);
static void vfslogDlError(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zErrMsg);
static void (*vfslogDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *p, const char*zSym))(void);
static void vfslogDlClose(sqlite3_vfs*, void*);
static int vfslogRandomness(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zOut);
static int vfslogSleep(sqlite3_vfs*, int microseconds);
static int vfslogCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs*, double*);

static int vfslogGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs*, int, char *);
static int vfslogCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs*, sqlite3_int64*);

static sqlite3_vfs vfslog_vfs = {
  1,                              /* iVersion */
  sizeof(VfslogFile),             /* szOsFile */
  INST_MAX_PATHNAME,              /* mxPathname */
  0,                              /* pNext */
  0,                              /* zName */
  0,                              /* pAppData */
  vfslogOpen,                     /* xOpen */
  vfslogDelete,                   /* xDelete */
  vfslogAccess,                   /* xAccess */
  vfslogFullPathname,             /* xFullPathname */
  vfslogDlOpen,                   /* xDlOpen */
  vfslogDlError,                  /* xDlError */
  vfslogDlSym,                    /* xDlSym */
  vfslogDlClose,                  /* xDlClose */
  vfslogRandomness,               /* xRandomness */
  vfslogSleep,                    /* xSleep */
  vfslogCurrentTime,              /* xCurrentTime */
  vfslogGetLastError,             /* xGetLastError */
  vfslogCurrentTimeInt64          /* xCurrentTime */

static sqlite3_io_methods vfslog_io_methods = {
  2,                              /* iVersion */
  vfslogClose,                    /* xClose */
  vfslogRead,                     /* xRead */
  vfslogWrite,                    /* xWrite */
  vfslogTruncate,                 /* xTruncate */
  vfslogSync,                     /* xSync */
  vfslogFileSize,                 /* xFileSize */
  vfslogLock,                     /* xLock */
  vfslogUnlock,                   /* xUnlock */
  vfslogCheckReservedLock,        /* xCheckReservedLock */
  vfslogFileControl,              /* xFileControl */
  vfslogSectorSize,               /* xSectorSize */
  vfslogDeviceCharacteristics,    /* xDeviceCharacteristics */
  vfslogShmMap,                   /* xShmMap */
  vfslogShmLock,                  /* xShmLock */
  vfslogShmBarrier,               /* xShmBarrier */
  vfslogShmUnmap                  /* xShmUnmap */

#if SQLITE_OS_UNIX && !defined(NO_GETTOD)
#include <sys/time.h>
static sqlite3_uint64 vfslog_time(){
  struct timeval sTime;
  gettimeofday(&sTime, 0);
  return sTime.tv_usec + (sqlite3_uint64)sTime.tv_sec * 1000000;
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
static sqlite3_uint64 vfslog_time(){
  sqlite3_uint64 u64time = 0;

  u64time |= ft.dwHighDateTime;
  u64time <<= 32;
  u64time |= ft.dwLowDateTime;

  /* ft is 100-nanosecond intervals, we want microseconds */
  return u64time /(sqlite3_uint64)10;
static sqlite3_uint64 vfslog_time(){
  return 0;

static void vfslog_call(sqlite3_vfs *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
static void vfslog_string(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *);

** Close an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogClose(sqlite3_file *pFile){
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;

  t = vfslog_time();
  if( p->pReal->pMethods ){
    rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xClose(p->pReal);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_CLOSE, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, 0);
  return rc;

** Read data from an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogRead(
  sqlite3_file *pFile, 
  void *zBuf, 
  int iAmt, 
  sqlite_int64 iOfst
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xRead(p->pReal, zBuf, iAmt, iOfst);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_READ, p->iFileId, t, rc, iAmt, (int)iOfst);
  return rc;

** Write data to an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogWrite(
  sqlite3_file *pFile,
  const void *z,
  int iAmt,
  sqlite_int64 iOfst
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xWrite(p->pReal, z, iAmt, iOfst);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_WRITE, p->iFileId, t, rc, iAmt, (int)iOfst);
  return rc;

** Truncate an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogTruncate(sqlite3_file *pFile, sqlite_int64 size){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xTruncate(p->pReal, size);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_TRUNCATE, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, (int)size);
  return rc;

** Sync an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogSync(sqlite3_file *pFile, int flags){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xSync(p->pReal, flags);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_SYNC, p->iFileId, t, rc, flags, 0);
  return rc;

** Return the current file-size of an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogFileSize(sqlite3_file *pFile, sqlite_int64 *pSize){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xFileSize(p->pReal, pSize);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_FILESIZE, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, (int)*pSize);
  return rc;

** Lock an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int eLock){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xLock(p->pReal, eLock);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_LOCK, p->iFileId, t, rc, eLock, 0);
  return rc;

** Unlock an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogUnlock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int eLock){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xUnlock(p->pReal, eLock);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_UNLOCK, p->iFileId, t, rc, eLock, 0);
  return rc;

** Check if another file-handle holds a RESERVED lock on an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int *pResOut){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xCheckReservedLock(p->pReal, pResOut);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK, p->iFileId, t, rc, *pResOut, 0);
  return rc;

** File control method. For custom operations on an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogFileControl(sqlite3_file *pFile, int op, void *pArg){
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  return p->pReal->pMethods->xFileControl(p->pReal, op, pArg);

** Return the sector-size in bytes for an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogSectorSize(sqlite3_file *pFile){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xSectorSize(p->pReal);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_SECTORSIZE, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, 0);
  return rc;

** Return the device characteristic flags supported by an vfslog-file.
static int vfslogDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *pFile){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xDeviceCharacteristics(p->pReal);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_DEVCHAR, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, 0);
  return rc;

static int vfslogShmLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int ofst, int n, int flags){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xShmLock(p->pReal, ofst, n, flags);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_SHMLOCK, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, 0);
  return rc;
static int vfslogShmMap(
  sqlite3_file *pFile, 
  int iRegion, 
  int szRegion, 
  int isWrite, 
  volatile void **pp
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xShmMap(p->pReal, iRegion, szRegion, isWrite, pp);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_SHMMAP, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, 0);
  return rc;
static void vfslogShmBarrier(sqlite3_file *pFile){
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_SHMBARRIER, p->iFileId, t, SQLITE_OK, 0, 0);
static int vfslogShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *pFile, int deleteFlag){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xShmUnmap(p->pReal, deleteFlag);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(p->pVfslog, OS_SHMUNMAP, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, 0);
  return rc;

** Open an vfslog file handle.
static int vfslogOpen(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
  const char *zName,
  sqlite3_file *pFile,
  int flags,
  int *pOutFlags
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  VfslogFile *p = (VfslogFile *)pFile;
  VfslogVfs *pLog = (VfslogVfs *)pVfs;

  pFile->pMethods = &vfslog_io_methods;
  p->pReal = (sqlite3_file *)&p[1];
  p->pVfslog = pVfs;
  p->iFileId = ++pLog->iNextFileId;

  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = REALVFS(pVfs)->xOpen(REALVFS(pVfs), zName, p->pReal, flags, pOutFlags);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;

  vfslog_call(pVfs, OS_OPEN, p->iFileId, t, rc, 0, 0);
  vfslog_string(pVfs, zName);
  return rc;

** Delete the file located at zPath. If the dirSync argument is true,
** ensure the file-system modifications are synced to disk before
** returning.
static int vfslogDelete(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zPath, int dirSync){
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = REALVFS(pVfs)->xDelete(REALVFS(pVfs), zPath, dirSync);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(pVfs, OS_DELETE, 0, t, rc, dirSync, 0);
  vfslog_string(pVfs, zPath);
  return rc;

** Test for access permissions. Return true if the requested permission
** is available, or false otherwise.
static int vfslogAccess(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, 
  const char *zPath, 
  int flags, 
  int *pResOut
  int rc;
  sqlite3_uint64 t;
  t = vfslog_time();
  rc = REALVFS(pVfs)->xAccess(REALVFS(pVfs), zPath, flags, pResOut);
  t = vfslog_time() - t;
  vfslog_call(pVfs, OS_ACCESS, 0, t, rc, flags, *pResOut);
  vfslog_string(pVfs, zPath);
  return rc;

** Populate buffer zOut with the full canonical pathname corresponding
** to the pathname in zPath. zOut is guaranteed to point to a buffer
** of at least (INST_MAX_PATHNAME+1) bytes.
static int vfslogFullPathname(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, 
  const char *zPath, 
  int nOut, 
  char *zOut
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xFullPathname(REALVFS(pVfs), zPath, nOut, zOut);

** Open the dynamic library located at zPath and return a handle.
static void *vfslogDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zPath){
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xDlOpen(REALVFS(pVfs), zPath);

** Populate the buffer zErrMsg (size nByte bytes) with a human readable
** utf-8 string describing the most recent error encountered associated 
** with dynamic libraries.
static void vfslogDlError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nByte, char *zErrMsg){
  REALVFS(pVfs)->xDlError(REALVFS(pVfs), nByte, zErrMsg);

** Return a pointer to the symbol zSymbol in the dynamic library pHandle.
static void (*vfslogDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *p, const char *zSym))(void){
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xDlSym(REALVFS(pVfs), p, zSym);

** Close the dynamic library handle pHandle.
static void vfslogDlClose(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle){
  REALVFS(pVfs)->xDlClose(REALVFS(pVfs), pHandle);

** Populate the buffer pointed to by zBufOut with nByte bytes of 
** random data.
static int vfslogRandomness(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nByte, char *zBufOut){
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xRandomness(REALVFS(pVfs), nByte, zBufOut);

** Sleep for nMicro microseconds. Return the number of microseconds 
** actually slept.
static int vfslogSleep(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nMicro){
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xSleep(REALVFS(pVfs), nMicro);

** Return the current time as a Julian Day number in *pTimeOut.
static int vfslogCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, double *pTimeOut){
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xCurrentTime(REALVFS(pVfs), pTimeOut);

static int vfslogGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int a, char *b){
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xGetLastError(REALVFS(pVfs), a, b);
static int vfslogCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, sqlite3_int64 *p){
  return REALVFS(pVfs)->xCurrentTimeInt64(REALVFS(pVfs), p);

static void vfslog_flush(VfslogVfs *p){
  extern int sqlite3_io_error_pending;
  extern int sqlite3_io_error_persist;
  extern int sqlite3_diskfull_pending;

  int pending = sqlite3_io_error_pending;
  int persist = sqlite3_io_error_persist;
  int diskfull = sqlite3_diskfull_pending;

  sqlite3_io_error_pending = 0;
  sqlite3_io_error_persist = 0;
  sqlite3_diskfull_pending = 0;

  if( p->nBuf ){
    p->pLog->pMethods->xWrite(p->pLog, p->aBuf, p->nBuf, p->iOffset);
    p->iOffset += p->nBuf;
    p->nBuf = 0;

  sqlite3_io_error_pending = pending;
  sqlite3_io_error_persist = persist;
  sqlite3_diskfull_pending = diskfull;

static void put32bits(unsigned char *p, unsigned int v){
  p[0] = v>>24;
  p[1] = v>>16;
  p[2] = v>>8;
  p[3] = v;

static void vfslog_call(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
  int eEvent,
  int iFileid,
  int nClick,
  int return_code,
  int size,
  int offset
  VfslogVfs *p = (VfslogVfs *)pVfs;
  unsigned char *zRec;
  if( (24+p->nBuf)>sizeof(p->aBuf) ){
  zRec = (unsigned char *)&p->aBuf[p->nBuf];
  put32bits(&zRec[0], eEvent);
  put32bits(&zRec[4], iFileid);
  put32bits(&zRec[8], nClick);
  put32bits(&zRec[12], return_code);
  put32bits(&zRec[16], size);
  put32bits(&zRec[20], offset);
  p->nBuf += 24;

static void vfslog_string(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zStr){
  VfslogVfs *p = (VfslogVfs *)pVfs;
  unsigned char *zRec;
  int nStr = zStr ? strlen(zStr) : 0;
  if( (4+nStr+p->nBuf)>sizeof(p->aBuf) ){
  zRec = (unsigned char *)&p->aBuf[p->nBuf];
  put32bits(&zRec[0], nStr);
  if( zStr ){
    memcpy(&zRec[4], zStr, nStr);
  p->nBuf += (4 + nStr);

static void vfslog_finalize(VfslogVfs *p){
  if( p->pLog->pMethods ){

int sqlite3_vfslog_finalize(const char *zVfs){
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;
  pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(zVfs);
  if( !pVfs || pVfs->xOpen!=vfslogOpen ){
    return SQLITE_ERROR;
  vfslog_finalize((VfslogVfs *)pVfs);
  return SQLITE_OK;

int sqlite3_vfslog_new(
  const char *zVfs,               /* New VFS name */
  const char *zParentVfs,         /* Parent VFS name (or NULL) */
  const char *zLog                /* Log file name */
  VfslogVfs *p;
  sqlite3_vfs *pParent;
  int nByte;
  int flags;
  int rc;
  char *zFile;
  int nVfs;

  pParent = sqlite3_vfs_find(zParentVfs);
  if( !pParent ){
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  nVfs = strlen(zVfs);
  nByte = sizeof(VfslogVfs) + pParent->szOsFile + nVfs+1+pParent->mxPathname+1;
  p = (VfslogVfs *)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
  memset(p, 0, nByte);

  p->pVfs = pParent;
  p->pLog = (sqlite3_file *)&p[1];
  memcpy(&p->base, &vfslog_vfs, sizeof(sqlite3_vfs));
  p->base.zName = &((char *)p->pLog)[pParent->szOsFile];
  p->base.szOsFile += pParent->szOsFile;
  memcpy((char *)p->base.zName, zVfs, nVfs);

  zFile = (char *)&p->base.zName[nVfs+1];
  pParent->xFullPathname(pParent, zLog, pParent->mxPathname, zFile);

  pParent->xDelete(pParent, zFile, 0);
  rc = pParent->xOpen(pParent, zFile, p->pLog, flags, &flags);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    memcpy(p->aBuf, "sqlite_ostrace1.....", 20);
    p->iOffset = 0;
    p->nBuf = 20;
    rc = sqlite3_vfs_register((sqlite3_vfs *)p, 1);
  if( rc ){
  return rc;

int sqlite3_vfslog_annotate(const char *zVfs, const char *zMsg){
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;
  pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(zVfs);
  if( !pVfs || pVfs->xOpen!=vfslogOpen ){
    return SQLITE_ERROR;
  vfslog_call(pVfs, OS_ANNOTATE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  vfslog_string(pVfs, zMsg);
  return SQLITE_OK;

static const char *vfslog_eventname(int eEvent){
  const char *zEvent = 0;

  switch( eEvent ){
    case OS_CLOSE:             zEvent = "xClose"; break;
    case OS_READ:              zEvent = "xRead"; break;
    case OS_WRITE:             zEvent = "xWrite"; break;
    case OS_TRUNCATE:          zEvent = "xTruncate"; break;
    case OS_SYNC:              zEvent = "xSync"; break;
    case OS_FILESIZE:          zEvent = "xFilesize"; break;
    case OS_LOCK:              zEvent = "xLock"; break;
    case OS_UNLOCK:            zEvent = "xUnlock"; break;
    case OS_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK: zEvent = "xCheckResLock"; break;
    case OS_FILECONTROL:       zEvent = "xFileControl"; break;
    case OS_SECTORSIZE:        zEvent = "xSectorSize"; break;
    case OS_DEVCHAR:           zEvent = "xDeviceChar"; break;
    case OS_OPEN:              zEvent = "xOpen"; break;
    case OS_DELETE:            zEvent = "xDelete"; break;
    case OS_ACCESS:            zEvent = "xAccess"; break;
    case OS_FULLPATHNAME:      zEvent = "xFullPathname"; break;
    case OS_RANDOMNESS:        zEvent = "xRandomness"; break;
    case OS_SLEEP:             zEvent = "xSleep"; break;
    case OS_CURRENTTIME:       zEvent = "xCurrentTime"; break;

    case OS_SHMUNMAP:          zEvent = "xShmUnmap"; break;
    case OS_SHMLOCK:           zEvent = "xShmLock"; break;
    case OS_SHMBARRIER:        zEvent = "xShmBarrier"; break;
    case OS_SHMMAP:            zEvent = "xShmMap"; break;

    case OS_ANNOTATE:          zEvent = "annotation"; break;

  return zEvent;

typedef struct VfslogVtab VfslogVtab;
typedef struct VfslogCsr VfslogCsr;

** Virtual table type for the vfslog reader module.
struct VfslogVtab {
  sqlite3_vtab base;              /* Base class */
  sqlite3_file *pFd;              /* File descriptor open on vfslog file */
  sqlite3_int64 nByte;            /* Size of file in bytes */
  char *zFile;                    /* File name for pFd */

** Virtual table cursor type for the vfslog reader module.
struct VfslogCsr {
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor base;       /* Base class */
  sqlite3_int64 iRowid;           /* Current rowid. */
  sqlite3_int64 iOffset;          /* Offset of next record in file */
  char *zTransient;               /* Transient 'file' string */
  int nFile;                      /* Size of array azFile[] */
  char **azFile;                  /* File strings */
  unsigned char aBuf[1024];       /* Current vfs log entry (read from file) */

static unsigned int get32bits(unsigned char *p){
  return (p[0]<<24) + (p[1]<<16) + (p[2]<<8) + p[3];

** The argument must point to a buffer containing a nul-terminated string.
** If the string begins with an SQL quote character it is overwritten by
** the dequoted version. Otherwise the buffer is left unmodified.
static void dequote(char *z){
  char quote;                     /* Quote character (if any ) */
  quote = z[0];
  if( quote=='[' || quote=='\'' || quote=='"' || quote=='`' ){
    int iIn = 1;                  /* Index of next byte to read from input */
    int iOut = 0;                 /* Index of next byte to write to output */
    if( quote=='[' ) quote = ']';  
    while( z[iIn] ){
      if( z[iIn]==quote ){
        if( z[iIn+1]!=quote ) break;
        z[iOut++] = quote;
        iIn += 2;
        z[iOut++] = z[iIn++];
    z[iOut] = '\0';

** Connect to or create a vfslog virtual table.
static int vlogConnect(
  sqlite3 *db,
  void *pAux,
  int argc, const char *const*argv,
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
  char **pzErr
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;              /* VFS used to read log file */
  int flags;                      /* flags passed to pVfs->xOpen() */
  VfslogVtab *p;
  int rc;
  int nByte;
  char *zFile;

  *ppVtab = 0;
  pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(0);
  nByte = sizeof(VfslogVtab) + pVfs->szOsFile + pVfs->mxPathname;
  p = sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
  if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(p, 0, nByte);

  p->pFd = (sqlite3_file *)&p[1];
  p->zFile = &((char *)p->pFd)[pVfs->szOsFile];

  zFile = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", argv[3]);
  if( !zFile ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  pVfs->xFullPathname(pVfs, zFile, pVfs->mxPathname, p->zFile);

  rc = pVfs->xOpen(pVfs, p->zFile, p->pFd, flags, &flags);

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    p->pFd->pMethods->xFileSize(p->pFd, &p->nByte);
        "CREATE TABLE xxx(event, file, click, rc, size, offset)"
    *ppVtab = &p->base;

  return rc;

** There is no "best-index". This virtual table always does a linear
** scan of the binary VFS log file.
static int vlogBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *tab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo){
  pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 10.0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Disconnect from or destroy a vfslog virtual table.
static int vlogDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  VfslogVtab *p = (VfslogVtab *)pVtab;
  if( p->pFd->pMethods ){
    p->pFd->pMethods = 0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Open a new vfslog cursor.
static int vlogOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
  VfslogCsr *pCsr;                /* Newly allocated cursor object */

  pCsr = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(VfslogCsr));
  if( !pCsr ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(VfslogCsr));
  *ppCursor = &pCsr->base;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Close a vfslog cursor.
static int vlogClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  VfslogCsr *p = (VfslogCsr *)pCursor;
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<p->nFile; i++){
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Move a vfslog cursor to the next entry in the file.
static int vlogNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  VfslogCsr *pCsr = (VfslogCsr *)pCursor;
  VfslogVtab *p = (VfslogVtab *)pCursor->pVtab;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int nRead;

  pCsr->zTransient = 0;

  nRead = 24;
  if( pCsr->iOffset+nRead<=p->nByte ){
    int eEvent;
    rc = p->pFd->pMethods->xRead(p->pFd, pCsr->aBuf, nRead, pCsr->iOffset);

    eEvent = get32bits(pCsr->aBuf);
    if( (rc==SQLITE_OK)
     && (eEvent==OS_OPEN || eEvent==OS_DELETE || eEvent==OS_ACCESS) 
      char buf[4];
      rc = p->pFd->pMethods->xRead(p->pFd, buf, 4, pCsr->iOffset+nRead);
      nRead += 4;
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        int nStr = get32bits((unsigned char *)buf);
        char *zStr = sqlite3_malloc(nStr+1);
        rc = p->pFd->pMethods->xRead(p->pFd, zStr, nStr, pCsr->iOffset+nRead);
        zStr[nStr] = '\0';
        nRead += nStr;

        if( eEvent==OS_OPEN ){
          int iFileid = get32bits(&pCsr->aBuf[4]);
          if( iFileid>=pCsr->nFile ){
            int nNew = sizeof(pCsr->azFile[0])*(iFileid+1);
            pCsr->azFile = (char **)sqlite3_realloc(pCsr->azFile, nNew);
            nNew -= sizeof(pCsr->azFile[0])*pCsr->nFile;
            memset(&pCsr->azFile[pCsr->nFile], 0, nNew);
            pCsr->nFile = iFileid+1;
          pCsr->azFile[iFileid] = zStr;
          pCsr->zTransient = zStr;

  pCsr->iRowid += 1;
  pCsr->iOffset += nRead;
  return rc;

static int vlogEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  VfslogCsr *pCsr = (VfslogCsr *)pCursor;
  VfslogVtab *p = (VfslogVtab *)pCursor->pVtab;
  return (pCsr->iOffset>=p->nByte);

static int vlogFilter(
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, 
  int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
  int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
  VfslogCsr *pCsr = (VfslogCsr *)pCursor;
  pCsr->iRowid = 0;
  pCsr->iOffset = 20;
  return vlogNext(pCursor);

static int vlogColumn(
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, 
  sqlite3_context *ctx, 
  int i
  unsigned int val;
  VfslogCsr *pCsr = (VfslogCsr *)pCursor;

  assert( i<7 );
  val = get32bits(&pCsr->aBuf[4*i]);

  switch( i ){
    case 0: {
      sqlite3_result_text(ctx, vfslog_eventname(val), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    case 1: {
      char *zStr = pCsr->zTransient;
      if( val!=0 && val<pCsr->nFile ){
        zStr = pCsr->azFile[val];
      sqlite3_result_text(ctx, zStr, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
      sqlite3_result_int(ctx, val);

  return SQLITE_OK;

static int vlogRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
  VfslogCsr *pCsr = (VfslogCsr *)pCursor;
  *pRowid = pCsr->iRowid;
  return SQLITE_OK;

int sqlite3_vfslog_register(sqlite3 *db){
  static sqlite3_module vfslog_module = {
    0,                            /* iVersion */
    vlogConnect,                /* xCreate */
    vlogConnect,                /* xConnect */
    vlogBestIndex,              /* xBestIndex */
    vlogDisconnect,             /* xDisconnect */
    vlogDisconnect,             /* xDestroy */
    vlogOpen,                   /* xOpen - open a cursor */
    vlogClose,                  /* xClose - close a cursor */
    vlogFilter,                 /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
    vlogNext,                   /* xNext - advance a cursor */
    vlogEof,                    /* xEof - check for end of scan */
    vlogColumn,                 /* xColumn - read data */
    vlogRowid,                  /* xRowid - read data */
    0,                            /* xUpdate */
    0,                            /* xBegin */
    0,                            /* xSync */
    0,                            /* xCommit */
    0,                            /* xRollback */
    0,                            /* xFindMethod */
    0,                            /* xRename */

  sqlite3_create_module(db, "vfslog", &vfslog_module, 0);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Tcl interface starts here.

#if defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(TCLSH)

#include <tcl.h>

static int test_vfslog(
  void *clientData,
  Tcl_Interp *interp,
  int objc,
  Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
  struct SqliteDb { sqlite3 *db; };
  sqlite3 *db;
  Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;
  int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

  static const char *strs[] = { "annotate", "finalize", "new",  "register", 0 };
  int iSub;

  if( objc<2 ){
    Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "SUB-COMMAND ...");
    return TCL_ERROR;
  if( Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[1], strs, "sub-command", 0, &iSub) ){
    return TCL_ERROR;

  switch( (enum VL_enum)iSub ){
    case VL_ANNOTATE: {
      int rc;
      char *zVfs;
      char *zMsg;
      if( objc!=4 ){
        Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, objv, "VFS");
        return TCL_ERROR;
      zVfs = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
      zMsg = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
      rc = sqlite3_vfslog_annotate(zVfs, zMsg);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
        Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "failed", 0);
        return TCL_ERROR;
    case VL_FINALIZE: {
      int rc;
      char *zVfs;
      if( objc!=3 ){
        Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "VFS");
        return TCL_ERROR;
      zVfs = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
      rc = sqlite3_vfslog_finalize(zVfs);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
        Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "failed", 0);
        return TCL_ERROR;

    case VL_NEW: {
      int rc;
      char *zVfs;
      char *zParent;
      char *zLog;
      if( objc!=5 ){
        Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "VFS PARENT LOGFILE");
        return TCL_ERROR;
      zVfs = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
      zParent = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
      zLog = Tcl_GetString(objv[4]);
      if( *zParent=='\0' ) zParent = 0;
      rc = sqlite3_vfslog_new(zVfs, zParent, zLog);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
        Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "failed", 0);
        return TCL_ERROR;

    case VL_REGISTER: {
      char *zDb;
      if( objc!=3 ){
        Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "DB");
        return TCL_ERROR;
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "vfslog not available because of "
                               "SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE", (void*)0);
      return TCL_ERROR;
      zDb = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
      if( Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, zDb, &cmdInfo) ){
        db = ((struct SqliteDb*)cmdInfo.objClientData)->db;
        rc = sqlite3_vfslog_register(db);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
        Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad sqlite3 handle: ", zDb, (void*)0);
        return TCL_ERROR;

  return TCL_OK;

int SqlitetestOsinst_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp){
  Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "vfslog", test_vfslog, 0, 0);
  return TCL_OK;

#endif /* SQLITE_TEST */

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