
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. statConnect
  2. statDisconnect
  3. statBestIndex
  4. statOpen
  5. statClearPage
  6. statResetCsr
  7. statClose
  8. getLocalPayload
  9. statDecodePage
  10. statNext
  11. statEof
  12. statFilter
  13. statColumn
  14. statRowid
  15. sqlite3_dbstat_register
  16. test_dbstat
  17. SqlitetestStat_Init

** 2010 July 12
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains an implementation of the "dbstat" virtual table.
** The dbstat virtual table is used to extract low-level formatting
** information from an SQLite database in order to implement the
** "sqlite3_analyzer" utility.  See the ../tool/spaceanal.tcl script
** for an example implementation.

#include "sqliteInt.h"


** Page paths:
**   The value of the 'path' column describes the path taken from the 
**   root-node of the b-tree structure to each page. The value of the 
**   root-node path is '/'.
**   The value of the path for the left-most child page of the root of
**   a b-tree is '/000/'. (Btrees store content ordered from left to right
**   so the pages to the left have smaller keys than the pages to the right.)
**   The next to left-most child of the root page is
**   '/001', and so on, each sibling page identified by a 3-digit hex 
**   value. The children of the 451st left-most sibling have paths such
**   as '/1c2/000/, '/1c2/001/' etc.
**   Overflow pages are specified by appending a '+' character and a 
**   six-digit hexadecimal value to the path to the cell they are linked
**   from. For example, the three overflow pages in a chain linked from 
**   the left-most cell of the 450th child of the root page are identified
**   by the paths:
**      '/1c2/000+000000'         // First page in overflow chain
**      '/1c2/000+000001'         // Second page in overflow chain
**      '/1c2/000+000002'         // Third page in overflow chain
**   If the paths are sorted using the BINARY collation sequence, then
**   the overflow pages associated with a cell will appear earlier in the
**   sort-order than its child page:
**      '/1c2/000/'               // Left-most child of 451st child of root
#define VTAB_SCHEMA                                                         \
  "CREATE TABLE xx( "                                                       \
  "  name       STRING,           /* Name of table or index */"             \
  "  path       INTEGER,          /* Path to page from root */"             \
  "  pageno     INTEGER,          /* Page number */"                        \
  "  pagetype   STRING,           /* 'internal', 'leaf' or 'overflow' */"   \
  "  ncell      INTEGER,          /* Cells on page (0 for overflow) */"     \
  "  payload    INTEGER,          /* Bytes of payload on this page */"      \
  "  unused     INTEGER,          /* Bytes of unused space on this page */" \
  "  mx_payload INTEGER           /* Largest payload size of all cells */"  \

#if 0
#define VTAB_SCHEMA2                                                        \
  "CREATE TABLE yy( "                                                       \
  "  pageno   INTEGER,            /* B-tree page number */"                 \
  "  cellno   INTEGER,            /* Cell number within page */"            \
  "  local    INTEGER,            /* Bytes of content stored locally */"    \
  "  payload  INTEGER,            /* Total cell payload size */"            \
  "  novfl    INTEGER             /* Number of overflow pages */"           \

typedef struct StatTable StatTable;
typedef struct StatCursor StatCursor;
typedef struct StatPage StatPage;
typedef struct StatCell StatCell;

struct StatCell {
  int nLocal;                     /* Bytes of local payload */
  u32 iChildPg;                   /* Child node (or 0 if this is a leaf) */
  int nOvfl;                      /* Entries in aOvfl[] */
  u32 *aOvfl;                     /* Array of overflow page numbers */
  int nLastOvfl;                  /* Bytes of payload on final overflow page */
  int iOvfl;                      /* Iterates through aOvfl[] */

struct StatPage {
  u32 iPgno;
  DbPage *pPg;
  int iCell;

  char *zPath;                    /* Path to this page */

  /* Variables populated by statDecodePage(): */
  u8 flags;                       /* Copy of flags byte */
  int nCell;                      /* Number of cells on page */
  int nUnused;                    /* Number of unused bytes on page */
  StatCell *aCell;                /* Array of parsed cells */
  u32 iRightChildPg;              /* Right-child page number (or 0) */
  int nMxPayload;                 /* Largest payload of any cell on this page */

struct StatCursor {
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor base;
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;            /* Iterates through set of root pages */
  int isEof;                      /* After pStmt has returned SQLITE_DONE */

  StatPage aPage[32];
  int iPage;                      /* Current entry in aPage[] */

  /* Values to return. */
  char *zName;                    /* Value of 'name' column */
  char *zPath;                    /* Value of 'path' column */
  u32 iPageno;                    /* Value of 'pageno' column */
  char *zPagetype;                /* Value of 'pagetype' column */
  int nCell;                      /* Value of 'ncell' column */
  int nPayload;                   /* Value of 'payload' column */
  int nUnused;                    /* Value of 'unused' column */
  int nMxPayload;                 /* Value of 'mx_payload' column */

struct StatTable {
  sqlite3_vtab base;
  sqlite3 *db;

#ifndef get2byte
# define get2byte(x)   ((x)[0]<<8 | (x)[1])

** Connect to or create a statvfs virtual table.
static int statConnect(
  sqlite3 *db,
  void *pAux,
  int argc, const char *const*argv,
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
  char **pzErr
  StatTable *pTab;

  pTab = (StatTable *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(StatTable));
  memset(pTab, 0, sizeof(StatTable));
  pTab->db = db;

  sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, VTAB_SCHEMA);
  *ppVtab = &pTab->base;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Disconnect from or destroy a statvfs virtual table.
static int statDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  return SQLITE_OK;

** There is no "best-index". This virtual table always does a linear
** scan of the binary VFS log file.
static int statBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *tab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo){

  /* Records are always returned in ascending order of (name, path). 
  ** If this will satisfy the client, set the orderByConsumed flag so that 
  ** SQLite does not do an external sort.
  if( ( pIdxInfo->nOrderBy==1
     && pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[0].iColumn==0
     && pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[0].desc==0
     ) ||
      ( pIdxInfo->nOrderBy==2
     && pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[0].iColumn==0
     && pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[0].desc==0
     && pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[1].iColumn==1
     && pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[1].desc==0
    pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed = 1;

  pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 10.0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Open a new statvfs cursor.
static int statOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
  StatTable *pTab = (StatTable *)pVTab;
  StatCursor *pCsr;
  int rc;

  pCsr = (StatCursor *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(StatCursor));
  memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(StatCursor));
  pCsr->base.pVtab = pVTab;

  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pTab->db, 
      "SELECT 'sqlite_master' AS name, 1 AS rootpage, 'table' AS type"
      "  UNION ALL  "
      "SELECT name, rootpage, type FROM sqlite_master WHERE rootpage!=0"
      "  ORDER BY name", -1,
      &pCsr->pStmt, 0
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  *ppCursor = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *)pCsr;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static void statClearPage(StatPage *p){
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<p->nCell; i++){
  memset(p, 0, sizeof(StatPage));

static void statResetCsr(StatCursor *pCsr){
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<ArraySize(pCsr->aPage); i++){
  pCsr->iPage = 0;
  pCsr->zPath = 0;

** Close a statvfs cursor.
static int statClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  StatCursor *pCsr = (StatCursor *)pCursor;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static void getLocalPayload(
  int nUsable,                    /* Usable bytes per page */
  u8 flags,                       /* Page flags */
  int nTotal,                     /* Total record (payload) size */
  int *pnLocal                    /* OUT: Bytes stored locally */
  int nLocal;
  int nMinLocal;
  int nMaxLocal;
  if( flags==0x0D ){              /* Table leaf node */
    nMinLocal = (nUsable - 12) * 32 / 255 - 23;
    nMaxLocal = nUsable - 35;
  }else{                          /* Index interior and leaf nodes */
    nMinLocal = (nUsable - 12) * 32 / 255 - 23;
    nMaxLocal = (nUsable - 12) * 64 / 255 - 23;

  nLocal = nMinLocal + (nTotal - nMinLocal) % (nUsable - 4);
  if( nLocal>nMaxLocal ) nLocal = nMinLocal;
  *pnLocal = nLocal;

static int statDecodePage(Btree *pBt, StatPage *p){
  int nUnused;
  int iOff;
  int nHdr;
  int isLeaf;

  u8 *aData = sqlite3PagerGetData(p->pPg);
  u8 *aHdr = &aData[p->iPgno==1 ? 100 : 0];

  p->flags = aHdr[0];
  p->nCell = get2byte(&aHdr[3]);
  p->nMxPayload = 0;

  isLeaf = (p->flags==0x0A || p->flags==0x0D);
  nHdr = 12 - isLeaf*4 + (p->iPgno==1)*100;

  nUnused = get2byte(&aHdr[5]) - nHdr - 2*p->nCell;
  nUnused += (int)aHdr[7];
  iOff = get2byte(&aHdr[1]);
  while( iOff ){
    nUnused += get2byte(&aData[iOff+2]);
    iOff = get2byte(&aData[iOff]);
  p->nUnused = nUnused;
  p->iRightChildPg = isLeaf ? 0 : sqlite3Get4byte(&aHdr[8]);

  if( p->nCell ){
    int i;                        /* Used to iterate through cells */
    int nUsable = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pBt) - sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(pBt);

    p->aCell = sqlite3_malloc((p->nCell+1) * sizeof(StatCell));
    memset(p->aCell, 0, (p->nCell+1) * sizeof(StatCell));

    for(i=0; i<p->nCell; i++){
      StatCell *pCell = &p->aCell[i];

      iOff = get2byte(&aData[nHdr+i*2]);
      if( !isLeaf ){
        pCell->iChildPg = sqlite3Get4byte(&aData[iOff]);
        iOff += 4;
      if( p->flags==0x05 ){
        /* A table interior node. nPayload==0. */
        u32 nPayload;             /* Bytes of payload total (local+overflow) */
        int nLocal;               /* Bytes of payload stored locally */
        iOff += getVarint32(&aData[iOff], nPayload);
        if( p->flags==0x0D ){
          u64 dummy;
          iOff += sqlite3GetVarint(&aData[iOff], &dummy);
        if( nPayload>p->nMxPayload ) p->nMxPayload = nPayload;
        getLocalPayload(nUsable, p->flags, nPayload, &nLocal);
        pCell->nLocal = nLocal;
        assert( nPayload>=nLocal );
        assert( nLocal<=(nUsable-35) );
        if( nPayload>nLocal ){
          int j;
          int nOvfl = ((nPayload - nLocal) + nUsable-4 - 1) / (nUsable - 4);
          pCell->nLastOvfl = (nPayload-nLocal) - (nOvfl-1) * (nUsable-4);
          pCell->nOvfl = nOvfl;
          pCell->aOvfl = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(u32)*nOvfl);
          pCell->aOvfl[0] = sqlite3Get4byte(&aData[iOff+nLocal]);
          for(j=1; j<nOvfl; j++){
            int rc;
            u32 iPrev = pCell->aOvfl[j-1];
            DbPage *pPg = 0;
            rc = sqlite3PagerGet(sqlite3BtreePager(pBt), iPrev, &pPg);
            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
              assert( pPg==0 );
              return rc;
            pCell->aOvfl[j] = sqlite3Get4byte(sqlite3PagerGetData(pPg));

  return SQLITE_OK;

** Move a statvfs cursor to the next entry in the file.
static int statNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  int rc;
  int nPayload;
  StatCursor *pCsr = (StatCursor *)pCursor;
  StatTable *pTab = (StatTable *)pCursor->pVtab;
  Btree *pBt = pTab->db->aDb[0].pBt;
  Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt);

  pCsr->zPath = 0;

  if( pCsr->aPage[0].pPg==0 ){
    rc = sqlite3_step(pCsr->pStmt);
    if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
      int nPage;
      u32 iRoot = sqlite3_column_int64(pCsr->pStmt, 1);
      sqlite3PagerPagecount(pPager, &nPage);
      if( nPage==0 ){
        pCsr->isEof = 1;
        return sqlite3_reset(pCsr->pStmt);
      rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, iRoot, &pCsr->aPage[0].pPg);
      pCsr->aPage[0].iPgno = iRoot;
      pCsr->aPage[0].iCell = 0;
      pCsr->aPage[0].zPath = sqlite3_mprintf("/");
      pCsr->iPage = 0;
      pCsr->isEof = 1;
      return sqlite3_reset(pCsr->pStmt);

    /* Page p itself has already been visited. */
    StatPage *p = &pCsr->aPage[pCsr->iPage];

    while( p->iCell<p->nCell ){
      StatCell *pCell = &p->aCell[p->iCell];
      if( pCell->iOvfl<pCell->nOvfl ){
        int nUsable = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pBt)-sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(pBt);
        pCsr->zName = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(pCsr->pStmt, 0);
        pCsr->iPageno = pCell->aOvfl[pCell->iOvfl];
        pCsr->zPagetype = "overflow";
        pCsr->nCell = 0;
        pCsr->nMxPayload = 0;
        pCsr->zPath = sqlite3_mprintf(
            "%s%.3x+%.6x", p->zPath, p->iCell, pCell->iOvfl
        if( pCell->iOvfl<pCell->nOvfl-1 ){
          pCsr->nUnused = 0;
          pCsr->nPayload = nUsable - 4;
          pCsr->nPayload = pCell->nLastOvfl;
          pCsr->nUnused = nUsable - 4 - pCsr->nPayload;
        return SQLITE_OK;
      if( p->iRightChildPg ) break;

    while( !p->iRightChildPg || p->iCell>p->nCell ){
      if( pCsr->iPage==0 ) return statNext(pCursor);
      p = &pCsr->aPage[pCsr->iPage];
    assert( p==&pCsr->aPage[pCsr->iPage-1] );

    if( p->iCell==p->nCell ){
      p[1].iPgno = p->iRightChildPg;
      p[1].iPgno = p->aCell[p->iCell].iChildPg;
    rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, p[1].iPgno, &p[1].pPg);
    p[1].iCell = 0;
    p[1].zPath = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%.3x/", p->zPath, p->iCell);

  /* Populate the StatCursor fields with the values to be returned
  ** by the xColumn() and xRowid() methods.
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    int i;
    StatPage *p = &pCsr->aPage[pCsr->iPage];
    pCsr->zName = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(pCsr->pStmt, 0);
    pCsr->iPageno = p->iPgno;

    statDecodePage(pBt, p);

    switch( p->flags ){
      case 0x05:             /* table internal */
      case 0x02:             /* index internal */
        pCsr->zPagetype = "internal";
      case 0x0D:             /* table leaf */
      case 0x0A:             /* index leaf */
        pCsr->zPagetype = "leaf";
        pCsr->zPagetype = "corrupted";
    pCsr->nCell = p->nCell;
    pCsr->nUnused = p->nUnused;
    pCsr->nMxPayload = p->nMxPayload;
    pCsr->zPath = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", p->zPath);
    nPayload = 0;
    for(i=0; i<p->nCell; i++){
      nPayload += p->aCell[i].nLocal;
    pCsr->nPayload = nPayload;

  return rc;

static int statEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  StatCursor *pCsr = (StatCursor *)pCursor;
  return pCsr->isEof;

static int statFilter(
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, 
  int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
  int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
  StatCursor *pCsr = (StatCursor *)pCursor;

  return statNext(pCursor);

static int statColumn(
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, 
  sqlite3_context *ctx, 
  int i
  StatCursor *pCsr = (StatCursor *)pCursor;
  switch( i ){
    case 0:            /* name */
      sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCsr->zName, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    case 1:            /* path */
      sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCsr->zPath, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
    case 2:            /* pageno */
      sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCsr->iPageno);
    case 3:            /* pagetype */
      sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCsr->zPagetype, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    case 4:            /* ncell */
      sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCsr->nCell);
    case 5:            /* payload */
      sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCsr->nPayload);
    case 6:            /* unused */
      sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCsr->nUnused);
    case 7:            /* mx_payload */
      sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCsr->nMxPayload);
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int statRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
  StatCursor *pCsr = (StatCursor *)pCursor;
  *pRowid = pCsr->iPageno;
  return SQLITE_OK;

int sqlite3_dbstat_register(sqlite3 *db){
  static sqlite3_module dbstat_module = {
    0,                            /* iVersion */
    statConnect,                  /* xCreate */
    statConnect,                  /* xConnect */
    statBestIndex,                /* xBestIndex */
    statDisconnect,               /* xDisconnect */
    statDisconnect,               /* xDestroy */
    statOpen,                     /* xOpen - open a cursor */
    statClose,                    /* xClose - close a cursor */
    statFilter,                   /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
    statNext,                     /* xNext - advance a cursor */
    statEof,                      /* xEof - check for end of scan */
    statColumn,                   /* xColumn - read data */
    statRowid,                    /* xRowid - read data */
    0,                            /* xUpdate */
    0,                            /* xBegin */
    0,                            /* xSync */
    0,                            /* xCommit */
    0,                            /* xRollback */
    0,                            /* xFindMethod */
    0,                            /* xRename */
  sqlite3_create_module(db, "dbstat", &dbstat_module, 0);
  return SQLITE_OK;


#include <tcl.h>

static int test_dbstat(
  void *clientData,
  Tcl_Interp *interp,
  int objc,
  Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
  Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "dbstat not available because of "
                           "SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE", (void*)0);
  return TCL_ERROR;
  struct SqliteDb { sqlite3 *db; };
  char *zDb;
  Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;

  if( objc!=2 ){
    Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "DB");
    return TCL_ERROR;

  zDb = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
  if( Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, zDb, &cmdInfo) ){
    sqlite3* db = ((struct SqliteDb*)cmdInfo.objClientData)->db;
  return TCL_OK;

int SqlitetestStat_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp){
  Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "register_dbstat_vtab", test_dbstat, 0, 0);
  return TCL_OK;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */