
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Export
  2. ExportPublicKeyInfo
  3. ExportPublicKey
  4. Import
  5. PrependInteger
  6. PrependInteger
  7. PrependIntegerImpl
  8. ReadInteger
  9. ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize
  10. ReadIntegerImpl
  11. PrependBytes
  12. PrependLength
  13. PrependTypeHeaderAndLength
  14. PrependBitString
  15. ReadLength
  16. ReadTypeHeaderAndLength
  17. ReadSequence
  18. ReadAlgorithmIdentifier
  19. ReadVersion

// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "crypto/rsa_private_key.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <list>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"

// This file manually encodes and decodes RSA private keys using PrivateKeyInfo
// from PKCS #8 and RSAPrivateKey from PKCS #1. These structures are:
// PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
//   version Version,
//   privateKeyAlgorithm PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier,
//   privateKey PrivateKey,
//   attributes [0] IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL
// }
// RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
//   version Version,
//   modulus INTEGER,
//   publicExponent INTEGER,
//   privateExponent INTEGER,
//   prime1 INTEGER,
//   prime2 INTEGER,
//   exponent1 INTEGER,
//   exponent2 INTEGER,
//   coefficient INTEGER
// }

namespace {
// Helper for error handling during key import.
#define READ_ASSERT(truth) \
  if (!(truth)) { \
    return false; \
}  // namespace

namespace crypto {

const uint8 PrivateKeyInfoCodec::kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier[] = {
  0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
  0x05, 0x00

PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrivateKeyInfoCodec(bool big_endian)
    : big_endian_(big_endian) {}

PrivateKeyInfoCodec::~PrivateKeyInfoCodec() {}

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::Export(std::vector<uint8>* output) {
  std::list<uint8> content;

  // Version (always zero)
  uint8 version = 0;

  PrependInteger(coefficient_, &content);
  PrependInteger(exponent2_, &content);
  PrependInteger(exponent1_, &content);
  PrependInteger(prime2_, &content);
  PrependInteger(prime1_, &content);
  PrependInteger(private_exponent_, &content);
  PrependInteger(public_exponent_, &content);
  PrependInteger(modulus_, &content);
  PrependInteger(&version, 1, &content);
  PrependTypeHeaderAndLength(kSequenceTag, content.size(), &content);
  PrependTypeHeaderAndLength(kOctetStringTag, content.size(), &content);

  // RSA algorithm OID
  for (size_t i = sizeof(kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier); i > 0; --i)
    content.push_front(kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier[i - 1]);

  PrependInteger(&version, 1, &content);
  PrependTypeHeaderAndLength(kSequenceTag, content.size(), &content);

  // Copy everying into the output.
  output->assign(content.begin(), content.end());

  return true;

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ExportPublicKeyInfo(std::vector<uint8>* output) {
  // Create a sequence with the modulus (n) and public exponent (e).
  std::vector<uint8> bit_string;
  if (!ExportPublicKey(&bit_string))
    return false;

  // Add the sequence as the contents of a bit string.
  std::list<uint8> content;
  PrependBitString(&bit_string[0], static_cast<int>(bit_string.size()),

  // Add the RSA algorithm OID.
  for (size_t i = sizeof(kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier); i > 0; --i)
    content.push_front(kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier[i - 1]);

  // Finally, wrap everything in a sequence.
  PrependTypeHeaderAndLength(kSequenceTag, content.size(), &content);

  // Copy everything into the output.
  output->assign(content.begin(), content.end());

  return true;

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ExportPublicKey(std::vector<uint8>* output) {
  // Create a sequence with the modulus (n) and public exponent (e).
  std::list<uint8> content;
  PrependInteger(&modulus_[0],  static_cast<int>(modulus_.size()), &content);
  PrependTypeHeaderAndLength(kSequenceTag, content.size(), &content);

  // Copy everything into the output.
  output->assign(content.begin(), content.end());

  return true;

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::Import(const std::vector<uint8>& input) {
  if (input.empty()) {
    return false;

  // Parse the private key info up to the public key values, ignoring
  // the subsequent private key values.
  uint8* src = const_cast<uint8*>(&input.front());
  uint8* end = src + input.size();
  if (!ReadSequence(&src, end) ||
      !ReadVersion(&src, end) ||
      !ReadAlgorithmIdentifier(&src, end) ||
      !ReadTypeHeaderAndLength(&src, end, kOctetStringTag, NULL) ||
      !ReadSequence(&src, end) ||
      !ReadVersion(&src, end) ||
      !ReadInteger(&src, end, &modulus_))
    return false;

  int mod_size = modulus_.size();
  READ_ASSERT(mod_size % 2 == 0);
  int primes_size = mod_size / 2;

  if (!ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(&src, end, 4, &public_exponent_) ||
      !ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(&src, end, mod_size, &private_exponent_) ||
      !ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(&src, end, primes_size, &prime1_) ||
      !ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(&src, end, primes_size, &prime2_) ||
      !ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(&src, end, primes_size, &exponent1_) ||
      !ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(&src, end, primes_size, &exponent2_) ||
      !ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(&src, end, primes_size, &coefficient_))
    return false;

  READ_ASSERT(src == end);

  return true;

void PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrependInteger(const std::vector<uint8>& in,
                                         std::list<uint8>* out) {
  uint8* ptr = const_cast<uint8*>(&in.front());
  PrependIntegerImpl(ptr, in.size(), out, big_endian_);

// Helper to prepend an ASN.1 integer.
void PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrependInteger(uint8* val,
                                         int num_bytes,
                                         std::list<uint8>* data) {
  PrependIntegerImpl(val, num_bytes, data, big_endian_);

void PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrependIntegerImpl(uint8* val,
                                             int num_bytes,
                                             std::list<uint8>* data,
                                             bool big_endian) {
 // Reverse input if little-endian.
 std::vector<uint8> tmp;
 if (!big_endian) {
   tmp.assign(val, val + num_bytes);
   std::reverse(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
   val = &tmp.front();

  // ASN.1 integers are unpadded byte arrays, so skip any null padding bytes
  // from the most-significant end of the integer.
  int start = 0;
  while (start < (num_bytes - 1) && val[start] == 0x00) {
  PrependBytes(val, start, num_bytes, data);

  // ASN.1 integers are signed. To encode a positive integer whose sign bit
  // (the most significant bit) would otherwise be set and make the number
  // negative, ASN.1 requires a leading null byte to force the integer to be
  // positive.
  uint8 front = data->front();
  if ((front & 0x80) != 0) {

  PrependTypeHeaderAndLength(kIntegerTag, num_bytes, data);

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadInteger(uint8** pos,
                                      uint8* end,
                                      std::vector<uint8>* out) {
  return ReadIntegerImpl(pos, end, out, big_endian_);

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadIntegerWithExpectedSize(uint8** pos,
                                                      uint8* end,
                                                      size_t expected_size,
                                                      std::vector<uint8>* out) {
  std::vector<uint8> temp;
  if (!ReadIntegerImpl(pos, end, &temp, true))  // Big-Endian
    return false;

  int pad = expected_size - temp.size();
  int index = 0;
  if (out->size() == expected_size + 1) {
    READ_ASSERT(out->front() == 0x00);
  } else {
    READ_ASSERT(out->size() <= expected_size);

  out->insert(out->end(), pad, 0x00);
  out->insert(out->end(), temp.begin(), temp.end());

  // Reverse output if little-endian.
  if (!big_endian_)
    std::reverse(out->begin(), out->end());
  return true;

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadIntegerImpl(uint8** pos,
                                          uint8* end,
                                          std::vector<uint8>* out,
                                          bool big_endian) {
  uint32 length = 0;
  if (!ReadTypeHeaderAndLength(pos, end, kIntegerTag, &length) || !length)
    return false;

  // The first byte can be zero to force positiveness. We can ignore this.
  if (**pos == 0x00) {

  if (length)
    out->insert(out->end(), *pos, (*pos) + length);

  (*pos) += length;

  // Reverse output if little-endian.
  if (!big_endian)
    std::reverse(out->begin(), out->end());
  return true;

void PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrependBytes(uint8* val,
                                       int start,
                                       int num_bytes,
                                       std::list<uint8>* data) {
  while (num_bytes > 0) {
    data->push_front(val[start + num_bytes]);

void PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrependLength(size_t size, std::list<uint8>* data) {
  // The high bit is used to indicate whether additional octets are needed to
  // represent the length.
  if (size < 0x80) {
  } else {
    uint8 num_bytes = 0;
    while (size > 0) {
      data->push_front(static_cast<uint8>(size & 0xFF));
      size >>= 8;
    CHECK_LE(num_bytes, 4);
    data->push_front(0x80 | num_bytes);

void PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrependTypeHeaderAndLength(uint8 type,
                                                     uint32 length,
                                                     std::list<uint8>* output) {
  PrependLength(length, output);

void PrivateKeyInfoCodec::PrependBitString(uint8* val,
                                           int num_bytes,
                                           std::list<uint8>* output) {
  // Start with the data.
  PrependBytes(val, 0, num_bytes, output);
  // Zero unused bits.
  // Add the length.
  PrependLength(num_bytes + 1, output);
  // Finally, add the bit string tag.
  output->push_front((uint8) kBitStringTag);

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadLength(uint8** pos, uint8* end, uint32* result) {
  READ_ASSERT(*pos < end);
  int length = 0;

  // If the MSB is not set, the length is just the byte itself.
  if (!(**pos & 0x80)) {
    length = **pos;
  } else {
    // Otherwise, the lower 7 indicate the length of the length.
    int length_of_length = **pos & 0x7F;
    READ_ASSERT(length_of_length <= 4);
    READ_ASSERT(*pos + length_of_length < end);

    length = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < length_of_length; ++i) {
      length <<= 8;
      length |= **pos;

  READ_ASSERT(*pos + length <= end);
  if (result) *result = length;
  return true;

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadTypeHeaderAndLength(uint8** pos,
                                                  uint8* end,
                                                  uint8 expected_tag,
                                                  uint32* length) {
  READ_ASSERT(*pos < end);
  READ_ASSERT(**pos == expected_tag);

  return ReadLength(pos, end, length);

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadSequence(uint8** pos, uint8* end) {
  return ReadTypeHeaderAndLength(pos, end, kSequenceTag, NULL);

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadAlgorithmIdentifier(uint8** pos, uint8* end) {
  READ_ASSERT(*pos + sizeof(kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier) < end);
  READ_ASSERT(memcmp(*pos, kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier,
                     sizeof(kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier)) == 0);
  (*pos) += sizeof(kRsaAlgorithmIdentifier);
  return true;

bool PrivateKeyInfoCodec::ReadVersion(uint8** pos, uint8* end) {
  uint32 length = 0;
  if (!ReadTypeHeaderAndLength(pos, end, kIntegerTag, &length))
    return false;

  // The version should be zero.
  for (uint32 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    READ_ASSERT(**pos == 0x00);

  return true;

}  // namespace crypto

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */