
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Scale
  2. TiledContentLayerBorderColor
  3. TiledContentLayerBorderWidth
  4. ImageLayerBorderColor
  5. ImageLayerBorderWidth
  6. ContentLayerBorderColor
  7. ContentLayerBorderWidth
  8. MaskingLayerBorderColor
  9. MaskingLayerBorderWidth
  10. ContainerLayerBorderColor
  11. ContainerLayerBorderWidth
  12. SurfaceLayerBorderColor
  13. SurfaceLayerBorderWidth
  14. SurfaceBorderColor
  15. SurfaceBorderWidth
  16. SurfaceReplicaBorderColor
  17. SurfaceReplicaBorderWidth
  18. HighResTileBorderColor
  19. HighResTileBorderWidth
  20. LowResTileBorderColor
  21. LowResTileBorderWidth
  22. ExtraHighResTileBorderColor
  23. ExtraHighResTileBorderWidth
  24. ExtraLowResTileBorderColor
  25. ExtraLowResTileBorderWidth
  26. MissingTileBorderColor
  27. MissingTileBorderWidth
  28. SolidColorTileBorderColor
  29. SolidColorTileBorderWidth
  30. PictureTileBorderColor
  31. PictureTileBorderWidth
  32. DirectPictureBorderColor
  33. DirectPictureBorderWidth
  34. DefaultCheckerboardColor
  35. InvalidatedTileCheckerboardColor
  36. EvictedTileCheckerboardColor
  37. FadedGreen
  38. PaintRectBorderColor
  39. PaintRectBorderWidth
  40. PaintRectFillColor
  41. PropertyChangedRectBorderColor
  42. PropertyChangedRectBorderWidth
  43. PropertyChangedRectFillColor
  44. SurfaceDamageRectBorderColor
  45. SurfaceDamageRectBorderWidth
  46. SurfaceDamageRectFillColor
  47. ScreenSpaceLayerRectBorderColor
  48. ScreenSpaceLayerRectBorderWidth
  49. ScreenSpaceLayerRectFillColor
  50. ScreenSpaceSurfaceReplicaRectBorderColor
  51. ScreenSpaceSurfaceReplicaRectBorderWidth
  52. ScreenSpaceSurfaceReplicaRectFillColor
  53. OccludingRectBorderColor
  54. OccludingRectBorderWidth
  55. OccludingRectFillColor
  56. NonOccludingRectBorderColor
  57. NonOccludingRectBorderWidth
  58. NonOccludingRectFillColor
  59. TouchEventHandlerRectBorderColor
  60. TouchEventHandlerRectBorderWidth
  61. TouchEventHandlerRectFillColor
  62. WheelEventHandlerRectBorderColor
  63. WheelEventHandlerRectBorderWidth
  64. WheelEventHandlerRectFillColor
  65. ScrollEventHandlerRectBorderColor
  66. ScrollEventHandlerRectBorderWidth
  67. ScrollEventHandlerRectFillColor
  68. NonFastScrollableRectBorderColor
  69. NonFastScrollableRectBorderWidth
  70. NonFastScrollableRectFillColor
  71. LayerAnimationBoundsBorderColor
  72. LayerAnimationBoundsBorderWidth
  73. LayerAnimationBoundsFillColor
  74. NonPaintedFillColor
  75. MissingPictureFillColor
  76. PictureBorderColor
  77. HUDBackgroundColor
  78. HUDSeparatorLineColor
  79. HUDIndicatorLineColor
  80. PlatformLayerTreeTextColor
  81. FPSDisplayTextAndGraphColor
  82. MemoryDisplayTextColor
  83. PaintTimeDisplayTextAndGraphColor

// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/macros.h"

#include "cc/debug/debug_colors.h"

#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"

namespace cc {

static float Scale(float width, const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return width * (tree_impl ? tree_impl->device_scale_factor() : 1);

// ======= Layer border colors =======

// Tiled content layers are orange.
SkColor DebugColors::TiledContentLayerBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(128, 255, 128, 0);
int DebugColors::TiledContentLayerBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Image layers are olive.
SkColor DebugColors::ImageLayerBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(128, 128, 128, 0);
int DebugColors::ImageLayerBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Non-tiled content layers area green.
SkColor DebugColors::ContentLayerBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(128, 0, 128, 32);
int DebugColors::ContentLayerBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Masking layers are pale blue and wide.
SkColor DebugColors::MaskingLayerBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(48, 128, 255, 255);
int DebugColors::MaskingLayerBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(20, tree_impl);

// Other container layers are yellow.
SkColor DebugColors::ContainerLayerBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(192, 255, 255, 0);
int DebugColors::ContainerLayerBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Surface layers are a blue-ish green.
SkColor DebugColors::SurfaceLayerBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(128, 0, 255, 136);
int DebugColors::SurfaceLayerBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Render surfaces are blue.
SkColor DebugColors::SurfaceBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 0, 0, 255);
int DebugColors::SurfaceBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Replicas of render surfaces are purple.
SkColor DebugColors::SurfaceReplicaBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 160, 0, 255);
int DebugColors::SurfaceReplicaBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// ======= Tile colors =======

// High-res tile borders are cyan.
SkColor DebugColors::HighResTileBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 80, 200, 200);
int DebugColors::HighResTileBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(1, tree_impl);

// Low-res tile borders are purple.
SkColor DebugColors::LowResTileBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 212, 83, 192);
int DebugColors::LowResTileBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Other high-resolution tile borders are yellow.
SkColor DebugColors::ExtraHighResTileBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 239, 231, 20);
int DebugColors::ExtraHighResTileBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Other low-resolution tile borders are green.
SkColor DebugColors::ExtraLowResTileBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 93, 186, 18);
int DebugColors::ExtraLowResTileBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(2, tree_impl);

// Missing tile borders are red.
SkColor DebugColors::MissingTileBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 255, 0, 0);
int DebugColors::MissingTileBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(1, tree_impl);

// Solid color tile borders are grey.
SkColor DebugColors::SolidColorTileBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(128, 128, 128, 128);
int DebugColors::SolidColorTileBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(1, tree_impl);

// Picture tile borders are dark grey.
SkColor DebugColors::PictureTileBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(64, 64, 64, 0);
int DebugColors::PictureTileBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(1, tree_impl);

// Direct picture borders are chartreuse.
SkColor DebugColors::DirectPictureBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 127, 255, 0);
int DebugColors::DirectPictureBorderWidth(const LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
  return Scale(1, tree_impl);

// ======= Checkerboard colors =======

// Non-debug checkerboards are grey.
SkColor DebugColors::DefaultCheckerboardColor() {
  return SkColorSetRGB(241, 241, 241);

// Invalidated tiles get sky blue checkerboards.
SkColor DebugColors::InvalidatedTileCheckerboardColor() {
  return SkColorSetRGB(128, 200, 245);

// Evicted tiles get pale red checkerboards.
SkColor DebugColors::EvictedTileCheckerboardColor() {
  return SkColorSetRGB(255, 200, 200);

// ======= Debug rect colors =======

static SkColor FadedGreen(int initial_value, int step) {
  DCHECK_GE(step, 0);
  DCHECK_LE(step, DebugColors::kFadeSteps);
  int value = step * initial_value / DebugColors::kFadeSteps;
  return SkColorSetARGB(value, 0, 195, 0);
// Paint rects in green.
SkColor DebugColors::PaintRectBorderColor(int step) {
  return FadedGreen(255, step);
int DebugColors::PaintRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::PaintRectFillColor(int step) {
  return FadedGreen(60, step);

// Property-changed rects in blue.
SkColor DebugColors::PropertyChangedRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 0, 0, 255);
int DebugColors::PropertyChangedRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::PropertyChangedRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 0, 0, 255);

// Surface damage rects in yellow-orange.
SkColor DebugColors::SurfaceDamageRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 200, 100, 0);
int DebugColors::SurfaceDamageRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::SurfaceDamageRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 200, 100, 0);

// Surface replica screen space rects in green.
SkColor DebugColors::ScreenSpaceLayerRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 100, 200, 0);
int DebugColors::ScreenSpaceLayerRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::ScreenSpaceLayerRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 100, 200, 0);

// Layer screen space rects in purple.
SkColor DebugColors::ScreenSpaceSurfaceReplicaRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 100, 0, 200);
int DebugColors::ScreenSpaceSurfaceReplicaRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::ScreenSpaceSurfaceReplicaRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(10, 100, 0, 200);

// Occluding rects in pink.
SkColor DebugColors::OccludingRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 245, 136, 255);
int DebugColors::OccludingRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::OccludingRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(10, 245, 136, 255);

// Non-Occluding rects in a reddish color.
SkColor DebugColors::NonOccludingRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 200, 0, 100);
int DebugColors::NonOccludingRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::NonOccludingRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(10, 200, 0, 100);

// Touch-event-handler rects in yellow.
SkColor DebugColors::TouchEventHandlerRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 239, 229, 60);
int DebugColors::TouchEventHandlerRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::TouchEventHandlerRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 239, 229, 60);

// Wheel-event-handler rects in green.
SkColor DebugColors::WheelEventHandlerRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 189, 209, 57);
int DebugColors::WheelEventHandlerRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::WheelEventHandlerRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 189, 209, 57);

// Scroll-event-handler rects in teal.
SkColor DebugColors::ScrollEventHandlerRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 24, 167, 181);
int DebugColors::ScrollEventHandlerRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::ScrollEventHandlerRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 24, 167, 181);

// Non-fast-scrollable rects in orange.
SkColor DebugColors::NonFastScrollableRectBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 238, 163, 59);
int DebugColors::NonFastScrollableRectBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::NonFastScrollableRectFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 238, 163, 59);

// Animation bounds are lime-green.
SkColor DebugColors::LayerAnimationBoundsBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 112, 229, 0);
int DebugColors::LayerAnimationBoundsBorderWidth() { return 2; }
SkColor DebugColors::LayerAnimationBoundsFillColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(30, 112, 229, 0);

// Non-Painted rects in cyan.
SkColor DebugColors::NonPaintedFillColor() { return SK_ColorCYAN; }

// Missing picture rects in magenta.
SkColor DebugColors::MissingPictureFillColor() { return SK_ColorMAGENTA; }

// Picture borders in transparent blue.
SkColor DebugColors::PictureBorderColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(100, 0, 0, 200);

// ======= HUD widget colors =======

SkColor DebugColors::HUDBackgroundColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(215, 17, 17, 17);
SkColor DebugColors::HUDSeparatorLineColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 130, 130, 130);
SkColor DebugColors::HUDIndicatorLineColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 80, 80, 80);

SkColor DebugColors::PlatformLayerTreeTextColor() { return SK_ColorRED; }
SkColor DebugColors::FPSDisplayTextAndGraphColor() { return SK_ColorRED; }
SkColor DebugColors::MemoryDisplayTextColor() {
  return SkColorSetARGB(255, 220, 220, 220);

// Paint time display in green (similar to paint times in the WebInspector)
SkColor DebugColors::PaintTimeDisplayTextAndGraphColor() {
  return SkColorSetRGB(75, 155, 55);

}  // namespace cc

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