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// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "content/common/content_export.h"

namespace content {

struct ChildProcessData;

// An observer API implemented by classes which are interested in browser child
// process events. Note that render processes cannot be observed through this
// interface; use RenderProcessHostObserver instead.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserChildProcessObserver {
  // Called when a child process host has connected to a child process.
  virtual void BrowserChildProcessHostConnected(const ChildProcessData& data) {}

  // Called after a ChildProcessHost is disconnected from the child process.
  virtual void BrowserChildProcessHostDisconnected(
      const ChildProcessData& data) {}

  // Called when a child process disappears unexpectedly as a result of a crash.
  virtual void BrowserChildProcessCrashed(const ChildProcessData& data) {}

  // Called when an instance of a particular child is created in a page. If one
  // page contains several regions rendered by the same child, this will be
  // called once for each region during the page load.
  virtual void BrowserChildProcessInstanceCreated(
      const ChildProcessData& data) {}

  // The observer can be destroyed on any thread.
  virtual ~BrowserChildProcessObserver() {}

  static void Add(BrowserChildProcessObserver* observer);
  static void Remove(BrowserChildProcessObserver* observer);

}  // namespace content


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