
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. IsRenderableStatusCode
  2. MatchesSignature
  3. IncrementHistogramCount
  4. IncrementHistogramEnum
  5. HistogramCountBlockedResponse
  6. HistogramCountNotBlockedResponse
  7. SetPolicyEnabled
  8. OnReceivedResponse
  9. ShouldBlockResponse
  10. GetCanonicalMimeType
  11. IsBlockableScheme
  12. IsSameSite
  13. IsValidCorsHeaderSet
  14. SniffForHTML
  15. SniffForXML
  16. SniffForJSON
  17. SniffForJS

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/child/site_isolation_policy.h"

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "webkit/common/resource_response_info.h"

using base::StringPiece;

namespace content {

namespace {

// The cross-site document blocking/UMA data collection is deactivated by
// default, and only activated in renderer processes.
static bool g_policy_enabled = false;

// MIME types
const char kTextHtml[] = "text/html";
const char kTextXml[] = "text/xml";
const char xAppRssXml[] = "application/rss+xml";
const char kAppXml[] = "application/xml";
const char kAppJson[] = "application/json";
const char kTextJson[] = "text/json";
const char kTextXjson[] = "text/x-json";
const char kTextPlain[] = "text/plain";

// TODO(dsjang): this is only needed for collecting UMA stat. Will be deleted
// when this class is used for actual blocking.
bool IsRenderableStatusCode(int status_code) {
  // Chrome only uses the content of a response with one of these status codes
  // for CSS/JavaScript. For images, Chrome just ignores status code.
  const int renderable_status_code[] = {200, 201, 202, 203, 206, 300,
                                        301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 307};
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(renderable_status_code); ++i) {
    if (renderable_status_code[i] == status_code)
      return true;
  return false;

bool MatchesSignature(StringPiece data,
                      const StringPiece signatures[],
                      size_t arr_size) {

  size_t offset = data.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
  // There is no not-whitespace character in this document.
  if (offset == base::StringPiece::npos)
    return false;

  size_t length = data.length();

  for (size_t sig_index = 0; sig_index < arr_size; ++sig_index) {
    const StringPiece& signature = signatures[sig_index];
    size_t signature_length = signature.length();
    if (length < signature_length)

    if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
            data.begin(), data.begin() + signature_length,
      return true;
  return false;

void IncrementHistogramCount(const std::string& name) {
  // The default value of min, max, bucket_count are copied from histogram.h.
  base::HistogramBase* histogram_pointer = base::Histogram::FactoryGet(
      name, 1, 100000, 50, base::HistogramBase::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);

void IncrementHistogramEnum(const std::string& name,
                          uint32 sample,
                          uint32 boundary_value) {
  // The default value of min, max, bucket_count are copied from histogram.h.
  base::HistogramBase* histogram_pointer = base::LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(
      boundary_value + 1,

void HistogramCountBlockedResponse(
    const std::string& bucket_prefix,
    linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>& resp_data,
    bool nosniff_block) {
  std::string block_label(nosniff_block ? ".NoSniffBlocked" : ".Blocked");
  IncrementHistogramCount(bucket_prefix + block_label);

  // The content is blocked if it is sniffed as HTML/JSON/XML. When
  // the blocked response is with an error status code, it is not
  // disruptive for the following reasons : 1) the blocked content is
  // not a binary object (such as an image) since it is sniffed as
  // text; 2) then, this blocking only breaks the renderer behavior
  // only if it is either JavaScript or CSS. However, the renderer
  // doesn't use the contents of JS/CSS with unaffected status code
  // (e.g, 404). 3) the renderer is expected not to use the cross-site
  // document content for purposes other than JS/CSS (e.g, XHR).
  bool renderable_status_code =

  if (renderable_status_code) {
        bucket_prefix + block_label + ".RenderableStatusCode",
  } else {
    IncrementHistogramCount(bucket_prefix + block_label +

void HistogramCountNotBlockedResponse(const std::string& bucket_prefix,
                                      bool sniffed_as_js) {
  IncrementHistogramCount(bucket_prefix + ".NotBlocked");
  if (sniffed_as_js)
    IncrementHistogramCount(bucket_prefix + ".NotBlocked.MaybeJS");

}  // namespace

SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::SiteIsolationResponseMetaData() {}

void SiteIsolationPolicy::SetPolicyEnabled(bool enabled) {
  g_policy_enabled = enabled;

    const GURL& frame_origin,
    const GURL& response_url,
    ResourceType::Type resource_type,
    int origin_pid,
    const webkit_glue::ResourceResponseInfo& info) {
  if (!g_policy_enabled)
    return linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>();

  // if |origin_pid| is non-zero, it means that this response is for a plugin
  // spawned from this renderer process. We exclude responses for plugins for
  // now, but eventually, we're going to make plugin processes directly talk to
  // the browser process so that we don't apply cross-site document blocking to
  // them.
  if (origin_pid)
    return linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>();

  UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SiteIsolation.AllResponses", 1);

  // See if this is for navigation. If it is, don't block it, under the
  // assumption that we will put it in an appropriate process.
  if (ResourceType::IsFrame(resource_type))
    return linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>();

  if (!IsBlockableScheme(response_url))
    return linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>();

  if (IsSameSite(frame_origin, response_url))
    return linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>();

  SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::CanonicalMimeType canonical_mime_type =

  if (canonical_mime_type == SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::Others)
    return linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>();

  // Every CORS request should have the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header even
  // if it is preceded by a pre-flight request. Therefore, if this is a CORS
  // request, it has this header.  response.httpHeaderField() internally uses
  // case-insensitive matching for the header name.
  std::string access_control_origin;

  // We can use a case-insensitive header name for EnumerateHeader().
      NULL, "access-control-allow-origin", &access_control_origin);
  if (IsValidCorsHeaderSet(frame_origin, response_url, access_control_origin))
    return linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>();

  // Real XSD data collection starts from here.
  std::string no_sniff;
  info.headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, "x-content-type-options", &no_sniff);

  linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData> resp_data(
      new SiteIsolationResponseMetaData);
  resp_data->frame_origin = frame_origin.spec();
  resp_data->response_url = response_url;
  resp_data->resource_type = resource_type;
  resp_data->canonical_mime_type = canonical_mime_type;
  resp_data->http_status_code = info.headers->response_code();
  resp_data->no_sniff = LowerCaseEqualsASCII(no_sniff, "nosniff");

  return resp_data;

bool SiteIsolationPolicy::ShouldBlockResponse(
    linked_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>& resp_data,
    const char* raw_data,
    int raw_length,
    std::string* alternative_data) {
  if (!g_policy_enabled)
    return false;


  StringPiece data(raw_data, raw_length);

  // Record the length of the first received network packet to see if it's
  // enough for sniffing.
  UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("SiteIsolation.XSD.DataLength", raw_length);

  // Record the number of cross-site document responses with a specific mime
  // type (text/html, text/xml, etc).

  // Store the result of cross-site document blocking analysis.
  bool is_blocked = false;
  bool sniffed_as_js = SniffForJS(data);

  // Record the number of responses whose content is sniffed for what its mime
  // type claims it to be. For example, we apply a HTML sniffer for a document
  // tagged with text/html here. Whenever this check becomes true, we'll block
  // the response.
  if (resp_data->canonical_mime_type !=
          SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::Plain) {
    std::string bucket_prefix;
    bool sniffed_as_target_document = false;
    if (resp_data->canonical_mime_type ==
            SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::HTML) {
      bucket_prefix = "SiteIsolation.XSD.HTML";
      sniffed_as_target_document = SniffForHTML(data);
    } else if (resp_data->canonical_mime_type ==
                   SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::XML) {
      bucket_prefix = "SiteIsolation.XSD.XML";
      sniffed_as_target_document = SniffForXML(data);
    } else if (resp_data->canonical_mime_type ==
                   SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::JSON) {
      bucket_prefix = "SiteIsolation.XSD.JSON";
      sniffed_as_target_document = SniffForJSON(data);
    } else {
      NOTREACHED() << "Not a blockable mime type: "
                   << resp_data->canonical_mime_type;

    if (sniffed_as_target_document) {
      is_blocked = true;
      HistogramCountBlockedResponse(bucket_prefix, resp_data, false);
    } else {
      if (resp_data->no_sniff) {
        is_blocked = true;
        HistogramCountBlockedResponse(bucket_prefix, resp_data, true);
      } else {
        HistogramCountNotBlockedResponse(bucket_prefix, sniffed_as_js);
  } else {
    // This block is for plain text documents. We apply our HTML, XML,
    // and JSON sniffer to a text document in the order, and block it
    // if any of them succeeds in sniffing.
    std::string bucket_prefix;
    if (SniffForHTML(data))
      bucket_prefix = "SiteIsolation.XSD.Plain.HTML";
    else if (SniffForXML(data))
      bucket_prefix = "SiteIsolation.XSD.Plain.XML";
    else if (SniffForJSON(data))
      bucket_prefix = "SiteIsolation.XSD.Plain.JSON";

    if (bucket_prefix.size() > 0) {
      is_blocked = true;
      HistogramCountBlockedResponse(bucket_prefix, resp_data, false);
    } else if (resp_data->no_sniff) {
      is_blocked = true;
      HistogramCountBlockedResponse("SiteIsolation.XSD.Plain", resp_data, true);
    } else {

  if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
    is_blocked = false;

  if (is_blocked) {
    alternative_data->insert(0, " ");
    LOG(ERROR) << resp_data->response_url
               << " is blocked as an illegal cross-site document from "
               << resp_data->frame_origin;
  return is_blocked;

SiteIsolationPolicy::GetCanonicalMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
  if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kTextHtml)) {
    return SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::HTML;

  if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kTextPlain)) {
    return SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::Plain;

  if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kAppJson) ||
      LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kTextJson) ||
      LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kTextXjson)) {
    return SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::JSON;

  if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kTextXml) ||
      LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, xAppRssXml) ||
      LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kAppXml)) {
    return SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::XML;

 return SiteIsolationResponseMetaData::Others;

bool SiteIsolationPolicy::IsBlockableScheme(const GURL& url) {
  // We exclude ftp:// from here. FTP doesn't provide a Content-Type
  // header which our policy depends on, so we cannot protect any
  // document from FTP servers.
  return url.SchemeIs("http") || url.SchemeIs("https");

bool SiteIsolationPolicy::IsSameSite(const GURL& frame_origin,
                                     const GURL& response_url) {

  if (!frame_origin.is_valid() || !response_url.is_valid())
    return false;

  if (frame_origin.scheme() != response_url.scheme())
    return false;

  // SameDomainOrHost() extracts the effective domains (public suffix plus one)
  // from the two URLs and compare them.
  return net::registry_controlled_domains::SameDomainOrHost(

// We don't use Webkit's existing CORS policy implementation since
// their policy works in terms of origins, not sites. For example,
// when frame is and it is not allowed to access a document
// with But under Site Isolation, it's allowed.
bool SiteIsolationPolicy::IsValidCorsHeaderSet(
    const GURL& frame_origin,
    const GURL& website_origin,
    const std::string& access_control_origin) {
  // Many websites are sending back "\"*\"" instead of "*". This is
  // non-standard practice, and not supported by Chrome. Refer to
  // CrossOriginAccessControl::passesAccessControlCheck().

  // TODO(dsjang): * is not allowed for the response from a request
  // with cookies. This allows for more than what the renderer will
  // eventually be able to receive, so we won't see illegal cross-site
  // documents allowed by this. We have to find a way to see if this
  // response is from a cookie-tagged request or not in the future.
  if (access_control_origin == "*")
    return true;

  // TODO(dsjang): The CORS spec only treats a fully specified URL, except for
  // "*", but many websites are using just a domain for access_control_origin,
  // and this is blocked by Webkit's CORS logic here :
  // CrossOriginAccessControl::passesAccessControlCheck(). GURL is set
  // is_valid() to false when it is created from a URL containing * in the
  // domain part.

  GURL cors_origin(access_control_origin);
  return IsSameSite(frame_origin, cors_origin);

// This function is a slight modification of |net::SniffForHTML|.
bool SiteIsolationPolicy::SniffForHTML(StringPiece data) {
  // The content sniffer used by Chrome and Firefox are using "<!--"
  // as one of the HTML signatures, but it also appears in valid
  // JavaScript, considered as well-formed JS by the browser.  Since
  // we do not want to block any JS, we exclude it from our HTML
  // signatures. This can weaken our document block policy, but we can
  // break less websites.
  // TODO(dsjang): parameterize |net::SniffForHTML| with an option
  // that decides whether to include <!-- or not, so that we can
  // remove this function.
  // TODO(dsjang): Once SiteIsolationPolicy is moved into the browser
  // process, we should do single-thread checking here for the static
  // initializer.
  static const StringPiece kHtmlSignatures[] = {
    StringPiece("<!DOCTYPE html"),  // HTML5 spec
    StringPiece("<script"),  // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
    StringPiece("<html"),    // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
    StringPiece("<head"),    // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
    StringPiece("<iframe"),  // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<h1"),      // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<div"),     // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<font"),    // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<table"),   // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<a"),       // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<style"),   // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<title"),   // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<b"),       // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<body"),    // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<br"),      // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<p"),       // Mozilla
    StringPiece("<?xml")     // Mozilla

  while (data.length() > 0) {
    if (MatchesSignature(
          data, kHtmlSignatures, arraysize(kHtmlSignatures)))
      return true;

    // If we cannot find "<!--", we fail sniffing this as HTML.
    static const StringPiece kCommentBegins[] = { StringPiece("<!--") };
    if (!MatchesSignature(data, kCommentBegins, arraysize(kCommentBegins)))

    // Search for --> and do SniffForHTML after that. If we can find the
    // comment's end, we start HTML sniffing from there again.
    static const char kEndComment[] = "-->";
    size_t offset = data.find(kEndComment);
    if (offset == base::StringPiece::npos)

    // Proceed to the index next to the ending comment (-->).
    data.remove_prefix(offset + strlen(kEndComment));

  return false;

bool SiteIsolationPolicy::SniffForXML(base::StringPiece data) {
  // TODO(dsjang): Chrome's mime_sniffer is using strncasecmp() for
  // this signature. However, XML is case-sensitive. Don't we have to
  // be more lenient only to block documents starting with the exact
  // string <?xml rather than <?XML ?
  // TODO(dsjang): Once SiteIsolationPolicy is moved into the browser
  // process, we should do single-thread checking here for the static
  // initializer.
  static const StringPiece kXmlSignatures[] = { StringPiece("<?xml") };
  return MatchesSignature(data, kXmlSignatures, arraysize(kXmlSignatures));

bool SiteIsolationPolicy::SniffForJSON(base::StringPiece data) {
  // TODO(dsjang): We have to come up with a better way to sniff
  // JSON. However, even RE cannot help us that much due to the fact
  // that we don't do full parsing.  This DFA starts with state 0, and
  // finds {, "/' and : in that order. We're avoiding adding a
  // dependency on a regular expression library.
  enum {
  } state = kStartState;

  size_t length = data.length();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < length && state < kColonState; ++i) {
    const char c = data[i];
    if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')

    switch (state) {
      case kStartState:
        if (c == '{')
          state = kLeftBraceState;
          state = kTerminalState;
      case kLeftBraceState:
        if (c == '\"' || c == '\'')
          state = kLeftQuoteState;
          state = kTerminalState;
      case kLeftQuoteState:
        if (c == ':')
          state = kColonState;
      case kColonState:
      case kTerminalState:
  return state == kColonState;

bool SiteIsolationPolicy::SniffForJS(StringPiece data) {
  // TODO(dsjang): This is a real hack. The only purpose of this function is to
  // try to see if there's any possibility that this data can be JavaScript
  // (superset of JS). This function will be removed once UMA stats are
  // gathered.

  // Search for "var " for JS detection.
  return data.find("var ") != base::StringPiece::npos;

}  // namespace content

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