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// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// MemoryPressure provides static APIs for handling memory pressure on
// platforms that have such signals, such as Android.
// The app will try to discard buffers that aren't deemed essential (individual
// modules will implement their own policy).
// Refer to memory_pressure_level_list.h for information about what sorts of
// signals can be sent under what conditions.


#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"

namespace base {

// To start listening, create a new instance, passing a callback to a
// function that takes a MemoryPressureLevel parameter. To stop listening,
// simply delete the listener object. The implementation guarantees
// that the callback will always be called on the thread that created
// the listener.
// Note that even on the same thread, the callback is not guaranteed to be
// called synchronously within the system memory pressure broadcast.
// Please see notes on memory_pressure_level_list.h: some levels are absolutely
// critical, and if not enough memory is returned to the system, it'll
// potentially kill the app, and then later the app will have to be
// cold-started.
// Example:
//    void OnMemoryPressure(MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level) {
//       ...
//    }
//    // Start listening.
//    MemoryPressureListener* my_listener =
//        new MemoryPressureListener(base::Bind(&OnMemoryPressure));
//    ...
//    // Stop listening.
//    delete my_listener;
class BASE_EXPORT MemoryPressureListener {
  enum MemoryPressureLevel {
#define DEFINE_MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL(name, value) name = value,
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_level_list.h"

  typedef base::Callback<void(MemoryPressureLevel)> MemoryPressureCallback;

  explicit MemoryPressureListener(
      const MemoryPressureCallback& memory_pressure_callback);

  // Intended for use by the platform specific implementation.
  static void NotifyMemoryPressure(MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);

  void Notify(MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);

  MemoryPressureCallback callback_;


}  // namespace base


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