
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/input/touch_action.h"

namespace blink {
class WebGestureEvent;

namespace content {

// The TouchActionFilter is responsible for filtering scroll and pinch gesture
// events according to the CSS touch-action values the renderer has sent for
// each touch point.
// For details see the touch-action design doc at
class CONTENT_EXPORT TouchActionFilter {

  // Returns true if the supplied gesture event should be dropped based on
  // the current touch-action state.
  bool FilterGestureEvent(blink::WebGestureEvent* gesture_event);

  // Called when a set-touch-action message is received from the renderer
  // for a touch start event that is currently in flight.
  void OnSetTouchAction(content::TouchAction touch_action);

  // Must be called at least once between when the last gesture events for the
  // previous touch sequence have passed through the touch action filter and the
  // time the touch start for the next touch sequence has reached the
  // renderer. It may be called multiple times during this interval.
  void ResetTouchAction();

  TouchAction allowed_touch_action() const { return allowed_touch_action_; }

  // Return the intersection of two TouchAction values.
  static TouchAction Intersect(TouchAction ta1, TouchAction ta2);

  bool ShouldSuppressScroll(const blink::WebGestureEvent& gesture_event);
  bool FilterScrollEndingGesture();

  // Whether GestureScroll events should be discarded due to touch-action.
  bool drop_scroll_gesture_events_;

  // Whether GesturePinch events should be discarded due to touch-action.
  bool drop_pinch_gesture_events_;

  // Whether a tap ending event in this sequence should be discarded because a
  // previous GestureTapUnconfirmed event was turned into a GestureTap.
  bool drop_current_tap_ending_event_;

  // True iff the touch action of the last TapUnconfirmed or Tap event was
  // TOUCH_ACTION_AUTO. The double tap event depends on the touch action of the
  // previous tap or tap unconfirmed. Only valid between a TapUnconfirmed or Tap
  // and the next DoubleTap.
  bool allow_current_double_tap_event_;

  // What touch actions are currently permitted.
  TouchAction allowed_touch_action_;



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