
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/launcher/launcher_item_controller.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

class Browser;
class URLPattern;

namespace aura {
class Window;

namespace extensions {
class Extension;

class ChromeLauncherController;

// Item controller for an app shortcut. Shortcuts track app and launcher ids,
// but do not have any associated windows (opening a shortcut will replace the
// item with the appropriate LauncherItemController type).
class AppShortcutLauncherItemController : public LauncherItemController {
  AppShortcutLauncherItemController(const std::string& app_id,
                                    ChromeLauncherController* controller);

  virtual ~AppShortcutLauncherItemController();

  std::vector<content::WebContents*> GetRunningApplications();

  // LauncherItemController overrides:
  virtual bool IsOpen() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsVisible() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Launch(ash::LaunchSource source, int event_flags) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool Activate(ash::LaunchSource source) OVERRIDE;
  virtual ChromeLauncherAppMenuItems GetApplicationList(
      int event_flags) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool ItemSelected(const ui::Event& event) OVERRIDE;
  virtual base::string16 GetTitle() OVERRIDE;
  virtual ui::MenuModel* CreateContextMenu(
      aura::Window* root_window) OVERRIDE;
  virtual ash::ShelfMenuModel* CreateApplicationMenu(int event_flags) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsDraggable() OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool ShouldShowTooltip() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;

  // Get the refocus url pattern, which can be used to identify this application
  // from a URL link.
  const GURL& refocus_url() const { return refocus_url_; }
  // Set the refocus url pattern. Used by unit tests.
  void set_refocus_url(const GURL& refocus_url) { refocus_url_ = refocus_url; }

  // Get the last running application.
  content::WebContents* GetLRUApplication();

  // Returns true if this app matches the given |web_contents|. To accelerate
  // the matching, the app managing |extension| as well as the parsed
  // |refocus_pattern| get passed. If |is_app| is true, the application gets
  // first checked against its original URL since a windowed app might have
  // navigated away from its app domain.
  bool WebContentMatchesApp(const extensions::Extension* extension,
                            const URLPattern& refocus_pattern,
                            content::WebContents* web_contents,
                            Browser* browser);

  // Activate the browser with the given |content| and show the associated tab.
  void ActivateContent(content::WebContents* content);

  // Advance to the next item if an owned item is already active. The function
  // will return true if it has sucessfully advanced.
  bool AdvanceToNextApp();

  // Returns true if the application is a V2 app.
  bool IsV2App();

  // Returns true if it is allowed to try starting a V2 app again.
  bool AllowNextLaunchAttempt();

  GURL refocus_url_;

  // Since V2 applications can be undetectable after launching, this timer is
  // keeping track of the last launch attempt.
  base::Time last_launch_attempt_;

  ChromeLauncherController* chrome_launcher_controller_;



/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */