
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. StrLen
  2. AtLeastNumCharsRemaining
  3. StrPrefix
  4. InitState
  5. ParseOneCharToken
  6. ParseTwoCharToken
  7. ParseCharClass
  8. Optional
  9. OneOrMore
  10. ZeroOrMore
  11. Append
  12. IsLower
  13. IsAlpha
  14. IsDigit
  15. IsFunctionCloneSuffix
  16. MaybeAppendWithLength
  17. MaybeAppend
  18. EnterNestedName
  19. LeaveNestedName
  20. DisableAppend
  21. RestoreAppend
  22. MaybeIncreaseNestLevel
  23. MaybeAppendSeparator
  24. MaybeCancelLastSeparator
  25. IdentifierIsAnonymousNamespace
  26. ParseMangledName
  27. ParseEncoding
  28. ParseName
  29. ParseUnscopedName
  30. ParseUnscopedTemplateName
  31. ParseNestedName
  32. ParsePrefix
  33. ParseUnqualifiedName
  34. ParseSourceName
  35. ParseLocalSourceName
  36. ParseNumber
  37. ParseFloatNumber
  38. ParseSeqId
  39. ParseIdentifier
  40. ParseOperatorName
  41. ParseSpecialName
  42. ParseCallOffset
  43. ParseNVOffset
  44. ParseVOffset
  45. ParseCtorDtorName
  46. ParseType
  47. ParseCVQualifiers
  48. ParseBuiltinType
  49. ParseFunctionType
  50. ParseBareFunctionType
  51. ParseClassEnumType
  52. ParseArrayType
  53. ParsePointerToMemberType
  54. ParseTemplateParam
  55. ParseTemplateTemplateParam
  56. ParseTemplateArgs
  57. ParseTemplateArg
  58. ParseExpression
  59. ParseExprPrimary
  60. ParseLocalName
  61. ParseDiscriminator
  62. ParseSubstitution
  63. ParseTopLevelMangledName
  64. Demangle

// Copyright (c) 2006, Google Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Author: Satoru Takabayashi
// For reference check out:
// Note that we only have partial C++0x support yet.

#include <stdio.h>  // for NULL
#include "demangle.h"


typedef struct {
  const char *abbrev;
  const char *real_name;
} AbbrevPair;

// List of operators from Itanium C++ ABI.
static const AbbrevPair kOperatorList[] = {
  { "nw", "new" },
  { "na", "new[]" },
  { "dl", "delete" },
  { "da", "delete[]" },
  { "ps", "+" },
  { "ng", "-" },
  { "ad", "&" },
  { "de", "*" },
  { "co", "~" },
  { "pl", "+" },
  { "mi", "-" },
  { "ml", "*" },
  { "dv", "/" },
  { "rm", "%" },
  { "an", "&" },
  { "or", "|" },
  { "eo", "^" },
  { "aS", "=" },
  { "pL", "+=" },
  { "mI", "-=" },
  { "mL", "*=" },
  { "dV", "/=" },
  { "rM", "%=" },
  { "aN", "&=" },
  { "oR", "|=" },
  { "eO", "^=" },
  { "ls", "<<" },
  { "rs", ">>" },
  { "lS", "<<=" },
  { "rS", ">>=" },
  { "eq", "==" },
  { "ne", "!=" },
  { "lt", "<" },
  { "gt", ">" },
  { "le", "<=" },
  { "ge", ">=" },
  { "nt", "!" },
  { "aa", "&&" },
  { "oo", "||" },
  { "pp", "++" },
  { "mm", "--" },
  { "cm", "," },
  { "pm", "->*" },
  { "pt", "->" },
  { "cl", "()" },
  { "ix", "[]" },
  { "qu", "?" },
  { "st", "sizeof" },
  { "sz", "sizeof" },
  { NULL, NULL },

// List of builtin types from Itanium C++ ABI.
static const AbbrevPair kBuiltinTypeList[] = {
  { "v", "void" },
  { "w", "wchar_t" },
  { "b", "bool" },
  { "c", "char" },
  { "a", "signed char" },
  { "h", "unsigned char" },
  { "s", "short" },
  { "t", "unsigned short" },
  { "i", "int" },
  { "j", "unsigned int" },
  { "l", "long" },
  { "m", "unsigned long" },
  { "x", "long long" },
  { "y", "unsigned long long" },
  { "n", "__int128" },
  { "o", "unsigned __int128" },
  { "f", "float" },
  { "d", "double" },
  { "e", "long double" },
  { "g", "__float128" },
  { "z", "ellipsis" },
  { NULL, NULL }

// List of substitutions Itanium C++ ABI.
static const AbbrevPair kSubstitutionList[] = {
  { "St", "" },
  { "Sa", "allocator" },
  { "Sb", "basic_string" },
  // std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >
  { "Ss", "string"},
  // std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
  { "Si", "istream" },
  // std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
  { "So", "ostream" },
  // std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
  { "Sd", "iostream" },
  { NULL, NULL }

// State needed for demangling.
typedef struct {
  const char *mangled_cur;  // Cursor of mangled name.
  char *out_cur;            // Cursor of output string.
  const char *out_begin;    // Beginning of output string.
  const char *out_end;      // End of output string.
  const char *prev_name;    // For constructors/destructors.
  int prev_name_length;     // For constructors/destructors.
  short nest_level;         // For nested names.
  bool append;              // Append flag.
  bool overflowed;          // True if output gets overflowed.
} State;

// We don't use strlen() in libc since it's not guaranteed to be async
// signal safe.
static size_t StrLen(const char *str) {
  size_t len = 0;
  while (*str != '\0') {
  return len;

// Returns true if "str" has at least "n" characters remaining.
static bool AtLeastNumCharsRemaining(const char *str, int n) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (str[i] == '\0') {
      return false;
  return true;

// Returns true if "str" has "prefix" as a prefix.
static bool StrPrefix(const char *str, const char *prefix) {
  size_t i = 0;
  while (str[i] != '\0' && prefix[i] != '\0' &&
         str[i] == prefix[i]) {
  return prefix[i] == '\0';  // Consumed everything in "prefix".

static void InitState(State *state, const char *mangled,
                      char *out, int out_size) {
  state->mangled_cur = mangled;
  state->out_cur = out;
  state->out_begin = out;
  state->out_end = out + out_size;
  state->prev_name  = NULL;
  state->prev_name_length = -1;
  state->nest_level = -1;
  state->append = true;
  state->overflowed = false;

// Returns true and advances "mangled_cur" if we find "one_char_token"
// at "mangled_cur" position.  It is assumed that "one_char_token" does
// not contain '\0'.
static bool ParseOneCharToken(State *state, const char one_char_token) {
  if (state->mangled_cur[0] == one_char_token) {
    return true;
  return false;

// Returns true and advances "mangled_cur" if we find "two_char_token"
// at "mangled_cur" position.  It is assumed that "two_char_token" does
// not contain '\0'.
static bool ParseTwoCharToken(State *state, const char *two_char_token) {
  if (state->mangled_cur[0] == two_char_token[0] &&
      state->mangled_cur[1] == two_char_token[1]) {
    state->mangled_cur += 2;
    return true;
  return false;

// Returns true and advances "mangled_cur" if we find any character in
// "char_class" at "mangled_cur" position.
static bool ParseCharClass(State *state, const char *char_class) {
  const char *p = char_class;
  for (; *p != '\0'; ++p) {
    if (state->mangled_cur[0] == *p) {
      return true;
  return false;

// This function is used for handling an optional non-terminal.
static bool Optional(bool) {
  return true;

// This function is used for handling <non-terminal>+ syntax.
typedef bool (*ParseFunc)(State *);
static bool OneOrMore(ParseFunc parse_func, State *state) {
  if (parse_func(state)) {
    while (parse_func(state)) {
    return true;
  return false;

// This function is used for handling <non-terminal>* syntax. The function
// always returns true and must be followed by a termination token or a
// terminating sequence not handled by parse_func (e.g.
// ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')).
static bool ZeroOrMore(ParseFunc parse_func, State *state) {
  while (parse_func(state)) {
  return true;

// Append "str" at "out_cur".  If there is an overflow, "overflowed"
// is set to true for later use.  The output string is ensured to
// always terminate with '\0' as long as there is no overflow.
static void Append(State *state, const char * const str, const int length) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    if (state->out_cur + 1 < state->out_end) {  // +1 for '\0'
      *state->out_cur = str[i];
    } else {
      state->overflowed = true;
  if (!state->overflowed) {
    *state->out_cur = '\0';  // Terminate it with '\0'

// We don't use equivalents in libc to avoid locale issues.
static bool IsLower(char c) {
  return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z';

static bool IsAlpha(char c) {
  return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');

static bool IsDigit(char c) {
  return c >= '0' && c <= '9';

// Returns true if "str" is a function clone suffix.  These suffixes are used
// by GCC 4.5.x and later versions to indicate functions which have been
// cloned during optimization.  We treat any sequence (.<alpha>+.<digit>+)+ as
// a function clone suffix.
static bool IsFunctionCloneSuffix(const char *str) {
  size_t i = 0;
  while (str[i] != '\0') {
    // Consume a single .<alpha>+.<digit>+ sequence.
    if (str[i] != '.' || !IsAlpha(str[i + 1])) {
      return false;
    i += 2;
    while (IsAlpha(str[i])) {
    if (str[i] != '.' || !IsDigit(str[i + 1])) {
      return false;
    i += 2;
    while (IsDigit(str[i])) {
  return true;  // Consumed everything in "str".

// Append "str" with some tweaks, iff "append" state is true.
// Returns true so that it can be placed in "if" conditions.
static void MaybeAppendWithLength(State *state, const char * const str,
                                  const int length) {
  if (state->append && length > 0) {
    // Append a space if the output buffer ends with '<' and "str"
    // starts with '<' to avoid <<<.
    if (str[0] == '<' && state->out_begin < state->out_cur  &&
        state->out_cur[-1] == '<') {
      Append(state, " ", 1);
    // Remember the last identifier name for ctors/dtors.
    if (IsAlpha(str[0]) || str[0] == '_') {
      state->prev_name = state->out_cur;
      state->prev_name_length = length;
    Append(state, str, length);

// A convenient wrapper arount MaybeAppendWithLength().
static bool MaybeAppend(State *state, const char * const str) {
  if (state->append) {
    int length = StrLen(str);
    MaybeAppendWithLength(state, str, length);
  return true;

// This function is used for handling nested names.
static bool EnterNestedName(State *state) {
  state->nest_level = 0;
  return true;

// This function is used for handling nested names.
static bool LeaveNestedName(State *state, short prev_value) {
  state->nest_level = prev_value;
  return true;

// Disable the append mode not to print function parameters, etc.
static bool DisableAppend(State *state) {
  state->append = false;
  return true;

// Restore the append mode to the previous state.
static bool RestoreAppend(State *state, bool prev_value) {
  state->append = prev_value;
  return true;

// Increase the nest level for nested names.
static void MaybeIncreaseNestLevel(State *state) {
  if (state->nest_level > -1) {

// Appends :: for nested names if necessary.
static void MaybeAppendSeparator(State *state) {
  if (state->nest_level >= 1) {
    MaybeAppend(state, "::");

// Cancel the last separator if necessary.
static void MaybeCancelLastSeparator(State *state) {
  if (state->nest_level >= 1 && state->append &&
      state->out_begin <= state->out_cur - 2) {
    state->out_cur -= 2;
    *state->out_cur = '\0';

// Returns true if the identifier of the given length pointed to by
// "mangled_cur" is anonymous namespace.
static bool IdentifierIsAnonymousNamespace(State *state, int length) {
  static const char anon_prefix[] = "_GLOBAL__N_";
  return (length > (int)sizeof(anon_prefix) - 1 &&  // Should be longer.
          StrPrefix(state->mangled_cur, anon_prefix));

// Forward declarations of our parsing functions.
static bool ParseMangledName(State *state);
static bool ParseEncoding(State *state);
static bool ParseName(State *state);
static bool ParseUnscopedName(State *state);
static bool ParseUnscopedTemplateName(State *state);
static bool ParseNestedName(State *state);
static bool ParsePrefix(State *state);
static bool ParseUnqualifiedName(State *state);
static bool ParseSourceName(State *state);
static bool ParseLocalSourceName(State *state);
static bool ParseNumber(State *state, int *number_out);
static bool ParseFloatNumber(State *state);
static bool ParseSeqId(State *state);
static bool ParseIdentifier(State *state, int length);
static bool ParseOperatorName(State *state);
static bool ParseSpecialName(State *state);
static bool ParseCallOffset(State *state);
static bool ParseNVOffset(State *state);
static bool ParseVOffset(State *state);
static bool ParseCtorDtorName(State *state);
static bool ParseType(State *state);
static bool ParseCVQualifiers(State *state);
static bool ParseBuiltinType(State *state);
static bool ParseFunctionType(State *state);
static bool ParseBareFunctionType(State *state);
static bool ParseClassEnumType(State *state);
static bool ParseArrayType(State *state);
static bool ParsePointerToMemberType(State *state);
static bool ParseTemplateParam(State *state);
static bool ParseTemplateTemplateParam(State *state);
static bool ParseTemplateArgs(State *state);
static bool ParseTemplateArg(State *state);
static bool ParseExpression(State *state);
static bool ParseExprPrimary(State *state);
static bool ParseLocalName(State *state);
static bool ParseDiscriminator(State *state);
static bool ParseSubstitution(State *state);

// Implementation note: the following code is a straightforward
// translation of the Itanium C++ ABI defined in BNF with a couple of
// exceptions.
// - Support GNU extensions not defined in the Itanium C++ ABI
// - <prefix> and <template-prefix> are combined to avoid infinite loop
// - Reorder patterns to shorten the code
// - Reorder patterns to give greedier functions precedence
//   We'll mark "Less greedy than" for these cases in the code
// Each parsing function changes the state and returns true on
// success.  Otherwise, don't change the state and returns false.  To
// ensure that the state isn't changed in the latter case, we save the
// original state before we call more than one parsing functions
// consecutively with &&, and restore the state if unsuccessful.  See
// ParseEncoding() as an example of this convention.  We follow the
// convention throughout the code.
// Originally we tried to do demangling without following the full ABI
// syntax but it turned out we needed to follow the full syntax to
// parse complicated cases like nested template arguments.  Note that
// implementing a full-fledged demangler isn't trivial (libiberty's
// cp-demangle.c has +4300 lines).
// Note that (foo) in <(foo) ...> is a modifier to be ignored.
// Reference:
// - Itanium C++ ABI
//   <>

// <mangled-name> ::= _Z <encoding>
static bool ParseMangledName(State *state) {
  return ParseTwoCharToken(state, "_Z") && ParseEncoding(state);

// <encoding> ::= <(function) name> <bare-function-type>
//            ::= <(data) name>
//            ::= <special-name>
static bool ParseEncoding(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseName(state) && ParseBareFunctionType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseName(state) || ParseSpecialName(state)) {
    return true;
  return false;

// <name> ::= <nested-name>
//        ::= <unscoped-template-name> <template-args>
//        ::= <unscoped-name>
//        ::= <local-name>
static bool ParseName(State *state) {
  if (ParseNestedName(state) || ParseLocalName(state)) {
    return true;

  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseUnscopedTemplateName(state) &&
      ParseTemplateArgs(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  // Less greedy than <unscoped-template-name> <template-args>.
  if (ParseUnscopedName(state)) {
    return true;
  return false;

// <unscoped-name> ::= <unqualified-name>
//                 ::= St <unqualified-name>
static bool ParseUnscopedName(State *state) {
  if (ParseUnqualifiedName(state)) {
    return true;

  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "St") &&
      MaybeAppend(state, "std::") &&
      ParseUnqualifiedName(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <unscoped-template-name> ::= <unscoped-name>
//                          ::= <substitution>
static bool ParseUnscopedTemplateName(State *state) {
  return ParseUnscopedName(state) || ParseSubstitution(state);

// <nested-name> ::= N [<CV-qualifiers>] <prefix> <unqualified-name> E
//               ::= N [<CV-qualifiers>] <template-prefix> <template-args> E
static bool ParseNestedName(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'N') &&
      EnterNestedName(state) &&
      Optional(ParseCVQualifiers(state)) &&
      ParsePrefix(state) &&
      LeaveNestedName(state, copy.nest_level) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// This part is tricky.  If we literally translate them to code, we'll
// end up infinite loop.  Hence we merge them to avoid the case.
// <prefix> ::= <prefix> <unqualified-name>
//          ::= <template-prefix> <template-args>
//          ::= <template-param>
//          ::= <substitution>
//          ::= # empty
// <template-prefix> ::= <prefix> <(template) unqualified-name>
//                   ::= <template-param>
//                   ::= <substitution>
static bool ParsePrefix(State *state) {
  bool has_something = false;
  while (true) {
    if (ParseTemplateParam(state) ||
        ParseSubstitution(state) ||
        ParseUnscopedName(state)) {
      has_something = true;
    if (has_something && ParseTemplateArgs(state)) {
      return ParsePrefix(state);
    } else {
  return true;

// <unqualified-name> ::= <operator-name>
//                    ::= <ctor-dtor-name>
//                    ::= <source-name>
//                    ::= <local-source-name>
static bool ParseUnqualifiedName(State *state) {
  return (ParseOperatorName(state) ||
          ParseCtorDtorName(state) ||
          ParseSourceName(state) ||

// <source-name> ::= <positive length number> <identifier>
static bool ParseSourceName(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  int length = -1;
  if (ParseNumber(state, &length) && ParseIdentifier(state, length)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <local-source-name> ::= L <source-name> [<discriminator>]
// References:
static bool ParseLocalSourceName(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseSourceName(state) &&
      Optional(ParseDiscriminator(state))) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <number> ::= [n] <non-negative decimal integer>
// If "number_out" is non-null, then *number_out is set to the value of the
// parsed number on success.
static bool ParseNumber(State *state, int *number_out) {
  int sign = 1;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'n')) {
    sign = -1;
  const char *p = state->mangled_cur;
  int number = 0;
  for (;*p != '\0'; ++p) {
    if (IsDigit(*p)) {
      number = number * 10 + (*p - '0');
    } else {
  if (p != state->mangled_cur) {  // Conversion succeeded.
    state->mangled_cur = p;
    if (number_out != NULL) {
      *number_out = number * sign;
    return true;
  return false;

// Floating-point literals are encoded using a fixed-length lowercase
// hexadecimal string.
static bool ParseFloatNumber(State *state) {
  const char *p = state->mangled_cur;
  for (;*p != '\0'; ++p) {
    if (!IsDigit(*p) && !(*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f')) {
  if (p != state->mangled_cur) {  // Conversion succeeded.
    state->mangled_cur = p;
    return true;
  return false;

// The <seq-id> is a sequence number in base 36,
// using digits and upper case letters
static bool ParseSeqId(State *state) {
  const char *p = state->mangled_cur;
  for (;*p != '\0'; ++p) {
    if (!IsDigit(*p) && !(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z')) {
  if (p != state->mangled_cur) {  // Conversion succeeded.
    state->mangled_cur = p;
    return true;
  return false;

// <identifier> ::= <unqualified source code identifier> (of given length)
static bool ParseIdentifier(State *state, int length) {
  if (length == -1 ||
      !AtLeastNumCharsRemaining(state->mangled_cur, length)) {
    return false;
  if (IdentifierIsAnonymousNamespace(state, length)) {
    MaybeAppend(state, "(anonymous namespace)");
  } else {
    MaybeAppendWithLength(state, state->mangled_cur, length);
  state->mangled_cur += length;
  return true;

// <operator-name> ::= nw, and other two letters cases
//                 ::= cv <type>  # (cast)
//                 ::= v  <digit> <source-name> # vendor extended operator
static bool ParseOperatorName(State *state) {
  if (!AtLeastNumCharsRemaining(state->mangled_cur, 2)) {
    return false;
  // First check with "cv" (cast) case.
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "cv") &&
      MaybeAppend(state, "operator ") &&
      EnterNestedName(state) &&
      ParseType(state) &&
      LeaveNestedName(state, copy.nest_level)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  // Then vendor extended operators.
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'v') && ParseCharClass(state, "0123456789") &&
      ParseSourceName(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  // Other operator names should start with a lower alphabet followed
  // by a lower/upper alphabet.
  if (!(IsLower(state->mangled_cur[0]) &&
        IsAlpha(state->mangled_cur[1]))) {
    return false;
  // We may want to perform a binary search if we really need speed.
  const AbbrevPair *p;
  for (p = kOperatorList; p->abbrev != NULL; ++p) {
    if (state->mangled_cur[0] == p->abbrev[0] &&
        state->mangled_cur[1] == p->abbrev[1]) {
      MaybeAppend(state, "operator");
      if (IsLower(*p->real_name)) {  // new, delete, etc.
        MaybeAppend(state, " ");
      MaybeAppend(state, p->real_name);
      state->mangled_cur += 2;
      return true;
  return false;

// <special-name> ::= TV <type>
//                ::= TT <type>
//                ::= TI <type>
//                ::= TS <type>
//                ::= Tc <call-offset> <call-offset> <(base) encoding>
//                ::= GV <(object) name>
//                ::= T <call-offset> <(base) encoding>
// G++ extensions:
//                ::= TC <type> <(offset) number> _ <(base) type>
//                ::= TF <type>
//                ::= TJ <type>
//                ::= GR <name>
//                ::= GA <encoding>
//                ::= Th <call-offset> <(base) encoding>
//                ::= Tv <call-offset> <(base) encoding>
// Note: we don't care much about them since they don't appear in
// stack traces.  The are special data.
static bool ParseSpecialName(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') &&
      ParseCharClass(state, "VTIS") &&
      ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "Tc") && ParseCallOffset(state) &&
      ParseCallOffset(state) && ParseEncoding(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "GV") &&
      ParseName(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseCallOffset(state) &&
      ParseEncoding(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  // G++ extensions
  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "TC") && ParseType(state) &&
      ParseNumber(state, NULL) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') &&
      DisableAppend(state) &&
      ParseType(state)) {
    RestoreAppend(state, copy.append);
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseCharClass(state, "FJ") &&
      ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "GR") && ParseName(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "GA") && ParseEncoding(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseCharClass(state, "hv") &&
      ParseCallOffset(state) && ParseEncoding(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <call-offset> ::= h <nv-offset> _
//               ::= v <v-offset> _
static bool ParseCallOffset(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'h') &&
      ParseNVOffset(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'v') &&
      ParseVOffset(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  return false;

// <nv-offset> ::= <(offset) number>
static bool ParseNVOffset(State *state) {
  return ParseNumber(state, NULL);

// <v-offset>  ::= <(offset) number> _ <(virtual offset) number>
static bool ParseVOffset(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseNumber(state, NULL) && ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') &&
      ParseNumber(state, NULL)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <ctor-dtor-name> ::= C1 | C2 | C3
//                  ::= D0 | D1 | D2
static bool ParseCtorDtorName(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'C') &&
      ParseCharClass(state, "123")) {
    const char * const prev_name = state->prev_name;
    const int prev_name_length = state->prev_name_length;
    MaybeAppendWithLength(state, prev_name, prev_name_length);
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'D') &&
      ParseCharClass(state, "012")) {
    const char * const prev_name = state->prev_name;
    const int prev_name_length = state->prev_name_length;
    MaybeAppend(state, "~");
    MaybeAppendWithLength(state, prev_name, prev_name_length);
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <type> ::= <CV-qualifiers> <type>
//        ::= P <type>   # pointer-to
//        ::= R <type>   # reference-to
//        ::= O <type>   # rvalue reference-to (C++0x)
//        ::= C <type>   # complex pair (C 2000)
//        ::= G <type>   # imaginary (C 2000)
//        ::= U <source-name> <type>  # vendor extended type qualifier
//        ::= <builtin-type>
//        ::= <function-type>
//        ::= <class-enum-type>
//        ::= <array-type>
//        ::= <pointer-to-member-type>
//        ::= <template-template-param> <template-args>
//        ::= <template-param>
//        ::= <substitution>
//        ::= Dp <type>          # pack expansion of (C++0x)
//        ::= Dt <expression> E  # decltype of an id-expression or class
//                               # member access (C++0x)
//        ::= DT <expression> E  # decltype of an expression (C++0x)
static bool ParseType(State *state) {
  // We should check CV-qualifers, and PRGC things first.
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseCVQualifiers(state) && ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseCharClass(state, "OPRCG") && ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "Dp") && ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'D') && ParseCharClass(state, "tT") &&
      ParseExpression(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'U') && ParseSourceName(state) &&
      ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseBuiltinType(state) ||
      ParseFunctionType(state) ||
      ParseClassEnumType(state) ||
      ParseArrayType(state) ||
      ParsePointerToMemberType(state) ||
      ParseSubstitution(state)) {
    return true;

  if (ParseTemplateTemplateParam(state) &&
      ParseTemplateArgs(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  // Less greedy than <template-template-param> <template-args>.
  if (ParseTemplateParam(state)) {
    return true;

  return false;

// <CV-qualifiers> ::= [r] [V] [K]
// We don't allow empty <CV-qualifiers> to avoid infinite loop in
// ParseType().
static bool ParseCVQualifiers(State *state) {
  int num_cv_qualifiers = 0;
  num_cv_qualifiers += ParseOneCharToken(state, 'r');
  num_cv_qualifiers += ParseOneCharToken(state, 'V');
  num_cv_qualifiers += ParseOneCharToken(state, 'K');
  return num_cv_qualifiers > 0;

// <builtin-type> ::= v, etc.
//                ::= u <source-name>
static bool ParseBuiltinType(State *state) {
  const AbbrevPair *p;
  for (p = kBuiltinTypeList; p->abbrev != NULL; ++p) {
    if (state->mangled_cur[0] == p->abbrev[0]) {
      MaybeAppend(state, p->real_name);
      return true;

  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'u') && ParseSourceName(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <function-type> ::= F [Y] <bare-function-type> E
static bool ParseFunctionType(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'F') &&
      Optional(ParseOneCharToken(state, 'Y')) &&
      ParseBareFunctionType(state) && ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <bare-function-type> ::= <(signature) type>+
static bool ParseBareFunctionType(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (OneOrMore(ParseType, state)) {
    RestoreAppend(state, copy.append);
    MaybeAppend(state, "()");
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <class-enum-type> ::= <name>
static bool ParseClassEnumType(State *state) {
  return ParseName(state);

// <array-type> ::= A <(positive dimension) number> _ <(element) type>
//              ::= A [<(dimension) expression>] _ <(element) type>
static bool ParseArrayType(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'A') && ParseNumber(state, NULL) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'A') && Optional(ParseExpression(state)) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <pointer-to-member-type> ::= M <(class) type> <(member) type>
static bool ParsePointerToMemberType(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'M') && ParseType(state) &&
      ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <template-param> ::= T_
//                  ::= T <parameter-2 non-negative number> _
static bool ParseTemplateParam(State *state) {
  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "T_")) {
    MaybeAppend(state, "?");  // We don't support template substitutions.
    return true;

  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'T') && ParseNumber(state, NULL) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) {
    MaybeAppend(state, "?");  // We don't support template substitutions.
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <template-template-param> ::= <template-param>
//                           ::= <substitution>
static bool ParseTemplateTemplateParam(State *state) {
  return (ParseTemplateParam(state) ||

// <template-args> ::= I <template-arg>+ E
static bool ParseTemplateArgs(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'I') &&
      OneOrMore(ParseTemplateArg, state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    RestoreAppend(state, copy.append);
    MaybeAppend(state, "<>");
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <template-arg>  ::= <type>
//                 ::= <expr-primary>
//                 ::= I <template-arg>* E        # argument pack
//                 ::= X <expression> E
static bool ParseTemplateArg(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'I') &&
      ZeroOrMore(ParseTemplateArg, state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseType(state) ||
      ParseExprPrimary(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'X') && ParseExpression(state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <expression> ::= <template-param>
//              ::= <expr-primary>
//              ::= <unary operator-name> <expression>
//              ::= <binary operator-name> <expression> <expression>
//              ::= <trinary operator-name> <expression> <expression>
//                  <expression>
//              ::= st <type>
//              ::= sr <type> <unqualified-name> <template-args>
//              ::= sr <type> <unqualified-name>
static bool ParseExpression(State *state) {
  if (ParseTemplateParam(state) || ParseExprPrimary(state)) {
    return true;

  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOperatorName(state) &&
      ParseExpression(state) &&
      ParseExpression(state) &&
      ParseExpression(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOperatorName(state) &&
      ParseExpression(state) &&
      ParseExpression(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOperatorName(state) &&
      ParseExpression(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "st") && ParseType(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "sr") && ParseType(state) &&
      ParseUnqualifiedName(state) &&
      ParseTemplateArgs(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "sr") && ParseType(state) &&
      ParseUnqualifiedName(state)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <expr-primary> ::= L <type> <(value) number> E
//                ::= L <type> <(value) float> E
//                ::= L <mangled-name> E
//                // A bug in g++'s C++ ABI version 2 (-fabi-version=2).
//                ::= LZ <encoding> E
static bool ParseExprPrimary(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseType(state) &&
      ParseNumber(state, NULL) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseType(state) &&
      ParseFloatNumber(state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'L') && ParseMangledName(state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "LZ") && ParseEncoding(state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E')) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  return false;

// <local-name> := Z <(function) encoding> E <(entity) name>
//                 [<discriminator>]
//              := Z <(function) encoding> E s [<discriminator>]
static bool ParseLocalName(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'Z') && ParseEncoding(state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, 'E') && MaybeAppend(state, "::") &&
      ParseName(state) && Optional(ParseDiscriminator(state))) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'Z') && ParseEncoding(state) &&
      ParseTwoCharToken(state, "Es") && Optional(ParseDiscriminator(state))) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <discriminator> := _ <(non-negative) number>
static bool ParseDiscriminator(State *state) {
  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, '_') && ParseNumber(state, NULL)) {
    return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// <substitution> ::= S_
//                ::= S <seq-id> _
//                ::= St, etc.
static bool ParseSubstitution(State *state) {
  if (ParseTwoCharToken(state, "S_")) {
    MaybeAppend(state, "?");  // We don't support substitutions.
    return true;

  State copy = *state;
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'S') && ParseSeqId(state) &&
      ParseOneCharToken(state, '_')) {
    MaybeAppend(state, "?");  // We don't support substitutions.
    return true;
  *state = copy;

  // Expand abbreviations like "St" => "std".
  if (ParseOneCharToken(state, 'S')) {
    const AbbrevPair *p;
    for (p = kSubstitutionList; p->abbrev != NULL; ++p) {
      if (state->mangled_cur[0] == p->abbrev[1]) {
        MaybeAppend(state, "std");
        if (p->real_name[0] != '\0') {
          MaybeAppend(state, "::");
          MaybeAppend(state, p->real_name);
        return true;
  *state = copy;
  return false;

// Parse <mangled-name>, optionally followed by either a function-clone suffix
// or version suffix.  Returns true only if all of "mangled_cur" was consumed.
static bool ParseTopLevelMangledName(State *state) {
  if (ParseMangledName(state)) {
    if (state->mangled_cur[0] != '\0') {
      // Drop trailing function clone suffix, if any.
      if (IsFunctionCloneSuffix(state->mangled_cur)) {
        return true;
      // Append trailing version suffix if any.
      // ex. _Z3foo@@GLIBCXX_3.4
      if (state->mangled_cur[0] == '@') {
        MaybeAppend(state, state->mangled_cur);
        return true;
      return false;  // Unconsumed suffix.
    return true;
  return false;

// The demangler entry point.
bool Demangle(const char *mangled, char *out, int out_size) {
  State state;
  InitState(&state, mangled, out, out_size);
  return ParseTopLevelMangledName(&state) && !state.overflowed;


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */