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//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
//   2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

// Original author: Sandro Santilli <>


#include <ostream>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert> // for inlines
#include <cmath> // for floor / ceil

namespace gnash {

namespace geometry {

/// Kinds of a range
enum RangeKind {
        /// Valid range, using finite values

        /// A NULL range is a range enclosing NO points.

        /// \brief
        /// A WORLD range2d is a range including
        /// all points on the plane. 
        /// Note that scaling, shifting and unioning 
        /// will NOT change a WORLD range.

/// 2d Range template class
/// The class stores 4 values of the type specified
/// as template argument, representing the set of points
/// enclosed by the given min and max values for the 2 dimensions,
/// and provides methods for manipulating them.
/// The parameter type must be a numeric type.
/// The two dimensions are called X and Y.
/// Note that the range is "open", which means that the points
/// on its boundary are considered internal to the range.
template <typename T>
class Range2d

        T _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax;

        T scaleMin(T min, float scale)
                return roundMin(static_cast<float>(min) * scale);

        T scaleMax(T max, float scale)
                return roundMax(static_cast<float>(max) * scale);

        T roundMin(float v)
                return static_cast<T>(v);

        T roundMax(float v)
                return static_cast<T>(v);


        /// Ouput operator
        template <typename U>
        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Range2d<U>& rect);

        /// Equality operator
        /// This is needed to take NULL kind into account
        /// since we don't explicitly set all members when constructing
        /// NULL ranges
        template <typename U>
        friend bool operator== (const Range2d<U>& r1, const Range2d<U>& r2);

        /// Inequality operator
        /// This is needed to take NULL kind into account
        /// since we don't explicitly set all members when constructing
        /// NULL ranges
        template <typename U>
        friend bool operator!= (const Range2d<U>& r1, const Range2d<U>& r2);

        /// Return a rectangle being the intersetion of the two rectangles
        /// Any NULL operand will make the result also NULL.
        template <typename U> friend Range2d<U>
        Intersection(const Range2d<U>& r1, const Range2d<U>& r2);

        /// Return a rectangle being the union of the two rectangles
        template <typename U> friend Range2d<U>
        Union(const Range2d<U>& r1, const Range2d<U>& r2);

        /// Construct a Range2d of the given kind.
        /// The default is building a nullRange.
        /// If finiteRange is given the range will be set to
        /// enclose the origin.
        /// See RangeKind
        Range2d(RangeKind kind=nullRange)
                switch ( kind )
                        case worldRange:
                        case nullRange:
                        case finiteRange:

        /// Construct a finite Range2d with the given values
        /// Make sure that the min <= max, or an assertion
        /// would fail. We could as well swap the values
        /// in this case, but it is probably better to
        /// force caller to deal with this, as a similar
        /// case might as well expose a bug in the code.
        Range2d(T xmin, T ymin, T xmax, T ymax)
                // use the default ctor to make a NULL Range2d
                assert(_xmin <= _xmax);
                assert(_ymin <= _ymax);
                // .. or should we raise an exception .. ?

        /// Templated copy constructor, for casting between range types
        template <typename U>
        Range2d(const Range2d<U>& from)
                if ( from.isWorld() ) {
                } else if ( from.isNull() ) {
                } else {
                        _xmin = roundMin(from.getMinX());
                        _ymin = roundMin(from.getMinY());
                        _xmax = roundMax(from.getMaxX());
                        _ymax = roundMax(from.getMaxY());

        /// Returns true if this is the NULL Range2d
        bool isNull() const
                return _xmax < _xmin;

        /// Set the Range2d to the NULL value
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& setNull()
                _xmin = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
                _xmax = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
                return *this;

        /// Returns true if this is the WORLD Range2d
        bool isWorld() const
                return _xmax == std::numeric_limits<T>::max()
                        && _xmin == std::numeric_limits<T>::min();

        /// Returns true if this is a finite Range2d
        /// See RangeKind::finiteRange
        bool isFinite() const
                return ( ! isNull() && ! isWorld() );

        /// Set the Range2d to the WORLD value
        /// This is implemented using the minimun and maximun
        /// values of the parameter type.
        /// See RangeType::worldRange
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& setWorld()
                _xmin = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
                _xmax = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
                return *this;

        /// \brief
        /// Return true if this rectangle contains the point with
        /// given coordinates (boundaries are inclusive).
        /// Note that WORLD rectangles contain every point
        /// and NULL rectangles contain no point.
        template <typename U>
        bool contains(U x, U y) const
                if ( isNull() ) return false;
                if ( isWorld() ) return true;
                if (x < _xmin || x > _xmax || y < _ymin || y > _ymax)
                        return false;
                return true;

        /// \brief
        /// Return true if this rectangle contains the given rectangle.
        /// Note that:
        ///     - WORLD ranges contain every range except NULL ones
        ///       and are only contained in WORLD ranges
        ///     - NULL ranges contain no ranges and are contained in no ranges.
        bool contains(const Range2d<T>& other) const
                if ( isNull() || other.isNull() ) return false;
                if ( isWorld() ) return true;
                if ( other.isWorld() ) return false;

                return _xmin <= other._xmin &&
                        _xmax >= other._xmax &&
                        _ymin <= other._ymin &&
                        _ymax >= other._ymax;

        /// \brief
        /// Return true if this rectangle intersects the point with
        /// given coordinates (boundaries are inclusive).
        /// Note that NULL rectangles don't intersect anything
        /// and WORLD rectangles intersects everything except a NULL rectangle.
        bool intersects(const Range2d<T>& other) const
                if ( isNull() || other.isNull() ) return false;
                if ( isWorld() || other.isWorld() ) return true;

                if ( _xmin > other._xmax ) return false;
                if ( _xmax < other._xmin ) return false;
                if ( _ymin > other._ymax ) return false;
                if ( _ymax < other._ymin ) return false;
                return true;

        /// Expand this Range2d to enclose the given point.
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& expandTo(T x, T y)
                // A WORLD range already enclose every point
                if ( isWorld() ) return *this;

                if ( isNull() ) 
                        _xmin = std::min(_xmin, x);
                        _ymin = std::min(_ymin, y);
                        _xmax = std::max(_xmax, x);
                        _ymax = std::max(_ymax, y);

                return *this;

        /// Expand this Range2d to enclose the given circle.
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& expandToCircle(T x, T y, T radius)
                // A WORLD range already enclose every point
                if ( isWorld() ) return *this;

        expandTo(x-radius, y);
        expandTo(x+radius, y);

        expandTo(x, y-radius);
        expandTo(x, y+radius);

                return *this;

        /// Set ourself to bound the given point
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& setTo(T x, T y)
                _xmin = _xmax = x;
                _ymin = _ymax = y;
                return *this;

        /// Set coordinates to given values
        /// Make sure that the min <= max, or an assertion
        /// would fail. We could as well swap the values
        /// in this case, but it is probably better to
        /// force caller to deal with this, as a similar
        /// case might as well expose a bug in the code.
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& setTo(T xmin, T ymin, T xmax, T ymax)
                _xmin = xmin;
                _xmax = xmax;
                _ymin = ymin;
                _ymax = ymax;

                // use the default ctor to make a NULL Range2d
                assert(_xmin <= _xmax);
                assert(_ymin <= _ymax);

                return *this;

        /// Return width this Range2d
        /// Don't call this function on a WORLD rectangle!
        T width() const
                assert ( ! isWorld() );
                if ( isNull() ) return 0;
                return _xmax-_xmin;

        /// Return height this Range2dangle
        /// Don't call this function on a WORLD rectangle!
        T height() const
                assert ( ! isWorld() );
                if ( isNull() ) return 0;
                return _ymax-_ymin;

        /// Shift this Range2dangle horizontally
        /// A positive offset will shift to the right,
        /// A negative offset will shift to the left.
        /// WORLD or NULL ranges will be unchanged
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& shiftX(T offset)
                if ( isNull() || isWorld() ) return *this;
                _xmin += offset;
                _xmax += offset;
                return *this;

        /// Shift this Range2dangle vertically
        /// A positive offset will increment y values.
        /// A negative offset will decrement y values.
        /// WORLD or NULL ranges will be unchanged
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& shiftY(T offset)
                if ( isNull() || isWorld() ) return *this;
                _ymin += offset;
                _ymax += offset;
                return *this;

        /// Scale this Range2d horizontally
        Range2d<T>& scaleX(float factor)
                return scale(factor, 1);

        /// Scale this Range2d vertically
        Range2d<T>& scaleY(float factor)
                return scale(1, factor);

        /// Scale this Range2d 
        /// WORLD or NULL ranges will be unchanged
        /// For finite ranges:
        ///  Any factor of 0 will make the range NULL.
        ///  A factor of 1 will leave the corresponding size unchanged.
        ///  A factor > 1 will make the corresponding size bigger.
        ///  A factor < 1 factor will make the corresponding size smaller.
        /// Computation is done in single floating point precision.
        /// Specializations for integer types ensure that when rounding
        /// back the resulting range is not smaller then the floating
        /// range computed during scaling (in all directions).
        /// Control point is the origin (0,0).
        /// If the range so scaled will hit the numerical limit
        /// of the range an assertion will fail
        /// (TODO: throw an exception instead!).
        /// @param xfactor
        ///     The horizontal scale factor. It's a float
        ///     to allow for fractional scale even for integer
        ///     ranges. 
        /// @param yfactor
        ///     The vertical scale factor. It's a float
        ///     to allow for fractional scale even for integer
        ///     ranges. 
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& scale(float xfactor, float yfactor)
                assert(xfactor >= 0 && yfactor >= 0);

                if ( ! isFinite() ) return *this;

                if ( xfactor == 0 || yfactor == 0 )
                        return setNull();

                if ( xfactor != 1 )
                        _xmin = scaleMin(_xmin, xfactor);
                        _xmax = scaleMax(_xmax, xfactor);
                        assert(_xmin <= _xmax); // in case of overflow...

                if ( yfactor != 1 )
                        _ymin = scaleMin(_ymin, yfactor);
                        _ymax = scaleMax(_ymax, yfactor);
                        assert(_ymin <= _ymax); // in case of overflow...

                return *this;

        /// Scale this Range2d in both directions with the same factor
        Range2d<T>& scale(float factor)
                return scale(factor, factor);

        /// Grow this range by the given amout in all directions.
        /// WORLD or NULL ranges will be unchanged.
        /// If a growing range hits the numerical limit for T
        /// it will be set to the WORLD range.
        /// @param amount
        ///     The amount of T to grow this range in all directions.
        ///     If negative the range will shrink.
        ///     If negative the range will shrink.
        ///     See shrinkBy().
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        Range2d<T>& growBy(T amount)
                if ( isNull() || isWorld() || amount==0 ) return *this;

                // NOTE: triggers a compiler warning when T is an unsigned type
                if ( amount < 0 ) return shrinkBy(-amount);

                T newxmin = _xmin - amount;
                if (newxmin > _xmin ) return setWorld();
                else _xmin = newxmin;

                T newxmax = _xmax + amount;
                if (newxmax < _xmax ) return setWorld();
                else _xmax = newxmax;

                T newymin = _ymin - amount;
                if (newymin > _ymin ) return setWorld();
                else _ymin = newymin;

                T newymax = _ymax + amount;
                if (newymax < _ymax ) return setWorld();
                else _ymax = newymax;

                return *this;


        /// Shirnk this range by the given amout in all directions.
        /// WORLD or NULL ranges will be unchanged.
        /// If a shrinking range will collapse in either the horizontal
        /// or vertical dimension it will be set to the NULL range.
        /// @param amount
        ///     The amount of T to shink this range in all directions.
        ///     If negative the range will grow.
        ///     See growBy().
        /// @return a reference to this instance
        /// NOTE: This method assumes that the numerical type used
        ///       as parameter does allow both positive and negative
        ///       values. Using this method against an instance of
        ///       an 'unsigned' Range2d will likely raise unexpected
        ///       results.
        /// TODO: change the interface to never make the Range null,
        ///       as we might always use the Range *center* point
        ///       instead of forgetting about it!
        Range2d<T>& shrinkBy(T amount)
                if ( isNull() || isWorld() || amount==0 ) return *this;

                // NOTE: whith will likely trigger a compiler
                //       warning when T is an unsigned type
                if ( amount < 0 ) return growBy(-amount);

                // Turn this range into the NULL range
                // if any dimension collapses.
                // Don't use width() and height() to 
                // avoid superflous checks.

                if ( _xmax - _xmin <= amount ) return setNull();
                if ( _ymax - _ymin <= amount ) return setNull();

                _xmin += amount;
                _ymin += amount;
                _xmax -= amount;
                _ymax -= amount;

                return *this;


        /// Get min X ordinate.
        /// Don't call this against a NULL or WORLD Range2
        T getMinX() const
                assert ( isFinite() );
                return _xmin;

        /// Get max X ordinate.
        /// Don't call this against a NULL or WORLD Range2d
        T getMaxX() const
                assert ( isFinite() );
                return _xmax;

        /// Get min Y ordinate.
        /// Don't call this against a NULL or WORLD Range2d
        T getMinY() const
                assert ( isFinite() );
                return _ymin;

        /// Get max Y ordinate.
        /// Don't call this against a NULL or WORLD Range2d
        T getMaxY() const
                assert ( isFinite() );
                return _ymax;
        /// Get area (width*height)
        T getArea() const
    assert ( !isWorld() );
    if ( isNull() ) return 0;
    return (_xmax - _xmin) * (_ymax - _ymin);
    // this implementation is for float types, see specialization below
    // for ints... 

        /// Expand this range to include the given Range2d
        /// WORLD ranges force result to be the WORLD range.
        /// A NULL range will have no effect on the result.
        void  expandTo(const Range2d<T>& r)
                if ( r.isNull() )
                        // the given range will add nothing

                if ( isNull() ) 
                        // being null ourself, we'll equal the given range
                        *this = r;

                if ( isWorld() || r.isWorld() )
                        // union with world is always world...

                _xmin = std::min(_xmin, r._xmin);
                _xmax = std::max(_xmax, r._xmax);
                _ymin = std::min(_ymin, r._ymin);
                _ymax = std::max(_ymax, r._ymax);



template <typename T> inline std::ostream&
operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Range2d<T>& rect)
        if ( rect.isNull() ) return os << "Null range";
        if ( rect.isWorld() ) return os << "World range";

        return os << "Finite range (" << rect._xmin << "," << rect._ymin
                << " " << rect._xmax << "," << rect._ymax << ")";

template <typename T> inline bool
operator== (const Range2d<T>& r1, const Range2d<T>& r2)
        // These checks are needed becase
        // we don't initialize *all* memebers
        // when setting to Null or World

        if ( r1.isNull() ) return r2.isNull();
        if ( r2.isNull() ) return r1.isNull();
        if ( r1.isWorld() ) return r2.isWorld();
        if ( r2.isWorld() ) return r1.isWorld();

        return r1._xmin == r2._xmin && r1._ymin == r2._ymin &&
                r1._xmax == r2._xmax && r1._ymax == r2._ymax;

template <typename T> inline bool
operator!= (const Range2d<T>& r1, const Range2d<T>& r2)
        return ! ( r1 == r2 );

/// Return true of the two ranges intersect (boundaries included)
template <typename T> inline bool
Intersect(const Range2d<T>& r1, const Range2d<T>& r2)
        return r1.intersects(r2);

/// Return a rectangle being the union of the two rectangles
template <typename T> inline Range2d<T>
Union(const Range2d<T>& r1, const Range2d<T>& r2)
        Range2d<T> ret = r1;
        return ret;

/// Return a rectangle being the intersetion of the two rectangles
/// Any NULL operand will make the result also NULL.
template <typename T> inline Range2d<T>
Intersection(const Range2d<T>& r1, const Range2d<T>& r2)
        if ( r1.isNull() || r2.isNull() ) {
                // NULL ranges intersect nothing
                return Range2d<T>(nullRange); 

        if ( r1.isWorld() ) {
                // WORLD range intersect everything
                return r2;

        if ( r2.isWorld() ) {
                // WORLD range intersect everything
                return r1;

        if ( ! r1.intersects(r2) ) {
                // No intersection results in a NULL range
                return Range2d<T>(nullRange); 

        return Range2d<T> (
                std::max(r1._xmin, r2._xmin), // xmin
                std::max(r1._ymin, r2._ymin), // ymin
                std::min(r1._xmax, r2._xmax), // xmax
                std::min(r1._ymax, r2._ymax)  // ymax


/// Specialization of minimum value rounding for int type.
/// Use floor.
template <> inline int
Range2d<int>::roundMin(float min)
        return static_cast<int>(std::floor(min));

/// Specialization of minimum value rounding for unsigned int type.
/// Use floor. 
template <> inline unsigned int
Range2d<unsigned int>::roundMin(float min)
        return static_cast<unsigned int>(std::floor(min));

/// Specialization of maximum value rounding for int type.
/// Use ceil. 
template <> inline int
Range2d<int>::roundMax(float max)
        return static_cast<int>(std::ceil(max));

/// Specialization of maximum value rounding for unsigned int type.
/// Use ceil.
template <> inline unsigned int
Range2d<unsigned int>::roundMax(float max)
        return static_cast<unsigned int>(std::ceil(static_cast<float>(max)));

/// Specialization of area value for int type.
/// Add one.
template <> inline int
Range2d<int>::getArea() const
  assert ( !isWorld() );
  if ( isNull() ) return 0;
  return (_xmax - _xmin + 1) * (_ymax - _ymin + 1);

/// Specialization of area value for unsigned int type.
/// Add one.
template <> inline unsigned int
Range2d<unsigned int>::getArea() const
  assert ( isFinite() );
  return (_xmax - _xmin + 1) * (_ymax - _ymin + 1);

} // namespace gnash::geometry
} // namespace gnash

#endif // GNASH_RANGE2D_H

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