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//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
//   2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

/// \page movie SWF Movies
/// SWF Movies definitions are created by reading an SWF stream.
/// Gnash doesn't play SWF Movie definitions, but instances.
/// So you can play the same SWF file (Movie definiton) using
/// multiple instances.
/// A Movie definition is defined by the gnash::movie_definition class.
/// A Movie instance is defined by the gnash::Movie class.
/// A Movie instance exposes the ActionScript
/// Object base interface (gnash::as_object),
/// thus it can manage gnash::as_value members.
/// The implementation of SWF parsing for a Movie definition
/// is found in gnash::SWFMovieDefinition::read.
/// Note that movie_definition is also used as a base class
/// for gnash::sprite_definition, which is a sub-movie defined in an SWF
/// file. This seems to be the only reason to have a
/// SWFMovieDefinition class, being the top-level definition of
/// a movie (the one with a CharacterDictionary in it).
/// Also note that gnash::Movie is a subclass of gnash::MovieClip,
/// being the instance of a gnash::sprite_definition.


#include "gnashconfig.h" // for USE_SWFTREE

#include <string>
#include <memory> // for auto_ptr
#include <vector> // for PlayList typedef
#include <set>
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>

#include "DefinitionTag.h"
#include "log.h"

// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
        class CachedBitmap;
        class Movie;
        class MovieClip;
        namespace SWF {
        class ControlTag;
    class Font;
    class sound_sample;
    namespace image {
        class JpegInput;

namespace gnash

/// Client program's interface to the definition of a movie or sprite
/// This is the shared constant source info, the one that cannot
/// be changed by ActionScript code.
/// The class derives from DefinitionTag to allow a movie
/// to be put in the CharacterDictionary. This is probably
/// unneeded for top-level movies, because they don't need
/// to be put in any CharacterDictionary... anyway the
/// current design requires both sprite_definition (a sprite)
/// and SWFMovieDefinition (a top-level movie) to derive from
/// a common class to allow tag_loaders to take a pointer
/// to the base class to act on (consider PLACEOBJECT tags...).
class movie_definition : public SWF::DefinitionTag
        typedef std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<SWF::ControlTag> > PlayList;

        virtual int     get_version() const = 0;

    /// Frame width in pixels.
    /// The frame size is in twips and may be rounded up.
        virtual size_t get_width_pixels() const = 0;
    /// Frame height in pixels.
    /// The frame size is in twips and may be rounded up.
        virtual size_t get_height_pixels() const = 0;

        virtual size_t get_frame_count() const = 0;
        virtual float get_frame_rate() const = 0;

        /// Return size of frame, in TWIPS
        virtual const SWFRect& get_frame_size() const = 0;

        virtual size_t get_bytes_loaded() const = 0;

        /// Get total number of bytes in (uncompressed for SWF) input stream
        /// Note that this is different from actual file size if
        /// this is a *compressed* SWF.
        /// For other kind of movie definitions (Bitmaps, for example),
        /// the returned value should likely match the file size.
        virtual size_t get_bytes_total() const = 0;

        /// Create a movie instance from a def.
        /// Not all movie definitions allow creation of
        /// Movie. In particular, sprite_definition
        /// can only create MovieClip, so will return NULL
        /// from this method.
        /// The default implementation returns NULL.
        /// Override this method for any definition that is
        /// able to be instanciated as a Movie.
        /// SWFMovieDefinition is one such example, future examples
        /// should include jpeg_movie_def and similar..
        virtual Movie* createMovie(Global_as& /*gl*/, DisplayObject* /*parent*/=0)
                return NULL;

    virtual void incrementLoadedFrames() {}

        /// Return the list of execute tags for given frame number
        /// @param frame_number
        ///      Frame number, 0-based (ie: first frame is 0)
        /// @return NULL if no execute tags are defined for the given frame number
        ///         (the default implementation) or a pointer to the vector of them
    ///     (PlayList)
        virtual const PlayList* getPlaylist(size_t /*frame_number*/) const
                return 0;

        typedef std::pair<int, std::string> ImportSpec;
        typedef std::vector< ImportSpec > Imports;

        /// Import resources
        /// @param source
        ///     Movie containing the resources being imported
        /// @param imports
        ///     Resources to import, each with the id to use in our dictionary
        virtual void importResources(
            boost::intrusive_ptr<movie_definition> /*source*/, 
            const Imports& /*imports*/)
            log_swferror(_("IMPORT tag appears outside SWF definition"));

        /// \brief
        /// Get a DisplayObject from the dictionary.
        /// Note that only top-level movies (those belonging to a single
        /// SWF stream) have a DisplayObjects dictionary, thus our
        /// SWFMovieDefinition. The other derived class, sprite_definition
        /// will seek for DisplayObjects in it's base SWFMovieDefinition.
        /// @return NULL if no DisplayObject with the given ID is found
        ///         (this is the default)
        virtual DefinitionTag* getDefinitionTag(boost::uint16_t /*id*/) const
                return NULL;

        /// Get 0-based index of the frame with given label.
        /// The default implementation is to always return false, as
        /// if NO frame with given label was found.
        /// @param label
        ///     Label of the frame we're looking for.
        /// @param frame_number
        ///     Where to write frame number to (if a match is found).
        ///     A 0-based index will be written there.
        /// @return true if a frame with that label was found, false otherwise
        virtual bool get_labeled_frame(const std::string& /*label*/,
            size_t& /*frame_number*/) const
                return false;

        /// Returns 1 based index. Ex: if 1 then 1st frame as been fully loaded
        virtual size_t  get_loading_frame() const = 0;

        /// Add a DefinitionTag with given ID to the CharactersDictionary.
    /// @param id   The id of the tag. All tags store their own id, but
    ///             imported characters receive a new id in the importing
    ///             movie.
        /// This method is here to be called by DEFINE tags loaders.
        /// The default implementation does nothing.
        virtual void addDisplayObject(boost::uint16_t /*id*/, DefinitionTag* /*c*/)

        /// Add a font DisplayObject with given ID to the CharacterDictionary.
        /// This method is here to be called by DEFINEFONT tags loaders.
        /// The default implementation does nothing.
        virtual void add_font(int /*id*/, boost::intrusive_ptr<Font> /*ch*/)

        /// Return the font with given DisplayObject id
        /// @returns NULL if the given id doesn't correspond
        ///          to any registered font (default).
        /// @see add_font
        virtual Font* get_font(int /*id*/) const
                return NULL;

        /// Find a font from the movie (not shared) lib
        virtual Font* get_font(const std::string& /*name*/,
            bool /*bold*/, bool /*italic*/) const
                return 0;

        /// Add an ControlTag to this movie_definition's playlist
        /// The default implementation is a no-op.
        /// @param tag
        ///     The tag to add in the list of executable tags for
        ///     the frame currently being loaded. Ownership is transferred
        ///     to the SWFMovieDefinition.
        virtual void addControlTag(boost::intrusive_ptr<SWF::ControlTag> /*c*/)

        /// Labels the frame currently being loaded with the given name.
        /// A copy of the name string is made and kept in this object.
        /// In case of multiple frames with the same name, the last added
        /// will be the one referenced by that name.
        /// The default implementation is a no-op.
        virtual void add_frame_name(const std::string& /*name*/)

        /// This method should probably not be there but in some higher-level
        /// class, like a Parser class..
        /// The default implementation is a no-op. Actually, an implicit op
        /// *is* performed, and it is deleting the jpeg::input instance since
        /// it is passed in an auto_ptr...
        virtual void set_jpeg_loader(std::auto_ptr<image::JpegInput> /*j_in*/)

        /// \brief
        /// Get the jpeg input loader, to load a DefineBits image
        /// (one without table info).
        /// This method should probably not be there but in some higher-level
        /// class, like a Parser class..
        /// The default implementation returns NULL
        /// NOTE: ownership of the returned object is NOT transferred
        virtual image::JpegInput* get_jpeg_loader() const
                return NULL;

        /// \brief
        /// Get a bitmap from the bitmap dictionary.
        /// Note that only top-level movies (those belonging to a single
        /// SWF stream) have a bitmap dictionary, thus our
        /// SWFMovieDefinition. The other derived class, sprite_definition
        /// will seek for DisplayObjects in its base SWFMovieDefinition.
        /// @return 0 if no DisplayObject with the given ID is found, or
        ///         if the corresponding DisplayObject is not a bitmap.
        /// The default implementation returns 0.
        virtual CachedBitmap* getBitmap(int /*DisplayObject_id*/) const
                return 0;

        /// \brief
        /// Add a bitmap DisplayObject in the dictionary, with the specified
        /// DisplayObject id.
        /// The default implementation is a no-op (deletes the image data).
        virtual void addBitmap(int /*id*/, boost::intrusive_ptr<CachedBitmap> /*im*/)

        /// Get the sound sample with given ID.
        /// @return NULL if the given DisplayObject ID isn't found in the
        ///         dictionary or it is not a sound sample.
        /// The default implementation always returns NULL
        virtual sound_sample* get_sound_sample(int /*DisplayObject_id*/) const
                return NULL;

        /// \brief
        /// Add a sound sample DisplayObject in the dictionary, with the specified
        /// DisplayObject id.
        /// The default implementation is a no-op
        virtual void add_sound_sample(int /*DisplayObject_id*/, sound_sample* /*sam*/)

        /// Set the currently being loaded sound stream
        /// The default implementation is a no-op
        virtual void set_loading_sound_stream_id(int /*id*/)

        /// Get the currently being loaded sound stream, if any
        /// @see set_loading_sound_stream_id
        /// The default implementation returns -1
        /// @returns -1 if no sound stream is being currently loading
        virtual int get_loading_sound_stream_id() const
                return -1;

    /// Register a symbol to refer to a character id
    /// The default implementation does nothing.
    virtual void registerExport(const std::string&, boost::uint16_t) {}
    /// Get the id that corresponds to a symbol.
    /// @return         The id corresponding to the passed symbol. The default
    ///                 implementation returns 0, as it has no export table.
    virtual boost::uint16_t exportID(const std::string& /*symbol*/) const {
        return 0;

    /// Set whether the SWFMovie should use AVM2 or AVM1.
    /// This is only sensible for SWFMovieDefinitions, so is a no-op here.
    virtual void setAS3() {

    /// True if the SWFMovie should use AVM2.
    /// This is only sensible for SWFMovieDefinitions, and shouldn't be
    /// here once this inheritance mess is cleaned up.
    virtual bool isAS3() const {
        return false;

        /// \brief
        /// Return the URL of the SWF stream this definition has been read
        /// from.
        virtual const std::string& get_url() const = 0;

        // Start the loader thread. By default no loader thread is engaged
        // so this function is a no-op.
        virtual bool completeLoad() {
                return true;

        /// \brief
        /// Ensure that frame number 'framenum' (1-based offset)
        /// has been loaded (load on demand).
        /// @param framenum
        ///     1-based frame index that we want to be fully loaded
        ///     before this function returns
        /// @return false on error (like not enough frames available).
        /// The default implementation is to always return true.
        virtual bool ensure_frame_loaded(size_t /*framenum*/) const {
                return true;


        // These methods attach the contents of the METADATA tag
        // to a movie_definition. They are not used by the player
        // at all, but are stored for display in Movie Properties.
        // To save memory and parsing time, this won't happen
        // when the swf tree view is disabled.
        virtual void storeDescriptiveMetadata(const std::string& /*data*/)

        virtual const std::string& getDescriptiveMetadata() const
            static const std::string s;
            return s;


    movie_definition(boost::uint16_t id = 0)

    virtual ~movie_definition() {}

} // namespace gnash


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