
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


//   Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


#include <vector>
#include "LineStyle.h" 
#include "ShapeRecord.h"

namespace gnash {
    class DisplayObject;
    class Renderer;
    class FillStyle;
    class GradientRecord;
    class Transform;

namespace gnash {

/// The DynamicShape class represents a mutable shape.
/// It is provides mutating functions for the SWF::ShapeRecord class that
/// are used in the Flash drawing API.
/// DynamicShape objects are not refcounted, so must be stack-allocated or
/// wrapped in smart pointers.
class DynamicShape


        ~DynamicShape() {}

        /// Remove all paths and style informations
        void clear();

        /// Move pen to given coordinates
        void moveTo(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y);

        /// Draw a straight line from current position to given one
        void lineTo(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y, int swfVersion);

        /// \brief
        /// Draw a curve from current position to given one
        /// using given control points.
        void curveTo(boost::int32_t cx, boost::int32_t cy, 
                 boost::int32_t ax, boost::int32_t ay, int swfVersion);

        /// Start drawing with a solid fill
        void beginFill(const FillStyle& f);

        /// Close an existing filled path, if any.
        void endFill();

    const SWFRect& getBounds() const {
        return _shape.getBounds();

    void setBounds(const SWFRect& bounds) {

    /// Display a DynamicShape object.
    void display(Renderer& renderer, const Transform& xform) const;

        /// Set current line style and start a new path.
        /// @param thickness
        /// @param color
        /// @param vScale
        /// @param hScale
        /// @param noClose
        /// @param startCapStyle
        /// @param endCapStyle
        /// @param joinStyle
        /// @param miterLimitFactor
        void lineStyle(boost::uint16_t thickness, const rgba& color,
                bool vScale=true, bool hScale=true,
                bool pixelHinting=false,
                bool noClose=false,
                CapStyle startCapStyle=CAP_ROUND,
                CapStyle endCapStyle=CAP_ROUND,
                JoinStyle joinStyle=JOIN_ROUND,
                float miterLimitFactor=1.0f);

        /// Reset line style to no style and start a new path.
        void resetLineStyle();

        /// \brief
        /// Add a fill style, possibly reusing an existing
        /// one if existent.
        /// @return the 1-based offset of the fill style,
        ///     either added or found.
        ///     This offset is the one required to properly
        ///     reference it in gnash::path instances.
        size_t addFillStyle(const FillStyle& stl);

        /// \brief
        /// Add a line style, possibly reusing an existing
        /// one if existent.
        /// @return the 1-based offset of the line style,
        ///     either added or found.
        ///     This offset is the one required to properly
        ///     reference it in gnash::path instances.
        size_t add_line_style(const LineStyle& stl);

        // Override from DefineShapeTag to call ::finalize
        // NOTE: this is not correct in that a call to hitTest should
        //       not force closing the path being drawn.
        //       Instead, the closeup should be "temporary" and in
        //       the pointTestLocal itself (but only for dynamic drawing).
        //       We need to add a testcase for this as we currently have none.
        //       The testcase would look like this:
        //       moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(10, 0); lineTo(10, 10); // an L shape so far
        //       hitTest(8, 2, true); !hitTest(2, 8, true); // imaginarly forming a closed triangle as hitTest is concerned
        //       lineTo(0, 10); lineTo(0, 0); // explicitly closed as a square now
        //       hitTest(8, 2, true); hitTest(2, 8, true); // effectively forming a closed square
        //       In the test above, permanently closing on hit-test (what this implementation does)
        //       would result in a triangle and a stroke, which should fail the last hitTest(2,8).
        bool pointTestLocal(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y,
            const SWFMatrix& wm) const
                return geometry::pointTest(_shape.paths(), _shape.lineStyles(), x, y,

    const SWF::ShapeRecord& shapeRecord() const {
        return _shape;

        /// Add a path, updating _currpath and recomputing bounds
        /// TODO: make private? Only current user is BitmapMovieDefinition.
        ///       It needs this function unless we provide a mean to add a
        ///       Bitmap-Filled path    
        void add_path(const Path& pth);

        /// Always call this function before displaying !
        /// It will take care of cleaning up the drawing
        /// and setting up correct fill styles
        void finalize() const;


        /// Initialize a new path
        /// Used when changing style or moving the pen
        /// The newly added path will use current values
        /// for origin, fill and line styles.
        /// If newShape is true the new shape will start a new subshape.
        void startNewPath(bool newShape);

        Path* _currpath;

        size_t _currfill;

        size_t _currline;

        // Current pen X position
        boost::int32_t  _x;

        // Current pen Y position
        boost::int32_t  _y;

        mutable bool _changed;

    /// The actual SWF::ShapeRecord wrapped by this class.
    /// Mutable for lazy finalization.
    mutable SWF::ShapeRecord _shape;

}       // end namespace gnash


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