
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. m_unused_bits
  2. ensureBytes
  3. read
  4. read_bit
  5. read_uint
  6. read_sint
  7. read_fixed
  8. read_ufixed
  9. read_short_ufixed
  10. read_short_sfixed
  11. read_short_float
  12. convert_float_little
  13. read_long_float
  14. read_d64
  15. read_u8
  16. read_s8
  17. read_u16
  18. read_s16
  19. read_u32
  20. read_s32
  21. read_string
  22. read_string_with_length
  23. read_string_with_length
  24. tell
  25. seek
  26. get_tag_end_position
  27. open_tag
  28. close_tag
  29. consumeInput

// stream.cpp - SWF stream reading class, for Gnash
//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
//   2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include "SWFStream.h"

#include "log.h"
#include "IOChannel.h"
#include "SWF.h"
#include "Property.h"
#include "action_buffer.h"

#include <cstring>
#include <climits>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>


namespace gnash {
SWFStream::SWFStream(IOChannel* input)


SWFStream::ensureBytes(unsigned long needed)

    // Not in a tag (should we check file length?)
    if ( _tagBoundsStack.empty() ) return; 

    unsigned long int left = get_tag_end_position() - tell();
    if ( left < needed )
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "premature end of tag: need to read " << needed << 
            " bytes, but only " << left << " left in this tag";
        throw ParserException(ss.str());

unsigned SWFStream::read(char *buf, unsigned count)

    // If we're in a tag, make sure we're not seeking outside the tag.
    if ( ! _tagBoundsStack.empty() )
        TagBoundaries& tb = _tagBoundsStack.back();
        unsigned long endPos = tb.second;
        unsigned long cur_pos = tell();
        assert(endPos >= cur_pos);
        unsigned long left = endPos - cur_pos;
        if ( left < count ) count = left;

    if ( ! count ) return 0;

    return m_input->read(buf, count);

bool SWFStream::read_bit()
    if (!m_unused_bits)
        m_current_byte = m_input->read_byte(); // don't want to align here
        m_unused_bits = 7;
        return (m_current_byte&0x80);
        return ( m_current_byte & (1<<(--m_unused_bits)) );

unsigned SWFStream::read_uint(unsigned short bitcount)
    // htf_sweet.swf fails when this is set to 24. There seems to
    // be no reason why this should be limited to 32 other than
    // that it is higher than a movie is likely to need.
    if (bitcount > 32)
        // This might overflow a uint32_t or attempt to read outside
        // the byte cache (relies on there being only 4 bytes after
        // possible unused bits.)
        throw ParserException("Unexpectedly long value advertised.");

    // Optimization for multibyte read
    if ( bitcount > m_unused_bits )
        typedef unsigned char byte;

        boost::uint32_t value = 0;

        if (m_unused_bits) // Consume all the unused bits.
            int unusedMask = (1 << m_unused_bits)-1;
            bitcount -= m_unused_bits; 
            value |= ((m_current_byte&unusedMask) << bitcount);

        int bytesToRead = bitcount/8;
        int spareBits = bitcount%8; // additional bits to read

        //std::cerr << "BytesToRead: " << bytesToRead << " spareBits: " << spareBits << " unusedBits: " << (int)m_unused_bits << std::endl;

        assert (bytesToRead <= 4);
        byte cache[4]; // at most 4 bytes in the cache

        if ( spareBits ) m_input->read(&cache, bytesToRead+1);
        else m_input->read(&cache, bytesToRead);

        for (int i=0; i<bytesToRead; ++i)
            bitcount -= 8;
            value |= cache[i] << bitcount; 

        //assert(bitcount == spareBits);
        if ( bitcount )
            m_current_byte = cache[bytesToRead];
            m_unused_bits = 8-bitcount;
            value |= m_current_byte >> m_unused_bits;
            m_unused_bits = 0;

        return value;

    if (!m_unused_bits)
        m_current_byte = m_input->read_byte();
        m_unused_bits = 8;

    // TODO: optimize unusedMask creation ?
    //       (it's 0xFF if ! m_unused_bits above)
    int unusedMask = (1 << m_unused_bits)-1;

    if (bitcount == m_unused_bits)
        // Consume all the unused bits.
        m_unused_bits = 0;
        return (m_current_byte&unusedMask);
        assert(bitcount < m_unused_bits);
        // Consume some of the unused bits.

        m_unused_bits -= bitcount;
        return ((m_current_byte&unusedMask) >> m_unused_bits);


SWFStream::read_sint(unsigned short bitcount)
    //assert(bitcount <= 32); // already asserted in read_uint

    boost::int32_t value = boost::int32_t(read_uint(bitcount));

    // Sign extend...
    if (value & (1 << (bitcount - 1))) {
        value |= -1 << bitcount;

//        IF_DEBUG(log_debug("SWFStream::read_sint(%d) == %d\n", bitcount, value));

    return value;

float    SWFStream::read_fixed()
    // align(); // read_u32 will align 
    return static_cast<float> (
        static_cast<double>(read_s32()) / 65536.0f


// float is not large enough to hold a 32 bit value without doing the wrong thing with the sign.
// So we upgrade to double for the calculation and then resize when we know it's small enough.
float    SWFStream::read_ufixed()
    // align(); // read_u32 will align 
    return static_cast<float> (
        static_cast<double>(read_u32()) / 65536.0f

// Read a short fixed value, unsigned.
float   SWFStream::read_short_ufixed()
    // align(); // read_u16 will align 
    return static_cast<float> ( read_u16() / 256.0f );

// Read a short fixed value, signed.
float    SWFStream::read_short_sfixed()
    // align(); // read_s16 will align 
    return static_cast<float> ( read_s16() / 256.0f );

/// Read a 16bit (1:sign 5:exp 10:mantissa) floating point value
float    SWFStream::read_short_float()
    // read_s16 will align
    return static_cast<float> ( read_s16() );

// Read a little-endian 32-bit float from p
// and return it as a host-endian float.
static float
convert_float_little(const void *p)
    // Hairy union for endian detection and munging
    union {
        float    f;
        boost::uint32_t i;
        struct {    // for endian detection
            boost::uint16_t s0;
            boost::uint16_t s1;
        } s;
        struct {    // for byte-swapping
            boost::uint8_t c0;
            boost::uint8_t c1;
            boost::uint8_t c2;
            boost::uint8_t c3;
        } c;
    } u;

    u.f = 1.0;
    switch (u.s.s0) {
    case 0x0000:    // little-endian host
        memcpy(&u.i, p, 4);
    case 0x3f80:    // big-endian host
        const boost::uint8_t *cp = (const boost::uint8_t *) p;
        u.c.c0 = cp[3];
        u.c.c1 = cp[2];
        u.c.c2 = cp[1];
        u.c.c3 = cp[0];
        log_error(_("Native floating point format not recognised"));
    return u.f;

/// Read a 32bit (1:sign 8:exp 23:mantissa) floating point value
float    SWFStream::read_long_float()
    const unsigned short dataLength = 4;

    char data[dataLength];
    // Should align
    if (read(data, dataLength) < dataLength)
        throw ParserException(_("Unexpected end of stream while reading"));
    return convert_float_little(data); 

// Read a 64-bit double value
double SWFStream::read_d64()

    // TODO: This is very dodgy and doesn't account for endianness!
    const unsigned short dataLength = 8;
    double d = 0;

    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(double) == dataLength);

    // Should align:
    if (read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), dataLength) < dataLength)
        throw ParserException(_("Unexpected end of stream while reading"));
    return d;


boost::uint8_t    SWFStream::read_u8()
    return m_input->read_byte();

    // read_u8 will align
    return read_u8();

boost::uint16_t SWFStream::read_u16()
    return m_input->read_le16();
    const unsigned short dataLength = 2;

    unsigned char buf[dataLength];

    // Should align:
    if (read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), dataLength) < dataLength)
        throw ParserException(_("Unexpected end of stream while reading"));
    boost::uint32_t result = buf[0];
    result |= (buf[1] << 8);

    return result;

boost::int16_t SWFStream::read_s16()
    // read_u16 will align
    return read_u16();

boost::uint32_t    SWFStream::read_u32()
    return m_input->read_le32();
    using boost::uint32_t;

    const unsigned short dataLength = 4;

    unsigned char buf[dataLength];
    // Should align
    if (read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), dataLength) < dataLength)
        throw ParserException(_("Unexpected end of stream while reading"));
    uint32_t result = buf[0];
         result |= buf[1] << 8;
         result |= buf[2] << 16;
         result |= buf[3] << 24;

    return result;

boost::int32_t    SWFStream::read_s32()
    // read_u32 will align
    return read_u32();

SWFStream::read_string(std::string& to)


        const char& c = read_u8();
        if ( c == 0 ) break; // don't store a NULL in the string.
    } while(1);


void SWFStream::read_string_with_length(std::string& to)

    const unsigned int len = read_u8();
    read_string_with_length(len, to); // will check 'len'

void SWFStream::read_string_with_length(unsigned len, std::string& to)


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        to[i] = read_u8();

    // drop trailing nulls (see swf6/Bejeweled.swf)
    std::string::size_type last = to.find_last_not_of('\0');
    if ( last == std::string::npos ) to.clear();
    else {
        if (last < len) {
            // seems common to find null-terminated lenght-equipped strings...


unsigned long
    int pos = m_input->tell();
    // TODO: check return value? Could be negative.
    return static_cast<unsigned long>(pos);

SWFStream::seek(unsigned long pos)

    // If we're in a tag, make sure we're not seeking outside the tag.
    if ( ! _tagBoundsStack.empty() )
        TagBoundaries& tb = _tagBoundsStack.back();
        unsigned long endPos = tb.second;
        if ( pos > endPos )
            log_error("Attempt to seek past the end of an opened tag");
            // abort(); // ?
            // throw ParserException ?
            return false;
        unsigned long startPos = tb.first;
        if ( pos < startPos )
            log_error("Attempt to seek before start of an opened tag");
            // abort(); // ?
            // throw ParserException ?
            return false;

    // Do the seek.
    if (!m_input->seek(pos))
        // TODO: should we throw an exception ?
        //       we might be called from an exception handler
        //       so throwing here might be a double throw...
        log_swferror(_("Unexpected end of stream"));
        return false;

    return true;

unsigned long
    assert(_tagBoundsStack.size() > 0);

    return _tagBoundsStack.back().second;


    unsigned long tagStart = tell();


    int tagHeader = read_u16();
    int tagType = tagHeader >> 6;
    int tagLength = tagHeader & 0x3F;
    assert(m_unused_bits == 0);
    if (tagLength == 0x3F)
        tagLength = read_u32();

    if (tagLength < 0)
        throw ParserException("Negative tag length advertised.");

    if ( tagLength > 1024*64 )
        //log_debug("Tag %d has a size of %d bytes !!", tagType, tagLength);

    unsigned long tagEnd = tell() + tagLength;
    // Check end position doesn't overflow a signed int - that makes
    // zlib adapter's inflate_seek(int pos, void* appdata) unhappy.
    // The cast stops compiler warnings. We know it's a positive number.
    // TODO: make IOChannel take a long instead of an int.
    // TODO: check against stream length.
    if (tagEnd > static_cast<unsigned int>(std::numeric_limits<signed int>::max()))
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "Invalid tag end position " << tagEnd << " advertised (tag length "
            << tagLength << ").";
        throw ParserException(ss.str());

    if ( ! _tagBoundsStack.empty() )
        // check that this tag doesn't cross containing tag bounds
        unsigned long containerTagEnd = _tagBoundsStack.back().second;
        if ( tagEnd > containerTagEnd )
            unsigned long containerTagStart = _tagBoundsStack.back().first;
            log_swferror(_("Tag %d starting at offset %d is advertised to end "
                    "at offset %d, which is after end of previously opened "
                    "tag starting at offset %d and ending at offset %d. "
                    "Making it end where container tag ends."),
                    tagType, tagStart, tagEnd, containerTagStart, containerTagEnd);

            // what to do now ?
            tagEnd = containerTagEnd;
            //throw ParserException(ss.str());
    // Remember where the end of the tag is, so we can
    // fast-forward past it when we're done reading it.
    _tagBoundsStack.push_back(std::make_pair(tagStart, tagEnd));

        log_parse("SWF[%lu]: tag type = %d, tag length = %d, end tag = %lu",
        tagStart, tagType, tagLength, tagEnd);

    return static_cast<SWF::TagType>(tagType);


    assert(_tagBoundsStack.size() > 0);
    std::streampos endPos = _tagBoundsStack.back().second;

    //log_debug("Close tag called at %d, stream size: %d", endPos);

    if (!m_input->seek(endPos))
        // We'll go on reading right past the end of the stream
        // if we don't throw an exception.
        throw ParserException(_("Could not seek to reported end of tag"));

    m_unused_bits = 0;

        // IOChannel::go_to_end is documented
        // to possibly throw an exception (!)
        try {
    catch (IOException& ex) {
                log_error("SWFStream::consumeInput: underlying stream couldn't "
                "go_to_end: %s", ex.what());
                // eh.. and now ?!

} // end namespace gnash

// Local Variables:
// mode: C++
// c-basic-offset: 8 
// tab-width: 8
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// End:

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