/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef __BUFFER_H__
#define __BUFFER_H__ 1
#include "gnashconfig.h"
#include <vector>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream> // for output operator
#include <string>
#include "getclocktime.hpp"
#include "amf.h"
#include "element.h"
#include "dsodefs.h"
// _definst_ is the default instance name
/// \namespace cygnal
/// This namespace is for all the AMF specific classes in libamf.
namespace cygnal
// Adjust for the constant size
const size_t NETBUFSIZE = 1448; // 1500 appears to be the default size as used by FMS
//const size_t NETBUFSIZE = 1357*2; // 1500 appears to be the default size as used by FMS
/// \class Buffer
/// This class is used to hold all data for libamf classes. It is a
/// simplified form of std::vector, but with more knowledge of data
/// types when copying or appending data to make higher level code
/// easier to read.
class DSOEXPORT Buffer
/// \brief Create a new Buffer with the default size
/// \brief Create a new Buffer with a size other than the default
Buffer(size_t nbytes);
/// \brief Create a new Buffer with a hex string.
/// This is primary used only for testing to create binary
/// data from an easy to read and edit format.
/// @param str A hex string
/// @example "00 03 05 0a"
Buffer(const std::string &str);
/// Delete the memory allocated for this Buffer
/// \brief Corrupt a buffer with random errors.
/// This is used only for testing to make sure we can cleanly
/// handle corruption of the packets.
/// @param factor A divisor to adjust how many errors are created.
/// @return The number or errors that were created.
int corrupt();
int corrupt(int factor);
/// \brief Encode a Buffer from a hex string.
/// @param str A hex string.
/// @example "00 03 05 0a"
/// @return A reference to a Buffer in host endian format. This is
/// primary used only for testing to create binary data
/// from an easy to read and edit format.
Buffer &hex2mem(const std::string &str);
/// \brief Output a debug version of the Buffer's data.
/// This just calls the gnash::Logfile::hexify(), but is
/// more convienient as we don't have to extract the pointer
/// and the byte count to hexify() a Buffer.
/// @param ascii True if ASCII characters should be printed, false
/// if only hex is desired.
/// @param buf The buffer to hexify().
/// @return A string of the debug output
std::string hexify();
std::string hexify(bool ascii);
std::string hexify(Buffer &buf, bool ascii);
/// \brief Clear the contents of the buffer by setting all the bytes to
/// zeros.
/// @return nothing
void clear();
/// \brief Test to see if the buffer has any data.
/// @return true or false
bool empty() { return (_seekptr) ? false : true; };
/// \brief Resize the buffer that holds the data.
/// The new size of the current data is based on the
/// current amount of data within the allocated memory.
/// This is used to make a Buffer the same size as
/// the existing data, and to truncate the unsed portion
/// of the Buffer when copying to the new memory
/// location.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &resize();
/// \brief Resize the buffer that holds the data.
/// If the size is larger than the existing data, the data
/// is copied into the new region. If the size is smaller
/// than the existing data, the remaining data is
/// truncated when copying to the new memory location.
/// @param nbyte The size to resize the Buffer to.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &resize(size_t nbytes);
/// \brief Copy data into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes to copy into the
/// buffer.
/// @param nbytes The number of bytes to copy.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer ©(boost::uint8_t *data, size_t nbytes);
/// \brief Copy a Buffer class into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param buf A Buffer class containing the data to copy.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(Buffer &buf);
Buffer &operator=(boost::shared_ptr<Buffer>& buf);
/// \brief Copy a string into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param str A string containing ASCII data to copy into the
/// buffer.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(const std::string &str);
Buffer &operator=(const char *str);
/// \brief Copy a double into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param num A numeric double value.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(double num);
/// \brief Copy a short into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param num A numeric short value.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(boost::uint16_t length);
/// \brief Copy a byte into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param byte A single byte.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(boost::uint8_t byte);
/// \brief Copy a byte into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param byte A pointer to a single byte.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(boost::uint8_t *byte);
/// \brief Copy a AMF0 type into the buffer.
/// This overwrites all data, and resets the seek ptr.
/// @param type An AMF0 type.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(cygnal::Element::amf0_type_e type);
/// Copy a boolean into the buffer. This overwrites all data, and
/// resets the seek ptr.
/// @param flag A boolean.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator=(bool flag);
/// \brief Append data to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param data A pointer to the raw bytes to append to the
/// buffer.
/// @param nbytes The number of bytes to append.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &append(boost::uint8_t *data, size_t nbytes);
/// \brief Append a Buffer class to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param buf A Buffer class containing the data to append.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(Buffer &buf);
Buffer &operator+=(boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> &buf);
/// \brief Append a string to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param str A string containing ASCII data to copy into the
/// buffer.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(const std::string &str);
Buffer &operator+=(const char *str);
/// \brief Append a double to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param num A numeric double value.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(double num);
/// \brief Append an integer to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param num A numeric integer value.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(boost::uint32_t length);
/// \brief Append a short to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param num A numeric short value.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(boost::uint16_t length);
/// \brief Append a byte to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param byte A single byte.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(boost::uint8_t byte);
Buffer &operator+=(char byte);
/// \brief Append an AMF0 type to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param type An AMF0 type.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(cygnal::Element::amf0_type_e type);
/// \brief Append a boolean to existing data in the buffer.
/// @param type A boolean.
/// @return A reference to a Buffer.
Buffer &operator+=(bool);
/// \brief Drop a byte without resizing.
/// This will remove the byte from the Buffer, and then
/// move the remaining data to be in the correct
/// location. This resets the seek pointer.
/// @param byte The byte to remove from the buffer.
/// @return A real pointer to the base address of the buffer.
boost::uint8_t *remove(boost::uint8_t c);
/// \brief Drop a byte without resizing.
/// This will remove the byte from the Buffer, and then
/// move the remaining data to be in the correct
/// location. This resets the seek pointer.
/// @param index The location of the byte to remove from the
/// Buffer
/// @return A real pointer to the base address of the Buffer.
boost::uint8_t *remove(int index);
/// \brief Drop bytes without resizing.
/// This will remove the bytes from the Buffer, and then
/// move the remaining data to be in the correct
/// location. This resets the seek pointer.
/// @param index The location of the byte to start removing data
/// from the Buffer. This is an numerical value, not a
/// pointer.
/// @param start The location of the byte to remove from the
/// Buffer
/// @param range The amoiunt of bytes to remove from the Buffer.
/// @return A real pointer to the base address of the Buffer.
boost::uint8_t *remove(int start, int range);
// Network::byte_t *remove(char c);
/// \brief Return the base address of the Buffer.
/// @return A real pointer to the base address of the Buffer.
boost::uint8_t *begin() { return _data.get() ; };
boost::uint8_t *reference() { return _data.get(); }
const boost::uint8_t *reference() const { return _data.get(); }
/// \brief Return the last address of the Buffer
/// Which is the base address plus the total size of the
/// Buffer.
/// @return A real pointer to the last address of the Buffer with data.
boost::uint8_t *end() { return _seekptr; };
/// \brief Get the size of the Buffer.
/// @return The size of the Buffer.
size_t size() { return _nbytes; }
/// \brief Set the size of the Buffer.
/// Note that this does not resize the Buffer, it merely
/// is a convienient way to set the size field of the
/// Buffer class, and should only be used by low level
/// internal code and testing.
/// @param nbytes
/// @return The size of the Buffer.
void setSize(size_t nbytes) { _nbytes = nbytes; };
/// \brief Set the real pointer to a block of Memory.
void setPointer(boost::uint8_t *ptr) { _data.reset(ptr); };
/// \brief Test equivalance against another Buffer.
/// This compares all the data on the current Buffer with
/// the supplied one, so it can be a performance hit. This
/// is primarily only used for testing purposes.
/// @param buf A reference to a Buffer.
/// @return A boolean true if the Buffers are indentical.
bool operator==(Buffer &buf);
/// \brief Get the byte at a specified location.
/// @param index The location as a numerical value of the byte to
/// get.
/// @return The byte at the specified location.
boost::uint8_t operator[](int index) { return _data[index]; };
/// \brief Get the byte at a specified location.
/// @param index The location as a numerical value of the byte to
/// get.
/// @return A real pointer to the byte at the specified location.
boost::uint8_t *at(int index) { return _data.get() + index; };
/// \brief How much room is left in the buffer past the seek pointer.
/// This is primarily used to see if the buffer is fully
/// populated with data before appending more.
/// @return The amoount of unused bytes in the Buffer.
size_t spaceLeft() { return (_nbytes - (_seekptr - _data.get())); };
/// \brief How much room has been allocated before the seek pointer.
/// This is primarily used to see if the buffer is fully
/// populated with data before appending more.
/// @return The amoount of unused bytes in the Buffer.
size_t allocated() { return (_seekptr - _data.get()); };
/// \brief Set the seek pointer
/// @param ptr the real pointer to set the seek pointer to
/// @return nothing
void setSeekPointer(boost::uint8_t *ptr) { _seekptr = ptr; };
void setSeekPointer(off_t offset) { _seekptr = _data.get() + offset; };
/// \brief Dump the internal data of this class in a human readable form.
/// This should only be used for debugging purposes.
void dump() const { dump(std::cerr); }
/// \overload dump(std::ostream& os) const
void dump(std::ostream& os) const;
/// \var _seekptr
/// \brief This is a pointer to the address in the Buffer to
/// write data to then next time some is appended.
boost::uint8_t *_seekptr;
/// \var _data
/// \brief This is the container of the actual data in this
/// Buffer.
boost::scoped_array<boost::uint8_t> _data;
/// \var _nbytes
/// \brief This is the total allocated size of the Buffer.
size_t _nbytes;
/// \var _stamp
/// \brief This is used when collecting performance statistics of
/// the low level functioning of the Buffer, and should
/// only be used for testing and debugging purposes.
struct timespec _stamp; // used for timing how long data stays in the queue.
/// \brief Initialize a block of memory for this buffer.
/// This should only be used internally by the Buffer
/// class.
/// @param nbytes The total size to allocate memory for.
/// @return A reference to the initialized Buffer.
Buffer &init(size_t nbytes);
/// \brief Convert a Hex digit into it's decimal value.
/// @param digit The digit as a hex value
/// @return The byte as a decimal value.
boost::uint8_t hex2digit (boost::uint8_t digit);
/// \brief Dump to the specified output stream.
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Buffer& buf)
return os;
} // end of namespace cygnal
#endif // end of __BUFFER_H__
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