/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- add_dynamic_mc
- add_static_mc
- add_static_mask
- main
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Sandro Santilli, strk@keybit.net
* Test masks
* run as ./masks_test
#include "ming_utils.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ming.h>
#define OUTPUT_FILENAME "masks_test.swf"
void add_dynamic_mc(SWFMovie mo, const char* name, int depth, int x, int y, int width, int height, int r, int g, int b);
void add_static_mc(SWFMovie mo, const char* name, int depth, int x, int y, int width, int height, int r, int g, int b);
void add_static_mask(SWFMovie mo, const char* name, int depth, int x, int y, int width, int height, int masklevel);
add_dynamic_mc(SWFMovie mo, const char* name, int depth, int x, int y, int width, int height, int r, int g, int b)
SWFAction ac = compile_actions("createEmptyMovieClip('%s', %d);"
"with (%s) {"
//" lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);"
" beginFill(0x%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X, 100);"
" moveTo(%d, %d);"
" lineTo(%d, %d);"
" lineTo(%d, %d);"
" lineTo(%d, %d);"
" lineTo(%d, %d);"
" endFill();"
name, depth, name,
x, y,
x, y+height,
x+width, y+height,
x+width, y,
x, y
SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)ac);
add_static_mc(SWFMovie mo, const char* name, int depth, int x, int y, int width, int height, int r, int g, int b)
SWFShape sh;
SWFMovieClip mc;
SWFDisplayItem it;
sh = make_fill_square (0, 0, width, height, r, g, b, r, g, b);
mc = newSWFMovieClip();
SWFMovieClip_add(mc, (SWFBlock)sh);
it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc);
SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, depth);
SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, x, y);
SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, name);
add_static_mask(SWFMovie mo, const char* name, int depth, int x, int y, int width, int height, int masklevel)
SWFShape sh;
SWFMovieClip mc;
SWFDisplayItem it;
sh = make_fill_square (-(width/2), -(height/2), width, height, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
mc = newSWFMovieClip();
SWFMovieClip_add(mc, (SWFBlock)sh);
it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc);
SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, depth);
SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, x, y);
SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, name);
SWFDisplayItem_setMaskLevel(it, masklevel);
main(int argc, char** argv)
SWFMovie mo;
SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;
SWFDisplayItem it;
const char *srcdir=".";
if ( argc>1 )
//fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
//return 1;
mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(OUTPUT_VERSION);
SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 1200, 600);
SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 1);
dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 1000);
SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 300, 0);
SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // FRAME 2 starts here
add_actions(mo, "note('Test masks and dynamic masks at different depth ranges.');");
// this one seems to confuse the MM player
//add_static_mask(mo, "mask1", 1, 0, 150, 200, 100, 20);
// Red rect (staticmc2) is at 0,200-60,260
add_static_mc(mo, "staticmc2", 2, 0, 200, 60, 60, 255, 0, 0); // red
// Yellow rect (staticmc3) is at 30,200-90,260
add_static_mc(mo, "staticmc3", 3, 30, 200, 60, 60, 255, 255, 0); // yellow
// Green rect (staticmc4) is at 200,200-260,260
add_static_mc(mo, "staticmc4", 4, 200, 200, 60, 60, 0, 255, 0); // green
// Cyan rect (staticmc5) is at 230,200-290,260
add_static_mc(mo, "staticmc5", 5, 230, 200, 60, 60, 0, 255, 255); // cyan
// Blue rect (dynamicmc2) is at 0,300-60,360
add_dynamic_mc(mo, "dynamicmc2", 12, 0, 300, 60, 60, 0, 0, 255); // blue
// Violet rect (dynamicmc3) is at 30,300-90,360
add_dynamic_mc(mo, "dynamicmc3", 13, 30, 300, 60, 60, 255, 0, 255); // violet
// Dark green rect (dynamicmc4) is at 200,300-260,360
add_dynamic_mc(mo, "dynamicmc4", 14, 200, 300, 60, 60, 0, 128, 0); // dark green
// Light blue rect (dynamicmc5) is at 230,300-290,360
add_dynamic_mc(mo, "dynamicmc5", 15, 230, 300, 60, 60, 0, 128, 255); // light blue
// Red rect
check_equals(mo, "staticmc2.getDepth()", "-16382");
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(50, 250, true)");
// Yellow rect
check_equals(mo, "staticmc3.getDepth()", "-16381");
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, true)");
// Green rect
check_equals(mo, "staticmc4.getDepth()", "-16380");
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, true)");
// Cyan rect
check_equals(mo, "staticmc5.getDepth()", "-16379");
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(240, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, true)");
// Blue rect
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc2.getDepth()", "12");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(50, 350, true)");
// Violet rect
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc3.getDepth()", "13");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(40, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, true)");
// Dark green rect
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc4.getDepth()", "14");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(250, 350, true)");
// Light blue rect
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc5.getDepth()", "15");
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(240, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, true)");
"note('Placed staticmc2 (red), staticmc3 (yellow), staticmc4 (green), staticmc5 (cyan) DisplayObjects');"
"note('Placed dynamicmc2 (blue), dynamicmc3 (violet), dynamicmc4 (dark green), dynamicmc5 (light blue) DisplayObjects');"
"note(' - Press any key to continue -');"
"l = new Object();"
"l.onKeyUp = function() { nextFrame(); };"
SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // FRAME 3 starts here
"sm23 = staticmc2.setMask(staticmc3);" // red masked by yellow
"sm54 = staticmc5.setMask(staticmc4);" // cyan masked by green
"dm23 = dynamicmc2.setMask(dynamicmc3);" // blue masked by violet
"dm54 = dynamicmc5.setMask(dynamicmc4);" // light blue masked by dark green
"note('staticmc2.setMask(staticmc3) [red masked by yellow]');"
"note('staticmc5.setMask(staticmc4) [cyan masked by green]');"
"note('dynamicmc2.setMask(dynamicmc3) [blue masked by violet');"
"note('dynamicmc5.setMask(dynamicmc4) [light blue masked by dark green');"
check_equals(mo, "typeof(sm23)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "sm23", "true");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(sm54)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "sm54", "true");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(dm23)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "dm23", "true");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(dm54)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "dm54", "true");
// Red rect is now masked by yellow
// Red rect (staticmc2) is at 0,200-60,260
// Yellow rect (staticmc3) is at 30,200-90,260
check(mo, "!staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, false)"); // bounding box hitTest not affected by masks
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(50, 250, true)");
// Yellow rect is now a mask
// hitTest() using 'shape' semantic won't see it,
// while hitTest() using 'bounding box' semantic will
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, false)");
check(mo, "!staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, true)");
// Green rect is now a mask
// hitTest() using 'shape' semantic won't see it,
// while hitTest() using 'bounding box' semantic will
check(mo, "!staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, false)");
// Cyan rect is now masked by green
// Green rect (staticmc4) is at 200,200-260,260
// Cyan rect (staticmc5) is at 230,200-290,260
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(240, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, false)");
// Blue rect now is masked by Violet rect
// Violet rect (dynamicmc3) is at 30,300-90,360
// Blue rect (dynamicmc2) is at 0,300-60,360
check(mo, "!dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(50, 350, true)");
// Violet rect is now a mask
// hitTest() using 'shape' semantic won't see it,
// while hitTest() using 'bounding box' semantic will
check(mo, "!dynamicmc3.hitTest(40, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(40, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, false)");
// Dark green rect is now a mask
check(mo, "!dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc4.hitTest(250, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(250, 350, false)");
// Light blue now masked by Dark green
// Light blue rect (dynamicmc5) is at 230,300-290,360
// Dark green rect (dynamicmc4) is at 200,300-260,360
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(240, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, false)");
"note(' - Press any key to continue -');"
SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // FRAME 4 starts here
"note('Swapped depths of chars 2/3 and 4/5 to see if masks are still in effect');"
"note(' - Press any key to continue -');"
check_equals(mo, "staticmc2.getDepth()", "-16381");
check_equals(mo, "staticmc3.getDepth()", "-16382");
check_equals(mo, "staticmc4.getDepth()", "-16379");
check_equals(mo, "staticmc5.getDepth()", "-16380");
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc2.getDepth()", "13");
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc3.getDepth()", "12");
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc4.getDepth()", "15");
check_equals(mo, "dynamicmc5.getDepth()", "14");
// Depth swapping didn't change hitTest effects
// Red rect is now masked by yellow
// Red rect (staticmc2) is at 0,200-60,260
// Yellow rect (staticmc3) is at 30,200-90,260
check(mo, "!staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, false)"); // bounding box hitTest not affected by masks
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(50, 250, true)");
// Yellow rect is now a mask
// hitTest() using 'shape' semantic won't see it,
// while hitTest() using 'bounding box' semantic will
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, false)");
check(mo, "!staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, true)");
// Green rect is now a mask
// hitTest() using 'shape' semantic won't see it,
// while hitTest() using 'bounding box' semantic will
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, false)");
check(mo, "!staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, true)");
// Cyan rect is now masked by green
// Green rect (staticmc4) is at 200,200-260,260
// Cyan rect (staticmc5) is at 230,200-290,260
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(240, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, false)");
// Blue rect now is masked by Violet rect
// Violet rect (dynamicmc3) is at 30,300-90,360
// Blue rect (dynamicmc2) is at 0,300-60,360
check(mo, "!dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(50, 350, true)");
// Violet rect is now a mask
// hitTest() using 'shape' semantic won't see it,
// while hitTest() using 'bounding box' semantic will
check(mo, "!dynamicmc3.hitTest(40, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(40, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, false)");
// Dark green rect is now a mask
check(mo, "!dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc4.hitTest(250, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(250, 350, false)");
// Light blue now masked by Dark green
// Light blue rect (dynamicmc5) is at 230,300-290,360
// Dark green rect (dynamicmc4) is at 200,300-260,360
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(240, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, false)");
SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // FRAME 5 starts here
"sm32 = staticmc3.setMask(staticmc2);" // yellow masked by red
"sm45 = staticmc4.setMask(staticmc5);" // green masked by cyan
"dm32 = dynamicmc3.setMask(dynamicmc2);" // violet masked by blue
"dm45 = dynamicmc4.setMask(dynamicmc5);" // dark green masked by light blue
"note('Swapped mask/maskee:');"
"note(' staticmc3.setMask(staticmc2) [yellow masked by red]');"
"note(' staticmc4.setMask(staticmc5) [green masked by cyan]');"
"note(' dynamicmc3.setMask(dynamicmc4) [violet masked by blue');"
"note(' dynamicmc4.setMask(dynamicmc5) [dark green masked by light blue');"
check_equals(mo, "typeof(sm32)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "sm32", "true");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(sm45)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "sm45", "true");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(dm32)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "dm32", "true");
check_equals(mo, "typeof(dm45)", "'boolean'");
check_equals(mo, "dm45", "true");
// Red rect is now a mask
check(mo, "!staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc2.hitTest(50, 250, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(50, 250, false)");
// Yellow rect is now masked by Red rect
// Yellow rect (staticmc3) is at 30,200-90,260
// Red rect (staticmc2) is at 0,200-60,260
// Intersection is 30,200-60,260
// TODO: why no hitTest ??
xcheck(mo, "!staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, true)"); // I'd think this should be true, why not ?
check(mo, "!staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, true)"); // out of masked area
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, false)");
// Green rect is now masked by Cyan
// Green rect (staticmc4) is at 200,200-260,260
// Cyan rect (staticmc5) is at 230,200-290,260
// Intersection is 230,200-260,260
// TODO: why no hitTest ??
check(mo, "!staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, true)"); // out of masked area
xcheck(mo, "!staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, true)"); // I'd think this should be true, why not?
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, false)");
// Cyan rect is now a mask
check(mo, "!staticmc5.hitTest(240, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(240, 210, false)");
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, false)");
// Blue rect is now a mask
check(mo, "!dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc2.hitTest(50, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(50, 350, false)");
// Violet rect is now masked by Blue rect
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(40, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, false)");
// Dark green rect is masked by Light blue
check(mo, "!dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(250, 350, true)");
// Light blue is now a mask
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(240, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, false)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc5.hitTest(240, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, true)");
"note(' - Press any key to continue -');"
"var clips = [staticmc2, staticmc3, staticmc4, staticmc5, dynamicmc2, dynamicmc3, dynamicmc4, dynamicmc5];"
"for (i=0; i<clips.length; ++i) {"
" clips[i].onRollOver = function() { this._alpha = 50; };"
" clips[i].onRollOut = function() { this._alpha = 100; };"
"note('Made all DisplayObjects mouse-sensitive');"
// Red rect is a mask, but has mouse events !
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(10, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc2.hitTest(50, 250, true)");
// Yellow rect is now masked by Red rect
// Yellow rect (staticmc3) is at 30,200-90,260
// Red rect (staticmc2) is at 0,200-60,260
// Intersection is 30,200-60,260
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(40, 210, true)");
check(mo, "!staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, true)"); // out of masked area
check(mo, "staticmc3.hitTest(80, 250, false)");
// Green rect is now masked by Cyan
// Green rect (staticmc4) is at 200,200-260,260
// Cyan rect (staticmc5) is at 230,200-290,260
// Intersection is 230,200-260,260
check(mo, "!staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, true)"); // out of masked area
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(250, 250, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc4.hitTest(210, 210, false)");
// Cyan rect is a mask but has mouse events !
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(240, 210, true)");
check(mo, "staticmc5.hitTest(280, 250, true)");
// Blue rect is a mask but has mouse events !
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(10, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc2.hitTest(50, 350, true)");
// Violet rect is now masked by Blue rect
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(40, 310, true)");
check(mo, "!dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc3.hitTest(80, 350, false)");
// Dark green rect is masked by Light blue
check(mo, "!dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(210, 310, false)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc4.hitTest(250, 350, true)");
// Light blue is a mask but has mouse events !
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(240, 310, true)");
check(mo, "dynamicmc5.hitTest(280, 350, true)");
add_actions(mo, "_root.totals(154); stop();");
// TODO:
// - test mask layers !!
//Output movie
puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
return 0;