
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. addvarint
  2. funcpctab
  3. pctofileline
  4. pctospadj
  5. pctopcdata
  6. linkpcln
  7. getvarint
  8. pciternext
  9. pciterinit

// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <link.h>

static void
addvarint(Link *ctxt, Pcdata *d, uint32 val)
        int32 n;
        uint32 v;
        uchar *p;


        n = 0;
        for(v = val; v >= 0x80; v >>= 7)

        if(d->n + n > d->m) {
                d->m = (d->n + n)*2;
                d->p = erealloc(d->p, d->m);

        p = d->p + d->n;
        for(v = val; v >= 0x80; v >>= 7)
                *p++ = v | 0x80;
        *p = v;
        d->n += n;

// funcpctab writes to dst a pc-value table mapping the code in func to the values
// returned by valfunc parameterized by arg. The invocation of valfunc to update the
// current value is, for each p,
//      val = valfunc(func, val, p, 0, arg);
//      record val as value at p->pc;
//      val = valfunc(func, val, p, 1, arg);
// where func is the function, val is the current value, p is the instruction being
// considered, and arg can be used to further parameterize valfunc.
static void
funcpctab(Link *ctxt, Pcdata *dst, LSym *func, char *desc, int32 (*valfunc)(Link*, LSym*, int32, Prog*, int32, void*), void* arg)
        int dbg, i;
        int32 oldval, val, started;
        uint32 delta;
        vlong pc;
        Prog *p;

        // To debug a specific function, uncomment second line and change name.
        dbg = 0;
        //dbg = strcmp(func->name, "main.main") == 0;
        //dbg = strcmp(desc, "pctofile") == 0;

        ctxt->debugpcln += dbg;

        dst->n = 0;

                Bprint(ctxt->bso, "funcpctab %s [valfunc=%s]\n", func->name, desc);

        val = -1;
        oldval = val;
        if(func->text == nil) {
                ctxt->debugpcln -= dbg;

        pc = func->text->pc;
                Bprint(ctxt->bso, "%6llux %6d %P\n", pc, val, func->text);

        started = 0;
        for(p=func->text; p != nil; p = p->link) {
                // Update val. If it's not changing, keep going.
                val = valfunc(ctxt, func, val, p, 0, arg);
                if(val == oldval && started) {
                        val = valfunc(ctxt, func, val, p, 1, arg);
                                Bprint(ctxt->bso, "%6llux %6s %P\n", (vlong)p->pc, "", p);

                // If the pc of the next instruction is the same as the
                // pc of this instruction, this instruction is not a real
                // instruction. Keep going, so that we only emit a delta
                // for a true instruction boundary in the program.
                if(p->link && p->link->pc == p->pc) {
                        val = valfunc(ctxt, func, val, p, 1, arg);
                                Bprint(ctxt->bso, "%6llux %6s %P\n", (vlong)p->pc, "", p);

                // The table is a sequence of (value, pc) pairs, where each
                // pair states that the given value is in effect from the current position
                // up to the given pc, which becomes the new current position.
                // To generate the table as we scan over the program instructions,
                // we emit a "(value" when pc == func->value, and then
                // each time we observe a change in value we emit ", pc) (value".
                // When the scan is over, we emit the closing ", pc)".
                // The table is delta-encoded. The value deltas are signed and
                // transmitted in zig-zag form, where a complement bit is placed in bit 0,
                // and the pc deltas are unsigned. Both kinds of deltas are sent
                // as variable-length little-endian base-128 integers,
                // where the 0x80 bit indicates that the integer continues.

                        Bprint(ctxt->bso, "%6llux %6d %P\n", (vlong)p->pc, val, p);

                if(started) {
                        addvarint(ctxt, dst, (p->pc - pc) / ctxt->arch->minlc);
                        pc = p->pc;
                delta = val - oldval;
                        delta = 1 | ~(delta<<1);
                        delta <<= 1;
                addvarint(ctxt, dst, delta);
                oldval = val;
                started = 1;
                val = valfunc(ctxt, func, val, p, 1, arg);

        if(started) {
                        Bprint(ctxt->bso, "%6llux done\n", (vlong)func->text->pc+func->size);
                addvarint(ctxt, dst, (func->value+func->size - pc) / ctxt->arch->minlc);
                addvarint(ctxt, dst, 0); // terminator

        if(ctxt->debugpcln) {
                Bprint(ctxt->bso, "wrote %d bytes to %p\n", dst->n, dst);
                for(i=0; i<dst->n; i++)
                        Bprint(ctxt->bso, " %02ux", dst->p[i]);
                Bprint(ctxt->bso, "\n");

        ctxt->debugpcln -= dbg;

// pctofileline computes either the file number (arg == 0)
// or the line number (arg == 1) to use at p.
// Because p->lineno applies to p, phase == 0 (before p)
// takes care of the update.
static int32
pctofileline(Link *ctxt, LSym *sym, int32 oldval, Prog *p, int32 phase, void *arg)
        int32 i, l;
        LSym *f;
        Pcln *pcln;


        if(p->as == ctxt->arch->ATEXT || p->as == ctxt->arch->ANOP || p->as == ctxt->arch->AUSEFIELD || p->lineno == 0 || phase == 1)
                return oldval;
        linkgetline(ctxt, p->lineno, &f, &l);
        if(f == nil) {
        //      print("getline failed for %s %P\n", ctxt->cursym->name, p);
                return oldval;
        if(arg == nil)
                return l;
        pcln = arg;
        if(f == pcln->lastfile)
                return pcln->lastindex;

        for(i=0; i<pcln->nfile; i++) {
                if(pcln->file[i] == f) {
                        pcln->lastfile = f;
                        pcln->lastindex = i;
                        return i;

        if(pcln->nfile >= pcln->mfile) {
                pcln->mfile = (pcln->nfile+1)*2;
                pcln->file = erealloc(pcln->file, pcln->mfile*sizeof pcln->file[0]);
        pcln->file[pcln->nfile++] = f;
        pcln->lastfile = f;
        pcln->lastindex = i;
        return i;

// pctospadj computes the sp adjustment in effect.
// It is oldval plus any adjustment made by p itself.
// The adjustment by p takes effect only after p, so we
// apply the change during phase == 1.
static int32
pctospadj(Link *ctxt, LSym *sym, int32 oldval, Prog *p, int32 phase, void *arg)

        if(oldval == -1) // starting
                oldval = 0;
        if(phase == 0)
                return oldval;
        if(oldval + p->spadj < -10000 || oldval + p->spadj > 1100000000) {
                ctxt->diag("overflow in spadj: %d + %d = %d", oldval, p->spadj, oldval + p->spadj);
                sysfatal("bad code");
        return oldval + p->spadj;

// pctopcdata computes the pcdata value in effect at p.
// A PCDATA instruction sets the value in effect at future
// non-PCDATA instructions.
// Since PCDATA instructions have no width in the final code,
// it does not matter which phase we use for the update.
static int32
pctopcdata(Link *ctxt, LSym *sym, int32 oldval, Prog *p, int32 phase, void *arg)

        if(phase == 0 || p->as != ctxt->arch->APCDATA || p->from.offset != (uintptr)arg)
                return oldval;
        if((int32)p->to.offset != p->to.offset) {
                ctxt->diag("overflow in PCDATA instruction: %P", p);
                sysfatal("bad code");
        return p->to.offset;

linkpcln(Link *ctxt, LSym *cursym)
        Prog *p;
        Pcln *pcln;
        int i, npcdata, nfuncdata, n;
        uint32 *havepc, *havefunc;

        ctxt->cursym = cursym;

        pcln = emallocz(sizeof *pcln);
        cursym->pcln = pcln;

        npcdata = 0;
        nfuncdata = 0;
        for(p = cursym->text; p != nil; p = p->link) {
                if(p->as == ctxt->arch->APCDATA && p->from.offset >= npcdata)
                        npcdata = p->from.offset+1;
                if(p->as == ctxt->arch->AFUNCDATA && p->from.offset >= nfuncdata)
                        nfuncdata = p->from.offset+1;

        pcln->pcdata = emallocz(npcdata*sizeof pcln->pcdata[0]);
        pcln->npcdata = npcdata;
        pcln->funcdata = emallocz(nfuncdata*sizeof pcln->funcdata[0]);
        pcln->funcdataoff = emallocz(nfuncdata*sizeof pcln->funcdataoff[0]);
        pcln->nfuncdata = nfuncdata;

        funcpctab(ctxt, &pcln->pcsp, cursym, "pctospadj", pctospadj, nil);
        funcpctab(ctxt, &pcln->pcfile, cursym, "pctofile", pctofileline, pcln);
        funcpctab(ctxt, &pcln->pcline, cursym, "pctoline", pctofileline, nil);
        // tabulate which pc and func data we have.
        n = ((npcdata+31)/32 + (nfuncdata+31)/32)*4;
        havepc = emallocz(n);
        havefunc = havepc + (npcdata+31)/32;
        for(p = cursym->text; p != nil; p = p->link) {
                if(p->as == ctxt->arch->AFUNCDATA) {
                                ctxt->diag("multiple definitions for FUNCDATA $%d", p->from.offset);
                        havefunc[p->from.offset/32] |= 1<<(p->from.offset%32);
                if(p->as == ctxt->arch->APCDATA)
                        havepc[p->from.offset/32] |= 1<<(p->from.offset%32);
        // pcdata.
        for(i=0; i<npcdata; i++) {
                funcpctab(ctxt, &pcln->pcdata[i], cursym, "pctopcdata", pctopcdata, (void*)(uintptr)i);
        // funcdata
        if(nfuncdata > 0) {
                for(p = cursym->text; p != nil; p = p->link) {
                        if(p->as == ctxt->arch->AFUNCDATA) {
                                i = p->from.offset;
                                pcln->funcdataoff[i] = p->to.offset;
                                if(p->to.type != ctxt->arch->D_CONST) {
                                        // TODO: Dedup.
                                        //funcdata_bytes += p->to.sym->size;
                                        pcln->funcdata[i] = p->to.sym;

// iteration over encoded pcdata tables.

static uint32
getvarint(uchar **pp)
        uchar *p;
        int shift;
        uint32 v;

        v = 0;
        p = *pp;
        for(shift = 0;; shift += 7) {
                v |= (uint32)(*p & 0x7F) << shift;
                if(!(*p++ & 0x80))
        *pp = p;
        return v;

pciternext(Pciter *it)
        uint32 v;
        int32 dv;

        it->pc = it->nextpc;
        if(it->p >= it->d.p + it->d.n) {
                it->done = 1;

        // value delta
        v = getvarint(&it->p);
        if(v == 0 && !it->start) {
                it->done = 1;
        it->start = 0;
        dv = (int32)(v>>1) ^ ((int32)(v<<31)>>31);
        it->value += dv;
        // pc delta
        v = getvarint(&it->p);
        it->nextpc = it->pc + v*it->pcscale;

pciterinit(Link *ctxt, Pciter *it, Pcdata *d)
        it->d = *d;
        it->p = it->d.p;
        it->pc = 0;
        it->nextpc = 0;
        it->value = -1;
        it->start = 1;
        it->done = 0;
        it->pcscale = ctxt->arch->minlc;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */